Identify a list of items using Natural Language Processing - algorithm

Is there a way for NLP parsers to identify a list?
For example, "a tiger, a lion and a gorilla" should be identified as a list
(I don't need it to be identified as a list of animals; just a list would be sufficient).
My ultimate aim is to link a common verb/word to all the items in the list.
For example, consider the sentence "He found a pen, a book and a flashlight". Here, "found" verb should be linked to all the 3 items.
Another example, "He was tested negative for cancer, anemia and diabetes". Here, the word "negative" should be linked to the three diseases.
Is this possible with any of the open-source NLP packages like OpenNLP or Stanford CoreNLP? Any other solution?
Like mentioned in one of the answers, my initial idea was to manually parse the list and find the items by looking at the placement of commas, etc.
But then I discovered Stanford NLP's OpenIE model. This seems to be doing a pretty good job. For example, "He has a pen and a book" gives the 2 relations (He;has;a pen) and (He;has;a book).
The problem with the model is that it doesn't work for incomplete sentences like, "has a pen and a book". (From what I understood, this is because OpenIE can only extract triples)
It also fails when negations are involved. Eg, "He has no pens".
Is there a solution to these problems? What are the best solutions available currently for information extraction?

I'm afraid the full answer could fill the better part of a PhD thesis :)
There are no generic tools to do what you need. You will need to write it yourself. If you look at this example, you can see that you can extract the list by starting from the token and or the comma and then traversing the graph around it to build the list. In this particular case you can look at the conj and appos relations that link smaller noun phrases.
You could also look at POS tag patterns like (N*, ,, N*, CC, N*) -- this is a hack but it's probably your best approach if you want fast results and you are willing to miss out on recall.
As for your requirement to include modifiers such as negation -- this is a separate task that should come after you've identified the list.

What you are trying to do is called Information Extraction.
In your case, the task is to extract basic propositions about a set of entities (given as an enumeration) instead of just one entity (which is the usual scenario). For example, you want to extract the following three propositions from the sentence He found a pen, a book and a flashlight.:
find(X, pen)
find(X, book)
find(X, flashlight)
X stands for the entity referred to as He. As Mr. Savkov already pointed out, information extraction is a quite hard problem whose solution lies beyond a Stack Overflow answer.
There are many approaches to information extraction. As suggested by Mr. Savkov, a solution based on POS tags might be a good starting point. I suggest taking a look at this nice tutorial based on NLTK (especially section 2.2. "Tag Patterns") and this paper.


Is there an algorithm to compound multiple sentences into a more complex one?

I'm looking to do the opposite to what is described here: Tools for text simplification (Java)
Finding meaningful sub-sentences from a sentence
That is, take two simple sentences and combine them as a compound sentence.
Are there any algorithms to do this?
I'm particularly sure that you will not be able to compound sentences like in the example from the linked question (John played golf. John was the CEO of a company. -> John, who was the CEO of a company, played golf), because it requires such language understanding that is too far from now.
So, it seems that the best option is to bluntly replace dot by comma and concatenate simple sentences (if you have to choose sentences to be compounded from text, you can try simple heuristics like approximating semantic similarity by number of common words or tools like those based on WordNet). I guess, in most cases human readers can infer missed conjunction from the context.
Of course, you could develop more sophisticated solutions, but it requires either narrow domain (e.g. all sentences share very similar structure), or tools that can determine relations between sentences, e.g. relationship of cause and effect. I'm not aware of such tools and doubt in their existence, because this level (sentences and phrases) are much more diverse and sparse than the level of words and collocations.

Using Sentiment Analysis to Detect Contradictory Arguments?

