What is the actual use of partitions in clickhouse? - clickhouse

It says partitions make it easier to drop or move data so that there is hit only on limited data. In various blogs it is suggested to use month as a partitioning key (toYYYYMM(date)). In many places it is also suggested to not have more than a couple of partitions. I am using clickhouse as a database to store time series data which do not undergo frequent deletions. What would be the advisable partitioning key for timeseries data of high volume? Does there have to be one if I do not want to perform deletes frequently?
In production I noticed that startup was very slow and I was suspecting that having too many partitions is the culprit. So I decided to test it out by inserting time-series data fresh into a table (which created >2300 partitions for ~20Bil rows) by selecting data from another table (so that it doesn't have an opportunity to optimize the table). Immediately I dropped the original table and tried a restart. It finished fast in about 10s. This is in complete opposite to what I observed in production with 800GB+ of data (with many databases and tables as opposed to my test node which had only one table).
Edit: As it was pointed out, I mixed up parts and partitions. Regarding startup time of clickhouse being affected, I'd better post another question.

This is a pretty common question, and for disclosure, I work at ClickHouse.
Partitions are particularly useful when you have timeseries data, as you noted. When determining the number of partitions, we often recommend a few guidelines:
The use of partitioning should be determined by a couple of questions as to why you're using them:
are you generally going to query only a single partition? For example, if your queries are often for results within a one day or one month period, it could make sense to partition at that period duration
are you wanting to "tier" or set a TTL on your data such that once the partition reaches an age of X (e.g., 91 days old, 7 months old), you want to do something special with it? (e.g., TTL to lower cost tier storage, backup and delete from ClickHouse, etc.)
We often recommend to keep the number of partitions less than around 100. Up to 1000 partitions can work, but it is suboptimal and will have some performance impact at the filesystem and index/memory sizes, which can impact startup time insert/query time
Given these guidelines, hoping that helps with your question. It is probably most common to partition at the day or month, but since ClickHouse can manage large tables quite easily, might want to move towards fewer partitions if possible - partitioning by month probably most common.
I didn't fully understand your test results so please feel free to expand. 2300 partitions sounds like too many but might work, just with some performance implications. Reducing your number of partitions (and therefore increasing the partition size) seems like a good recommendation.


vertica how restrict database size

Could you please help me with the following issue?
I have installed vertica cluster. I can't understand how I can restrict database size in time or in size. For example, data in a database must be deleted older than 30 days or when a database size of 100 GB is reached (what comes first)
There is no automated way of doing this, and no logical way of "restricting database size". You can't just trim "data" from a "database".
What are you talking about (in terms of limiting data outside of 30 days old) needs to be done on the table level. You would need some kind of date field and delete anything older than 30 days. However, I would advice against deleting rows in this way. It is non-performant and can cause queries against the table to be slow: see DELETE and UPDATE Performance Considerations. The best way of doing this would be to partition the table by day, and create an automated script (bash, python, etc) to each day drop the partition that corresponds with the date 30 days ago: see Dropping Partitions.
As for deleting data—if the size of the "database" goes above 100GB—this requirement is extremely vague and would be impossible to enforce. Let's say you have 50 tables, and the size of several of those tables grows so that the total size of the database is over 100GB, how would you decide which table to prune? This also must be done on a table by table level (or in this case—technically—on a projection level, since that is where the data is actually stored).
To see the compressed size (size on disk) of the database you can use this query:
SELECT SUM(used_bytes) / ( 1024^3 ) AS database_size_gb
FROM projection_storage;
However, since data can only be deleted with a DELETE or DROP PARTITION statement on a table, it would also be helpful to see the size of each table. You can do this by using this query:
SELECT projection_schema, anchor_table_name, SUM(used_bytes) / ( 1024^3 ) AS table_size_gb
FROM projection_storage
From the results you can decide which tables you want to prune.
A couple of notes (as a Vertica DBA):
Data is stored in projections. Having too many projections on a single table can not only cause queries to be slow but will also increase the overall data footprint. Avoid using too many projections (especially too many superprojections, don't have more than two per table, and most tables will only need one). Use the database designer or follow the guidelines in the documentation for creating custom projections: Design Fundamentals.
Also, another trick to keep database size down is to use the DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS function. Unless your projections are created with the database designer, they will likely only contain the auto encoding. Using the DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS function will help you to pick the most optimal encoding for each column. I have seen properly encoded projections take up a mere 2% disk size compared to the previously un-optimized projection. That is rare, but in my experience you will still see at least a 20-40% reduction in size. Do not be afraid to use this function liberally. It is one of my favorite tools as a Vertica DBA.

Are there any benefits from partitioning an Oracle on the same hdd?

