installing logstash 5.5.1 on windows 2012 r2 - elasticsearch

I need to make use of logstash as I want to be able to index data residing in SQLServer 2012 tables on a windows 2012 r2 server.
Looking at the following link Installing Logstash there is no reference to installing under windows.
If I go to the bin directory after unpacking the zip I can see a setup.bat file. If I attempt to run this from a Powershell window as administrator nothing happens.
All the demos I've managed to find reference earlier versions of Elasticsearch and logstash at this release it sees to have changed quite a bit.
I already have Elasticsearch 5.5.1 installed and working with Fscrawler for physical documents outside the DB.
Also as an aside to this. For now in terms of an application we are currently using classic asp. so for now I will not be able to use the .Net libraries. to obtain data from Elastic. I was hoping though that I'd be able to get to it via an Ajax call to Elastic.


mongodump.exe and mongorestore.exe files are missing

Yesterday I reinstalled Windows 10 on my PC and downloaded and installed the current version of MongoDB Enterprise from the MongoDB website. After installing MongoDB, it works fine. But the mongodump.exe and mongorestore.exe files are missing in the C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin directory. So, I cannot restore my previous database and continue my work. Am I doing anything wrong? How can I get those files back so that I can restore my previous database?
Starting with Mongo 4.4 the database tools are not part of the MongoDB Server package anymore.
You have to download MongoDB Database Tools separately from

Why am I getting a compile error in a new installation?

Brand new Windows 10 Pro system running 1809. Just installed Access via Office 365 (version 1904). We have a database that was originally created in 1998 and has been updated and working on other Windows 10 systems without a problem. However, when we open it on this new system, we are getting the following error right away:
Compile error. in query expression 'IIf(Hour(Time())<12,"Good Morning",IIf(Hour(Time())>11 And Hour(Time())<18,"Good Afternoon","Good Evening")'
Removing this query does nothing but bring up additional compile errors.
All of the other computers were running Office Pro 2007 at some point - probably when the database was converted from an .MDB to an .accdb file. They are now running the latest version of Access without issue. They all also have an Inactive Application Add-in called "Microsoft Office 2007 Access Database Engine Conflict Resolver" installed and set to Load on Demand. I don't know if this has anything to do with it.
I did install Office 2007 to this computer (Access module only) and that same add-on then appeared in the newer Access. But I have since uninstalled Office 2007 after the issue remained unresolved. (That add-on is now gone.)
My (probably ignorant) guess is that there is old code that isn't being processed correctly and the current batch of computers are handling it via something that was installed during the upgrade process? Our database needs are pretty simple and there are very few users.
Any help in getting this new system into the loop would be appreciated.
Argh. I think the issue was that I installed the 64-bit version of Office 365. All works now under 32-bit. Sorry and thanks.

manifold sharepoint elasticsearch

I'm trying to create a crawler job in ManifoldCF 2.7.1, I create the elastic output everything is fine, create the SharePoint repository and everything is fine. Now when I'm creating a job and I add the elastic output I cannot see the elasticsearch tab, just Name, Connections Scheduling Paths, Security, and Metadata. Then I run the job and the crawler gets and processes some documents, but at the end, there is nothing in Elasticsearch. If you have any ideas, please ...
By the way, I try with elasticsearch 1.2.1,1.7.0,5.2.0 and 5.4.0 and SharePoint 2010 and 2013, and same results.
Latest release (Apache ManifoldCF Plugin for SharePoint 2013, version 0.1, 2014 Jul 28). Fix the path to the tools "14" to 15

Windows Azure specific version?

Why is there a specific version of MongoDb for windows azure? The normal windows version seems to work just fine? What's the difference between those two?
This seems to be the case for a lot of applications, including memcached which someone have made a windows azure port of.
Why would I use a windows azure version of any application? What do I gain?
Why is there a specific version of MongoDb for windows azure? The normal windows version seems to work just fine? What's the difference between those two?
The normal MongoDB install requires an existing Windows environment.
The MongoDB Installer for Windows on Azure includes the provisioning of Azure VMs as well as installation of MongoDB. Provisioning options can also include selecting an Azure data centre location and creating multiple VMs for a replica set.
There is also a package to deploy MongoDB Worker Roles using Azure's Platform-as-a-Service instances.
Why would I use a windows azure version of any application? What do I gain?
If you use the normal Windows installer, you have to create the Azure instances yourself and then download & install MongoDB. If you are creating a replica set you will have to repeat this for each node and add the configuration manually.
The Azure installer simplifies the number of manual steps needed to get your deployment up and running.

Why is the SQLite provider missing from the Server Explorer Add Connection dialogue?

I am following the article Using SQLite Embedded Database with Entity Framework and Linq-to-SQL, and have tried installing the SQLite provider, first using the System.Data.SQLite NuGet package, and then by installing the provider via the Setups for 32-bit Windows (.NET /Framework 4.0) installer package (for v1.0.79). After both installs, and a system restart, I still see no SQLite Database File provider in the Add Connection dialogue from Server Explorer.
I can proceed by manually creating a connection string and using external tools to create my SQLite database file, but I still would like to know what is wrong why I do not have the advertised design time support for SQLite despite having installed the latest provider. What could be wrong here?
Ensure the data tools for visual studio were installed correctly as per:
There are various fixes listed, making sure there weren't older tools installed first, etc.
I'm going to give it a try, but the article may help you out.
