manifold sharepoint elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I'm trying to create a crawler job in ManifoldCF 2.7.1, I create the elastic output everything is fine, create the SharePoint repository and everything is fine. Now when I'm creating a job and I add the elastic output I cannot see the elasticsearch tab, just Name, Connections Scheduling Paths, Security, and Metadata. Then I run the job and the crawler gets and processes some documents, but at the end, there is nothing in Elasticsearch. If you have any ideas, please ...
By the way, I try with elasticsearch 1.2.1,1.7.0,5.2.0 and 5.4.0 and SharePoint 2010 and 2013, and same results.

Latest release (Apache ManifoldCF Plugin for SharePoint 2013, version 0.1, 2014 Jul 28). Fix the path to the tools "14" to 15


installing logstash 5.5.1 on windows 2012 r2

I need to make use of logstash as I want to be able to index data residing in SQLServer 2012 tables on a windows 2012 r2 server.
Looking at the following link Installing Logstash there is no reference to installing under windows.
If I go to the bin directory after unpacking the zip I can see a setup.bat file. If I attempt to run this from a Powershell window as administrator nothing happens.
All the demos I've managed to find reference earlier versions of Elasticsearch and logstash at this release it sees to have changed quite a bit.
I already have Elasticsearch 5.5.1 installed and working with Fscrawler for physical documents outside the DB.
Also as an aside to this. For now in terms of an application we are currently using classic asp. so for now I will not be able to use the .Net libraries. to obtain data from Elastic. I was hoping though that I'd be able to get to it via an Ajax call to Elastic.

Unable to upgrade from 9.x to 10.x

I am a teamcity developer and our organisation currently uses Team-city 9.0.3 Free version. Now we maxed out Builds. So we are planning to take an enterprise edition.
But before that we need to upgrade the teamcity to latest version 10.x. while i am doing the upgrade it throws the following error.
Please click the link to see the error
The steps i did for the upgrade are
-- Take a back up of entire Teamcity which will be in /root/.BuildServer/backup
-- Stop the Teamcity server and delete the whole teamcity directory
-- copy the backup .Zip file into import section.
-- download the latest teamcity and do the necessary configurations and start the teamcity server.
-- go to Administration/Import and start importing the file from /root/.BuildServer/import
While importing i am getting the above error as version is not supported.
Please help me on this so that i have to upgrade the Teamcity and go for enterprise edition
Thankyou in advance..
It sounds like you are trying to import a backup created with TeamCity 9 into TeamCity 10, that isn't supported, backups can only be restored with the same version they were created with.
When you install TeamCity you usually have a data directory (probably ".BuildServer" in your case) and the software in a different location. You shouldn't delete the data directory, you should upgrade the database and data directory in place (TeamCity will prompt to do this when the new software starts, refer maintenance mode below).
If you continue with your proposed route you'll need to create a fresh TeamCity 10 database with the new schema version, however you'll loose all the other settings and data as that backup sounds like a project config only backup.
JetBrains provide detailed guides to perform upgrades:

Importing Azure SQL database into Visual Studio 2013

I am setting up VS 2013 for development with Azure SQL Database (I am new to Azure). I have set up a database on Azure and a Solution on VS 2013. The local machine is Windows 8.1 Pro, with SQL server 2014 Express. I am trying to import the database on Azure into the VS solution. I have changed the Target platform on VS to “Microsoft Azure SQL Database”. I have checked that VS can see the Azure database by using “Test Connection” – all appears well.
When I start the Import Database, I get the following error:
You cannot import a 1025 database because you project’s target platform is set to 130. To learn more about changing your target platform and/or source database, or the supported database editions for specific target platforms, please refer to Import Schema help page.
I cannot find the help referred to in the error message. I have tried changing the target to SQL server 2014, no joy. Can anyone give me some pointers?
This issue could be SSDT version issue. Can you download and install the latest RTM or Preview version of SSDT from
If you need to try out all GA and Preview features of Azure SQL DB, SSDT Preview would cover it. Otherwise SSDT RTM version will provide the stability.
For this:
Created the SQL project
Set target to Azure SQL
Instead of "Import" did "Synchronize"
The numbers refer to they type of sql installation, with 130 being 2014, and 1025 being the azure cloud. Exporting data from azure is a little more complicated than you would expect with a VM, because of the way SQL Azure works behind the scenes. First to literally answer your question here is the link to how to use the import export services so you can get the DB on your local 2014 install. However I imagine what you want to do is actually develop for that server without some painful import export process, which is why I think this link that talks about what tools to use might be more helpful.
Anyway, good luck, SQL azure is very much a product in it's infancy.
I was able to work around the problem by working from VS 2013 and creating the Db in VS and publishing to Azure following the tutorial:
I hope I will not need to import a Db in the future!
Thank you to all those that edited & answered. I hope to be able to return the favour.
Importing from Azure into a Sql Server Project works in Visual Studio 2015 with no issues.

