Umbraco 7.x vs Drupal 8.x - umbraco7

Currently, Im in the evaluation process between MVC CMS , I like the clean way in coding of the UMBRACO 7.0.x , with the many W3C standard which implemented there.
Recently , I found that Drupal has new release 8.0 , which has new architecture supporting MVC.
As I'm totally new to Drupal world , I would appreciate any feedback about Drupal 8.x Release From different views such as :
The learning curve and first setup and configuration..
agility & Customization
extensibility with plugins
performance & scalability
Community support
Any extra view points would be also appreciated...

I'm not a guru of Drupal.
But I can say about Umbraco -
The best community -
Latest technologies - Angular, MVC.
A lot of free plugins =
Documentation -
24 days course -
Umbraco Cloud - new way of developing web-sites with Umbraco -
Fully customizable.
Free learn Umbraco course -

I'm not guru of Umbraco. But I can say a lot about Drupal 8.x which I use for the last 8 years now.
First of all here is an overview of the new 8.x capabilities which are really amazing and move Drupal to the new age.
On individual topics now here are some helpful links.
The learning curve. It may be longer than usual but it deserves the
time. See
First setup and configuration. Easy enough for a developer. Give it a try here:
Agility & Customization: By far the best fieldable and fully customized framework. You can create fields for displays, add user permissions, show results from the db and many more and all these through a UI.
Extensibility with plugins: (3rd party libraries),, and an issue queue for each contrib module (eg
Performance & scalability:
Security: and By far the most secure open source framework.
Community support. (By far the most promising and helpful software community on the web.)
Don't forget to check the licenses (not only for core but also for plugins), the OS supported and some additional resources such as:
umbraco vs. Drupal comparison
Comparison of the usage of Drupal vs. Umbraco for websites


Porting application Domino 9.0.1 Xpages to Domino 10 with new approach

I have dozens of applications written in XPAGES (Domino 9.0.1). From the Webinar on Domino V10 seen a few weeks ago there has been a lot of talk about the new approach to development. The new approach is very similar to the MEAN development stack. For those like me who wrote dozens of applications using XPAGES with SSJS and Java and want to start writing new applications (also giving a look at the architecture to micro service) must rewrite all over again. I imagine that all the SSJS code is lost and this is certain and I believe partly the Java code. What do you think is the best approach to migrate applications to the new way to develop..I've been forced to recode the code in node.js. For you the development mode with the Xpages will be permanently abandoned in favor of the new approach.
Thank you
Why not both?
Keep the applications that are working for you, and consider coding new types of applications using N.E.R.D.

Debugging Phalcon as a PHP developer

I have been a PHP developer working with Magento for years. I'm now wanting to work on a project that has no ecommerce component, and as such Magento is not a good choice. After browsing online at the other PHP frameworks, Phalcon is touted as the best choice in terms of performance and resource use.
The main drawback I've heard is that because it's programmed C, it's hard to debug any issues that may reside in the framework. Have any PHP developers found this to be a major issue? If so, what debugging tools would you suggest to address such issues?
Thanks for your time in advance.
In short: No.
If you want more info about Phalcon, read on.
I've done with Phalcon+mysql. Now I'm building new software with Phalcon+MongoDB and one Phalcon+Mysql. I'm with Phalcon for more then a year now developing almost every day and I can tell you, there is no such debug issues. At least I haven't had any. Phalcon is very solid framework and works blazing fast. It has all it needs to have. Developing is also very active, they are building new version already and the best part is that there shouldn't be any pain-points with Phalcon while updating it on your machine.
If you like pre-generate folders and files, you should check out this repository on github:
I've updated IDE stubs to newest version to get auto-completion working. You can find those here:
My experience with Phalcon:
Easy updates of framework. Just update your apache's or nginx's module and that's it.
I haven't had any issues after update of framework. Try develop anything with Zend v1.x and update it to 2.x You will have to update a ton of your code.. With Phalcon there is no such problem. I think it's very important in long-term projects.
My IDE is not filled up with 5000+ files of framework, so it works faster while developing.
Phalcon is precompiled, so it's fast because of low I/O and compiling. I saw guys who made server response ±40ms with Symfony, but it was such a challenge for them.. With Phalcon it's just daily stuff. You have 20-60ms response from server without any extra caching layers.
It saves money. Less CPU + less RAM = less $ for servers.
I've tried Zend and Symfony. Also years ago was working with Joomla, Drupal and WordPress. Phalcon is my main framework now and after it and don't want to look back :)
If you are starting up with Phalcon, should find useful things on my github acc:
Have fun ;)
Phalcon 2 progress:
Phalcon 2 is written with Zephir (language to build apache/nginx extensions):
I've tried writing my won extension with Zephir and it's really easy to do :) I never liked C family languages because of it's strict stuff compared to PHP. And Zephir is language, which is familiar to PHP, but you write apache/nginx extension with it. So if you even not using Phalcon framework, but you have some heavy tasks, you can easily write precompiled extension for it. Play with it ;)