I don't have much background in sentiment analysis or natural language processing at all, but I have been reading a bit about it in my spare time. I would like to conduct and experiment to analyze forum threads/comments such as reddit, digg, blogs, etc. I'm particularity interested in doing something like counting the number of for, against, and neutral comments for threads of heated religious and political debates. Here's what I am thinking.
1) Find a thread that the original poster has defined a touchy political or religious topic.
2) For each comment categorize it as supporting the original poster or otherwise taking a contradicting or neutral stance.
3) Compare various mediums with the numbers of for or against arguments to determine what platforms are good "debate platforms" (i.e. balanced argument counts).
One big problem that I'm anticipating is that heated topics will invoke strong reactions from both supporting and contradicting parties so a simple happy/sad sentiment analysis won't cut it. I'm just sort of interested in this project for my own curiosities, so if anyone knows of similar research or utilities to conduct this experiment I'd be interested to hear more.
Can someone recommend a good sentiment analysis, word dictionary, training set, etc. for this task?
IMHO this is not possible without running into semantics. Consider the sentence:
Unlike many others, I am not against the abolishment of capital punishment.
Your AI may need to recognise idiomatic subfrases like "not against", or other "not ..." snippets. This is not impossible ;-)
An additional problem is, that "not" is more or less a stopword, its rank will probably be in the top-100, causing a low entropy (though it has a high "semantic" value to every sentence where it is unsed). Also note that omitting "the abolishment of", will cause the "polarity" of the sentence to flip as well.
You can try to use the bag of words [or even better: use n-grams as tokens to the bag]
The approach is basically:
Classify a set of examples, let your algorithm extract the relevant
words from the classified examples.
When a new comment is given, extract the relevant words, and use
k-nearest neighbors to decide if the new comment is a
Also, you might want to have a look on Apache Mahout.

NLP, algorithms for determining if block of text is "similar" to other (after already having matched for keyword)

I've been reading up on NLP as much as I can and searching on here but haven't found anything that seems to address exactly what I am trying to do. I am pretty new to NLP, only having had some minor exposure before, so far I have gotten the NLP processor I'm using working to where I am able to extract the POS from the text.
I am just working with a small sample document and then with one "input phrase" that I am basically trying to find a match for. The code I've written so far basically does this:
takes the input phrase and the "searchee (document being searched on)" and breaks them down into Lists of individual words, then also gets the POS for each word. User also puts in one kewyord that is in the input phrase (and should be in doc being searched)
both Lists are searched for the keyword that the user input, then, for the first place this keyword is found in each document, a set number of words before and after are taken (such as 5). These are put into a dataset for processing, so if one article had:
keyword: football
"A lot of sports are fun, football is a great, yet very physical sport."
- Then my process would truncate this down to "are fun, football is a"
My goal is to compare the pieces, such as the "are fun, football is a" for similarity as far as if they are likely to be used in a similar context, etc.
I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as far as patterns that could be used for this, algorithms, etc. The example above is simplistic, just to give an idea, but I would be planning to make this more complex if I can find the right place to learn more about this. Thanks for any info
It seems you're solving the good old KWIC problem. That can be done with indexing, or just a simple for loop through the words in a text:
for i = 0 to length(text):
if text[i] == word:
emit(text[i-2], text[i-1], text[i], text[i+1], text[i+2])
Where emit might mean print them, store them in a hashtable, whatever.
What you are trying to do is more of a classic Information Retrieval problem than NLP, though they are very similar. You are building a Term-Frequency dictionary.
I'm not sure what you mean by POS, but you are trying to extract "shingles" of phrases from the text and compare them with other shingles in your corpus. You can compute similar via cosine similarity or by calculating the String Edit Distance between the phrases.
It may help to review some introductory IR slides to clarify these concepts. Dr. Rao Kambhampati generously makes slides and audio lectures available on his site.
If you just want to generate a text you can look here If you want to look for similarities you can look for a trigram-search or more simple a wildcard search with a trie: Here is a good article about shingling:

Does an algorithm exist to help detect the "primary topic" of an English sentence?

