How nest ancillary command in bash arithmetic command - bash

I want to print the uptime for a jvm which is running on my machine. I can do that using jcmd. However I want to print it out in minutes. So, I tried the following:
bash-3.2$echo $(($(jcmd 785 VM.uptime)/60))
However this isn't working. I get the following error:
bash-3.2$ echo $(($(jcmd 785 VM.uptime)/60))
bash: 785:
1541.343 s/60: syntax error in expression (error token is ":
1541.343 s/60")
If I assign $(jcmd 785 VM.uptime) to a variable first and substitute that into the arithmetic expression, it still doesn't work. Any idea how I can get this to work?

Your output is not an integer, and has a character 's'. You should cut unnecessary part:
echo $(( $(jcmd 785 VM.uptime |sed 's/^\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\1/')/60 ))
echo "scale=4;$(jcmd 785 VM.uptime |sed 's/ s//')/60" |bc
-- this will give you a float value.


Updating (sequentially adding a value into) a variable within a for loop, in bash script

I am trying to update a variable within a for loop, sequentially adding to the variable, and then printing it to a series of file names.
Actually, I want to sequentially update a series of file, from a tmp file distTmp.RST to sequentially dist1.RST, dist2.RST, etc..
The original distTmp.RST contains a line called "WWW". I want to replace the string with values called 21.5 in dist1.RST, 22.5 in dist2.RST, 23.5 in dist3.RST, etc...
My code is as follows:
for W in {${wm}..${wM}..${wS}}; do
F=$(${F} + 1 | bc)
echo ${F}
sed "s/WWW/"${F}"/g" distTmp.RST > dist${W}.RST
echo ${F}
But I am getting error message as follows: line 13: 20.5 + 1 | bc: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".5 + 1 | bc")
Kindly suggest me a solution to the same.
Kindly suggest me a solution to the same.
This might do what you wanted. Using a c-style for loop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for ((w=wm;w<=wM;w+=wS)); do
f=$(bc <<< "$F + $w")
echo "$f"
sed "s/WWW/$f/g" distTmp.RST > "dist${w}.RST"
The error from your script might be because the order of expansion. brace expansion expansion happens before Variable does.
See Shell Expansion
F=$(echo ${F} + 1 | bc)
instead of F=$((${F} + 1 | bc)). The doubled-up parentheses are what caused your error. Double parentheses weren't in the original code, but I get a different error saying 20.5: command not found with the original code, so I tried doubling the parentheses and get the error in the question. Apparently, floating point numbers aren't supported by $(()) arithmetic evaluation expressions in Bash.

evaluate program output as an integer in bash

I have an application which outputs a string with a number, like this:
output number is 20.
I have a code which parses output and cutting out only the number:
result=$(./my_script | awk 'print $4')
echo $result
the result output will be "20" as expected, but now, if I would try to use it as an integer, for example:
then I will get an error:
13915: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "20")
Using it as a seq argument will also give an error
$(seq 0 $result)
seq: invalid floating point argument: ‘\033[?25h\033[?0c20’
trying to print it with %q will give the same result:
printf '%q' $result
So, it looks like there are some unexpected characters in the string, but I'm not sure how to trim them?
Thank you!
You can try to get the number by using Regex.
It worked for me:
result=$(bash | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')
echo $r
Hope this helps.
Or, simply, change the field separator
result=$(./my_script | awk -F '[. ]' '{print $4}')
echo $result

Subtract 2 array values having floating point decimals

I'm reading a file with multiple columns, and dumping 2 columns of the file into into 2 different arrays. Now based on a condition, I need to get the difference between 2 values retrieved from the array. So my code looks like this -
if [ condition ]; then
VAL = (( ${local[$x]} - ${local[$y]} ))
The thing is, while I'm able to echo and see both values ${local[$x]} and ${local[$y]}, the subtraction operation gives me a syntax error. I understand it's failing because the values currently held within the array involve floating point decimal values - like 3456712.126758, and the assignment throws errors with the decimal part. I understand arithmetic operations are not a strong point with the bash shell as floating point numbers are considered strings hence the issue.
Could you please help getting the right format please?
Should I do something like this
VAL= awk '{ print ${local[$x]} - ${local[$y]} }'
VAL=echo ${local[$x]} - ${local[$y]} | bc -l
I'm sure the syntax above is wrong, kindly help with the syntax, I need it assigned the subtracted result assigned to the field VAL.
Not only floating points, but also the spacing would lead to syntax errors. Bash variable assignments must have no spaces, as in val=x, and not val = x.
Uppercase variable names are reserved for environment variables, and it is recommended to use lowercase instead for your own variables. (Oh, and local is also a reserved word.)
Your assignment wouldn't work with proper spacing, either: the arithmetic expression
var=(( ${vals[$x]} - ${vals[$y]} )) # syntax error near unexpected token `('
is just evaluating its contents, but not returning anything. You could use the part after the = as a condition. To make it return something, you need arithmetic expansion (note the extra $):
var=$(( ${vals[$x]} - ${vals[$y]} )) # works for integers
In an arithmetic context, you don't even need to prepend $ to your variables:
var=$(( vals[x] - vals[y] ))
works just as well. Exception: in associative arrays, you still have to do it for indices:
$(( vals[$x] ))
And finally, as you noticed, this all doesn't work for floating point numbers. Instead of piping to bc, you can also use a here string and avoid spawning a subshell:
$ vals=(1.1 2.2)
$ x=0
$ y=1
$ echo $(( local[x] - local[y] )) # No '$' needed for variable expansion
bash: 1.1: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".1") # But :(
$ bc -l <<< "local[x] - local[y]" # Requires '$' - these expand to nothing
$ bc -l <<< "${local[x]} - ${local[y]}" # Works!
With awk:
awk -v a=${a} -v b=${b} 'BEGIN{print a - b}'
With bc:
echo "${a} - ${b}" | bc -l
See also other options here.

