How do I customize Sphinx RtD Theme default search settings? - python-sphinx

How do I override the default Search html that comes with the Sphinx RTD theme. I am on Sphinx 1.5 and the theme is always imported and not static.

See Templating in the Sphinx documentation.
To customize the output of your documentation you can override all the templates (both the layout templates and the child templates) by adding files with the same name as the original filename into the template directory of the structure the Sphinx quickstart generated for you.
Sphinx will look for templates in the folders of templates_path first, and if it can’t find the template it’s looking for there, it falls back to the selected theme’s templates.
In your case, copy the RTD Sphinx theme's search.html from your installed package into your template directory, and modify it to your liking. Then set the value of templates_path in your to its location.


Sphinx Alabaster font - what is the settings of standard libraries?

I'm using the alabaster theme in sphinx but still can't get the standard font look like Falcon and Celery.
Looking at falcon's I couldn't find any font related html_theme_options so I wonder how those two libraries keep a unified font style which is not the default.
I also tried using falcon's custom.css - But that didn't work either.
What should I set in in order to get this exact font look?
Falcon used a non-standard method of overriding the default theme's style sheet. I don't recommend this method.
You can either override the theme's default CSS or the theme's template files. Details of how to do so are answered in this SO post.

How to create magento theme from scratch in 1.9.1

Whether i have to copy the templates files from default or rwd package to create new theme from scratch.
No need to copy the templates files or layout files unless you have your custom. System will find the template file/layout file from base package or default theme once no existence in your theme.

Change logo alignment sphinx

Is there a way to set the html logo to the centre of the sidebar?
I have looked around, but cannot find this option, does it exist?
To change the style of the HTML of your Sphinx project, you need to adjust the CSS of your theme.
You can do this by setting the html_style variable in your project's file to reference a custom style sheet, as described here in the Sphinx documentation.
The exact CSS rules you need to apply depend on the HTML theme you are using.

What's the difference between a Magento theme and a Magento skin?

What's the difference between a Magento theme and a Magento skin? What's the relationshiop between these and a Magento module?
A theme is any combination of layout, template, locale and/or skin file(s) that create the visual experience...
A theme consists of any or all of the following:
Layout (located in app/design/frontend/your_interface/your_theme/layout/)
These are basic XML files that define block structure for different pages as well as control META information and page encoding.For in-depth look into layouts, read Intro to Layouts)
Templates (located in app/design/frontend/your_interface/your_theme/template/)
These are PHTML files that contain (X)HTML markups and any necessary PHP tags to create logic for visual presentation.
Locale (located in app/design/frontend/your_interface/your_theme/locale/)
These are simple text documents organized on a per language basis that contain translations for store copy.
Skins (located in skin/frontend/your_interface/your_theme/)
These are block-specific Javascript and CSS and image files that compliment your (X)HTML.

breadcrumb.phtml file path?

I am still trying to understand the themeing engine of magento by studying a theme. im my theme there is breadcrumb pthml file in templates/page/html folder which manipulates the bradcrumbs. How does magento know about the file? does the page/html folder is standard.
and what is the role of the
files do in page.xml
The template system in magento consists of
• XML layout configuration
• PHP template files
• PHP block classes
All layout XML files will be found in the app/design/frontend/<interface>/<theme>/layout folder.
All template files will be in the .phtml files found in various folders under the app/design/frontend/<interface>/<theme>/template folder.
All blocks will be in the app/code/<core,local,community>/<namespace>/<module>/Block folder.
You may not find all the layout/template files in same theme say telescope. For example, Magento will check the following folders, in order, for a file named catalog.xml:
Breadcrumbs template file will be under your current theme.
for example:
If its not present in current theme then it will be in base theme
Magento template engine first looks block/page template in active theme if not found the will look in base theme.
this is handled by layout handlers and block descriptions so if you are new in business head to magento knowledgebase and read theming tutorials there
app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/page.xml:82: <block type="page/html_breadcrumbs" name="breadcrumbs" as="breadcrumbs"/>
