Translations of menu items aren't work after update Joomla to version 3.7.0 - joomla

I have problem with translations of menu items after update Joomla to version 3.7.0. This website has 7 language versions. Other translations works, eg. k2_items or articles. Only menu items aren't translated.
I'm using gk_news2 template made by GavickPro.

Same here. Interestingly, on one site it works fine, on another it doesn't. Only the one that works has K2, the other is a very basic site, using Protostar standard template.


Joomla Multilanguage

I created a website in Joomla 3.4, but the Multilanguage feature is just not working for me. I have followed the steps here:
I do not see the flags for my FaLang module and now I have an error about my menu. (my site is
The Spanish site should be at but this does not load the website. Instead shows me the root directory.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
You might want to give our component a try Neno Translate it has a bunch of features in addition to Falang.
To make it work you have to be very meticulous. The ostraining link tells you how to work with third parties module/compontents. But you can achieve a multi-language website in Joomla with no extra help.
Install the language packages you need
Activate the related language plugins if need be
Create a "main menu" (for example choose the type blog)per language where you set at list one item which is the home page of your website. Select the language of that item in the language dropdown
now you can create content, but set every time the language of the post.
Joomla has a build in language switcher module that you can use. set it. Now if you select a language, only the post of that language will show up in your home page. you will need to set a main menu module per language published in the same position as well.

Joomla! & VirtueMart - show product category instead of shop front?

I have a Joomla! 1.5.15 and VirtueMart 1.1.4 installation from a client project and I need to change something I'm not sure how to.
I have one of my menu links pointing to the shop (menu item type: VirtueMart) but it directs me to a front page (to be precise, it renders the content in themes/default/templates/common/categoryChildlist.tpl.php).
What I want is for this link to make one of my product categories show.
I've tried several methods (without any luck so far):
Using header() doesn't work (I know, it's a pretty shameful trick, but I had to try it).
Changing the menu item type doesn't work (you can't modify the link itself).
Modifying any of the browser_ files doesn't work either (at least, doesn't look like it).
I'm a bit out of ideas... any hint?
It's been a while since I used VM 1.1.x, but isn't there a Category menu item available in the menu manager? (by the way you are way out of date I think 1.1 got to version 1.1.9 before it reached EOL).
I would also strongly recommend updating your Joomla! installation to at least 1.5.26 with the additional hotfix that was released recently (Joomla 1.5.x is also EOL).

Joomla 1.5->2.5 menus missing

I upgraded my website from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5.4, however, the menus seem to have disappeared. I was using a 1.5-only template previously, but the jUpgrade process has defaulted to pre-installed templates which is fine - but no menus! I've tried installing a few random other templates but all have the same issue.
FWIW most of the menu links are broken but I fixed a couple just to check, but no joy. The migrated site is still in its subpath which is I assume why components themselves aren't working.
As best I can tell, I followed the instructions in the Wiki on the Joomla site.
Any ideas? Thanks. - original site - migrated site
The most likely cause is that the menus were displayed in module positions specific to the template you were using in Joomla! 1.5 and that your Joomla! 2.5 template doesn't have matching positions. Alternatively the migration process didn't update the menu module positions properly and it's looking for the positions in a specific template.
Open Extensions->Module Manager then from the Filter options select Type->Menu to see just a list of menu modules. Check the positions they're assigned to by opening the menu module and selecting a position by actually clicking on the "Select Position" button and clicking on the right position in the currently used template.
To help make the choice easy you can filter down the options by selecting your current template from the pop-up menu in the top right of the "Select Position" lightbox that opened when you clicked "Select Position".
jUpgrade does not transfer the menu items from 1.5 to 2.5 properly. Those have to be recreated.

Widget kit not working for joomla 1. 7

I have a joomla 1. 7 website and I have installed a widget kit for displaying a slider with buttons on it. It works fine in the backend, however it does not display on the site.
Is there a reason why widget kit is not compatible with Joomla 1. 7?
Without any details at all, I'd suggest a possible conflict with you chosen joomla template and javascript library(s) like jquery or mootools.
Try one of the simple templates that came with your joomla installation and see if the problem on the front end persists.
Widget Kit is compatible with Joomla 1.7, however as Grag P said, it might possibly be a conflict with another extension using Jquery.
Use Firebug and look at the scripts being loaded in the <head> tags and see if there are 2 Jquery libraries being loaded.
If so then the 2nd one is most likely coming from your template in which case go to your template manager and see if there is an option to turn off Jquery, else if its coming from another extension, try disabling it and seeing if this solves the problem.
Also make sure you have the most up-to-date version of widget kit as Yootheme have brought out a lot of updates in the last 2 months.

Themes and editing pages in Sitefinity 4.4

When I edit content in the backend I would like to be able to see the page as like it is in sitefinity 3.7. Right now all I'm seeing are the contentplaceholders, I don't think this is will work for inexperienced users. Is this this possible to achieve? I've tried adding themes="theme" to the tag in the web config, but this applies it to the CMS elements as well.
Sitefinity version: 4.4
Thanks for your time!
To apply styles for particular elements only for the page editor (placeholders, widget headers etc.), put .sfPageContainer before every element. For example, if you want to change the color of the links in the page editor write .sfPageContainer a{color:blue} and this will apply only in the page editor, not in the whole system.
