UWP package.appmanifest Asset generator scales up my image - windows

I am trying to create the visual assets for a UWP Windows 10 app. Using VS 2017 (15.2, 26430.6) and the package.appmanifest. When I place a 400x400 .png image into the asset generator, the size it recommends, it is scaling it up to 533x533 automatically, which is causing distortion and artifacts. The prompt does not support SVG (though it does support other vector graphic formats, namely .pdf and .ai).
In case it matters, I originally placed a 327x327 (which I thought might have been the source of the scaling). But I have since closed my solution and reopened and the scaling is still there.
Edit: Created blank new app. Placed same 400x400 image in Asset Generator and it still scales to 533x533

I have tested Asset Generator according to your description. But I can not reproduce your issue. It seems that there is some issue with the Asset Generator you create the visual assets with.
When I place a 400x400 .png image into the asset generator, the size it recommends, it is scaling it up to 533x533 automatically, which is causing distortion and artifacts. The prompt does not support SVG (though it does support other vector graphic formats, namely .pdf and .ai).
If you want to use svg file to avoid scaling problems. You could use The UWP Visual Assets Generator tool of Visual Studio. And it can create all the visual assets needed for an UWP app. You can also choose the width of your icon within the asset.
For more detail please refer to UWP Visual Assets Generator.


Use a PDF for iOS application icon

For asset catalog icons, Xamarin lets specify a single PDF, and it does all the bitmap conversion for you.
Is there a similar method available for the application icons? It would be nice to not have to generate by hand all the different sizes required?

How to export large Code Map image in Visual Studio Enterprise 2017?

When I'm trying to save large diagram as an image:
Visual Studio performs memory optimization and copies image in a lower scale. Other pixels are black:
Is there's a way how I can easily get my diagram in a high resolution?
I find a solution:
setup the zoom to max
save your codemap
than copy the image
you can paste it in paint or what ever.
What do you do it for? You can save it as vector XPS image and it will be looking nice. It can be opened on Windows PCs and printed on the paper.

Cross-platform Xamarin Changing Icon

I'm new to Xamarin, I'm doing Visual Studio with Xamarin Cross-platform development and I want to change the icon on my app.droid, well I've already read a lot, everything I've read is saying to replace every drawable folder under resources, but I guess that will be too much effort and even following the pixel format depending on the drawable folder (e.g. drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, etc) so my question is, is/are there any way(s) I can replace the icon of the app for different folders with lesser effort. Example in Ionic/Cordova I just have to do an ionic resources --icon and replace the image inside the folder resources, and will automatically create the icon to the different drawable folders.

Windows mobile shows incorrect image size

I am trying to create an application for WinMobile using SmartDevice project in VS2008 for Motorola device. I am adding image to the form. It looks good in editor and emulator but when I run it on my device, image looks smaller in two times then original. What can I do with this?
All other controls looks exactly the same as they were in editor, only images im PictureBoxes are reduced.
Please check the AutoScale Settings and the FormFactor of your project: http://www.hjgode.de/wp/2013/04/19/windows-mobile-6-5-changed-screen-geometry/
I assume you have set QVGA in the project and AutoScaleMode=DPI and run the project on a VGA device.
You can also change the picturebx to strech the image into the picture box size. So the image will be scaled up or down to fit the picture box.

Visual Studio 2010 - C++ MFC application with Ribbon UI - Transparency in bitmaps

I am playing around with a small MFC-wizard-generated application, in Visual C++ 2010, and I just decided to put my own bitmap into the resources to replace the three-cubes MFC bitmap that shows up in the ribbon UI Application Button, aka the "marble".
The original appeared to use black (0,0,0) as a transparency color, but I am unable to determine what the MFC Ribbon (mfc-feature-pack stuff) stuff in Visual Studio 2010 does to determine transparency on a bitmap used as the ribbon's main icon.
The properties of the ribbon (IDR_RIBBON) show Image=IDB_MAIN, and IDB_MAIN is a 32x32 bitmap in BMP format, loaded from a disk file called main.bmp.
Some of the bitmap resources in this project have what looks like what I would expect: A magenta color which becomes transparent, but the MFC main bitmap did not use this color scheme or palette.
Here is an example of the actual results, which are I hope show that the results are not what I wanted:
Incidentally, It does not seem possible to use an ICON resource in the Application Button, so I am a little mystified how they pull off the transparency in it.
You need to create a 32-bit bitmap that has an alpha channel for transparency. The method by which I've done this is not very straightforward but it was the only thing I could come up with.
Use Paint.Net to convert your source image into a PNG that preserves the transparency. Unfortunately Paint.Net does not support creating 32-bit bitmaps directly.
Then download AlphaConv which can create the 32-bit bitmap from the PNG file.
Translucent PNG, perhaps? Did you know that BMP files can also have alpha channels?