(standard_in) 1: syntax error in bash script

I'm trying to generate some quasi random numbers to feed into a monte carlo simulation. I'm using bash. I seem to have hit a syntax error which I've narrowed down to being in this bit of code.
randno4=($RANDOM % 100001)
upper_limit4=$(echo "scale=10; 1*75.3689"|bc)
lower_limit4=$(echo "scale=10; 1*75.1689"|bc)
range4=$(echo "scale=10; $upper_limit4-$lower_limit4"|bc)
t_twall=`echo "scale=10; ${lower_limit4}+${range4}*${randno3}/100001" |bc`
echo "$t_twall"
Does anyone know why I the below output and not a value between 75.3689 and 75.1689 as that is what I would be expecting?
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
The first line should looks like :
randno4=$((RANDOM % 100001))
(( )) is bash arithmetic, with the leading $ , the value is substituted : $(( ))
When you wrote
randno4=( )
you try to feed an ARRAY with a arithmetic expression with the wrong syntax.
And finally, like Etan Reisner said, You also use $randno3 in the t_twall assignment line which is undefined

sed backreferences and command interpolation

I am having an interesting issue using only sed to substitute short month strings (ex "Oct") with the corresponding number value (ex "10) given a string such as the following:
Oct 14 09:23:35 some other input
To be replaced directly via sed with:
14-10-2013 09:23:25 some other input
None of the following is actually relevant to solving the trivial problem of month string -> number conversion; I'm more interested in understanding some weird behavior I encountered while trying to solve this problem entirely with sed.
Without any attempt of this string substitution (the echo statement is in lieu of the actual input in my script):
MMM_DD_HH_mm_SS="([A-Za-z]{3}) ([0-9]{2}) (.+:[0-9]{2})"
echo "Oct 14 09:23:35 some other input" | sed -r "s/$MMM_DD_HH_mm_ss (.+)/\2-\1-\3 \4/"
Then how to transform the backreference \1 into a number. Of course one thinks of using command interpolation with the backreference as an argument:
echo "received input $1$1"
echo "Oct 14 09:23:35 some other input" | sed -r "s/$MMM_DD_HH_mm_ss (.+)/\2-$(TestFunc \\1)-\3 \4/"
Where TestFunc would be a variation of the date command (as proposed by Jotne below) with the echo'd date-time group as an input. Here TestFunc is just an echo because I'm much more interested in the behavior of what the function believes to be the value of $1.
In this case the sed with TestFunc produces the output:
14-received input OctOct-09:23:35 some other input
Which suggests that sed actually is inserting backreference \1 into the command substitution $(...) for handling by TestFunc (which appears to receive \1 as the local variable $1).
However, all attempts to do anything more with the local $1 fail. For example:
echo "processed: $1$1" > tmp.txt # Echo 1
if [ "$1" == "Oct" ]; then
echo "processed: 10"
echo "processed: $1$1" # Echo 2
14-processed: OctOct-09:23:35 some other input
$1 has been substituted into Echo 2, yet tmp.txt contains the value processed: \1\1; as if the backreference is not being inserted into the command substitution. Even weirder, the if condition fails with $1 != "Oct", yet it falls through to an echo statement which indicates $1 = "Oct".
My question is why is the backreference insertion working in the case of Echo 2 but not Echo 1? I suspect that the backreference insertion isn't working at all (given the failure of the if statement in TestFunc) but rather something subtle is going on that makes the substitution appear to work correctly in the case of Echo 2; what is that subtlety?
On further reflection I believe I understand what is going on:
\\1 is passed to the command substitution subroutine / child function as the literal \1. This is why equality test within the child function is failing.
however the echo function is correctly handling the string \\1 as $1. So echo "aa$1aa" returns the result of the command substitution to sed as aa\1aa. Other functions such as rev also "see" $1 as \1.
sed then interpolates \1 in aa\1aa as Oct or whatever the backreference is, to return aaOctaa to the user.
Since command substitution within regexes clearly works, it would be really cool if sed replaced the value of \\1 (or \1, whatever) with the backreference before executing the command substitution $(...); this would significantly increase sed's power...
This might work for you (GNU sed):
s/$/\nJan01...Oct10Nov11Dec12/;s/(...) (..) (..:..:.. .*)\n.*\1(..).*/\2-\4-2013 \3/;s/\n.*//' file
Add a lookup to the end of the line and use the back reference to match on it making sure to remove the lookup table in all cases.
Here's an example of passing a backreference to a function:
f(){ echo "x$1y$1z"; }
echo a b c | sed -r 's/(.) (.) (.)/'"$(f \\2)"'/'
Use the correct tool:
date -d "Oct 14 09:23:35" +"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"
14-10-2013 09:23:35
Date does read your input and convert it to any format you like