Add CMS subsystem to Codeigniter site

I have a rather complex (one man year development in total) specialist website application based on a CodeIgniter framework. I now have a requirement to add CMS functionality to it so that the users can add articles and similar content to the system to compliment the main functionality.
There are obviously several CodeIgniter CMS systems available - FuelCMS and PyroCMS for example, but which of these (or another) would be best for integrating into a developed site with minimal impact on existing code?
It depends on what you have already. Do you have RBAC in place? If so, that's already half the battle.
There's a lot out there but integrating those might turn out to be more work then writing your own system.
I've answered a similar question a while ago, about merging existing CI projects with a CMS, it might give you some more insight:
Port Codeigniter App to PyroCMS

Starting a journey with CMS - which product will suits my requirements

I'm starting a journey with CMS. I would like to create a few simple web sites: my pastime blog, programmres blog (but I would be something more than just a plain blog) & three web sites: for my father's & uncle's shops + simple web sites that helps to learn English :)
When it comes to by programming background, I was PHP developer for 2 years so I thought I could use that experience. I found WordPress & Joomla as probably the two most popular platforms. However WordPress is usually recommended as best bloogging platform. What about being a CMS? So perhaps one of them is better as CMS? Or there's something else ever more suitable for my needs (Drupal)?
On every day basis I'm ASP .NET MVC 3 developer, so perhaps you could recommend a good MVC3, active CMS project?
EDIT: How about ASP Project: Orchard?
I would always advocate Drupal over Joomla for CMSs. They are similar in what they offer. WordPress in more beginner friendly but is (currently) less "customisable" and has a different, more blog-oriented, focus. Drupal is very full featured and is easy to manage and install. I believe Joomla is getting better with the release of 1.7 and/or 2.5LTS.
Drupal's community is more comprehensive and as such you get plenty of support. You can choose a very wide range of functional complexity with Drupal that you can't with WordPress. Joomla is similar in this regard but there are a few key things that I prefer from a development perspective with Drupal over Joomla:
Modules and plugins are more plug and play with Drupal and easier to manage.
When you develop a module in drupal you there are code "hooks" to bind to the core where as Joomla you extend the core
The drupal website admin is more intuitively designed and easier to manage modules etc.
Installation and update/upgrading of Drupal is more universally developer friendly (i.e. you don't need to be an expert and if you aren't you are not too likely to destroy your sites!). That said Joomla seems to be starting to follow Drupal more closely now so it will probably start getting better.
The main reason I would advocate Drupal for your needs it your requirement for a variation of functionality. You can enable and disable functionality very easily in Drupal and you can drag and drop themes etc. with ease. I use Joomla every day in work and my experience Drupal is king!
It's not very difficult to use WordPress as a CMS. A good resource is The blog itself should help, but the Digging into WordPress book has a chapter about how to turn WordPress into a CMS. The great thing is you'll get a lifetime subscription of the book, so when new versions of the book come out, you will get the updated PDF for free.
My personal preference is with WordPress. It seems to have the largest user community, which means more answered questions, more plugins, more places to find cool themes, etc.
If you have PHP experience, it's probably your best bet.
As far as WP being a CMS, it has definitely goot the tools you need for a fully functioning website. A lot of the times I use WP as a CMS for clients, because it's so easy for them to catch on, and there is always a way for them to google any question they might have and find an answer without having to contact me for support.
Additionally, WP is great if you know some PHP code and can write your own custom plugins.
There are TONS you can do with it. Take a look at the most recent change log. It's got some great stuff. for more info and download.
As far as ASP CMS, I've used Sitefinity in the past (only because I HAD to for work). I didn't find it to be nearly as intuitive as wordpress, and frankly I just don't like ASP. I find it to be clunky and not nearly as easy to modify and theme as PHP. Just my personal opinion of course.
Also, I'm not sure Sitefinity is free, so there is always that to consider. I'm not sure there are many free ASP CMS options as there are for PHP.
Although for simply blogging WordPress is the leading choice, for a CMS I would go with Joomla. There are many extensions that you can use with Joomla, the templates are very easy to edit if you have past experience with PHP, and the native CMS that it comes with is very verbose. Joomla has a strong community behind it, and they support many different aspects of a CMS and are constantly adding new features. Implementing a Blog in Joomla is very easy.
WordPress is certainly the leading choice... if you weren't wanting to use your developer skills. Writing a plugin for WordPress is rather agnostic to programming style (or ability), and is great for entry-level designers, but if you're looking to apply your MVC skills, of the two Joomla would be the choice.
The reason I say this is that Joomla more or less forces extensions to be MVC compliant. They also have a very strong and healthy community (the WP community in comparison is cut-throat, dog-eat-dog, the loudest-jackass-wins kind of a thing) and recently have abstracted the PHP framework layer away from the CMS, so if you're into really hardcore architectural web application coding, you can play with just its framework independently.
WordPress == get it done fast, elegantly (novice & designer focus)
Joomla == get it done right, with some work (business, programmer, and hobbyist focus)
Drupal == build every function of your site from the ground up, then rebuild it again when the next version comes out (engineer focused)
Bottom line is that you won't find good MVC driven CMS at this point in time. I have done very similar research and went through a range of vendors (both commercial and open source).
Yes, Orchard is available and based on your requirements it might be up to the job, however, I'd say that it's mainly for small size businesses that want some basic content management functionality.

