VS2017 doesn't see Oracle drivers? - oracle

I just recently installed VS2017 on my machine. Today I went to start a new MVC site and wanted to add a DataContext to our Oracle server. The first thing I did was go to NuGet Manager and added the Oracle Managed Drivers and then Entity Framework for Oracle and all that looked to install correctly. I then went to Add | New Item | Data | Entity Data Model | Code First from DB.
From there where it asks which database you want to connect to I only have Microsoft drivers. If I try to add a new connection, again no Oracle drivers are listed in the driver type.
I then closed the project and opened in up in VS2015. Went to add a new Data Model and it all worked as expected. Oracle drivers were available and I was able to make an Entity for my tables.
Is there something I need to install or add to my VS2017 in order to get it to see my Oracle drivers and make a connection to Oracle?

You need ODP.NET. It is in Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017, but last version is anvalible for vs2015 https://community.oracle.com/thread/4024914


Generating a model from an Oracle 18c database in EntityFramework

I am using VS 2017, ODAC for VS 2017, and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 12.2.1100 (and its corresponding EF dll), and EF 6.4.
The database is 18c Express, and is running on a virtual machine.
When I had gone to generate the model, first I had troubles creating the connection string, something I fixed setting the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NONE) in the sqlnet.ora, and then, on the next step, the wizard crashes. It just briefly displays a radio button "Entity Framework 6" and then exits.
The wizard creates no issues when I generate a model from the local Oracle11g Express Database, and also I haven't needed to change the sqlnet.ora for it to work.
Should I try with different versions of ManagedDataAccess, or is this something else?
Updating ODAC to 18.3 made it work with both databases.

Add providers to VS 2008 Connection Manager?

With Visual Studio 2008 I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using Oracle Provider to OLE DB (the only Oracle driver available in dropdown), and I'm having issues with it. So I'm trying to add other drivers to that VS2008 "Connection Manager" dropdown. Unfortunately, I only see the ones in this screenshot
How can I add other drivers to this dropdown? When I create an ODBC driver, I see several other Oracle drivers to choose from that I don't see in the VS2008 dropdown.
You installed more than one Oracle Client, this is always a bad idea. Usually there is no reason to install more than one Oracle Client, i.e. one each for 32-bit and 64-bit.
For OLE DB you cannot install more than one driver (per architecture), see Installation Considerations for Oracle Database Client:
You can install all Oracle components in multiple Oracle homes on the
same computer. However, some components can only support one active
instance at a time. This means that the current (latest) installation
renders the previous one inactive. These components are:
Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows
Oracle Provider for OLE DB
This is a limitation in COM. So, you cannot add other providers, at least no other Oracle Provider for OLE DB
You could use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA), however this has been deprecated for ages and it is really not recommended to use it.
Instead of OLE DB you could also use ODBC or use the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, you can download and install it from here: 32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC)
As far as I know Visual Studio 2008 supports only .NET Framework only up to version 3.5, thus you would have to use the Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2.0, version 4 will not work.
Maybe this list provides an overview for you: How to connect to Oracle 11 database from . net
If you like to get a list of all OLE DB providers which are installed on your machine, check this one: How to check the version of oracle provider for ole-db. OraOLEDB.Oracle provider

How to uninstall deprecated Oracle Data Provider?

I am trying to install Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2015 so that I can connect to a remote 11g database from SSRS/Visual Studio Projects in general, from my dev machine. When I go to the downloads page, I see this:
So I went to Visual Studio to determine whether I already had ODT, and found this:
However, I don't think I installed this ODP, and it just came with the Visual Studio installation. Is there a way to uninstall this provider, or am I OK to just install the new ODT over top? Lastly, as I did more research for this post I became a little more unsure: does ODAC include ODP.net?
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle are providers from Microsoft, i.e. they are part of your Windows installation.
Indeed, they are deprecated from many years, however there is no reason to remove them. They are just two little DLL's.
It is no problem to install Oracle Provider for OLE DB and Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) from Oracle, the drivers from Oracle and the drivers from Microsoft do not interfere with each other.
Yes, ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components) is a collection of various drivers, ODP.NET, OLE DB, ODBC and a few more.
Just a note, unless you use the ODP.NET Managed Driver all drivers mentioned above require an Oracle Client installation, typically an Oracle Instant Client. I think the Oracle Instant Client is also included in the ODAC package.
Maybe have a look at this post to get a little overview: How to connect to Oracle 11 database from . net

