I would like to integrate Keycloak with Spring Boot 2 and Swagger - spring-boot

Now, I use Spring boot version 2.0.0.RELEASE and Swagger version 3.1.6 and Keycloak of Jboss. I would like to know how to configure in application.yml then let swagger can get access_token from Keycloak.
Thanks for your help

An initial decision to make is whether to say that the user accessing the swagger page needs to have an access token (i.e. the url pattern for swagger is secured and the user has to log in to get to swagger) or you exclude the swagger URLs from keycloak so that its UI can be accessed without needing a token.
If you're using the keycloak spring boot adapter then the URL patterns to secure (and which roles are required to access them) are configured in the application.yml or application.properties file as security-constraints. As properties an example is:
This could be translated to yaml as:
-authRoles[0]: user
-patterns[0]: /customers/*
(Real yml example at https://github.com/codemonkeybr/skip/blob/master/skip-cart/src/main/resources/application.yml#L29 )
Anything not covered by security-constraints is not restricted. There's a similar way of doing this with spring security if you're not using the official keycloak adpater - normally then you do it in a SecurityConfiguration java class.
Then you face decisions based on your chosen oauth2 flow and whether you use the 'try it out' feature. You can display descriptions without necessarily needing a token but 'try it out' does need a token. That yaml example above also has a way of telling swagger the token issuer url:
token-url: ${keycloak.auth-server-url}/realms/${keycloak.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token/
client-id: skip-local
That config is read by a java swagger configuration class and is part of a whole example that you could run. This specific question of how to configure swagger to work with an oauth2 token is not specific to keycloak and is general swagger-oauth2 configuration for which there is a guide at baeldung and there's an example using a different mode in Keycloak integration in Swagger


Spring Boot Keycloak Adapter extract roles from custom field in JWT token

I'm using Spring Boot Keycloak Adapter in my backend application.
It has properties for extracting roles from JWT token:
use-resource-roles-mapping: true
If this option is set to true, then the toles of user will be extracted from token from the field resource_access.roles[]
If this option is set to false, then the roles of user will be extracted from token from the field realm_access.roles[]
But I have roles in my token in another field, roles[] are placed in root directly, without wrappers resource_access or realm_access
As I see, Keycloak adapter does not allow to customize the behaviour of extracting roles from token.
So, the question is, how do I ovveride this behaviour to extract roles from token from the field I want?
Actually, client roles are held in resource_access.{client-id}.roles, (not resource_access.roles).
Keycloak adapters were deprecated a year ago and are not compatible with spring-boot 3. Just don't use it.
You can refer to the accepted answer to "Use Keycloak Spring Adapter with Spring Boot 3" for alternatives. The solution exposed there works for spring-boot pulling versions of spring-security with SecurityFilterChain (boot 2.4 or so) with almost no modification (just a few configuration methods have been renamed in spring-security 6 (boot 3) to align reactive and servlet DSLs).
You should read the part of the answer with "my" starters which enable to configure role mapping from application.properties (or yaml): source claims (not just one claim at a time, but as many as you need), prefix and case transformation. All that for each issuer (possible to accept identities from as many realms, Keycloak instance or even from other OIDC authorization-servers than Keycloak).

oauth 2.0, JWT, Spring security, Micro services

I need some understanding on over all flow of spring security.
I have implemented oauth2 Authorization Server and a Resource server in the same Spring Boot App.Where i am able to generate JWT tokens. And sample Rest api in this app is secured and accessible only with token.
I have another spring boot app which should be secured? What should i do in this. Also i need to read the token in this service to know the role of user.
Please clarify me how to implement the step2.
You can create a module where your spring security config is implemented.
In this module is the class that is annotated with the #EnableWebSecurity annotation, where you define the open routes. I guess you already have a class like this for your sample rest API, mentioned in step 1.
Now every microseconds that has to be secured uses this module by importing it, eg as maven dependency. By this it's api is automatically secured via spring security.
Your auth service serves a jwk endpoint where every microservice can verify a token via public key.

