I have no idea what this error means
I have run through the installation for wkhtmltopdf
wget http://download.gna.org/wkhtmltopdf/0.12/0.12.4/wkhtmltox-0.12.4_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz -P /tmp/
cd /opt/
What I have discovered is that gna.org has shut down (it was announced three months ago).
The domain wasn't resolving last week, today it is resolving but refusing connections. Thus you will not be able to download the file using wget. Thus it's possible you've got an incomplete / failed install.
You could try downloading it from a different page such as this wkhtmltopdf.org page.
I'm trying to install the Sense plugin as specified in ElasticSearch getting started guide, like this:
./bin/kibana plugin --install elastic/sense
However that command seems outdated and the only one that seems possible is this:
./bin/kibana-plugin install elastic/sense
But it doesn't work:
Attempting to transfer from elastic/sense
Attempting to transfer from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana-plugins/elastic/sense/elastic/sense-5.0.1.zip
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No valid url specified."
I tried to install it by downloading it locally from here: https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/sense/sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz
And then running:
./bin/kibana-plugin install file:<PATH_TO_sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar>
But I get this error:
Attempting to transfer from file:/Users/raquelalegre/workspace/ORACC/p4-search-tool/kibana-5.0.1-darwin-x86_64/sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar
Transferring 6363648 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Error: Could not find the End of Central Directory Record
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Error retrieving metadata from plugin archive"
I'm stuck and can't find how to install this :( Any help would be really appreciated!
It seems that Sense plugin isn’t necessary because Kibana (for sure 5.0.1) is shipped with console available from DevTools menu.
If Kibana is installed locally open http://localhost:5601 and choose “DevTools” from the left menu.
bin/kibana plugin --install sense --url file:///<path of sense plugin>/sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz
Above command works for me with out issues.
Seems, when you are installing locally by downloading complete file was not downloaded.
plz check on that.
The second floor is correct .
I also have this problem. There are many huge differents among different versions . Under the version 5.4.1 even the
kibana plugin --install elastic/sense
is deprecated.
If you want install a plugin for kibana, need use the following command
./bin/kibana-plugin install "plugin name "
And the sense plugin has integrated in kibana dev tools
I saw App Store reporting an upgrade to XCode 8 this morning and unfortunately, took the bait. Now, none of the git CLI commands are working. Tried searching on SO and Google but did not find anything helpful, though I did find recent posts of other issues after upgrading to XCode 8. Getting the same error for any git command - as shown below:
%> git status
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libwep
Referenced from: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/usr/local/lib/libwep: mmap() error 1 at address=0x10F0E5000, size=0x0000F000 segment=__TEXT in Segment::map() mapping /usr/local/lib/libwep
/usr/local/lib/libwep: mmap() error 1 at address=0x10F103000, size=0x0000F000 segment=__TEXT in Segment::map() mapping /usr/local/lib/libwep
git: error: unable to locate xcodebuild, please make sure the path to the Xcode folder is set correctly!
git: error: You can set the path to the Xcode folder using /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch
As it says, /usr/local/lib/libwep does exist but there is an error when trying to load it. Also, the xcodebuild executable also exists at the path printed in the message, i.e. at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild
I also see another xcodebuild at /usr/bin/xcodebuild but / is not accepted as a valid DEVELOPER_DIR value. Some more possibly useful information: I have Github Desktop installed. So I made a change in one of the source files in my Git repo, and Github Desktop showed the local change successfully in its GUI. However, neither git diff nor git status works from the command-line.
I also tried cloning a fresh local repo but git clone throws the same error, too.
Looks like this is not related to XCode. I found the following after some searching: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/7862
So, libwep is used by WebSense, an application that is installed by default on all computers in the corporate environment I am working in. It is meant for security and restricts certain operations. For example, I can not execute any Heroku CLI commands, either, because of it.
What threw me off was that, even with WebSense, I was able to run git CLI commands until last week, but then I also installed a new version of the WebSense client late last week. So it may be the new WebSense version that is now blocking git CLI commands, too. That I installed XCode 8 today could be just a coincidence, or another possibility is that the XCode 8 upgrade in combination with the WebSense client upgrade resulted in this situation.
Anyway, thankfully, Github Desktop still seems to work so I'll just have to use that.
If you don't develop anything on Xcode just delete Xcode from program files and run git from CLI again. The required tools will be downloaded automatically. No issues.
I did have the same issue this morning when I tried to use my git. I had to go in and delete the program and reinstall the git client for mac. It started working for me after that.
