Error in creating new project in phonegap? - phonegap-build

Whenever I want to create new project in phone gap. I have got the following error.
Error which i got

First of all install the node from here
and after that install the phonegap
npm install -g phonegap
and then create the new project.
Syntax is phonegap create foldername packagename applicationname
For Example,
phonegap create demo com.demo demo
Its working properly.


Cloud Firestore not working only on iOS | Flutter

I tried to add to my flutter app services like firebase and Firestore.
I've already done this on windows, now I am on Mac.
I followed the official guide at this link
When I build the android app it works fine, but on iOS I keep getting errors like this
How can I fix this?
Already tried to disable 'Use map Header' option, and to boot on legacy emulator.
I have the following configuration for Firestore in iOS:
firebase_core: ^0.4.1+3
cloud_firestore: ^0.12.10
# other dependencies
execute the following command:
flutter pub get
Download the GoogleService-Info.plist file, and copy it to the path nameApp/ios/Runner
Update Firebase with the command: pod update Firebase
NOTE: at some point in a project I had problems with firestore and what I had to do was the following, execute command flutter clean
in the following link it can be a video on youtube where they make an explanation of the firebase configuration for iOS link

Error: Application entry point file not found

I used this link to create a new shared application and it showed site on browser correctly. But when I built apk and installed in mobile, its showing error "Application entry point file not found"
Commands I followed:
ng new --collection=#nativescript/schematics --name=my-app --shared
cd my-app
tns build android
---> generated apk file which I tried to run on mobile but got error.
You need tns build android --bundle command as code shared projects work only with --bundle option.

Error: No pubspec.yaml file found. in MAC

I am new in flutter. After installation on MAC , while running "flutter run" in terminal , I got error as :
Error: No pubspec.yaml file found.
This command should be run from the root of your Flutter project.
Do not run this command from the root of your git clone of Flutter.
Anyone please can help me to fix this error ??
Assuming you did not create the project: Open Android Studio or your IDE and create a new flutter project. Also make sure that you set up your environment correctly like in the docs.
This command you are trying to run flutter run is meant to compile the project in the current directory and then run it on an emulator or device.

nativescript 2.5 blank template error

I have just updated to NativeScript 2.5
I have created a new blank project using tns-template-blank:
$ tns create BlankProject --template tns-template-blank
...... Project BlankProject was successfully created.
When I try to run it, I get an error:
$ cd BlankProject $ tns run ios --emulator
We have failed to check if we need to add a compatability
LaunchScreen.xib due to: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,
ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir
However, if I create a new project using default template (without --template option), it run ok in iOS emulator.
Before, with NativeScript 2.4.2, it run perfectly, using blank template.
Is there a problem with blank template and 2.5 ?
Thank you in advance.
I had the same problem (for an iOS build) using both the tns-template-tab-navigation and the tns-template-master-detail and i noticed that a folder (and its contents) were missing from the app folder... the missing folder is called App_Resources.....
To fix the problem I just found a previous project that i had built with the default template (I think...) and copied the App_Resources folder across into the failing app folder.
My guess is that only a couple of the templates actually build the App_resources folder correctly but once you have copied the folder across from a successful build it 'should' work OK

React Native multiple project dependency in Xcode

I have an existing React Native project that uses FBLoginManager and AIRMap. Now I've just git cloned a brand new codebase (smilefam/SendBird-JavaScript), did an npm install to get the needed module. Yet when I tried to run Xcode on the new project, I got error about
"undefined is not an object (evaluating 'FBLoginManager.Events')"
and warnings about AIRMap.
The new project has no reference to FBLoginManager or AIRMap. Where is the dependency coming from?
Doh, need to kill the react native packager that Xcode started for the older project.
