setting an Android application as a default sms application in Android 6 - sms

I am developing an Android application which will handle our employees' SMSs. My app will be used just in the company and will be run on the our company's devices. First of all, I wanna to make my application eligible (as have been mentioned in this question) which I know manipulating users' sms can be identified as a malicious action. I wanna to set my application as the default application without any prompt or user interaction(all programmatically). But I do not know is this possible in Android 6 or not.
I follow mentioned steps in this question about setting default app in Android 6, but nothing is happen!
There are some same questions and answers on the stackoverflow about this topic, but it has not been mentioned that is this possible to set an application as a default sms app without user interaction in Android 6 or not.
Excuse me, as my reputation is lower than 50, I cann't put comments for questions. If so, I could ask the owners are the same questions as my question about this possibility.


Creating a wrapper for Google Play/Apple app

I have created an app using AppSheet and I am looking for information on how to create a wrapper that will turn my AppSheet into an app that can be purchased/downloaded in the Google Play or Apple stores.
I have checked with AppSheet, they don't have anything in place at the moment to do this through them but they also said that there is nothing in their user agreement that prevents someone from doing what I am looking for.
I'm just new to app development, I've done websites, just not apps and am looking for a little help.
AppSheet now supports white-label apps. Please see What is a White Label Native App?
Also, most support for AppSheet questions happens via so that's the best place to get questions answered.

Export Compliance for an app that uses the Safari component in the Mac App Store

I'm submitting an app to the Mac App Store and this app uses the Safari component to display web pages. I'm being asked this question:
Is your app designed to use cryptography or does it contain or incorporate cryptography? (Select Yes even if your app is only utilizing the encryption available in iOS or OS X.)
Should I answer yes due to the possibility of HTTPS?
The answer is a resounding yes. I talked to Apple representatives and they confirmed the need of an ERN if you just use standard SSL in the form of HTTPS. There are many blog posts and forums out there saying that you can just say no and everything is fine, but I don't believe they are following the rules, they are just not being caught at an audit might find their applications pulled from the app store. For those arriving here hopping the answer was no, I'm sorry.
But there's hope. I actually got an ERN and I described all the nitty gritty details so you can do it too with the minimum of pain in my blog post: How to legally submit an app to Apple’s App Store when it uses encryption (or how to obtain an ERN)

How I apply review to get publish_actions permission for a Windows application written in Win API/C++?

I created and used application softwares(exe file written in C++ with Win SDK) of Windows OS(Win7) which has a function to upload(post) user photos to Facebook. They were working fine but now it is not possible to post photos to Facebook and I got to know I need get my application reviewd for public_actions permission. I tried to do it but could not find way to submit since there's no category for Windows application. How can I do it? I think the reviewers need to 'run' the app and it looks OK for andriod, iOS, Win8 apps, and Web site since reviewers can access to them by codes or URL for the apps but I have no idea how to make it for my Windows application. It is big size application with lots of images over 1Gbytes. Will it be OK to use an FTP account for the reviewers to download and review it?
In your review notes you can explicitly mention that this is a Windows application. You will need to provide as much screenshots as possible or preferably, a screencast where you show how you use the Facebook integration.
To get all the required fields, you can fill in the website for your application (if you have one) or an other website. Just make sure to mention that in your reviewer notes.
That should work with getting your app reviews.
ps: this question actually is not appropriate for Stackoverflow. I suggested using the Facebook Developer Community group for these kind of questions (non-technical).

VS2013 Application Insight for desktop applications

I have created one desktop application using MFC. It contains different tabs like settings, about etc. I want to know hit count of these tabs i.e. how many times user clicks/opens these tabs. Can I use Application Insights or is there any other method to do so.
To get started though, from SDK perspective we can support other types of apps like desktop apps. Here are the steps required to setup it up manually and the code required to get metrics, events, traces, etc sent to the application insights service.
Desktop App with App Insights
This feature, it seems, is quite wanted and you can vote for it on the official site:
I also agree this will be awesome if they make it available for desktop applications, so fingers crossed!
edit: As it seems, on the upper link I provided, on December 05, 2014 they added support for this in the following matter:
While desktop apps are not listed as targeted app types for Application Insights, it’s possible to get instrumentation for desktop apps using Application Insights SDK. Please refer to this thread for more details: Application Insights for WPF Application. At this point Application Insights team believes this should unblock most of the users who voted for this feature, and we are closing this item and releasing your votes back to you. Please let us know if there is another aspect that blocks using AppInsights for desktop apps.

How to track WinRT applications (in Win32 it was simple)?

In "old" times I created simple tool for Windows users, which tracks what they were doing in the front of computer (where simple activity monitor). I was using Win32 api and functions like GetForegroundWindow, GetWindowThreadProcessId, etc.
Yesterday I installed new Windows 8 and tired to run my program. I got 50% success: for "classic" desktop it works like always:).
For Metro UI I just got one application: WWAHost :( without any details.
So my question is: is there a any way for tracking active application in Metro UI?
Thanks for help
I'm trying to access Metro UI app from Win32, I know that accessing Metro app from another Metro app is impossible
You see, in WinRT, your application is the top-most application. And when your app is not the top-most application then your threads are suspended and the kernel will not schedule any more operations for your app. End of story.
This means what you are wanting to accomplish cannot be done in WinRT. You are thinking more like a resident app or a service with access to the desktop. Those apps have two advantages. 1) they are always running. And, 2) they have the API to do what you are wanting.
WinRT intentionally puts apps in a sandbox so that the user's experience, performance and battery life are protected. Your scenario and scores more like yours underscore the continuing need for desktop apps. (as long as there is a continuing need for those types of apps ;)).
Sorry, if this is bad news.
As for enumerating other apps. This is also not possible. You cannot know if another app is installed or if it is running. You can call out to another app through protocol activation or file activation or (in a sense) through the share contract. But you are unaware if they get the message and if the user has it installed in the first place. And this is by design.
It is worth mentioning that you can pinvoke to Win32 APIs in your WinRT application. It causes lots of problems and can create a headache to get certified into the store. But even then, not all APIs are open to you. And you will find this particular use case is a non-starter.
I am sure this will not be possible. With Windows 8 'Metro' only a single application is active. All other applications will be in a suspended state whilst the topmost application is running. This makes it impossible to write an application that monitors other applications which are currently executing.
See the numerous articles on the Windows 8 app lifecycle.