I have inherited a cheffed OSX machine running chef-client 11.14.6. I am trying to lay my hands on the installer for 11.14.6, but it seems that Chef have pulled it from the downloads site ( https://downloads.chef.io/chef-client/mac/ ).
Does anyone know anything about this, or know where I can get "archived" version?
Much appreciated.
I don't see any copies in any repos so it's probably lost to the mists of time by now. You should be able to build a new one using this commit from omnibus-chef https://github.com/chef/omnibus-chef/tree/6d5001c588edacc98f6045e22c70195200111660
Yes. From my research, and the research of others. It seems as if it has been removed.
However, we (I can't take the credit - it was one of my colleagues :) ) managed to get it working. We had another machine with the correct version on it, so we grabbed it from there and zipped it up (using root as the base, and grabbing /opt/chef).
Once tarball (e.g. opt.chef-11.14.6.tar.gz) is transferred to new machine, these were the steps used:
install chef-client v11.10.4 using:
(echo "version=11.10.4"; curl -L https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh) | sudo bash
verify your chef-client version is currently reported as 11.10.4 with "chef-client -v"
extract the tarball as root into the root filesystem using:
cd / && tar xvfz /tmp/opt.chef-11.14.6.tar.gz
verify your chef-client version is now reported as 11.16.4 with "chef-client -v"
run your knife bootstrap command like normal, but don't include the --bootstrap-version parameter, it'll detect chef-client is already installed and use the one you have installed manually.
I did not try rebuilding it.
Basically I got this error seconds after I trigger
vagrant box add laravel/homestead in my terminal.
What's more interesting, after second failed attempt, the error message is a little bit different (as you see).
Error number 60 is somehow related to SSL. Since I'm running this command via terminal, I really have no idea how to investigate this issue. Can somebody give me any hints? May it be related to poor wireless internet connection?
slick-mac:~ slick$ vagrant version
Installed Version: 1.7.4
Latest Version: 1.7.4
You're running an up-to-date version of Vagrant!
If you get an SSL issue, you can try to add the box using the insecure option
vagrant box add --insecure laravel/homestead
--insecure When present, SSL certificates won't be verified if the URL is an HTTPS URL
I'm deliberately posting this as an answer because probably I've found solution. So far it's still downloading.
What I did:
1. I removed temp stuff
rm -rf ~/.vagrant.d/tmp/
2. I started the download again
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
So far it's still OK despite of my slow internet connection. If that won't work I will try Frederic's solution.
After 80% it failed. (no --insecure) param.
These SSL related issues are not from client side. It is originated from the source. We can do nothing from our side. I have tried with Windows OS, Mac OS X and manual download with many browsers and even with downloaders, no luck. Somehow I managed to download with mobile browser on 4G. I was wondering why not upload this to place everyone can download.
You can find a mirror here on my Google Drive. It is a copy of laravel/homestead 0.5.0. Have fun.
I encountered the same issue. Adding --insecure argument, specifying url, https://atlas.hashicorp.com/laravel/boxes/homestead, and removing the tmp file beforehand did not work for me.
Brutely repeating download attempts to download did however. Thus, in my case, nothing to do with SSL.
what Worked for me was emptying the temp first then running the following command:
vagrant box add --insecure laravel/homestead
it looks like after failing once ,it couldn't resume correctly until the temp was emptied .
hope this helps.
I'm using Parse.com and cloud code for some server side javascript functions on my website. I usually deploy updates to cloud code through parse deploy in the mac terminal.
Today when I have tried to do this it has come up with:
Downloading binary from https://parse.com/downloads/cloud_code/cli/parse-osx/latest.
I initially left this for about an hour and then cancelled it as it didn't seem to be going anywhere. I've then tried running parse deploy twice more but it is again just sitting there and seemingly not doing anything.
This has been working fine for the past 3 months.
Any suggestions?
Navigating to the posted link has let me download the file (it's 6.8MB), so I possibly just need to know how to install that?
Older command line tools may not be able to update themselves to v2. You will need to reinstall them (on OS X or Linux):
curl -s https://www.parse.com/downloads/cloud_code/installer.sh | sudo /bin/bash
You can download the latest version for your platform from https://parse.com/docs/downloads
We posted about this a couple of weeks ago in the Parse Developer forums:
Reinstalling the command line tool seems to have fixed this issue.
curl -s https://www.parse.com/downloads/cloud_code/installer.sh | sudo /bin/bash