How to mange memory used by A-Frame? - three.js

I'm building a web app which has 360 degree images loaded into an a-sky primitive. I'm using aframe-react. There are total of 20+ 360 degree images and only one img asset inside a-assets. once user switches scene react will change src of asset img and scene will re render. Everything works fine but it's using lot of memory because of caching. One time it used 4GB+ memory. In mobile the web page crashes after switching through ~8+ images. How do I handle this situation?
I tried looking into THREE.Cache but images are not cached there.
Is this memory usage has anything to do with using React?

There's an issue for A-Frame to automatically manage it, but right now have to hack around to clear textures.
AFRAME.scenes[0].systems.material.textureCache[url].then(function (texture) {


One time stuttering when scrolling down large size images

If any dev reading this knows the solution, please reply.
Less prominent with app.disableHardwareAcceleration();
Appears to depend on hardware capability.
Does not stutter once you have scrolled to the end. So, its related to how chromium render images?
Images are preloaded by setting src on const img = document.createElement("img"); inside useLayoutEffect(()=>{ },[])
If you have an answer then post in this Github Repository Link.
Expecting no stutter when scrolling down images.

Improving THREE js loading time

I'm new to webgl and three js but I managed to finished a small project in a few weeks. But what I want to ask is, what can I do do improve loading times of the app? I'm not complaining about the fps's because the interaction with it is smooth, but it takes quite a while to load everything. Do you guys have any tips or resources that I can check to improve the bundle js loading times?
Im using d3, topojson and three js. The project is a 3d globe with a background image. The globe has a texture and it shows the overlay of the country you're hovering with (so it has mousemove and click events). It also has 3d markers (spheres and cylinders) and interact when you click them.
I tried removing all the code i could, avoid heavy computations, and use BufferGeometry everywhere I could. It also has particles. Since it uses click events I needed Projector.js and I needed OrbitControls.js for the controls logic. Im using debounce on the events also. I'm just asking about general three js tips, some guidelines to avoid waiting 6-9seconds for whole scene to load. Thanks!
shrink your 3D model data;
use compressed texture format such as dds or crunch;
cut big scene into small ones and load them by lods;
Hope this helpful.

React Native Android - Images rendering blank on navigating multiple pages

I have an app with multiple scenes. To render most of them, I don't need a stack maintained, hence am using navigator.replace(HomeScene).
Now, from 1 particular scene, say Scene 1, I push Scene 2, Then from Scene 2 I push Scene 3. Now I am 2 levels deep in the navigator. From here, if I go back to HomeScene using navigator.immediatelyResetRouteStack([HomeScene]), some of the images from HomeScene do not render. Here onwards, on every scene, images randomly are visible or invisible. No fixed pattern.
This happens majorly when I am deep into the stack, and rarely when there is only 1 level pushed to the stack.
Not sure if this is related to the Navigator or something else. Any suggestions?
I think I have found the solution to this.
It doesn't seem to be related to the Navigator. Basically, if there are many images on one single page, some images may not render due to large memory used. Adding android:largeHeap="true" under the <application > tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file does the trick!

Canvas background performance

This is quite simple, I want to increase the performance of my page by using canvas to generate diagonal lines pattern instead background-image.
Should I do that? why?
If you're displaying static content, is slower and much more obtuse. and do completely different things, the former being for dynamic graphics using JavaScript and the latter being for static images retrieved from a URI.
Browsers tend to be optimised for loading IMG sources while the HTML is streaming: so you'll see an image before the page has loaded completely. Canvas, on the other hand, will be dependent on the DOM being loaded, so (typically) won't load until the DOMContentLoaded event has fired. Add to that the latency in creating a Canvas context and the memory requirements and it almost certainly isn't what you want if the images are truly static.
If you want to do something fancy with the image why not load the image in an IMG tag and then convert it to a canvas once loaded to do the transformations?

Choppy/Slow Animation on first load cocos2d

Write now, I'm creating an interactive ebook using cocos2d. When the program runs the cover page animation is choppy only on initial load. This animation is on the cover page and it is huge. We're talking 13 texture atlases, 26 images.
I know the problem stems from preloading/loading images, but I already loaded all the images before the animation occurs.
-(id) init {
if( (self=[super init]) ) {
//Pg0 Animations
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache]addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"CB0A0.plist"];
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache]addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"CB0A1.plist"];
The overall set up of the book is as follows. I build a scene, a menu layer, and then the menu layer pushes and pops different layers/ different pages.
When the cover page is loaded (Pg0), if the user touches a picture it runs through the animation. Then when the user, touches the picture again, a second animation runs.
All the images of the book are loaded in the menu layer (so before any page pushes or pops). I've tried loading these images on the scene, or the individual pages to speed up the process, but that doesn't affect time.
I am running my animation through an animation helper, which loops through the images for me.
Any help would be wonderful, and I am would love to share more code or info about the project if it needed.
Have the same problem. When use cocos2d v0.9 animation was ok, no lag. Lag appears when migrating to cocos2d v2.0.
When you add sprites to cache (addSpriteFramesWithFile:(NSString*)plist) in cocos2d v0.9 texture2d is also created (CCSpriteFrameCache.m:238), in cocos2d v2.0 there is no textture2d creation, texture is created at first use of CCSpriteFrame. I fix it by adding
[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:textureFileName];
in CCSpriteFrameCache.m:207 (v2.0)
I was just experiencing this problem in cocos2D v3.1 iphone. I had spritesheets that were cached but still were stuttering on loading. I found somewhere on another post that you need to load the texture itself as well to get rid of the initial lag. This is what I did in my caching sprites method:
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"spritesheet.plist"];
CCTexture *temporaryLoadTexture = [CCTexture textureWithFile:#"spritesheet.png"];
Just by loading a dummy CCTexture file, that got rid of all first-time animation and sprite lag. Hope this helps!
Check if your AppDelegate implements the memory warning method. Check what that method does.
By default, cocos2d implements that method and purges all caches. Now when that gets triggered while preloading textures, what happens is that cocos2d removes the preloaded textures because a memory warning was received yet those preloaded textures aren't in use yet. Cocos2d considers them to be "unused" and removes them from memory. Which means next time you use that texture, it needs to be loaded from disk again.
I wrote a blog post where I describe this issue, and ways to solve it. Most importantly: get TexturePacker and use only .pvr.ccz for texture atlases. Try to reduce texture color depth to 16 bit where possible. And be sure to dump texture memory usage to learn how much memory you're actually using, and whether that amount of memory is within reasonable limits. Including older devices with fewer memory that you may be supporting.
