Mockito - Spring unit tests - spring

I've been learning more about the Mockito framework within Java and I'm lost about what to do to complete this unit test.
Basically, the error from the console states that there is a NullPointerException when the Bar.sayHi() method is trying to be run from the Foo test. I suspect it has something to do with the autowired fields (but I maybe wrong)?
Below is a simple example of the problem that I'm running into:
public class FooTest {
//#Spy // Cannot spy on an interface
IBar bar;
public void setUp() {
public void test() {
// Given
FooImpl foo = new FooImpl();
// When
// Then
Here's the FooImpl class under testing (there's an interface for Foo):
public class FooImpl implements IFoo {
private IBar bar;
public void saySaySay() {
And the Bar class (there's also an interface for Bar):
public class BarImpl implements IBar {
public void sayHi() {
Does anyone has a suggestion on this? Thanks.

Just creating a mock of Ibar will not inject that mock into the #Autowired field.
Autowiring is the job of Spring, not Mockito.
You need to explicitly tell mockito to inject those into testing objects using #InjectMock
public class FooTest {
FooImpl foo;
IBar bar;
public void setUp() {
public void test() {
or manual set the mock object inside the tested object.
public void test() {
FooImpl foo = new FooImpl();
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(foo, "bar", bar);

public class FooTest {
//#Spy // Cannot spy on an interface
IBar bar;
private FooImpl foo;
public void setUp() {
public void test() {
// Given
// When
// Then


How to mock a ObjectProvider<XXX> that is autowired?

I am doing a migration from Spring 4.x to 5.x and am following the recommendation to wrap the object with an ObjectProvider to handle beans that return null:
This is the class set up I have:
class ConfigurationClass{
private ObjectProvider<MyObject> myObject;
public SomeOtherClass getSomeOtherClass() {
return new SomeOtherClass(myObject.getIfAvailable());
class TestSomeOtherClass {
MyObject myObject;
SomeOtherClass someOtherClass;
public void setup() {
this.someOtherClass = spy(configuration.getSomeOtherClass());
The problem is when I run this test. the myObject in the ConfigurationClass returns a null pointer exception.
I've tried adding this to the TestSomeOtherClass but I still can't seem to mock the ObjectProvider<MyObject>:
class TestSomeOtherClass {
MyObject myObject;
ObjectProvider<MyObject> myObjectObjectProvider;
SomeOtherClass someOtherClass;
public void setup() {
this.someOtherClass = spy(configuration.getSomeOtherClass());
Any advice on how to handle this?
You do not tell Mockito to handle it's annotations (#Mock, #InjectMocks) anywhere in your code, so they do not have any effect. By default all non-primitive fields in Java are initialized as null - that's where the NullPointerException comes from.
openMocks/initMocks method
Depending on the version of Mockito you're using, you need to call initMocks() or openMocks() static method from the MockitoAnnotations class:
AutoCloseable openMocks;
public void setup() {
// the line below is where the magic happens
openMocks = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
someOtherClass = spy(configuration.getSomeOtherClass());
void tearDown() throws Exception {
void test() {
You can also use the #ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) annotation over your class and it has the same effect as the methods described above.
You can find both approaches tested in a GitHub repository I've created (all tests pass).

Verifying pointcuts being called in tests

I have a dummy project where I try figure out how to test pointcuts being triggered.
My project consists of 1 aspect bean which just prints after a foo method is called
public class SystemArchitecture {
#After("execution(* foo(..))")
public void after() {
And a FooServiceImpl with implemented foo method
public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService{
public FooDto foo(String msg) {
return new FooDto(msg);
The code works and and I can see "#After" being printed to console, but I can't check programatically if after pointcut was called using the test below.
public class AspectTest {
private FooService fooService;
void shouldPass() {"hello");
I've also tried using non-bean proxy as was adviced in, but this time I'm getting an obvious error cannot extend concrete aspect because my spy proxy is no longer viewed as an aspect:
public class AspectNoContextTest {
void shouldPass() {
FooService fooService = Mockito.mock(FooService.class);
SystemArchitecture systemArchitecture = Mockito.spy(new SystemArchitecture());
AspectJProxyFactory aspectJProxyFactory = new AspectJProxyFactory(fooService);
DefaultAopProxyFactory proxyFactory = new DefaultAopProxyFactory();
AopProxy aopProxy = proxyFactory.createAopProxy(aspectJProxyFactory);
FooService proxy = (FooService) aopProxy.getProxy();"foo");
verify(systemArchitecture, times(1)).after();
Ok, after some digging, I found that it's possible to accomplish this by making an aspect a #SpyBean. Also AopUtils can be used for performing additional checks
public class AspectTest {
private FooService fooService;
private SystemArchitecture systemArchitecture;
void shouldPass() {
verify(systemArchitecture, times(1)).after();

When I call method from Test I have Always null resolte

I have test class ExecuteTest and I want to test the method returnString method who is in MyStringClass, and in returnString I call strings() from class OtherString.
This is my code:
public class ExecuteTest {
private MyStringClass myStringClass;
private OtherString otherString;
public void init() {
public void testString() {
String test = myStringClass.returnString("test");
assertThat(test, equalTo(test));
public class MyStringClass {
private OtherString otherString;
public <T extends Object> T returnString(String key) {
return (T) otherString.strings(key);
And my test variable is always null in my test.

autowired #components null in unit test

I have a class:
public class B {
private A a;
and A is a component:
public class A{}
In unit test class BTest:
public class BTest {
public void testBMethod() {
I am not using an xml to define context or for beans to be picked from.
What is the cleanest way I can get the test to run?
You don't have to use Spring for the unit tests. Mockito may be used for this.
public class BTest {
private A a;
private B b;
public void testBMethod() {
For more details, you may check

How to inject a bean in a ConstraintValidator with MockMVC?

I have a custom ConstraintValidator:
public class FooValidator implements ConstraintValidator<FooAnnotation, String> {
private FooRepository fooRepository;
public void initialize(FooAnnotation foo) {
public boolean isValid(String code, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
Foo foo = fooRepository.findByCode(code);
//My code
In my Junit tests and MockMVC I call the url but fooRepository bean validator is always null.
How I can inject it in my test controller? I tried to create a mock repository but it is also null.
My source code test:
public class FooControllerTest {
private FooController fooController;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
// Process mock annotations
// Setup Spring test in standalone mode
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(fooController)
.setCustomArgumentResolvers(new PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver())
public void testSave() throws Exception {
Foo foo = new Foo();
// given
//My code...
// when
// then
// with errors
.param("name", "asdfasd")
.sessionAttr("foo", foo))
.andExpect(model().attributeHasFieldErrors("foo", "name"));
You should add a #ContextConfiguration to your test, among other things.
