How to create magento theme from scratch in 1.9.1 - magento

Whether i have to copy the templates files from default or rwd package to create new theme from scratch.

No need to copy the templates files or layout files unless you have your custom. System will find the template file/layout file from base package or default theme once no existence in your theme.


designing layout of magento 2 theme

I am new to Magento.
I am creating Magenta 2 site, I have managed to install Magento, and for it to use the luma theme.
I want to be able to edit the theme (through Inheritance), I understand it uses XML files to design the layout, how do I change these, should they be in the new theme folder, and change them there?
If so, where do I get the origonal Luma xml files, or does magento create these? - There are no themes within the app/ folder, is it here where I create the new theme (that inherits from Luma)?
Many thanks for any help, I am completely new to Magento.
You have to create a custom theme and make theme.xml and set a parent to LUMA.
Now app/design/frontend/customthemename
So anything that you want to customized used in customthemename folder
You should create a child theme to edit XML file. To create a child theme, there are 3 steps to do:
Firstly, create a new theme directory in app/design/frontend.
Secondly, declare the new theme by:
Creating theme.xml: this file identifies the name, parent and other
basic info of the new theme.
Creating Composer.json: this file is used to install the theme via Composer later.
Creating registration.php: this file is required in any Magento 2 Extension
and Themes.
Creating static files directories: this folder is used to store CSS, JS, image files.
Creating logo folder: this folder contains files that determine the location and size of your new theme logo.
Thirdly, apply and configure theme in admin: - Run Upgrade Command. - Apply the theme. - Deploy.
For more detailed tutorial, go to Guide to create Magento 2 theme.
The original XML files of any module and themes are located in vendor/magento//view/frontend/layout, with the module_name is the module related to the XML file you want to edit.
For example, with homepage CMS, the XML file is located in vendor/magento/module-cms/view/frontend/layout

Magento 2 Copying Template/View Files from Luma into My own Theme

I have created a new Magento 2 theme and added it's parent as LUMA.
It's all working fine but I want to change the layout of my theme and the templates too.
Under Vendor ... I can see that there's all the folders and templates used in LUMA.
I work like to take a copy of all the LUMA view templates and layouts and copy them for use on my theme.
My question is ...
What do I copy and from where?
And where do I place them templates, views etc ?
Below is the reference for theme integration in magento 2:
To copy luma,blank theme or module templates, layout and web files to own custom theme
1) To Copy template file:
Follow this path
2) To Copy layout file:
Follow this path

How can I install new theme in Magneto ?

I want to install new theme in magento and I have also followed step of this link ( but I am not abling to get theme in magento. Please suggest me how can I install theme in magento ?
If you already have the pre-built theme, then in magento project folder navigate to
Place your theme folder here.
Now to activate your theme. Log in to your admin panel.
Navigate to
Click in the design tab in the left hand side
Under the "Pakage Name" put you package name i.e "default" in this case and under you theme In the "Template" put your theme name "Your_theme_name" i.e your theme folder name that you copied inside default directory.
If you are creating a new theme, just create a new folder inside default directory and follow the step as described above.
In this way you can install a new theme.
Hope this will help.
It depends how theme you want to use is distributed. If it is a package, just extract it to your root folder and you should get proper folders in skin and app/design dirs and what you need to do then is to set correct package and / or theme in backend (Configuration > Web > Design). For full package theme name would probably always be default. Although if you are only adding new theme, you should pick its name app/design/frontend/default/{theme_name} and same in skin folder (if it includes some additional css, images and / or javascript).

Magento loading base theme instead of downloaded theme

Im trying to install a theme on magento 1.9. Have copied all files into the correct places.
Under System -> Configuration -> Design -> Themes I have set templates, skin, layout and default all to the theme name.
The problem I think i am having is 'Current package name' It was originally set to 'rwd' and when it is set to this it loads the default 1.9 magento theme. However when i change this to 'default' it loads the magento base theme. If i set the package name to the name of the theme it also loads the base package.
Skin Directory Structure
Design Directory Structure
Did you check your custom design? Access: System > Design
just cross check following configuration with your configuration.
Then clear cache and check.

New custom theme without copying all the default files

I search how to configure a custom theme in Magento Enterprise ver. without doing a copy of all the base/default files.
The only way I can make it is to create my_theme folder in /var/www/magento/app/design/frontend/enterprise/my_theme and then in system>configuration>design to let enterprise as "Current Package Name" and my_theme as "default" in "themes".
But I'm afraid it's not the ideal way in case of upgrading Magento.
Is anyone have an idea ?
You're on the right track. What I typically do is create a new Package and Theme. It will still fallback to base/default so you don't have to copy all of the default files into your package. Leave default empty in the Admin -> General -> Design section. Set the Package Name to your package and the other theme settings except for default to your theme name. You'll only need to copy template and layout files that you plan on customizing, so there's no need to copy everything into your theme.
I've tried already but it didn't worked....
I found why in
"2nd Exception to Rule 6: Enterprise customers for now DO need to copy the files from enterprise/default into their custom package as a starting point. In a future release, the Enterprise files will be folded into the base/default directories but they are not in EEv1.8."
