How to modify HTTP request before sending in JMeter through Beanshell pre processor? - jmeter

I have test case in my csv file. The request URL has a custom variable.
Sample URL : .../abc/$id
I need to replace this id by the id that we get in response from the previous request. I used json extractor to fetch the id from the response. Now I need to update this id in the next test case request. Fetched the Request URL from jmeter context using below code:
String path = ctx.getCurrentSampler().toString();
path.replaceAll("$id", id);
I am not able to set this updated URL in jmeter context (ctx)

You need to assign new path value to path variable
You need to set sampler path to the new value using sampler.setPath() method
So you need to amend your code like:
String path = ctx.getCurrentSampler().toString();
path = path.replaceAll("$id", id);
Also consider switching to JSR223 PreProcessor and Groovy language as Groovy performance is much higher, it better supports new Java features and provides some extra "syntax sugar" on top. See Groovy is the New Black article for details.

Try to avoid the pre / post processors if possible.
Your requirement is very simple and straight forward.
Directly use this in the path - assuming id is the name of variable which has the value.


How to fetch parent url of the current failing url in jmeter?

I am trying to fetch the parent url of the current failing request (for eg consider a travel website ,parent url will be search creteria and current url is selecting flights page).How can we do it .I tried it with putting a if controller after failing url and a beanshell so that it fetches the parent url of all the failings flights request. But what is happening is ,if the current flight request is falining it wont go to the next if controller at all. Execution stops. Can someone guide me with the better way?
First of all forget about Beanshell, you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting starting at least from JMeter version 3.1 (for earlier versions it was also recommended, however Groovy engine wasn't included in JMeter distribution)
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the 2nd request
Put the following code into "Script" area:
if (!prev.isSuccessful()) {'Previous sampler name: ' + ctx.getPreviousSampler().getName())'Previous sampler URL: ' + ctx.getPreviousSampler().getUrl().toString())
That's it, you should see the name of the previous sampler and its URL in the Log Viewer panel and in jmeter.log file
You can save the URL into a JMeter Variable like:
vars.put('url', ctx.getPreviousSampler().getUrl().toString())
once done you will be able to access the value as ${url} where required.
prev stands for current SampleResult
ctx is a shorthand for JMeterContext
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables
See JavaDoc for the above classes for description of used functions and Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more information on Groovy scripting in JMeter.

How to save values from HTTP response with JMeter?

on a JMeter test plan, I have too many HTTP requests. One of these creates a new session every time when clicking the create button.
How do I store that session_id in a CSV file for further operation?
Given you have already extracted this session_id using the relevant JMeter PostProcessor you can save its value into a file using JSR223 PostProcessor and the code like:
new File('/path/to/your/file.csv') << vars.get('session_id') << System.getProperty('line.separator')
Make sure you select groovy in the "Language" dropdown and tick Cache compiled script if available box.
If ${session_id} variable exists - JMeter will store its value(s) in the file provided.
There are a few ways to do it. The most useful is RegExp post processor.
It could be found here as it is shown in the following image.
Place it under Request that returns needed data in response.
The RegExp catches groups and stores them under different variable names, based on Name of Create Variable. The values could be searched in different areas of Response, as it is demonstrated in the image, we can search in headers, redirected pages, main bodies and so on. The Stored variable could be re-used in other HTTP Requests or processors (Post and Pre) through ${VariableName} (e.g. ${JSESSION_ID})
Reference name
RegExp itself
Capturing group
Match number
A default value to set if RegExp didn't work
If a value is not found, the DEBUG in cooperation with Tree Results Viewer can help. Here they are :
The general script structure might look like :
Add BeanShell PostProcessor. Copy, paste the below code (with your modifications for path and var).
var = vars.get("your_variable_name");
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("/your/desired/path/results.csv", true);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);

