WOW Slider "Book page" animation not working in Firefox - jquery-plugins

I want to use WOW slider's book paging animation for my website, but I notice that it does not seem to work as expected in Firefox. Seems to work fine in Chrome.
Anyone know if there is a simple fix for this, or should I rather just stay away from WOW slider.
Here is the link to their demo that does not work in firefox:


Flickering when using neon-animated-pages with Polymer

I searched for this the solution a lot but I couldn't find any post describing the same "flickering" problem.
You can see a GIF here
I have a website with a menu, using app-route as in Polymer Starterkit but enhanced with neon-animated-pages.
If you use the menu (Start, My Card, My Dashboard) there is a smooth transition.
Go to "My Card" and click the enhance card arrow down (tooltip "more info") at the first card.
Now use the menus again and the page transitions are now flickering, as soon as the animation finished. It is like all object are quickly moving somewhere and then back to the position where they should be.
What I have tried
I tried to change CSS, as it seems to "re-align" the objects on the page.
Also I had this problem before when I used javascript to route to another page, but using "a href..." for app-route (as in polymer starterkit), this problem disappeared again.
Anyone have any idea what this can be?
I checked with Chrome, Firefox and IE, seems to be the same everywhere.
Thanks very much for your help!
Kind regards,
Found two more sources on github with the same issue and solutions.
Apparently only slide left/right animation are affected. Using a different animation should help.
Set Element.prototype.animate = null before loading the polyfill.
Flicker after slide animation in neon-animated-pages in Chrome
web-animations-next-lite flicker #86

IMG disappearing in firefox only?

I have built the following page a while ago:
However, the ID card (images/id-card.png) disappears in Firefox, although behaves as intended in Chrome, Safari and Opera. It was working in Firefox some time ago, and I have not edited the files or code since, yet this bug has appeared...
Can anybody shed any light as to what might be the cause, particularly if you cannot replicate it?
NOTE: The image reappears if you hover over it, but disappears on mouseout. There is no CSS/JS affecting this (as far as I can see).
I can't replicate the problem. I think it's working fine. Maybe a caching issue.
Anyway have a look. This is what i see when the page loads:
and this is when i hover the id card:
It seems it works well. By the way, nice website.

Simulate html listbox dropdown on trigger over other action

Please someone help me on the issue below.
I have a list dropdown box to be opened on trigger of a img div on top of it.
This works perfect in chrome, while it does not work in all other browsers like firefox, ie and others. I have a fiddle link ready which shows working example for chrome.
Hope to hear from anyone of stack users.
Gone through Reference - Similar stacks
Firefox 5 dispatchEvent not working
(Not working, Implemented)
What am i doing wrong with fiddle link?
Thanks again.

IE8 Web Font Bug

I've got this weird problem happening with a site I'm currently working on. When you load the page, everything looks fine. It's only until you hover ANY part of the page that the some of the fonts shift, almost as if the letter-spacing contracts.
It's really hard to explain, but to see what I'm talking about have a look at this page in IE8, and keep an eye on the navigation and page title.
Site Link
The problem started occurring when I added the Selectivizr.js to the site, and when I take Selectivizr js away it works fine.
Any help with this would be hugely appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Second Google+ button invisible in Firefox

We have Google+ buttons one of our website. They are showing fine in all browsers except Firefox. The button above the article works fine, but the button below is invisible in Firefox. Can't find why this is the case, does anyone have some ideas on how to fix this?
You can see the problem on the live website at
After inspecting the HTML once again I noticed someone added the script-tag that you need to insert for the Google Plus button twice. This is not as it should be and Firefox stops rendering Google Plus buttons after the second script-tag.
So I removed the duplicate script-tag and all browsers, including Firefox, are rendering the buttons fine now!
