how to save a drawingpad image in nativescript - nativescript

now its working, see the answer below (
this is my getDrawing function, I need to save the signature from drawing to a file in file system, I've tried everything and I cant get the saveToFile demo in nativescript docs to get it work.
exports.getDrawing = function(args) {
var pad = frameModule.topmost().currentPage.getViewById("drawingPad");
// then access the 'drawing' property (Bitmap on Android) of the signaturepad
var img = frameModule.topmost().currentPage.getViewById("imagesignature");
img.src = result; // <-- this shows in an image label the drawing signature
########### this part should be save the file,but I don't get any error, and it doesn't save it to a file, when tried to dump "img" ############
var img2 = imageSource.fromAsset(result);
var folder = fs.knownFolders.documents();
var path = fs.path.join(folder.path, "Test.png");
var saved = img2.saveToFile(path, "png");

the problem was, the getDrawing() does not return a promise it returns an image so the correct code should be a NativeSource.
img.src = result;
var img2 = imageSource.fromNativeSource(result);
var folder = fs.knownFolders.documents();
var path = fs.path.join(folder.path, "Test.png");
var saved = img2.saveToFile(path, "png");
console.log("saved: " + saved);
console.log("IMAGEN SRC.....");


Resize and Upload Images with Blazor WebAssembly

I am using the following sample to resize the uploaded images with Blazor WebAssembly .
Still I need the original file too to be converted to base64 too and I don't know how can I access it...
I tried to find the file's original width and height to pass its to RequestImageFileAsync function but no success...
I need to store both files : the original one and the resized one.
Can you help me, please ?
Thank You Very Much !
The InputFile control emits an IBrowserFile type. RequestImageFileAsync is a convenience method on IBrowserFile to resize the image and convert the type. The result is still an IBrowserFile.
One way to do what you are asking is with SixLabors.ImageSharp. Based on the ProWareTech example, something like this...
async Task OnChange(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
var files = e.GetMultipleFiles(); // get the files selected by the users
foreach(var file in files)
//Original-sized file
var buf1 = new byte[file.Size];
using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
await stream.ReadAsync(buf1); // copy the stream to the buffer
origFilesBase64.Add(new ImageFile { base64data = Convert.ToBase64String(buf1), contentType = file.ContentType, fileName = file.Name }); // convert to a base64 string!!
//Resized File
var resizedFile = await file.RequestImageFileAsync(file.ContentType, 640, 480); // resize the image file
var buf = new byte[resizedFile.Size]; // allocate a buffer to fill with the file's data
using (var stream = resizedFile.OpenReadStream())
await stream.ReadAsync(buf); // copy the stream to the buffer
filesBase64.Add(new ImageFile { base64data = Convert.ToBase64String(buf), contentType = file.ContentType, fileName = file.Name }); // convert to a base64 string!!
//To get the image Sizes for first image
ImageSharp.Image origImage = Image.Load<*imagetype*>(origFilesBase64[0])
int origImgHeight = origImage.Height;
int origImgWidth = origImage.Width;
ImageSharp.Image resizedImage = Image.Load<*imagetype*>(filesBase64[0])
int resizedImgHeight = resizedImage.Height;
int resizedImgWidth = resizedImage.Width;

Why is image very Dark with AVCaptureSession

We have Xamarin Forms solution and in iOS project we are trying to create photo on button click. Problem is image is very dark. It is almost black. Why is this happening? Here is a code:
var _captureSession = new AVCaptureSession();
var _captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.GetDefaultDevice(AVMediaType.Video);
var _captureDeviceInput = AVCaptureDeviceInput.FromDevice(_captureDevice);
private async void OnButtonClick()
var output = new AVCaptureStillImageOutput { OutputSettings = new NSDictionary(AVVideo.CodecKey, AVVideo.CodecJPEG) };
var buffer = await output.CaptureStillImageTaskAsync(output.Connections[0]);
NSData data = AVCaptureStillImageOutput.JpegStillToNSData(buffer);
UIImage image = UIImage.LoadFromData(data);
//image = RotateImage(image);
NSData imageData = image.AsPNG();
byte[] byteArray = imageData.ToArray();
IFolder folder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage;
IFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync("image.png", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
using (Stream stream = await file.OpenAsync(PCLStorage.FileAccess.ReadAndWrite))
stream.Write(image, 0, image.Length);
Here is image:
should go before button click (before StartRunning). With that change image has normal brightness and also rotation is not needed.

