Different versions for different countries playstore? - google-play

Can I publish different versions of my app for different countries?
Its functionality has to change if a user is from USA or from Israel for example.
Thank you!

There is concept of multiple apk's https://developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html unfortunately it cannot be customized to country specific...
Option 1 - Release multiple projects e.g. com.XXX.USA com.XXX.IND com.XXX.UK etc and release each app only to that specific country.
Option 2 - Modify your program to take input from user as country and change application flow based on country selected.


LUIS, change the culture and change also some function

I'm learning Microsoft LUIS but I found a strange fedback using app in different cultures.
I'm italian so my app should have it-it as the culture but I saw that there are almost two things that are different from an app with culture en-us and one with culture it-it:
1) I can't use prebuild domains on italian app;
2) the entity "DateTimeV2" is not present and the first version of this entity don't seem work as well as DateTimeV2 used on the other app.
Could someone tell me if these difference could be caused because I have a free account?
At the moment DateTimeV2 is available for LUIS model based on model language. This limitation has no relation to paid or trial subscription and it is defined in this overview: Entities per culture
You might contribute to MS Recognizers-Text GitHub project to have all entities in Italian too.
The prebuilt domains are slightly different concept. You can create "own domain" as one of your LUIS applications. Once you are satisfied you may export the application definition to json
and then import this definition under new name when needed.

Mobile version duplicates the languages

I have a Magento site with one domain, one store and a store view for each language. I need to add a mobile version of the site and have that in all the languages.
If I add another store for the mobile version then store views for each language, I land up duplicating all the languages in the admin area.
The only solution I can see is to have 2 instances of Magento. One with all the store structures (acting front end – install A) and one with all the product (acting backend – install B)
Install A would have two stores and all languages per store and install B would have one store and store views for each language so we only manage each language once.
We would then need to connect these two Magento instances using the API (xml with SOAP). This way we manage each language once and the front end can have as many variations of that language as we like.
Does this look like a workable solution or is there a simpler way to achieve this functionality?
You don't need 2 magento versions.
Magento supports different themes on the same store view for different devices.
All you need to to is to configure a different theme.
For this go to: System->Configuration->Design, select each store view from the top left selector, or Default config if you want to use the same theme for all languages.
In the Theme section you can click on the Add Exception button under the field you need changed (most probably all that support exceptions) and fill in the following.
Matched Expression - iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|Palm|Googlebot-Mobile|Mobile|mobile|mobi|Windows Mobile|Safari Mobile|Android|Opera Mini
Value - The name of your mobile theme.

Using Magento to track inventory for two separate stores

I recently found the following add-on: http://innoexts.com/store-view-pricing/
And while it is great that I’m able to separate prices by store view, I also want to keep track of stock on a store view basis.
Here’s the scenario.
I’m currently selling collectible cards on my site for different games. (Magic: The Gathering, Universal Fighting System, etc.)
What I would like to do is have the same inventory appear on two different websites:
Buy (where customers can BUY the cards from me)
Sell (where customers will SELL their cards to me)
I know that I will need to set up either a separate website/store view under Magento’s backend. That’s fine. I also know that I will need to configure special payment modules in the backend (because people shouldn’t be paying me to sell their cards). But what I’m mostly looking for is guidance on how to set these two up.
The inventory (for the most part) will be shared between the two sites (with the exceptions of products I’m only interested in selling).
Can anyone help? I've tried to research inventory and the separate stores bit but to no avail.
I think possibly what you're looking for is a "Marketplace" type extension, maybe similar to the Unirgy Dropship extension, which allows you to have sellers add their products to the site (and fulfill them as well).
This would probably be a better model than having a seller go through a modified "checkout" flow with a customized payment gateway module in order for them to add their catalog to the site.

Joomla membership for old articles

I would like my Joomla website to behave like this:
All users can view new articles
When new articles are published over sometime (say 1 week), they become
old articles. (This part can be done
manually, if there are no extension
for it.)
Normal users can only view the title of old articles. If they click them, they are asked to pay.
Paid users can view old articles.
All users can search against new and old articles. But as mentioned, only paid users can view old articles.
What kind of extensions do I need?
Thank you very much.
I asked AEC (Account Expiration Control) support about my requirements. Here the reply I got:
AEC is not an Access Restriction
component but a Membership Manager
that happens to be good at telling
other components what they should do.
Many users extend the Joomla
usergroups with components like
FlexiAccess, JACL or JUGA. With
extended usergroups (and, in this
case, Access Levels), you can restrict
access to articles, categories and
menu entries. I would advise that the
best idea might be to check out the
ACL components - AEC can cater to
pretty much all of them so that it's
more of a question whether the ACL
components can do what you want to
Also - archiving articles is
completely out of scope for AEC, so
you'd have to find out how to
accomplish this in your content
Updated 2:
I think AEC might be the one I need.
You can do this by using Access Expiration Control. You will have to do the follwing :
Create plans for your users and handle the plans ( Free, Monthly, Life time .. etc ) , the payment and the access control.
Create menu item for the archived articles.
Use ACE to make accessing this part of the site restricted to payed members.
Profit $$$
This is how I see how it could be done ... I've used on many sites but not for archived contents so I would recommend you contact the developers at their site and ask them about your case.

sharepoint moss 2007: How do I show different categories of events to different categories of users?

Consider a user group: Canadians, I want to show them only events with either Canadian category or Canadian location. Is this possible?
Take a look at audience targeting http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=sharepoint+target+audiences