I'm looking for the solution to improve insert time for concurrent inserts. Will I get any benefits from Oracle partitioning not providing dedicated hardware for every partition?
What is the bottleneck in your current insert process? I'm guessing from the "high concurrency" in your question that you're talking about an OLTP app where there are a large number of single-row inserts rather than a small number of many-row inserts that would be common in a data warehouse.
In an OLTP scenario, it is relatively unlikely that partitioning will decrease the time required to do a single-row insert. Assuming that you've already eliminated the obvious time wasters like triggers on the table, most of the insert overhead is likely to be index maintenance with a bit of I/O for the writes to the redo logs. Partitioning likely wouldn't reduce any of these because in an OLTP environment you generally can't load into a staging table and do a partition exchange which would reduce the index maintenance costs.
Well, like everything else, it depends.
Partitioning can reduce contention and eliminate hot blocks. For example, imagine if you will, a transaction system. If you partitioned by hash across some surrogate customer ID value, each index would be significantly smaller, and potentially less subject to contention and index root splits.
Another solution if you have concurrency problems is the use of reverse-key indexes against "one-legged" indexes - where an indexed sequence-populated column forces continue block-splits. However, using reverse-key indexes prevents range scans from using the index, so beware.
It really depends on what Oracle wait events are part of your critical transaction path. What you're waiting on will generally dictate what solution is appropriate.
So it could help. It could also make the situation worse. Without more information about what's adding wait time - if anything - the internet can't help solve the problem.

How many table partitions is too many in Postgres?

I'm partitioning a very large table that contains temporal data, and considering to what granularity I should make the partitions. The Postgres partition documentation claims that "large numbers of partitions are likely to increase query planning time considerably" and recommends that partitioning be used with "up to perhaps a hundred" partitions.
Assuming my table holds ten years of data, if I partitioned by week I would end up with over 500 partitions. Before I rule this out, I'd like to better understand what impact partition quantity has on query planning time. Has anyone benchmarked this, or does anyone have an understanding of how this works internally?
The query planner has to do a linear search of the constraint information for every partition of tables used in the query, to figure out which are actually involved--the ones that can have rows needed for the data requested. The number of query plans the planner considers grows exponentially as you join more tables. So the exact spot where that linear search adds up to enough time to be troubling really depends on query complexity. The more joins, the worse you will get hit by this. The "up to a hundred" figure came from noting that query planning time was adding up to a non-trivial amount of time even on simpler queries around that point. On web applications in particular, where latency of response time is important, that's a problem; thus the warning.
Can you support 500? Sure. But you are going to be searching every one of 500 check constraints for every query plan involving that table considered by the optimizer. If query planning time isn't a concern for you, then maybe you don't care. But most sites end up disliking the proportion of time spent on query planning with that many partitions, which is one reason why monthly partitioning is the standard for most data sets. You can easily store 10 years of data, partitioned monthly, before you start crossing over into where planning overhead starts to be noticeable.
"large numbers of partitions are likely to increase query planning time considerably" and recommends that partitioning be used with "up to perhaps a hundred" partitions.
Because every extra partition will usually be tied to check constraints, and this will lead the planner to wonder which of the partitions need to be queried against. In a best case scenario, the planner identifies that you're only hitting a single partition and gets rid of the append step altogether.
In terms of rows, and as DNS and Seth have pointed out, your milage will vary with the hardware. Generally speaking, though, there's no significant difference between querying a 1M row table and a 10M row table -- especially if your hard drives allow for fast random access and if it's clustered (see the cluster statement) using the index that you're most frequently hitting.
Each Table Partition takes up an inode on the file system. "Very large" is a relative term that depends on the performance characteristics of your file system of choice. If you want explicit performance benchmarks, you could probably look at various performance benchmarks of mails systems from your OS and FS of choice. Generally speaking, I wouldn't worry about it until you get in to the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of table spaces (using dirhash on FreeBSD's UFS2 would be win). Also note that this same limitation applies to DATABASES, TABLES or any other filesystem backed database object in PostgreSQL.
If you don't want to trust the PostgreSQL developers who wrote the code, then I recommend that you simply try it yourself and run a few example queries with explain analyze and time them using different partition schemes. Your specific hardware and software configuration is likely to dominate any answer in any case.
I'm assuming that the row optimization cache which the query optimizer uses to determine what joins and restrictions to use is stored with each partition, so it probably needs to load and read parts of each partition to plan the query.