Extracting value from jmeter post request

I want to extract value of the parameter sent through post request in jmeter.
I know the use of regular expression for extracting response value or request URL but here I would like to extract the value of post request.
I've been thorough how to extract value from request in Jmeter but it didn't worked.
Not sure why do you need it as given you sending "something" you should already have that "something" hence you don't need to extract it, however here you go:
In order to save 1st parameter value (or the whole post data if you use "Body Data" mode):
Add Beanshell PostProcessor as a child of the HTTP Request.
Put the following code into the PostProcessor's "Script" area:
String request = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getArguments().getArgument(0).getValue();
vars.put("request", request);
You will be able to access extracted value as ${request} where required.
ctx - shorthand for JMeterContext class instance
getCurrentSampler() - in case of HTTP Request sampler stands for HTTPSamplerProxy
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more information on using JMeter and Java API from Beanshell test elements in your JMeter test.
I added a Beanshell PostProcessor in my http request with following code.
import org.apache.jmeter.config.Argument;
import org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments;
Arguments argz = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < argz.getArgumentCount(); i++) {
Argument arg = argz.getArgument(i);
String a = arg.getValue();
Explanation: I get a my request as a json and put it in EMAIL. Now I can use EMAIL as a variable in my other request.
Then, I added a jp#gc Json Path Extractor and I applied it to a Jmeter Varaible.
Now, Email will be used as variable, which contains my json request and I can extract using jsonPath Extractor.
An easy way to do this is using the JSON Path Extractor.
There are just
For the example you gave
{ "data" : { "name" : "john_doe", } }
'Variable Name: YourNewVar'
'JSON Path: $'
Should work, but you may need to do some experimenting.
You may want to add a "debug sampler" (its one of the standard samplers) and put in its title $YourNewVar so you can see what is being extracted.
Beanshell and "Regular Expression Extractor" will work, of course, but may be a little harder to use if you are not familiar with them.

How can I get name of HTTP Request from field Name with BeanShell?

I Need to get to variable field from http request which is called Name.
If anyone could give my examples how can I get other fields such as : Path, Server name or IP using beanshell?
Thank you in advance
Add Beanshell PreProcessor as a child of the request
Use following code lines to get the required values:
String name = sampler.getName(); // get parent sampler name
String path = sampler.getUrl().getPath(); // get path
String url = sampler.getUrl().getHost(); // get IP or hostname
you can also store values into JMeter Variables if required like
vars.put("name", name);
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for comprehensive information on using Beanshell scripting in your JMeter test.
Below code can give you the HTTP Request Name field value
I think you can do it without beanshell. Just use inside your sampler

How to Get, Assign the Span Id value in JMeter Beanshell?

I have created a User Defined Variable with name as "Status" and a default value as "Started".
I got a HTML Response, with following content:
<SPAN id="ApplicationStatus"> Interrupted</SPAN>
I want to get the Span Id value and use in beanshell samplers to process further either in If Controller or Switch Controller.
I used Regular Expression extractor to extract the value needed and its working too.
But when i say vars.get("Status") will always return me the default value "Started".
Is there a way where i can extract the required value "Interrupted" and substitute that to the user defined variable "Status"?
Yes you can get that value of #ApplicationStatus into your User Defined Variable (UDV).
You can use regex but really you shouldn't for this type of parsing I'm not going to get into many reasons why.
Here is how you can do it using alternative (better solution IMHO) :
String html = "<SPAN id=\"ApplicationStatus\"> Interrupted</SPAN>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
String value ="#ApplicationStatus").first().text();
//Put value in UDV Status
vars.put("Status", value);
You can add this to your sampler that does this kind of parsing i.e Beanshell sampler, here are the imports (which go above this code) :
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
Please note that this code is Jsoup dependent so you will need to download jsoup jar and put it in your $JMETER_HOME/lib directory.
Hope this sheds some light on your issue.
If you want to avoid Java, I've written small jmeter post processor component that extracts text value from HTML element. Take a look at :
If you go over the steps how to install the post processor from the page above, you would use it as follows :
Right click on your sampler. Add a Post Processors -> Html Extractor , in the jquery selector field write #ApplicationStatus and store result in variable of your choice (Status). Following this add Debug Sampler, if in your Debug sampler there is variable Status with the value Html Extractor is working! you're done!
I can't reproduce your issue.
Here is my plan:
- User defined variables with variable Status
- Thread Group
- HTTP Request
- Regular expression extractor with reference name = Status
- Beanshell Sampler that logs Status variable
Beanshell sampler logs value that was received in Regular Expression Extractor