What are the advantages of using an MVC framework over e.g. Drupal to build a large website? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am writing a comparison between 3 technology options for building our new website:
An MVC framework
The boss is sure we should use Wordpress, but the site will be big, with many sections, subsections, pages, and complicated templates.
I'm finding it easy to compare WP + Drupal, but not so easy to state the additional advantages (over Drupal) of using an MVC framework.
So far I have:
Custom data storage, content types, semantics
Separation of logic / UI
Convention, code structure
(Obviously some of the benefits will be different depending on the type of project. In this case it will be a large portal for a museum, with potential for some social stuff for visitors)
It's difficult to compare a CMS (e.g., Drupal, WordPress) with an MVC framework because they are in different categories.
To specifically answer your question about the advantage of an MVC framework over a CMS, the advantage of an MVC framework is simply that it allows you to design the exact web app you need from the ground up.
As for your particular situation:
Using an existing CMS such as WordPress or Drupal would be an excellent idea if they fit your needs. It avoids reinventing the wheel, saves you time, and CMSs can be quite user-friendly (to varying degrees). If you plan to delegate the task of content updates to a non-technical user, then it might be prudent to choose a novice-friendly CMS rather than spinning your own with an MVC framework, possibly resulting in an app that requires more technical expertise to maintain.
If, however, you envision that the website will require a lot of custom business logic that would be difficult to implement within the constraints of a CMS, then you might need to use an MVC framework.
Thanks everyone for your answers. I made the case for using a Framework or Drupal, but it was decided that we should go with Wordpress, or at least start building on Wordpress and see how it goes.
FWIW here are the notes I came up with:
A personal publishing tool, blogging platform
Many available widgets +
Multi-author support / workflow +
Social features (BuddyPress) +
Integration (BBPress etc) +
Easy, common +
Simple UI +
Able to manage multiple blogs (with WordPress MU) +
Only 2 content types (post or page) -
Not a real "CMS" / blog mentality -
Inflexible heirachy (no sections) -
Limited semantics -
Limited template choices for authors -
Messy code -
Security / exploits -
A content management framework, CMS construction kit, tools to build sites. For 'non programmers' to build websites, building blocks
Made for big sites / portals +
Social features built in (each user has own profile/log, extensible) +
Page type selection/config by authors (block system) +
Scope for structured data / semantics +
Multiple content types (press releases, news articles, blog posts, etc.) +
Good community / tools +
Blank canvas +
Many features +
Good image handling +
Complex UI -
"Black box", very abstract code, learning curve! -
Customizing / theming is difficult -
It allows you to design the exact web app you need from the ground up
Extensible +
Control of semantics, data storage +
APIs / Data / REST / Web services +
Current, modern tools, cutting edge +
Separation of logic/presentation (MVC design pattern) +
Convention - structured code, workflow +
Reuse/combine content +
Allows development of multiple UIs without touching business logic codebase +
Robust API / standards / patterns +
DRY (don't repeat yourself) +
Learning curve -
Need to design a custom UI -
Overkill? (depending on goals) -
You can't really compare WP or Drupal and MVC framework. What you can do is to decide whether to use an existing content-management system or roll out your own and compare ROI, TCO, development cost, etc.
As someone who has worked on various home rolled CMS systems for the best part of the last decade my advice is don't roll your own. If you have some unique application then MVC is a nice way to code up web applications, but it's ease won't counterbalance the thousands of man hours spend building and millions of page hits of testing the OSS ones have.
Drupal is not only a nice CMS system but also is a pretty good framework for building bespoke web functionality, so you get a lot for free and only have to spend time working on what is unique to your site. (after you have learnt how to code on drupal systems)