Spring Keycloak authentication - serves both web application and web service

Our stack includes the following services, each service runs in a docker container:
Front-end in React
Backend service based on Spring boot "resource-service"
Other backend service (consumer)
Both the front-end and the consumer services communicate with the backend using REST API.
We use Keycloak as our user management and authentication service.
We would like to integrate our Spring based service "resource-service" with Keycloak by serving both web application and a service flows:
Web application - React based front-send that should get a redirect 302 from the "resource-service" and send the user / browser to login in the Keycloak site and then return to get the requested resource.
Server 2 Server coomunication - A server that need to use the "resource-service" API's should get 401 in case of authentication issues and not a redirection / login page.
There are few options to integrate Spring with Keycloak:
Keycloak Spring Boot Adapter
Keycloak Spring Security Adapter
Spring Security and OAuth2
I noticed that there is a "autodetect-bearer-only" in Keycloak documentation, that seems to support exactly that case. But -
There are a lot of integration options and I'm not sure what is the best way to go, for a new Spring boot service.
In addition, I didn't find where to configure that property.
I've used approaches one and two and in my opinion, if you are using Spring Boot, use the corresponding adapter, use the Spring Security adapter if you're still using plain Spring MVC. I've never seen the necessity for the third approach as you basically have to do everything on your own, why would anyone not use the first two methods?
As for using the Spring Bood adapter, the only configuration necessary is the following:
bearer-only: true
auth-server-url: your-url
realm: your-realm
resource: your-resource
And you're done. The bearer-only is so that you return 401 if a client arrives without a bearer token and isn't redirected to a login page, as you wanted. At least that's what's working for us :-)
After that, you can either use the configuration for securing endpoints but it's a bit more flexible to either use httpSecurity or #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity which we're doing with e. g. #Secured({"ROLE_whatever_role"}).
If you're using the newest Spring Boot version combined with Spring Cloud, you might run into this issue.
I configure my resource-servers to always return 401 when Authorization header is missing or invalid (and never 302), whatever the client.
The client handles authentication when it is required, token refreshing, etc.: Some of certified OpenID client libs even propose features to ensure user has a valid access-token before issuing requests to protected resources. My favorite for Angular is angular-auth-oidc-client, but I don't know which React lib has same features.
Keycloak adapters for Spring are now deprecated. You can refer to this tutorials for various resource-server security configuration options. It covers uses cases from most simple RBAC to building DSL like: #PreAuthorize("is(#username) or isNice() or onBehalfOf(#username).can('greet')")

Access sensitive Spring boot actuator endpoints via tokens in browser

We are using Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints with our services.
We want to secure certain endpoints which are to be accessed only by the admin/support team for troubleshooting issues.
For example, /logfile,/env,/shutdown,/restart.
As per Spring Boot Actuator documentation, sensitive endpoints are secured by ACTUATOR role. We can also enable basic authentication and provide username and password in application.yml by adding Spring Security as a dependency.
My query is this works fine for basic authentication, but we want to use Token Based authentication.
We want the Admin Support team to first obtain a Token from a custom Token Service and then pass the token while the sensitive endpoints like /logfile and so on.
I am not sure how I can securely access these endpoint because they will be accessed via browser and not using a REST client. With REST client I see there are options supported for securing the same.
If someone has secured these endpoints with tokens and accessed them via browser can you please help me on the same.

Setting Spring boot actuator with oAuth2 in the Authorisation server

I have two spring boot server applications (Spring boot 1.5.2), the first one is the resource server and the second is the authorisation server (oAuth2), I have added Spring boot actuator to both servers and configured both with the following properties:
In the resource server, I can access the actuator endpoints using a token obtained from the authorisation server for a user who hold the role ROLE_MYADMINROLE.
But in the authorisation server itself, I could not get the token working at the first place (Http Basic was working), to use the tokens, I have added a resource server configuration to it, and set the filter order at 3 after reading Spring boot documentation
OAuth2 resources are protected by a filter chain with order security.oauth2.resource.filter-order and the default is after the filter protecting the actuator endpoints by default (so actuator endpoints will stay on HTTP Basic unless you change the order).
In Spring boot release notes we have this regarding this filter order:
OAuth 2 Resource Filter
The default order of the OAuth2 resource filter has changed from 3 to
SecurityProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER - 1. This places it after the
actuator endpoints but before the basic authentication filter chain.
The default can be restored by setting
security.oauth2.resource.filter-order = 3
Now my actuator endpoint in the authorisation server accepts tokens issued from the same server, the question is why the default is Http Basic for the actuator endpoints? I assume oAuth2 is more secure than Http Basic? why I had to change the filter order in the authorisation server but not in the resource server? Here I am looking for an explanation for this rather than a solution as I have got this working as I want already.