Upgrading TFS 2008 to TFS 2012

I am currently working on a TFS 2008 to 2012 upgrade. Here is my situation: my current TFS 2008 box is Server 2K3 with SQL Server 2005 backend. I am not entirely sure what my upgrade paths are but I think the following 2 scenarios are the most likely:
Migrate the databases from SQL 2005 to SQL 2012 and then point TFS 2008 at the new SQL Server. From there I can upgrade TFS 2008 to 2012.
Spin up a new Server 2008R2 box and do a clean install of TFS 2012 with a SQL Server 2012 backend.
The network guys would really like me to do option 2 because they want to decommission the Server 2003 box but my concern is how would I get all of the data in TFS 2008 over to the TFS 2012 instance? I have looked around the MSDN and Google but I haven't come across any documents that explain how to do this kind of upgrade.
Additionally are there any pitfalls that I should be on the look out for?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The Microsoft Documentation doesn't make this abundantly clear so for anyone in the future that is in a similar situation this is a great little how to. Some of the screens vary to what you actually see but it is mostly spot on.
Some points
If you spread your Data and Application Tier across multiple servers make sure the user account you specify for 'Report Reader Account' has access to both servers and has the 'Log on locally' permission.
Pitfall: After getting TFS 2012 configured I was getting a strange URL exception when VS2012 attempted to connect to the imported project collection but not when trying to connect to a project collection created from within 2012. A server bounce corrected this problem.
All and all the process is very straightforward and TFS2012 stands up pretty quickly.
There is great documentation on MSDN:

TFS MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 Documents and Reports nodes are missing

Reading about TFS' MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 template (for example here) I can see nice Documents and Reports installed by default:
but after I installed this template myself I can see no such nodes:
What should I do to see (or install) them?
The administrator either did a basic wizard install or they did advanced and opted out share point and reporting integration. The basic wizard is actually just a wizard and the result is equivalent to advanced with opted-out. So in that sense, there really is no such thing as a basic installation - just a basics wizard. After the wizard there's no way of telling how you got where you got.
If TFS is installed on a client OS, you will not be able to add Sharepoint and Reporting integration. If you are on a server OS you can go into the admin console on the server, go to the share point and reporting nodes and configure them.
At that point, you will have to install SharePoint and Reporting services. But, if you download TFS Dev11 CTP (just came out at build conference), the SharePoint integration wizard will take it E2E even after the fact. It will detect what's missing and just do it. However, Dev11 CTP is not go live - at Beta, you can upgrade to it.
Here's a document on adding share point to an existing TFS deployment:
After you configure SharePoint and Reporting services, you will need to enable them for existing projects:
For reporting, go to the reporting node in the admin console. There's a link in there to configure. Point to your sql and analysis services and it should be fairly straight forward.
You have not made a full Team Foundation Server installation. Follow this guide:
This installation guide gives lots of important information regarding installation of a Team Foundation Server. Including important information on the SQL Server setup. Reporting Server is used for reports. And documents are stored in a Sharepoint product.
I think you have made a Basic Installation.
The missing documents and reports, has nothing to do with the process template you are using (MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0).
