Docker: When Checkstyles detects error, abort - bash

Hi I am editing my android docker instance which builds my android APK.
I want to add a checkstyle exception which should cause an abort if Any warnings occure.
I have it working in that it Runs checkstyle, but it just output warnings. I do not see a way of making these errors or halting the operation like Lint does. What should I add to my docker file?
java -jar ./styleguide/checkstyle-7.7-all.jar -c ./styleguide/rules/google_checks.xml .
As I do not have the google indentation I get 18k errors that look like
[WARN] pathstuff/./app/src/testRelease/java/com/app/ 'method def rcurly' has incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 2. [Indentation]
Audit done.
These are what I want to abort on. Preferably list all of them, but if we just list that they need to run checkstyles -- that will be enough.

I have it working in that it Runs checkstyle, but it just output warnings.
This is being overridden inside the google_checks.xml file. Checkstyle by default, will print everything as errors. If anything else comes up, then the configuration is overriding it.
I do not see a way of making these errors
Open up google_checks.xml and look for the line similar to: <property name="severity" value="warning"/>
Change warning to error in the value attribute and it will print violations as errors.


Goland ssh debug mode fail: executable doesn't containt debug information

I use Goland ssh to write code. I fail to use debug mode in my project, the breakpoints turn into gray crossed circles and report error "executable doesn't containt debug information".
The error information is here.
This is the Run/Debug Configuration of my project
However, I still could use debug mode and set normal breakpoints in Testing file.
I met exactly the same problem just now.
Finally I find the reason is the function which I set breakpoint doesn't been called in the repo.
It's called by another repo, so compile and debug the repo that call this function can solve this problem.
The error "error layer=debugger error loading binary "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/": could not parse .eh_frame section: pointer encoding not supported 0x9b at 0x12e8" still exists, but the breakpoints won't turn into gray crossed circles.
please see this .
Next 2022.2 nightly build bundles delve which doesn't produce an error.

Vitis PetaLinux build cant fetch required files while building an application project