Adding array of images to Firebase using AngularFire

I'm trying to allow users to upload images and then store the images, base64 encoded, in firebase. I'm trying to make my firebase structured as follows:
|----Feed Item
|---------image1, image 2, etc.
However, I can't get the remote data in firebase to mirror the local data in the client. When I print the array of images to the console in the client, it shows that the uploaded images have been added to the array of images...but these images never make it to firebase. I've tried doing this multiple ways to no avail. I tried using implicit syncing, explicit syncing, and a mixture of both. I can;t for the life of me figure out why this isn;t working and I'm getting pretty frustrated. Here's my code:
$scope.complete = function(epicName){
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.activeEpics.length; i++){
if($scope.activeEpics[i].id === epicName){
var epicToAdd = $scope.activeEpics[i];
var epicToAddToFeed = {epic: epicToAdd, username: $scope.currUser.username, userImage: $scope.currUser.image, props:0, images:['empty']};
//connect to feed data
var feedUrl = "";
$scope.feed = angularFireCollection(new Firebase(feedUrl));
//add epic
var added = $scope.feed.add(epicToAddToFeed).name();
//connect to added epic in firebase
var addedUrl = "" + added;
var addedRef = new Firebase(addedUrl);
angularFire(addedRef, $scope, 'added').then(function(){
// for each image uploaded, add image to the added epic's array of images
for (var i = 0, f; f = $scope.files[i]; i++) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (function(theFile) {
return function(e) {
var filePayload =;
EDIT: Figured it out, had to connect to "" + added + "/images"

removeAllChildren is not working in createjs

I'm trying to change the bitmap image in createjs and want to remove all children in a container when reset button is clicked. But removeAllChildren is not working in me.
function drawPhoneImage() {
stage = new createjs.Stage('canvas');
container = new createjs.Container();
phone = new createjs.Bitmap(phoneImg);
phone.x = 268;
phone.y = 64;
phone.addEventListener("click", function() {
console.log('phone clicked');
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", movePhoneImage);
function movePhoneImage(event) {
phone.x -=10;
if(phone.x < 156) {
phone.x =156;
Then after clicking the phone object, I'll need to replace it with another bitmap(which works):
function showPhoneSnap() {
snap = new createjs.Bitmap(snapImg);
snap.x = 156;
snap.y = 64;
At first, removeAllChildren is working in the first child of the container, but when i tried resetting the stage after adding another bitmap in the container..removeAllChildren() is not working.
function resetStage() {
I'm having a hard time solving this issue, thanks for anyone who can help.
Make sure that "snapImg" is an image that is loaded.
snap = new createjs.Bitmap(snapImg);
The issue is that you are not updating the stage when the image is loaded.
var image = new Image();
image.src = "path";
image.onload = showPhoneSnap;
function showPhoneSnap() {
//This will ensure that the image is ready.
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap(this);

AS3 URLRequest in for Loop problem

I read some data from a xml file, everything works great besides urls. I can't figure what's the problem with the "navigateURL" function or with the eventListener... on which square I click it opens the last url from the xml file
for(var i:Number = 0; i <= -1; i++)
var square:square_mc = new square_mc();
//xml values
var tGame_name:String =[i];//game name
var tGame_id:Number = gamesInput.children()[i].attributes()[2].toXMLString();//game id
var tGame_thumbnail:String = thumbPath +[i];//thumb path
var tGame_url:String =[i];//game url
square.tgname_txt.text = tGame_name;
square.tgurl_txt.text = tGame_url;
//load & attach game thumb
var getThumb:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_thumbnail);
var loadThumb:Loader = new Loader();
square.y = squareY;
square.x = squareX;
squareX += square.width + 10;
square.buttonMode = true;
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateURL);
function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
Many thanks!
In navigateURL() you use tGame_url, but I think you'd rather use something like tgurl_txt.text which will be different for each square.
Looks like you're not attaching the event listener properly. Instead of this.addEventListener, attach it to the variable you created when creating new square_mc..... so:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateURL);
you should add the addEventListener on the Squares
mmm..still figuring how eventhandler function will ever get the correct tgame_url var.
What if you try this:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
try tracing this:
function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
you should add the url to your square in the loop
square.theUrl = tGame_url;
in the event listener function you should be able to access it with
