Windows mobile shows incorrect image size - image

I am trying to create an application for WinMobile using SmartDevice project in VS2008 for Motorola device. I am adding image to the form. It looks good in editor and emulator but when I run it on my device, image looks smaller in two times then original. What can I do with this?
All other controls looks exactly the same as they were in editor, only images im PictureBoxes are reduced.

Please check the AutoScale Settings and the FormFactor of your project:
I assume you have set QVGA in the project and AutoScaleMode=DPI and run the project on a VGA device.
You can also change the picturebx to strech the image into the picture box size. So the image will be scaled up or down to fit the picture box.


any former recommendation for making background image in flutter app compatible with all screens?

Flutter dart
I'm about to finish programming an application and I want us to set wallpapers for the application's pages as background .. and i need your help friends if there any recommendation to make image Compatible with all screens for iOS and android
Making images as a background for every page might make your application laggy and bulky. I would rather suggest you use inbuilt options like the simple background color.
If you want to use images only then you can have different resolutions of the image as asset and using MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder you can change the image as per the size of the device.
You can have a look at this page to know more about adaptive applications

No option for Landscape in iPhone Launch Images

Is landscape splash screen supported in iPhone? I don't see the option like I do with iPad, as such:
That's Visual Studio?
Because I am able to see the iPhone Landscape option in Xamarin Studio.
Try switching on and off the "Assets Catalog" dropdown to see if that helps.
Also if that doesn't work you could change at anytime from Launch image to Launch screen and there you can configure your Storyboard for all different sizes and orientations.
Note: will check later in VS.
You could add them to your assets. I don't think image assets are rendered properly in VS. It doesn't show specialized image for iPhone, iPad, watch etc. Only the generic one.
Another thing you might want to consider is using launch story board and not launch images. That's the new way of doing it or the suggested way by Apple. You have far more control on it.
Customizing launch images - Manual approach
Open LaunchImage.launchimage and change the default launch images with your own using the proper resolution for each image (e.g., Default-568h#2x.png should be 640px x 1136px). If your images have different file names then open Contents.json and change the key filename for each image.
Xcode WYSIWYG approach
Drag and drop your Assets.xcassets into Xcode (7.1 or newer version). In the opened window choose LaunchImage and add the proper image for each iOS version and device. Close Xcode and rebuild your Xamarin app to use the new launch images.
Further info : Human guidelines reference

How do I add my images for my app icon in Xcode 6.1?

I keep getting this warning that says the size of the images are wrong and I know there right. I set one of them to 180x180 and put it in the 3x 60 pt iPhone App IOS 7,8 and it says "the size of the image is 196x193 but should be 180x180." Why does this happen?
The image is the wrong size.
To verify the actual size of the image right-click "Get Info" on the image file in the finder.
The image needs to be scalled in an image editing program, I use Graphic Converter. There are other graphic programs which will also work.

Change the icon in a (appcelerator titanium) desktop app

If I change the default default_app_logo.png with mine, i get: Packaging failed with message: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'
I am doing a desktop app. What I can do?
I tried all of kinds of PNG formats...
I am doing the package on windows platform.
I was having this exact same problem, which only occurs when trying to package the mac version. I was using a custom icon also.
Like you I replaced the default_app_logo.png with mine, and there lies the problem. For some reason, Titanium does not like the PNG format I gave this image.
So what I did is open the default_app_logo.png in GIMP, open my icon in GIMP, copy my icon to the default logo image in a new layer, hide the original image layer (the background) and hit save.
And after this manipulation, packaging for Mac works perfectly. I have no idea in whoch way the two differ, because they have exactly the same size, but the fact is that one gives the error and the other doesn't...

iphone 4 - Application doesn't show image?

I've had this app on app store with no problem until iphone 4 came out.
My home page has an image covering the whole screen.
UIImageView added in interface builder, and image path added in interface builder.
In all phones this image shows up; however, the image does not show up in any iphone 4, and instead the user sees a blank screen like the following:
Anybody knows what's causing this? thanks
I only have 1 set of images with
normal resolution
This problem only happens to one of
the images in my application which is
the background for my home page
the graphic file should not be
corrupted because the exact same
image works for all other iphones and
my image is a jpg file
image size is 480x270, which in
interface builder i make it 563x330 to display only a part of it
I have no outlet to this uiimageview
so it cannot be changed in code
With devices with the new retina display, pixel sizes are different and you have to check for the following, in particular:
Do you provide two alternatives of the image, one at old resolution, one at double resolution (named myimage.png and myimage#2x.png)
If not, does your image scale up well in size with CoreGraphics's algorithms (there are some pathological cases, though you'd have to be quite unlucky)?
Have you checked what happens (at both resolutions) when your UIImageView size changes?
Is it just one image, or all?
Is your graphics file corrupted?
It's hard to tell if it's any of these points, or something else, because you provide so damn little detail, that I stick to generic things. Comment below (or edit your question) if you need more help.
I've got two things to add to FXs thorough answer:
Considering the information you added, I would take a look at your code for setting up that UIImageView. Perhaps you use some sort of detection code or something which wasn't implemented correctly.
Would you mind sharing some code snippets?
According to Apple's documentation, you don't need to provide the ".png" extension as of iOS 4. Perhaps that is causing the problem.
Again, code snippets would help here. Specifically where you deal with loading up your image file.
Try re-saving the image and replacing it. I've occasionally corrupted files in Photoshop. This has to do with file extensions and how Mac OS ignores them, but Photoshop still uses them.
Also, it could have to do with where the image is in your XCode project. Check what Group it is in. Make sure everything is in place and then Clean and Rebuild. Remove the app from the iPhone4 (reboot) and try reinstalling.
I hope this helps.
Good luck!
If this was my code, I'd write a tiny app just to display the image in question. If it still fails it would be easier to get help debugging the problem.