You can build a pretty extensible site based on WP or Drupal, but you may run into design limitations set based on what the frameworks were designed to do. Drupal/WP are content management systems at the core, so if you're not managing content, you're not using the framework effectively. If you find yourself building more and more code to get around these limitations, then you have cause to build from a scratch or use a lightweight framework.
I'm currently building a site with CakePHP MVC framework and I highly recommend it. IMHO, it satisfies all of your advantages.
Drupal has MVC Layer, check out Drupal Prometheus # It has most of the features of a modern MVC framework plus the power of Drupal CMS. We recently started using it on a project for our client.
The flexibility of a CMS has a limit, though with Drupal that limit is getting smaller. There is a learning curve to accomplish what you want, and it might not be the most elegant solution if you have to fudge it together with existing extensions. Of course you can always expand the functionality of any CMS yourself, but that may take more time than using a good framework in the first place.
I had this same dilemna recently, and after trying with Drupal, eventually went with the CodeIgniter MVC PHP framework instead. Probably worth investing a few days with a CMS first, to investigate if it's possible. If you then decide it'll be too difficult, use a MVC framework instead.
Microsoft ASP MVC (for example) is a framework for building your websites on, Drupal is a content management system where you "design" your pages but don't have to write any code.
I would say the advantage of using an MVC framework to roll your own instead of using WP or Drupal are:
You only code what you need. WP and Drupal are gonna have lots of stuff you don't need sitting on your server.
The developers understand the whole codebase because they've written it from scratch - making it easier to maintain later.
WP is a big codebase (I don't know about Drupal) as soon as you require something that isn't supported by either CMS you are going to have to dig around a lot of code.
Wordpress' separation of logic / UI sucks - I mean really sucks.
More flexibility. CMSs are great as you don't try to make them do something they weren't intended to do - then they become a pain.
If you are going to push for an MVC framework then you need to look carefully at which you would choose - they are not created equal. Some of them will place restrictions on your code and website layout in the same way a CMS would.
I guess it's really down to how complex the requirements are and how well a CMS or framework will meet those. For relatively simple content delivery it may be an option to write your own lightweight MVC and build upon that.
I would advise you strongly against WordPress, it is wonderful for sites with some static pages and one blog/news section, but I made a bilingual product website based on WP 2.2 and it was a major PITA with lots of hacking and writing database-reaching code into the template to make it possible.
Now I have been developing in Drupal and it is really better for larger projects (although it takes more time to set up a simple blog compared to WP) - it has wonderful modular architecture that allowed me to solve any request/problem so far by writing a module instead of hacking the core.
As for MVC/Drupal: have look what Drupal does, if you can get your result by modifying Drupal, then it is great and will save you a lot of time by not having to code the usual stuff (user registration, input sanitization, robust form handling and validation, theming infrastructure, storage abstraction, web services abstraction layer (Services module) and so on...).
Against Drupal: inherently slow, due to modular (I'm rendering a list of items, let's call all modules that implement theme_list to find out if they want to modify it) architecture, so if you are making next twitter, get a fast MVC framework instead. And caching of content for registered users still needs lot of work to be effective (a tagged cache should be in core), so sites when users are usually logged in can be slow.
I reckon Drupal is MVC. Drupal uses a theming system which is your views and a menu system which is your controller. The modules are your models. Sure, the menu is fragmented into various modules but it's still basically MVC right?