I want to build a PetaLinux Image for my Ultra96v2.
I followed this guide up until building my application project in Vitis. It looks promising but then while building the application project for my custom platform, Vitis throws this error:
18:08:28 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project dpu_appl_system ****
make all
Generating bif file for the system project
Executing command '::scw::generate_bif -xpfm /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_demo/export/dpu_demo/dpu_demo.xpfm -domains linux_domain -bifpath /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/system.bif' on XSCT
sdcard_gen --xpfm /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_demo/export/dpu_demo/dpu_demo.xpfm --sys_config dpu_demo --bif /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/system.bif --bitstream /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl/_ide/bitstream/dpu_hardware.bit --sd_file /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl/Debug/dpu_appl.elf
creating BOOT.BIN using /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl/_ide/bitstream/dpu_hardware.bit
Running /home/user/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/bin/bootgen -arch zynqmp -image /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif -w -o i BOOT.BIN
ERROR:BootGen - syntax error
Line #13, "/media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif".
... emo/sw/atf,dpu_demo/boot/bl31.elf
[ERROR] : BIF file parsing failed with code 1
Error writing SD card data : Error when running '/home/user/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/bin/bootgen -arch zynqmp -image /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif -w -o i BOOT.BIN'
make: *** [makefile:42: package] Error 1
18:08:36 Build Finished (took 7s.643ms)
It specifically shows me, that there is a comma in the path where it searches for the file. The files are available
at the "normal" location, without the "atf,", "dtb,", etc
at the "weird" location. I created the path so the requested path exists for every file that throws an error message, like
/media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif". ... emo/sw/atf,dpu_demo/boot/bl31.elf
I created the path with the weird artefact "arf,dpu_demo", with the komma in the path, but still it wont work. Is this some kind of problem with Vitis, like some env variables not set correctly, or is the building mechanism just acting weird? I cant resolve this issue, because I am not able to change the paths it is supposed to look for the files. This hinders me in advancing my project. I work on Ubuntu 20.04.
Can anyone help me out here, please? I would really appreciate it!
I asked this question in the Xilinx Community, too, but unfortunately there was no resonance at all.
Thank you so much in advance!
I think I got it now, though I did not verify whether the image actually works on my Ultra96v2, yet.
I noticed, that the weird path with commata is inside of the boot.bif and system.bif.
So the first time I tried to build it, the bif wasnt there, but got created (I assume). The bif was ready then but only had a weird path inside, so I took the makefile (you can find it in debug/sd_card), copied it, and just commented out the line GENERATE_BIF_XSCT_CMD = ${GENERATE_BIF} -xpfm ${XPFM_PATH} -domains ${DOMAINS} -bifpath ${BIF_PATH}.
Then I edited the boot.bif and system.bif and changed the atf,boot, uboot,boot, and dts,boot to just boot, so the BootGen wouldnt look into the directories with the commata anymore, but only the boot-directory which was specified.
Once that was set up, I executed the edited makefile in my console, by going into the sd_card-directory and executing the following command:
make -f <your_edited_makefile>
This means, that you cant press "build" in Vitis, it wont work. You build the content on your own and wont get a green check mark beside the project! Then the sd_card-directory was populated with (I assume) all necessary data to boot the Ultra96v2 from SD card. This was the content:
dpu_appl.elf (your application project name, I guess)
The underlying issue seem to have been that the ::scw::generate_bif created a path to look after, which didnt exist. Really weird issue, in my opinion.
I just made some changes to the PetaLinux config with the petalinux-config command and rebuilt everything. Once I go to the Vitis part, I changed the system.bif within Vitis itself, and the project compiled successfully, also populating the sd_card directory, as it seems.
Everything failed, so I tried to get to the *.bif of the Application System project. I opened it (linux.bif) and edited the "atf,", "dtb," and "uboot," out of it. Since this is only created once and references by the following files, this fixed my issue and the build was completed successfully in Vitis. So just ignore my originial answer and update.
I hope this is working and hope it will help some of you.

`go test` only prints "open : no such file or directory"

I rewrite a program and just removed a lot of code, by just making it a comment. After doing that and adding some tests, it is impossible to run the program anymore.
when running go build it has no errors at all.
But when running go test i only become some weird output:
$ go test
2020/05/05 19:14:24 open : no such file or directory
exit status 1
FAIL fwew_lib 0.002s
This error occurs, before a single test is even run, so within the test framework itself.
Why is there is no file specified that is not found? Any idea, what caused this error and how to fix it?
This error also occurred on multiple machines with windows and linux. And with go 1.14.2 and go 1.13.7.
To get this error yourself:
Branch: library
Just download the branch and run go test
Your fork is missing this line from the parent
texts["dictionary"] = filepath.Join(texts["dataDir"], "dictionary.txt")
But your fork still has this line which depends on the one mentioned above
Version.DictBuild = SHA1Hash(texts["dictionary"])
And so the SHA1Hash "fatals" out since you're essentially passing it an empty string.

New configuration option and OMNET++ ini error checking

I have added the following configuration option into my C++ code in OMNT++:
Register_PerRunConfigOption(CFGID_LOGEVENTS, "logevents", CFG_BOOL, "false", "log scheduler events");
I specify the 'logevents' in my Config <name>, and I can use it without any issues. The problem is with the ini error checking:
Apparently it does not recognize the newly added config option and shows an error. As a temporary workaround, I am using **.logevent = false in order to change error into warning.
Is this a known issue ?
Every time I run my project, the following error window pops up which is annoying!
Error exist in required project(s): Proceed with launch ?
Is there any ways to fix the error or at least suppress it?
Actually, this is not an error. It only means that IDE does not recognize this option. Your option is added correctly. Build your model using Qtenv or Tkenv and run it, then choose from the menu: Inspect | Available Components | Supported configuration options - the option logevents will be visable.

What could cause the error message 'Target "1" does not exist in the project "xxx".' running Ant on Windows?

