IE8 Web Font Bug - internet-explorer-8

I've got this weird problem happening with a site I'm currently working on. When you load the page, everything looks fine. It's only until you hover ANY part of the page that the some of the fonts shift, almost as if the letter-spacing contracts.
It's really hard to explain, but to see what I'm talking about have a look at this page in IE8, and keep an eye on the navigation and page title.
Site Link
The problem started occurring when I added the Selectivizr.js to the site, and when I take Selectivizr js away it works fine.
Any help with this would be hugely appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Page suddenly scrolls back to top

So I have successfully built this business website, integrated payment gateways and I have things working just as I need them to but there's a little albeit annoying problem, when scrolling down the webpage on a mobile device, the page suddenly scrolls back up. I thought this was a problem without my chrome browser so I used other browsers still the issue persists. I currently don't know how to fix this irksome issue. Here's a link to the webpage. Sorry to bother you with my problem.
I already fixed it, it was a problem from setting the HTML style behavior to smooth. Thank you all for your intended help!

Page doesn't load properly on webbrowser

i'm creating an application using to collect reviews from AliExpress. The thing is, when I load this page in the webbrowser, it loads all buttons and pictures, but buttons do not work, nothing works.
I already tried enable/disable javascript from IE, but it didn't work.
Something interesting, if i open this link from Chrome, everything works fine, but if I open the link from IE or from my app (webbrowser), loads everything but its not functional.
I'm pretty sure is some configuration with the IE but I haven't found anything yet in my research.
Any clue what's going on here?
I'd really appreciate your help.

IMG disappearing in firefox only?

I have built the following page a while ago:
However, the ID card (images/id-card.png) disappears in Firefox, although behaves as intended in Chrome, Safari and Opera. It was working in Firefox some time ago, and I have not edited the files or code since, yet this bug has appeared...
Can anybody shed any light as to what might be the cause, particularly if you cannot replicate it?
NOTE: The image reappears if you hover over it, but disappears on mouseout. There is no CSS/JS affecting this (as far as I can see).
I can't replicate the problem. I think it's working fine. Maybe a caching issue.
Anyway have a look. This is what i see when the page loads:
and this is when i hover the id card:
It seems it works well. By the way, nice website.

Strange website loading redirect issue in IE9

I run and manage the website, and we've spent a lot of time recently trying to improve the loading speed of the site. There's a lot of content on the site which requires load time, but everything else is going smoothly.
In Chrome, we're very happy with the load speed, but things don't seem as good in IE9. In fact when we load the homepage up, it seems to pause for a while, but worse still when I click and hold the Back button, I can see about 6-7 redirects from the initial page load!
What is causing this? There are no redirects on the site, but it looks like the social media links and a couple of adverts are causing strange problems.
I've never seen this before, so I'm a bit stumped!
Also, the chat bar at the bottom of the site doesn't load properly on the homepage, but does on other pages.
Can anyone shed any light into what is causing these issues, and better still how to solve it?
To be honest performance in Chrome isn't that great - from my home connection the page takes 11 seconds to load in Chrome.
Here's a waterfall for the home page in IE9 from a server in Dublin -
The waterfall is pretty horrible to be honest - too many requests, too many domains, no prioritisation of content, javascript in the head loading in a blocking manner
I'd need to look in more depth but essentially due to the number of third party components you've lost control of your page load.

Firefox pushes table content up one pixel

I'm pulling my hair out over this probably very simple problem..
I just built a website for an iphone repair company:
When viewed on google chrome and safari the website shows up without any problems,
when viewed on internet explorer i just have the mobile optimised version showing while i get around to sorting out its problems.
but on firefox all my elements are pushed up one pixel. I have all the content within a table within divs, have a quick look at my source code or request some code to be shown. I don't understand what could be wrong, I am using the border-collapse css style, maybe that might be a contributing factor?
Thanks in advance,
Ok I figured out that for every css class and id, you can make a firefox independant one that is only seen by firefox. Just place #-moz-document url-prefix() {.....} around the second version of your css class and firefox will override the old version =D
hopefully this helps someone else!