I'm trying to find out if there is a known algorithm that can detect the "key concept" of a sentence.
The use case is as follows:
User enters a sentence as a query (Does chicken taste like turkey?)
Our system identifies the concepts of the sentence (chicken, turkey)
And it runs a search of our corpus content
The area that we're lacking in is identifying what the core "topic" of the sentence is really about. The sentence "Does chicken taste like turkey" has a primary topic of "chicken", because the user is asking about the taste of chicken. While "turkey" is a helper topic of less importance.
So... I'm trying to find out if there is an algorithm that will help me identify the primary topic of a sentence... Let me know if you are aware of any!!!
I actually did a research project on this and won two competitions and am competing in nationals.
There are two steps to the method:
Parse the sentence with a Context-Free Grammar
In the resulting parse trees, find all nouns which are only subordinate to Noun-Phrase-like constituents
For example, "I ate pie" has 2 nouns: "I" and "pie". Looking at the parse tree, "pie" is inside of a Verb Phrase, so it cannot be a subject. "I", however, is only inside of NP-like constituents. being the only subject candidate, it is the subject. Find an early copy of this program on Note that the vocabulary is limited to basic singular words, and there are no verb conjugations, so it has "man" but not "men", has "eat" but not "ate." Also, the CFG I used was hand-made an limited. I will be updating this program shortly.
Anyway, there are limitations to this program. My mentor pointed out in its currents state, it cannot recognize sentences with subjects that are "real" NPs (what grammar actually calls NPs). For example, "that the moon is flat is not a debate any longer." The subject is actually "that the moon is flat." However, the program would recognize "moon" as the subject. I will be fixing this shortly.
Anyway, this is good enough for most sentences...
My research paper can be found there too. Go to page 11 of it to read the methods.
Hope this helps.
Most of your basic NLP parsing techniques will be able to extract the basic aspects of the sentence - i.e., that chicken and turkey a NPs and they are linked by and adjective 'like', etc. Getting these to a 'topic' or 'concept' is more difficult
Technique such as Latent Semantic Analysis and its many derivatives transform this information into a vector (some have methods of retaining in some part the hierarchy/relations between parts of speech) and then compares them to existing, usually pre-classified by concept, vectors. See to get started.
Edit Here's an example LSA app you can play around with to see if you might want to pursue it further .
For many longer sentences its difficult to say what exactly is a topic and also there may be more than one.
One way to get approximate ans is
1.) First tag the sentence using openNLP, stanford Parser or any one.
2.) Then remove all the stop words from the sentence.
3.) Pick up Nouns( proper, singular and plural).
Other way is
1.) chuck the sentence into phrases by any parser.
2.) Pick up all the noun phrases.
3.) Remove the Noun phrases that doesn't have the Nouns as a child.
4.) Keep only adjectives and Nouns, remove all words from remaining Noun Phrases.
This might give approx. guessing.
"Key concept" is not a well-defined term in linguistics, but this may be a starting point: parse the sentence, find the subject in the parse tree or dependency structure that you get. (This doesn't always work; for example, the subject of "Is it raining?" is "it", while the key concept is likely "rain". Also, what's the key concept in "Are spaghetti and lasagna the same thing?")
This kind of problem (NLP + search) is more properly dealt with by methods such as LSA, but that's quite an advanced topic.
On the most basic level, a question in English is usually in the form of <verb> <subject> ... ? or <pronoun> <verb> <subject> ... ?. This is by no means a good algorithm, especially considering that the subject could span several words, but depending on how sophisticated a solution you need, it might be a useful starting point.
If you need precision, ignore this answer.
If you're willing to shell out money, is supposed to be able to do this type of semantic analysis for a wide variety of languages, including English. I have never directly used their product, and so can't comment on how well it works.
There's an article about Parsing Noun Phrases in the MIT Computational Linguistics journal of this month:
Compound or complex sentences may have more than one key concept of a sentence.
You can use stanfordNLP or MaltParser which can give the dependency structure of a sentence. It also gives the parts of speech tagging including subject, verb , object etc.
I think most of the times the object will be the key concept of the sentence.
You should look at Google's Cloud Natural Language API. It's their NLP service.
Simple solution is to tag your sentence with part-of-speach tagger (e.g. from NLTK library for Python) then find matches with some predefined part-of-speach patterns in which it's clear where is main subject of the sentence
One option is to look into something like this as a first step:
But how you derive the topic from these links is another problem in itself. But as Abiword is trying to detect grammatical problems, you might be able to use it to determine the topic.
By "primary topic" you're referring to what is termed the subject of the sentence.
The subject can be identified by understanding a sentence through natural language processing.
The answer to this question is the same as that for How to determine subject, object and other words? - this is a currently unsolved problem.

