How to uninstall deprecated Oracle Data Provider? - oracle

I am trying to install Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2015 so that I can connect to a remote 11g database from SSRS/Visual Studio Projects in general, from my dev machine. When I go to the downloads page, I see this:
So I went to Visual Studio to determine whether I already had ODT, and found this:
However, I don't think I installed this ODP, and it just came with the Visual Studio installation. Is there a way to uninstall this provider, or am I OK to just install the new ODT over top? Lastly, as I did more research for this post I became a little more unsure: does ODAC include

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle are providers from Microsoft, i.e. they are part of your Windows installation.
Indeed, they are deprecated from many years, however there is no reason to remove them. They are just two little DLL's.
It is no problem to install Oracle Provider for OLE DB and Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) from Oracle, the drivers from Oracle and the drivers from Microsoft do not interfere with each other.
Yes, ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components) is a collection of various drivers, ODP.NET, OLE DB, ODBC and a few more.
Just a note, unless you use the ODP.NET Managed Driver all drivers mentioned above require an Oracle Client installation, typically an Oracle Instant Client. I think the Oracle Instant Client is also included in the ODAC package.
Maybe have a look at this post to get a little overview: How to connect to Oracle 11 database from . net


Add providers to VS 2008 Connection Manager?

With Visual Studio 2008 I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using Oracle Provider to OLE DB (the only Oracle driver available in dropdown), and I'm having issues with it. So I'm trying to add other drivers to that VS2008 "Connection Manager" dropdown. Unfortunately, I only see the ones in this screenshot
How can I add other drivers to this dropdown? When I create an ODBC driver, I see several other Oracle drivers to choose from that I don't see in the VS2008 dropdown.
You installed more than one Oracle Client, this is always a bad idea. Usually there is no reason to install more than one Oracle Client, i.e. one each for 32-bit and 64-bit.
For OLE DB you cannot install more than one driver (per architecture), see Installation Considerations for Oracle Database Client:
You can install all Oracle components in multiple Oracle homes on the
same computer. However, some components can only support one active
instance at a time. This means that the current (latest) installation
renders the previous one inactive. These components are:
Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows
Oracle Provider for OLE DB
This is a limitation in COM. So, you cannot add other providers, at least no other Oracle Provider for OLE DB
You could use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA), however this has been deprecated for ages and it is really not recommended to use it.
Instead of OLE DB you could also use ODBC or use the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, you can download and install it from here: 32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC)
As far as I know Visual Studio 2008 supports only .NET Framework only up to version 3.5, thus you would have to use the Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2.0, version 4 will not work.
Maybe this list provides an overview for you: How to connect to Oracle 11 database from . net
If you like to get a list of all OLE DB providers which are installed on your machine, check this one: How to check the version of oracle provider for ole-db. OraOLEDB.Oracle provider

How do I do an ODBC connection to ORACLE from SSIS/ Visual studio?

Despite that OLE DB and ADO.NET are newer than ODBC potentially, I've heard that ODBC connections to Oracle are potentially faster within SSIS.
I'm trying to set up a simple ODBC connection to an Oracle DB in SSIS
The OLE DB / ADO.Net connections were easy. I entered the credentials and boom, connected.
ODBC proves very difficult. I'm running Windows 10 64 bit. Visual Studio 2015 (I believe the designer for SSIS was only meant to initially play with 32-bit ODBC connections). Oracle is version 12c.
So ... I did the convoluted Oracle driver install. Downloaded Oracle basic light express + ODBC. Put them in the same directory. Ran odbc.install.exe WITH admin privileges. Finally got the Oracle driver to show up in Microsoft ODBC (32 or 64, ended up downloading both eventually). I test the connection in Microsoft ODBC setup? Success!! NOOOOW. .. enter Visual studio. Set up connection --- test --- FAIL! Some cryptic error .... 127 ... the "oracle" in quora32.dll can't be found.
Are Microsoft Drivers for Oracle still available for download?
32-bit vs 64-bit
I think that the main cause of the problem is that Visual studio is a 32-bit application and the ODBC driver installed is 64-bit. On the other hand the operating system is 64-bit then it will work normally. Check the following links for more information:
ODBC Connection not appearing SSIS
Set up the ODBC Driver for SSIS
Attunity connectors
I really didn't tried connecting to Oracle using ODBC, but if your goal is to achieve higher performance then the fastest way to connect to Oracle from SSIS is using Attunity high speed connectors for Oracle that have been selected by Microsoft to be included with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Check the following links for more information:
Microsoft Connectors for Oracle and Teradata by Attunity for Integration Services (SSIS)
Microsoft Connectors by Attunity
Oracle provider for Oledb missing in VS 2015 Shell
SSIS not running in parallel with OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 Provider
As noted in various ways on this question, the VS IDE (and its typical testing environment) is 32-bit, even when installed/running on 64-bit Windows, or when building for use/deployment on 64-bit Windows. My employer has a knowledgebase article discussing this.
Also, SQL Server, SSIS, and VS are always OLE DB or ADO.NET clients; they don't actually speak ODBC directly. When you tell either SQL Server, SSIS, or VS to connect to an ODBC driver or ODBC DSN, they invisibly use the Microsoft OLE DB [Bridge] Provider for ODBC Drivers for that connection.
The easiest way to work around all this, given that you explicitly want to use ODBC, is to install both 32-bit and 64-bit variants of all OLE DB (including the Bridge Provider) and ODBC components (and any libraries on which they depend, such as OCI or Oracle Instant Client), and to configure a pair of ODBC System DSNs (not User DSNs, for several reasons), one each 32-bit and 64-bit, which are named and configured identically excepting only the driver library.
This strategy works whether you're using ODBC drivers from my employer (which might be the "12-15x faster" ones referenced previously? if so, it's important to note that Enterprise Edition "concurrent users" is about actively connected clients, not installed seats), from another third-party, or from Oracle themselves.

