autowired #components null in unit test - spring

I have a class:
public class B {
private A a;
and A is a component:
public class A{}
In unit test class BTest:
public class BTest {
public void testBMethod() {
I am not using an xml to define context or for beans to be picked from.
What is the cleanest way I can get the test to run?

You don't have to use Spring for the unit tests. Mockito may be used for this.
public class BTest {
private A a;
private B b;
public void testBMethod() {
For more details, you may check


Mockito: How to properly mock a List of Spring Services

I have the following Spring Service class that I'm trying to test with Mockito:
public class ObjectExportService {
protected List<SecuredService<? extends SecuredObject>> securedServices;
public void doStuff() {
for(int i = 0; i < this.securedServices.size(); i++){
SecuredService<? extends SecuredObject> securedSrv = this.securedServices.get(i);
//this access works
for (SecuredService<? extends SecuredObject> securedSrv : this.securedServices) { //this access does not work
This is my Test class for that service:
public class ObjectExportServiceTest {
private ObjectExportService objectExportService;
protected List<SecuredService<? extends SecuredObject>> securedServices;
public void testDoStuff(){
When I run the test, I get a NullpointerException, but only in the for-each loop.
First I assumed is a similar problem as described in this thread:
I have Mocked the List and would therefore need to mock the iterator() call.
The solutions provided in that thread didn't work for me, because I am actually autowiring a List.
So I stumbled across this solution in another thread. Simply changing the #Mock to #Spy resolved the issue for me:
public class ObjectExportServiceTest {
private ObjectExportService objectExportService;
#Spy // <-- change here
protected List<SecuredService<? extends SecuredObject>> securedServices;
public void testDoStuff(){

Spring AOPed target class not injecting mocks

I have class A having structure:
Class A implements AInterface {
private final C c;
String test(String b) {
Structure of class C:
class C {
// some methods
then I wrote interceptor for this class :
class Interceptor {
value =
"execution(* AInterface.test(..)) && args(c)")
public Object intercept(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String c) {
// some logic
I am trying to do integration test and wants to inject mock class c in A but its not happening.
Test class structure:
class ATest {
// Tried #MockBean also
private C c;
#Autowired #InjectMock private AInterface a;
#BeforeTest {
// tried using ReflectionUtils to inject mock
void testTest () {
// when then logic

How to mock lazy initialized Bean using Junit Mockito

I have a class where I autowired it using lazy initialization in constructor. But Iam unable to mock it using #Mock. It throws null pointer exception in my test class.
public class A{
private B b;
public A(#Lazy B b {
this.b= b;
Iam unable to mock the bean B.My test class is as follows.
public class ATest{
public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
A a;
B b;
The above code returns null pointer exception as Iam unable to mock class B.Please let me know how to mock this.
You are using constructor injection with #Autowired and #Lazy annotation should be at the place above the method. Please try :
Class A :
public class A {
private B b;
public A(B b) {
this.b = b;
Class B :
public class B {
public String methodCall() {
return "foo";
Test class:
public class MyTest {
private A a;
private B b;
public void before() {
public void myTest() {
assertEquals(b.methodCall(), "test");
I am pretty sure it is not the best solution but I resolved it using reflection
public void before() {
ReflectionUtils.setField(ReflectionUtils.findRequiredField(A.class, "b"), a, b);

How to Pass #Value to a #Component for Spring Unit Testing

Im writing unit tests for services, controllers, etc however theres is a #Component that has the following values
Public class myclass
Private MyTemplate myTemplate
Private String someString
Public void loadString()
How would I manually load values into the #Values? I have tried with Mocks, TestPropertySource, ReflectionTestUtils, among other ways found around
You can inject the #Value in test class by ReflectionTestUtils. Load container only in case of Controllers. For writing test cases for services and dao you don't need to load the spring container.
public class TestClass{
private #InjectsMock ServiceClass service;
public void setUp(){
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(service, "someString", "someValue");
//your test cases over here.
I can immediately think of two options
1) You could define $someString in your test/resources/
public class ClassTest {
2) do it manually
public class ClassTest {
private MyClass miclass;
public void setupObject() {

Mockito - Spring unit tests

I've been learning more about the Mockito framework within Java and I'm lost about what to do to complete this unit test.
Basically, the error from the console states that there is a NullPointerException when the Bar.sayHi() method is trying to be run from the Foo test. I suspect it has something to do with the autowired fields (but I maybe wrong)?
Below is a simple example of the problem that I'm running into:
public class FooTest {
//#Spy // Cannot spy on an interface
IBar bar;
public void setUp() {
public void test() {
// Given
FooImpl foo = new FooImpl();
// When
// Then
Here's the FooImpl class under testing (there's an interface for Foo):
public class FooImpl implements IFoo {
private IBar bar;
public void saySaySay() {
And the Bar class (there's also an interface for Bar):
public class BarImpl implements IBar {
public void sayHi() {
Does anyone has a suggestion on this? Thanks.
Just creating a mock of Ibar will not inject that mock into the #Autowired field.
Autowiring is the job of Spring, not Mockito.
You need to explicitly tell mockito to inject those into testing objects using #InjectMock
public class FooTest {
FooImpl foo;
IBar bar;
public void setUp() {
public void test() {
or manual set the mock object inside the tested object.
public void test() {
FooImpl foo = new FooImpl();
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(foo, "bar", bar);
public class FooTest {
//#Spy // Cannot spy on an interface
IBar bar;
private FooImpl foo;
public void setUp() {
public void test() {
// Given
// When
// Then
