Migrate content from Joomla to Drupal 8 - joomla

By obligation of the client, they want to make a new Web in Drupal 8.
Currently they have their website in Joomla (at the moment I do not know the version, they will tell me soon).
With what module can I transfer the information from Joomla to Drupal 8?


Umbraco 7.x vs Drupal 8.x

Currently, Im in the evaluation process between MVC CMS , I like the clean way in coding of the UMBRACO 7.0.x , with the many W3C standard which implemented there.
Recently , I found that Drupal has new release 8.0 , which has new architecture supporting MVC.
As I'm totally new to Drupal world , I would appreciate any feedback about Drupal 8.x Release From different views such as :
The learning curve and first setup and configuration..
agility & Customization
extensibility with plugins
performance & scalability
Community support
Any extra view points would be also appreciated...
I'm not a guru of Drupal.
But I can say about Umbraco -
The best community - our.umbraco.org
Latest technologies - Angular, MVC.
A lot of free plugins = http://our.umbraco.org/projects
Documentation - http://our.umbraco.org/documentation
24 days course - http://24days.in/umbraco/2013/
Umbraco Cloud - new way of developing web-sites with Umbraco - https://umbraco.com/cloud
Fully customizable.
Free learn Umbraco course - https://github.com/kgiszewski/LearnUmbraco7
I'm not guru of Umbraco. But I can say a lot about Drupal 8.x which I use for the last 8 years now.
First of all here is an overview of the new 8.x capabilities which are really amazing and move Drupal to the new age.
On individual topics now here are some helpful links.
The learning curve. It may be longer than usual but it deserves the
time. See
First setup and configuration. Easy enough for a developer. Give it a try here: https://simplytest.me/project/drupal/8.2.3.
Agility & Customization: By far the best fieldable and fully customized framework. You can create fields for displays, add user permissions, show results from the db and many more and all these through a UI.
Extensibility with plugins: https://www.drupal.org/8/platform (3rd party libraries), https://www.drupal.org/8/standards, https://www.drupal.org/project/project_module and an issue queue for each contrib module (eg https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/pathauto?status=All).
Performance & scalability: http://buytaert.net/making-drupal-8-fly
Security: https://www.drupal.org/security and https://www.drupal.org/security-team. By far the most secure open source framework.
Community support. https://www.drupal.org/community (By far the most promising and helpful software community on the web.)
Don't forget to check the licenses (not only for core but also for plugins), the OS supported and some additional resources such as:
umbraco vs. Drupal comparison
Comparison of the usage of Drupal vs. Umbraco for websites

What is the Performance difference between Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0?

We have website developed in Joomla 1.5, 4 years ago.
We are changing the theme of the website now. As we dont need any new components or plugins, I just want to know is there any advantage of upgrading from 1.5 to 2.5 or 3.0.
Is there any performance advantage between 1.5, 2.5 or 3.0?
firstly, it's not just about performance, there are other reasons for upgrading.
Security - There are no known security issues in Joomla 1.5.26 however 2.5 and 3.2 (especially 3.2) have far better security.
Support - Support for Joomla 1.5 was stopped in September 2012 and I believe Joomla 2.5 will continue to be supported until December 2014 and Joomla 3.x untill December 2016.
Features - Joomla 3.2 contains so many more feature such as
Mobile Responsive
Ajax Interface integrated into the core
Ability to install extensions via the backend
and much more
Performance - To simply answet this question, yes, Joomla 3.x performance is better than Joomla 1.5. I couldn't find a raw demo for Joomla 1.5 but here is a speed test of a raw Joomla 3.2 site:
Do also bare in mind that there are lots of extensions out there to boost the performance even more by compressing and gzipping scripts/stylesheet and so on.
And out of all honesty, I do believe that if something works then why change it (in some cases) but you also have to understand that things are moving forward, such as new web technologies are being introduced which will help improve your site.
Overall, I would most definitely upgrade your site to Joomla 3.2
Hope this helps
You just have to update your website. Joomla 1.5 is outdated and no more supported.
To name briefly few of the reasons:
Old code, No more security releases, compatibilities issues with newer PHP, many 3rd party extensions are dropping support. You just can't stay that way back.
Just visit joomla.org to find out more and about the benefits and the new features of Joomla.