How do I data mine text?

Here's the problem. I have a bunch of large text files with paragraphs and paragraphs of written matter. Each para contains references to a few people (names), and documents a few topics (places, objects).
How do I data mine this pile to assemble some categorised library? ... in general, 2 things.
I don't know what I'm looking for, so I need a program to get the most used words/multiple words ("Jacob Smith" or "bluewater inn" or "arrow").
Then knowing the keywords, I need a program to help me search for related paras, then sort and refine results (manually by hand).
Your question is a tiny bit open-ended :)
Chances are, you will find modules for whatever analysis you want to do in the UIMA framework:
Unstructured Information Management applications are software systems that analyze large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. An example UIM application might ingest plain text and identify entities, such as persons, places, organizations; or relations, such as works-for or located-at.
UIMA is made of many things
UIMA enables applications to be decomposed into components, for example "language identification" => "language specific segmentation" => "sentence boundary detection" => "entity detection (person/place names etc.)". Each component implements interfaces defined by the framework and provides self-describing metadata via XML descriptor files. The framework manages these components and the data flow between them. Components are written in Java or C++; the data that flows between components is designed for efficient mapping between these languages.
You may also find Open Calais a useful API for text analysis; depending on how big your heap of documents is, it may be more or less appropriate.
If you want it quick and dirty -- create an inverted index that stores all locations of words (basically a big map of words to all file ids in which they occur, paragraphs in those files, lines in the paragraphs, etc). Also index tuples so that given a fileid and paragraph you can look up all the neighbors. This will do what you describe, but it takes quite a bit of tweaking to get it to pull up meaningful correlations (some keywords to start you off on your search: information retrieval, TF-IDF, Pearson correlation coefficient).
Looks like you're trying to create an index?
I think Learning Perl has information on finding the frequency of words in a text file, so that's not a particularly hard problem.
But do you really want to know that "the" or "a" is the most common word?
If you're looking for some kind of topical index, the words you actually care about are probably down the list a bit, intermixed with more words you don't care about.
You could start by getting rid of "stop words" at the front of the list to filter your results a bit, but nothing would beat associating keywords that actually reflect the topic of the paragraphs, and that requires context.
Anyway, I could be off base, but there you go. ;)
The problem with what you ask is that you don't know what you're looking for. If you had some sort of weighted list of terms that you cared about, then you'd be in good shape.
Semantically, the problem is twofold:
Generally the most-used words are the least relevant. Even if you use a stop-words file, a lot of chaff remains
Generally, the least-used words are the most relevant. For example, "bluewater inn" is probably infrequent.
Let's suppose that you had something that did what you ask, and produced a clean list of all the keywords that appear in your texts. There would be thousands of such keywords. Finding "bluewater inn" in a list of 1000s of terms is actually harder than finding it in the paragraph (assuming you don't know what you're looking for) because you can skim the texts and you'll find the paragraph that contains "bluewater inn" because of its context, but you can't find it in a list because the list has no context.
Why don't you talk more about your application and process and then perhaps we can help you better??
I think what you want to do is called "entity extraction". This Wikipedia article has a good overview and a list of apps, including open source ones. I used to work on one of the commercial tools in the list, but not in a programming capacity, so I can't help you there.
Ned Batchelder gave a great talk at DevDays Boston about Python.
He presented a spell-corrector written in Python that does pretty much exactly what you want.
You can find the slides and source code here:
I recommend that you have a look at R. In particular, look at the tm package. Here are some relevant links:
Paper about the package in the Journal of Statistical Computing: The paper includes a nice example of an analysis of the R-devel
mailing list ( newsgroup postings from 2006.
Package homepage:
Look at the introductory vignette:
More generally, there are a large number of text mining packages on the Natural Language Processing view on CRAN.