I'm using ant.bat (in Ant 1.7.1) to build the all target in a build.xml file, on Windows 2003 Server. (I've substituted "xxx" in the error message for the project name in that file.)
It builds successfully, but then ends with:
2009-06-10 17:26:03 | all:
2009-06-10 17:26:03 |
2009-06-10 17:26:03 | BUILD FAILED
2009-06-10 17:26:03 | Target "1" does not exist in the project "xxx".
...and returns with a non-zero error code.
I've searched build.xml unsuccessfully for anything that might lead to this error. (There is no target "1", of course, nor any dependencies that might resolve "1".)
I'm hoping someone out there might recall seeing this. I don't expect anyone to debug the XML for me, but a Google search turned up, which contains "I found an email thread on this problem and will
retry.". I wish I could find that thread.
Update - here's the command-line:
D:/build/toolchain/noarch/ant-1.7.1/bin/ant.bat all -DBRANCH_NAME="main" -DBUILD_NUMBER="66675" -DCHANGE_NUMBER="1061789" -DGOBUILD_AUTO_COMPONENTS= -DGOBUILD_OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 -DGOBUILD_VICLIB_ROOT=d:/build/ob/bora-66675/compcache//viclib/ob-65655/windows -DGOBUILD_VIMBASE_ROOT=d:/build/ob/bora-66675/compcache//vimbase/ob-64494/windows -DOBJDIR="beta" -DPRODUCT_BUILD_NUMBER="82" -DPUBLISH_DIR="d:/build/ob/bora-66675/publish" -DRELTYPE="beta" -DREMOTE_COPY_SCRIPT="D:/build/toolchain/win32/python-2.5/python.exe D:/build/gobuild/script/ bora-66675"'
Hopefully it's of some help.
Do you have any targets that depend on "1"? Perhaps due to a typo?
<target name="SomeTarget" depends="1">
Update: You explained (paraphrased) that the error message was a result of the (partial) command-line
Although there's a space between those two define statements, it's being treated like this:
because something is expected to follow '='. And it appears that the second '=' is being treated as a whitespace, perhaps because ANT is confused. I would not expect that. The correct way to do what you want to do is:
That way, something follows the equals sign and ANT won't get confused.
could you add the commandline you are using. it could be that ant agrees with you that there is no target '1' but that it believes you are passing one in.
This posting helped me resolve this error and wanted to share my version of the problem.
Target "listener" does not exist in the project "null".
ANT will use an environment variable ANT_ARGS if it is set. I was using the -listener option and set this option in my Windows envvar, ANT_ARGS. When I pasted the options into the Env Var:
-listener -lib D:\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib
I was missing the 'minus' sign in front of the 'listener' option.
This is similar to the problem above, but was hidden by the fact that I used the envvar ANT_ARGS.
Ya goose :-) You changed the project to "xxx" in the heading but left it as "vireporting" in the error output.
So the cat's out of the bag. You may as well make our life easier and post the XML since our ability to help you (psychic debugging) is greatly limited. If you want, sanitize the XML you post (better than you sanitized the original, hopefully).
And your comment ('There is no target "1"') makes sense since that's what ant is telling you. What you may have done is inadvertently created a dependency on that non-existent target.
It turns out this error message is the result of "-DGOBUILD_AUTO_COMPONENTS= -DGOBUILD_OFFICIAL_BUILD=1" in the command-line. I guess having nothing after the '=' in that -D option confuses Ant. (As an experiment, I changed "-DGOBUILD_OFFICIAL_BUILD=1" to "-DGOBUILD_OFFICIAL_BUILD=2" in this programmatically-generated command-line and the error message changed to "Target "2" does not exist in the project "xxx".")
Removing "-DGOBUILD_AUTO_COMPONENTS=" eliminated the build failure.
If someone can clearly explain why Ant emits such a strange error message in this case (or perhaps why it's not strange if one looks at it correctly), I'll accept your answer.