how to evaluate joomla 1.5 to be safe agenist hacking

I would like to know if there are effective penetration testing tool that help evaluating our Joomla site: "www.ous.edu.sd" since we had experienced hacking last month.
Don't try to prevent you current 1.5 site from being hacked, cause you'll fail. Get yourself upgraded as soon as you can. I answered a question a while back as to why keeping you Joomla site up to date is very important:
Why should I keep my Joomla version up to date?
If your site is purely just an information site, then I would suggest upgrading to Joomla 3.1. Joomla 3.2 will be out literally very soon aswell. The reason being is that even though Joomla 2.5 was liked a lot by developers, it will be coming to the end of it's life in the second quarter of 2014. Seems a long time away but when the time comes, upgrading could be a bit of hassle.
Please do bare in mind that upgrading to Joomla 3.0 will not upgrade your 3rd party extensions that you have installed and thus you will have to install Joomla 3.x compatible versions of them.
Regarding the anti hacking side of things, I explained a little in the link provided but will mention it here anyway. The 3 main extensions I would get are:
Admin Tools
Saxum IP Logger
Hope this helps
Joomla 1.5.26 was the last version of the 1.5 line. It is end of life. As mentioned previously the best defence is to keep your Joomla! installation up-to-date and to keep an eye on the Joomla VEL, which tracks extensions with issues.
Without going to commercial tools I'm not sure for Joomla! specifically. Ages ago we used OWASP Joomla! Security Scanner, (wiki here), but the SourceForge repo indicates it's not being updated anymore.
You cannot actually prevent yourself from Hacking, all you can do is Secure your website from external attacks.
For joomla, I recommend you to upgrade your current core version is there is public exploits for core version 1.5.
Once you upgrade your Joomla version to the newest you will need to add some extra security to prevent further attacks like :
A rise of a 0day on the newest core joomla Versions.
a symlink attack on Server which may lead on accessing your website database.
added plugins to website which are vulnerable such as Contact us auto chat and such.
So what you need to do, is make your Administrator directory protected from unwanted visits. as nearly 95% of Forum / website template hacks are uploaded shells through Administrator panel. to do this all you need to do is make a txt file in the default www root folder and name it robots.txt and inside it you will need to write the dir that you dont want any user to access such as administrator, Example :
User-agent: /
Disallow: administrator/
You can also block any unwanted website crawlers to list your website contents and check for any vulnerabilities in it by adding this in your robots.txt
User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /
which will basically block any access to your website from user-agent ia-archiver, which is most likely what web crawlers use like Acunetix.
I have encouraged all of my clients to upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5 or higher. Unfortunately, not all of them want to pay to do this and I dont have the time for free upgrades. The result is that the exploits that are available for 1.5 have left my entire server vulnerable and has been attacked several times over the last year. I have no other choice but to separate the 1.5 sites on to another box and tell the clients too bad so sad the next time they get hacked as I cannot afford to keep fixing them. as everyone above has stated, it is critical that you migrate from 1.5. There are plenty of extensions and tools available to assist you. http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/migration-a-conversion/joomla-migration
Upgrade it to Joomla 3.1, Joomla 1.5 is too easy to hack.

Add CMS subsystem to Codeigniter site

I have a rather complex (one man year development in total) specialist website application based on a CodeIgniter framework. I now have a requirement to add CMS functionality to it so that the users can add articles and similar content to the system to compliment the main functionality.
There are obviously several CodeIgniter CMS systems available - FuelCMS and PyroCMS for example, but which of these (or another) would be best for integrating into a developed site with minimal impact on existing code?
It depends on what you have already. Do you have RBAC in place? If so, that's already half the battle.
There's a lot out there but integrating those might turn out to be more work then writing your own system.
I've answered a similar question a while ago, about merging existing CI projects with a CMS, it might give you some more insight:
Port Codeigniter App to PyroCMS

Can Jomsocial professional component is working on localsystem?

I want to integrate social networking features in my site and i was purchase jomsocial professional component from jomsocial website and i have one problem in there features list there where define 1 Domain
Support single installation
so i am not sure to install in my local system.
Type in the domain that you will be using on your live site. You are still allowed to install on your localhost as it is for testing purposes. The extension doesn't deactivate once you have installed it for the first time ;)
