Spring boot application with config-server not working when using JWT authentication - spring-boot

I am new to using config server for getting external configuration from Github repository.
In my application.yml file of spring boot application I have used below piece of lines and it works fine when I comment JWT authentication part in my application, spring boot application can fetch updated configurations from github repository.
enabled: false
enabled: false
My question is what if I don't include above code in my yml file, will it work fine? because when i remove above lines, it throws 401 unauthorized error.
Second thing my spring boot application is secured with JWT authentication, when I enable my JWT authentication with yml file having above piece of code, then on providing valid token also it gives 403 forbidden error.
Someone please guide me how resolve this, I am trying to resolve this from last 1 week but no luck. Thanks in advance.

I believe you have <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-security</artifactId> as a dependency in your POM.xml and therefore you will always get a 401 Unauthorized if you do not provide the default password (which you can see in logs on service startup) and if you have removed that config from your bootstrap.yml
If you are getting a 403 Forbidden, then it means that the user was able to login with credentials (means authenticated successfully) but is not "authorized" to do the action being performed. Check the roles of the user(log them or debug).


Spring Security with SOAP web service is working in Tomcat, but not in WebLogic

I have created a sample SOAP Web Service project (spring boot) and trying to integrate Okta as a resource server for authentication.
I am able to deploy the application to WebLogic, but when testing the service using SOAP UI, it gives the response even when there is no Token included in the header.
When I access WSDL from a browser using my wsdl url, http://myhost:port/appservice/app.wsdl I see the 401 error, so I think it is picking up the Security config changes. But it is not working for SOAP requests, I would get response even with out Okta token.
Is it because for SOAP requests, do I need to include any interceptors on top of Security Config java file. Or am I taking a wrong path for security with SOAP. Can someone let me know what am I missing or point me to right direction. Is token validation part of WS-Security? or the authentication manager in Okta resource server enough for this?
I followed this documentation to create it.
I have read most of the SO questions related to this and spring documentation, but could not connect the missing dots. Please help me with this. After spending lot of time, I felt like I was moving in circles.
I have enabled spring security debug logs by doing below
I haven't made any big changes to my configuration, but when I ran the project on embedded tomcat locally, it started working. To run on Tomcat, I changed packaging from war to jar, excluded Tomcat in my POM and in my Main class, I had to remove the SpringBootServletInitializer and WebApplicationInitializer. That's it. I tested SOAP UI with the Okta bearer token and it gave me response. With out the token it did not give me response.
Spring Security not working only in case of WebLogic12c. I don't know what I am missing to include for that to work in WebLogic. when deployed through Tomcat, request is passed through all the beans in Security Filter Chain {
But on WebLogic, the request is passed only through first four beans in Security Filter Chain {WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter,
I just wanted to update the alternate solution I found for this problem, for completeness.
Spring Security Filter chain was not working for Weblogic, where as same was working in Tomcat, even for Weblogic version
I had followed this example, and implemented Okta filter as spring boot version was not working in Weblogic
Thanks to #Toerktumlare, I have implemented logging with logback-spring.xml

I would like to integrate Keycloak with Spring Boot 2 and Swagger

Now, I use Spring boot version 2.0.0.RELEASE and Swagger version 3.1.6 and Keycloak of Jboss. I would like to know how to configure in application.yml then let swagger can get access_token from Keycloak.
Thanks for your help
An initial decision to make is whether to say that the user accessing the swagger page needs to have an access token (i.e. the url pattern for swagger is secured and the user has to log in to get to swagger) or you exclude the swagger URLs from keycloak so that its UI can be accessed without needing a token.
If you're using the keycloak spring boot adapter then the URL patterns to secure (and which roles are required to access them) are configured in the application.yml or application.properties file as security-constraints. As properties an example is:
This could be translated to yaml as:
-authRoles[0]: user
-patterns[0]: /customers/*
(Real yml example at https://github.com/codemonkeybr/skip/blob/master/skip-cart/src/main/resources/application.yml#L29 )
Anything not covered by security-constraints is not restricted. There's a similar way of doing this with spring security if you're not using the official keycloak adpater - normally then you do it in a SecurityConfiguration java class.
Then you face decisions based on your chosen oauth2 flow and whether you use the 'try it out' feature. You can display descriptions without necessarily needing a token but 'try it out' does need a token. That yaml example above also has a way of telling swagger the token issuer url:
token-url: ${keycloak.auth-server-url}/realms/${keycloak.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token/
client-id: skip-local
That config is read by a java swagger configuration class and is part of a whole example that you could run. This specific question of how to configure swagger to work with an oauth2 token is not specific to keycloak and is general swagger-oauth2 configuration for which there is a guide at baeldung and there's an example using a different mode in Keycloak integration in Swagger

Getting HTTP 401 with Spring Boot custom authorization server when accessing spring client

Hi everyone i am not able to proceed with following settings. your small pointers are appreciated.
problem statement
i am trying to use custom authorization server provided by spring cloud security and OAuth2 with my web application so that it can propagate access token to micro services in back end.
i can able to see my authorization server can able to provide access token and when try to ingest access token for invoking endpoints for for back end micro service it work as per expectation
problem faced
when i provide following configuration in spring boot web client(which will call my back end micro service)
in application.properties
and i provide
in my browser. it asks for credentials. i provide credentials as present with authorization server.
once valid credentials provided authorization server asks for valid scopes.
but one important thing i observe when my web client routed to authorization server it has redirect_uri
(not ok since initially i entered http://localhost:8080)
i am also getting HTTP 401 error

How do I configure the spring boot quickstart for keycloak?

I am trying to set up a basic example spring boot site which uses keycloak for security. I have done the following
cloned and ran (gradlew bootRun) the 'complete' example from https://spring.io/guides/gs/serving-web-content/ (https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-serving-web-content.git) to verify that it works
added the following to the project's gradle dependencies:
put the following in config/application.yml:
profiles: default
server.port: 8090
- securityCollections:
- name: application section
- user
- /
realm: stl
realmKey: MIIBIjANBgkqh[etc...]
auth-server-url: http://localhost:8280/auth
ssl-required: none
resource: example-ui
secret: a117[etc...]
With these steps, I believe I've followed all the directions in https://keycloak.gitbooks.io/securing-client-applications-guide/content/v/2.2/topics/oidc/java/spring-boot-adapter.html. But now when I attempt to browse to the application, I get an error. This is what's logged to the console: No login page was defined for FORM authentication in context []
What am I missing to complete configuration of this app? From prior experience with earlier versions of other keycloak adapters, I would expect to have to specify an auth method of KEYCLOAK somewhere, but I don't know where that would go in spring boot, if indeed it goes anywhere.
Same problem here but it's only when I upgraded from Spring boot 1.4.0 to 1.4.1.
They have passed version of tomcat to 8.5.4 to 8.5.5. And every request except GET are working, only GET don't work with the message "No login page was defined for FORM authentication in context []" like you said.
Downgrading the version of tomcat did the trick for me :
Can someone know what's going on ?

Spring Cloud Config Server - Security Details

I implemented spring cloud config server and pushed it to pivotal cloud foundry. I added the below listed security details in application.yml. I did a "get" on the config server endpoint without passing any security credentials. I am able to receive a successful response , but I was expecting it to return an error saying authentication details aren't passed. Please can you let me know what I am missing?
enabled: true
name: ctp_config
password: ctp_config
If you using Spring Boot, try add to dependency 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