Entity Framework 6 (5) connection to Oracle

I am attempting to write a Data Access library for our suite of applications that use Oracle in .net. We currently use NHibernate and are thinking of migrating away as it appears to not be supported all that well.
I am working with Visual Studio 2013 and we have already constructed our Oracle Database. We don't have writes to update it (that is the domain of the db guys). So that will not be part of any calculation on our end.
The client on the server is 32 bit, so we are going to stick with that for now. It is already GAC'd in there, and no need to change it. So we have the 32 bit client on our development boxes.
I have EntityFramework 6.1.0 installed into my project via nuget. I have ODAC installed in my project. The 32bit version of the application. I also have the ODP.net.x86 driver installed (also via nuget).
The problem is that everytime I attempt to create an ADO.net Database connection, the oracle provider is never an option? What am I missing? What do I need to get this to work?
I read an oracle forum one time that said I need to set my Entity Framework to 5.0 and not 6.0. Which is fine, but how do I do that?
EF 6 support is now provided by ODAC 12c Release 3 Beta:
From the .Net Developer newsletter (emphasis mine):
New Download: ODAC 12c Release 3 Beta The new ODAC beta includes
Entity Framework 6, Code First, Code First Migrations, .NET Framework
4.5.2 certification, managed ODP.NET XML DB, and managed ODP.NET distributed transaction support without Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll.
I know this is getting a little old, but this is to answer the last part of your question (how to install EFv5). (Instructions written for VisualStudio 2013) with your solution open, click TOOLS->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Console. Enter the following:
Install-Package EntityFramework -Version 5.0.0
It’s been a while since I set up my machine, but I think this is what I had to do, hopefully it helps.
Install Oracle Instant Client (or whatever you do for an Oracle Home)
Install ODTwithODAC121012 (if you Google that, it should come up)
Make sure your tnsnames.ora is in the right place for your Oracle Home
Setting up a new Visual Studio Solution:
New Solution (for me, of type ASP.NET Web Application)
Run command as in original answer
Add new project of type Class Library (for Model/Entities)
In new project, add new Item of type ADO.NET Entity Data Model
In Entity Data Model Wizard:
EF Designer from database (if you are using an existing database)
New Connection
In Data Source, there is (hopefully) an Oracle Database option
And below that, in data provider, I chose the ODP.NET Managed Driver
Enter user/pass, select Data Source and name connection
Edit 2
Oh, I forgot one thing, not sure if it's important. You may need to add a reference in that Model project to the oracle driver. Right click project -> Add -> Reference -> Assemblies -> Search for 'oracle', hopefully there is an entry for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess (my version was
A few rants:
I don't think the process should be quite so difficult
I don't know why it takes them so long to update either. http://www.devart.com/ seems to do just fine staying on top of new Oracle/Visual Studio changes (they charge, but so does Oracle)
The conspiracy part of my brain says that Oracle has no interest in making it easier for you to not use their products and so they put no effort into it
Their default number mappings can really screw you up. For example, if your Oracle DB has fields of type NUMBER(10), it will map it as a 32-bit int, when not all 10 digit numbers fit :(
For more info on that mapping thing (the link shows how to override that 32-bit problem), see:
EF 6 is not yet supported by ODP.NET. See the release notes (README) for more info. EF6 will be supported shortly.
Edit: EF6 is now supported.
Sorry, I missed part of your question.
If you are using Visual Studio 2013, you must download Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio version or later. With any older version, it will not be able to integrate with VS 2013.
Here is the download location:
EF 6.0 is not supported yet but you can use EF5 providers in VS 2013. So my other answer is not really relevant.
Entity Framework 6 Code First
ODAC 12c R3 is the first ODP.NET release to certify with Entity
Framework (EF) 6 and EF Code First. EF Code First is a popular
development model for .NET object-relational mapping. Developers
define the application domain model using source code, rather than
with a designer or an XML-based configuration file. An EF Code First
model's classes are defined in code through Plain Old CLR Objects
These features are all available in both managed and unmanaged

Oracle Data Access Components and Visual Studio connection problems

I've created an empty console application in Visual Studio 2010 and I'm attempting to add an Oracle (10g XE ) Data Connection via the Server Explorer. I'm using Oracle ODP .NET as the connector and I get the following error:
ORA-12560: TNS: Protocol Adapter Error
I can access Oracle without issue via the web interface or a console, but continually get this generic connection error in VS. I'm using the default installation of Oracle XE and running it locally.
Any suggestion on how to get this set up correctly ? Every tutorial I find works on the understanding that this connection succeeds. As such I'm struggling to find where to begin to troubleshoot. I'm comfortable with VS2010, but new to the way Oracle does things with their DB.
While troubleshooting I've found this only happens with the Oracle Data Provider for .NET. Using the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle I am able to successfully connect.
I cleaned up everything and installed 11g XE and the ODAC tools again and continue to get the same message. I realize the error is somewhat generic, I'd be happy to post more information if anyone thinks it helpful. The database is run locally, I can't imagine what kind of 'configuration' an express database would even need...
The ODAC tools appear to install a 'production' version of Oracle 11 instead of the BETA version that I installed first. Almost appears as if the tool is installing another database ? I also appear to have two ORACLE_BASE locations and two TNSNAMES in what appear to be very similar folder hierarchies. Perhaps a more straightforward tutorial is the answer, Oracle's isn't very descriptive.
Oracle 10g XE seemed to be the problem. A full install of 11g (Full, not Express) took care of the problem entirely.
From here:
Possible fixes for the TNS-12560
Get the latest patches for the SQL*Net client software.
Check your $ORACLE_HOME and $Path variables.
Check File permissions on the PC client.
Ensure that TNS_ADMIN is set correctly.
Check for firewall issues.
Check that the Windows database service is started. Verify teh
ORACLE_SID parameter is set correctly
in the registry.
Wow. I finally got this syntax to work.
I'm a Sql Server guy. I used Oracle back in the da day.
But I'm trying to do some Entity Framework and I said "You're not going to bed until you get Visual Studio 2012 and a edmx file to talk to Oracle.
Here is what I came up with:
Data Source:
Oracle Database (Oracle ODP.NET)
Data Source Name:
User Name:
change the default data source name to localhost.