Oracle select query performance

I am working on a application. It is in its initial stage so the number of records in table is not large, but later on it will have around 1 million records in the same table.
I want to know what points I should consider while writing select query which will fetch a huge amount of data from table so it does not slow down performance.
First rule:
Don't fetch huge amounts of data back to the application.
Unless you are going to display every single one of the items in the huge amount of data, do not fetch it. Communication between the DBMS and the application is (relatively) slow, so avoid it when possible. It isn't so slow that you shouldn't use the DBMS or anything like that, but if you can reduce the amount of data flowing between DBMS and application, the overall performance will usually improve.
Often, one easy way to do this is to list only those columns you actually need in the application, rather than using 'SELECT *' to retrieve all columns when you'll only use 4 of the 24 that exist.
Second rule:
Try to ensure that the DBMS does not have to look at huge amounts of data.
To the extent possible, minimize the work that the DBMS has to do. It is busy, and typically it is busy on behalf of many people at any given time. If you can reduce the amount of work that the DBMS has to do to process your query, everyone will be happier.
Consider things like ensuring you have appropriate indexes on the table - not too few, not too many. Designed judiciously, indexes can greatly improve the performance of many queries. Always remember, though, that each index has to be maintained, so inserts, deletes and updates are slower when there are more indexes to manage on a given table.
(I should mention: none of this advice is specific to Oracle - you can apply it to any DBMS.)
To get good performance with a database there is a lot of things you need to have in mind. At first, it is the design, and here you should primary think about normalization and denormalization (split up tables but still not as much as performance heavy joins are required).
There are often a big bunch of tuning when it comes to performance. However, 80% of the performance is determined from the SQL-code. Below are some links that might help you.
A few points to remember:
Fetch only the columns you need to use on the client side.
Ensure you set up the correct indexes that are going to help you find records. These can be done later, but it is better to plan for them if you can.
Ensure you have properly accounted for column widths and data sizes. Don't use an INT when a TINYINT will hold all possible values. A row with 100 TINYINT fields will fetch faster than a row with 100 INT fields, and you'll also be able to fetch more rows per read.
Depending on how clean you need the data to be, it may be permissable to do a "dirty read", where the database fetches data while an update is in progress. This can speed things up significantly in some cases, though it means the data you get might not be the absolute latest.
Give your DBA beer. And hugs.

Database speed optimization: few tables with many rows, or many tables with few rows?

I have a big doubt.
Let's take as example a database for a whatever company's orders.
Let's say that this company make around 2000 orders per month, so, around 24K order per year, and they don't want to delete any orders, even if it's 5 years old (hey, this is an example, numbers don't mean anything).
In the meaning of have a good database query speed, its better have just one table, or will be faster having a table for every year?
My idea was to create a new table for the orders each year, calling such orders_2008, orders_2009, etc..
Can be a good idea to speed up db queries?
Usually the data that are used are those of the current year, so there are less lines the better is..
Obviously, this would give problems when I search in all the tables of the orders simultaneously, because should I will to run some complex UNION .. but this happens in the normal activities very rare.
I think is better to have an application that for 95% of the query is fast and the remaining somewhat slow, rather than an application that is always slow.
My actual database is on 130 tables, the new version of my application should have about 200-220 tables.. of which about 40% will be replicated annually.
Any suggestion?
EDIT: the RDBMS will be probably Postgresql, maybe (hope not) Mysql
Smaller tables are faster. Period.
If you have history that is rarely used, then getting the history into other tables will be faster.
This is what a data warehouse is about -- separate operational data from historical data.
You can run a periodic extract from operational and a load to historical. All the data is kept, it's just segregated.
Before you worry about query speed, consider the costs.
If you split the code into separate code, you will have to have code that handles it. Every bit of code you write has the chance to be wrong. You are asking for your code to be buggy at the expense of some unmeasured and imagined performance win.
Also consider the cost of machine time vs. programmer time.
If you use indexes properly, you probably need not split it into multiple tables. Most modern DBs will optimize access.
Another option you might consider is to have a table for the current year, and at the end append the data to another table which has data for all the previous years. ?
I would not split tables by year.
Instead I would archive data to a reporting database every year, and use that when needed.
Alternatively you could partition the data, amongst drives, thus maintaining performance, although i'm unsure if this is possible in postgresql.
For the volume of data you're looking at splitting the data seems like a lot of trouble for little gain. Postgres can do partitioning, but the fine manual [1] says that as a rule of thumb you should probably only consider it for tables that exceed the physical memory of the server. In my experience, that's at least a million rows.
I agree that smaller tables are faster. But it depends on your business logic if it makes sense to split a single entity over multiple tables. If you need a lot of code to manage all the tables than it might not be a good idea.
It also depends on the database what logic you're able to use to tackle this problem. In Oracle a table can be partitioned (on year for example). Data is stored physically in different table spaces which should make it faster to address (as I would assume that all data of a single year is stored together)
An index will speed things up but if the data is scattered across the disk than a load of block reads are required which can make it slow.
Look into partitioning your tables in time slices. Partitioning is good for the log-like table case where no foreign keys point to the tables.