Oracle Data provider for .NET in visual studio

Newbi to oracle and its versions and .NET providers, but did some investigation.
I'm trying to add Oracle connection to the visual studio server Explorer (before setting up the Entity Framework 6 for oracle).
System preferences:
Windows 10 enterprise - 64 bit operating system
Visual Studio 2015
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) which includes Oracle developer Tools for Visual Studio: ODAC12C - - it is suitable to 64 bit !
The DB is located in a remote machine and I can see the DB objects using the Oracle SQL developer. It uses the TNSNames file to locate the DBs.
when trying to "add connection" in the visual studio server explorer:
Select Data Source: Oracle DataBase
Data Provider:.NET framework data provider for Oracle.
It claims that:
"This provider is deprecated and should not be used. Instead download
Oracle Developer tools for visual studio for comprehensive integration
with Oracle database."
The problem is that the mentioned above reference links to a 32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) bundle which includes "Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio". The same shXX happens when choosing .NET framework data provider for OLEDB.
Either I don't see the relevant provider in the list or there is a problem.
After inserting Server name, User name and Password in the "Add connection" dialog box, I get this error message:
"Attempt to load Oracle Client libraries threw BadImageFormatException.
This problem will occur when running 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle Client components installed"
What am I doing wrong ?
Is this the way of defining connection string when I have a TNSNames file ?
Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle is different to Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle which is different to Oracle Data Access (which can be Oracle Data Provider for .NET or Oracle Data Provider for .NET Managed Driver or Oracle Provider for OLE DB, depending on which one you installed), see How to connect to Oracle 11 database from . net
Visual Studio 2015 is 32-bit, when you like to connect to an Oracle database directly from Visual Studio Explorer then you have to download/install the 32-bit version of ODAC - and also install 32-bit Oracle Client.
In case you like to use also 64-bit Oracle Client and drivers follow this instruction: BadImageFormatException. This will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed

ODAC for visual studio 2013

There are a lot of ODAC download at the Oracle website but I want to know what is the right ODAC to download for my VS 2013? I have a Windows 7 64-bit OS.
And also, do I need to install ODAC on BOTH my laptop (where I will create my project) and to the Oracle database server?
When I'm trying to connect to my Oracle database, it throws me this error:
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater
so I read other blogs saying that I should install ODAC, but these blogs example are using either VS2005 or VS2008, but mine is VS2013
Start with easy answers:
No, you don't have to install any ODAC on Oracle database server (most likely they might be installed anyway by default)
It does not matter at all which Visual Studio you have, regarding Oracle installation they are all the same.
Now regarding your error:
"Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle", i.e. System.Data.OracleClient is deprecated for ages, you should not use it in new projects. You should use the Oracle provider "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" (ODP.NET), so by downloading ODAC from Oracle you have been on the right path.
When you like to use ODP.NET you also have to install an Oracle Client, otherwise it does not work (this requirement is also valid for System.Data.OracleClient, that's the actual error you get).
You can either install "Oracle Instant Client" and ODP.NET or download full Oracle Client where you can make a "Custom" installation. There you have to enable component "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" at least.
It is important to have everywhere the same architecture, i.e. Oracle Client, ODP.NET and your application must be all the same - either x86 or x64 ("AnyCPU" means x64 on nowadays 64-bit Windows). In case you have to support both x86 and x64 follow this instruction to install x86 and x64 on one machine.
Another possibility is to use the "ODP.NET Managed Driver", this one is just a single .dll and does not require any further Oracle client installation. Unlike "ODP.NET" the "ODP.NET Managed Driver" does not depend on the architecture, i.e. it works for both x86 and x64.
It does not matter whether your database is 32-bit or 64-bit. This applies for everything mentioned above.

Understanding Oracle database and ODAC installation

I want to use Oracle XE DB in my ASP.NET MVC project. I installed Oracle 11g XE on same machine where is VS running. Installation completed succesfully in C:\oraclexe. Everything as expected, i was able to connect to DB via Server Explorer using default .NET oracle data acces provider. But i want to use ODP.NET, so i installed ODP.NET + ODT in C:\app. Here is first confusing thing. Directory structure of C:\oraclexe..\server and C:\app..\client_1 is similar. Both have NETWORK\ADMIN folder where Tnsnames.ora resides. I understand that client is used to connect to database but:
Which Tnsname.ora will be used to connect to database?
Oraclexe also contains folder where Oracle.DataAccess.dll resides. If server installation come with why i need to install ODAC? Server Explorer in VS offered me ODP.NET drivers for connection only after ODAC install.
ODAC comes with Oracle Instant Client. When to use Oracle Client and when Oracle Instant Client? If i decide for Oracle Client and then i will install ODAC for connection, will it also install Instant Client which is part of ODAC?
Finally after installation of server and client, VS 2010 still does not offer me Oracle Providers in ASP.NET Configuration
Oracle XE is kinda special in that you typically install the server and client on the same machine. Logically, they are separate, but it does make things a bit harder to understand. For that reason, I will refer to other experts.
The folks at ORAFAQ have information about the TNSNAMES.ORA file. My personal strategy is to make all my TNSNAMES.ORA files the same, so there is no opportinity for confusion.
ODP.NET is for... .NET use, while ODAC is "native" (OLE) and provides more tools than you may have with just ODP.NET. Use whatever works for your needs.
For most cases, you would distribute the Instant Client. The Full Client is more useful for developers. Refer to the documentation and FAQs for details. You can have multiple clients on one machine, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Restart the machine? Did you add the appropriate library/libraries to your environment?
