FreeMarker convert string with commas to number - freemarker

I need to convert a locale specific string value having either commas or dot in between to indicate thousands separator, to a number in FreeMarker by removing the decimal places. For example: 13,456.79 to 13,456 OR 23.675,98 to 23.675
Using ?number throws exception saying this string can't be converted to a number. I see a similar question here:
Convert string with commas into integer in Freemarker but no solution exist. Is there a way to do so?

I would parse the variable as Integer before (in the Controller/Business layer) exposing it to the template (and react in case of problems with the format).
In my opinion templates should handle nothing more than the presentation of (valid) data.
You can try to transform the string...
<#function string_to_int s >
<#local a = s?replace(",", "") >
<#return a?keep_before_last(".") />
will output

Given the limitations like locale specific numbers where decimal and thousands separator characters can either be a dot or a comma, and since I only needed to display the value and not do any numeric calculations based on the number value, I resolved this by simply ignoring the last 3 characters of the string using substring. This will remove the decimal separator and 2 decimal places (assumption being that there are always 2 decimal places).


Pick/UniBasic Field function that operates with a delimiter of more than one character?

Has there ever been an implementation of the field function (page 311) in the various flavors of Pick/UniBasic etc. that would operate on a delimiter of more than one character?
The documented implementations I can find stipulate one character as the delimiter argument and if the delimiter is presented with more than one character, the first character of the delimiter string is used instead of the entire string as a delimiter.
I am asking this because there are many instances in the commercial and custom software I maintain where I see attempts to use a multi-character delimiter with the field statement. It seems programmers were using it expecting a different result than is currently happening.
jBASE does allow for this. From the FIELD docs:
This function returns a multi-character delimited field from within a string. It takes the general form:
FIELD(string, delimiter, occurrence{, extractCount})
string specifies the string, from which the field(s) is to be extracted.
delimiter specifies the character or characters that delimit the fields within the dynamic array.
occurrence should evaluate to an integer of value 1 or higher. It specifies the delimiter used as the starting point for the extraction.
extractCount is an integer that specifies the number of fields to extract. If omitted, assumes one.
Additionally, an example from the docs:
in_Value = "AAAA : BBjBASEBB : CCCCC"
CRT FIELD(in_Value , "jBASE", 1)
Producing output:
Update 2020-08-13 (adding context for OpenQM):
As an official comment since we maintain both jBASE and OpenQM, I felt it worth calling out that OpenQM does not allow multi-character delimiters for FIELD().

Formatting numbers with thousand separator as empty string on amcharts4

I need to format the chart number format so that numbers stop looking like that 1,525 (comma separator) and start looking like this 1 525 (empty string thousand separator). Plus, I need dot separator for decimal, but only if a number has any, like this 1 525.4
The closest number format I was able to find for amCharts4 version is
chart.numberFormatter.numberFormat = '#,###.#';
Any ideas?
So, after a research I've found a solution - you have to use locales.
This line of code helped me a lot:
chart.language.locale = am4lang_[locale];
For empty string separator I used am4lang_ru_RU.
Btw, if you need to make your own number, strings, etc formatting, you can create your locales for that.

How to use variables with a dash in the name in Freemarker?

I'm trying to render a map that has keys containing minus signs (e.g. first-name), e.g.:
<head><title>Data - ${first-name} </title>
When I render it with FreeMarker, it complains and throws an exception. When I remove the '-' from the variable name, it works OK.
Is there any way to escape these variables in the Groovy template text?
The reason I'm doing it this way is to render a JSON blob from a 3rd party API, where I have no control over the variable-names.
Just checked the Freemarker manual. In chapter "Retrieving variables" you have the following statement:
For example, to read the variable whose name is "data-id", the
expression is data\-id, as data-id would be interpreted as "data minus
id". (Note that these escapes only work in identifiers, not in string
These type of expressions work fine in Freemarker 2.3.23 (just tested to verify the documentation):
<#if test\-dash??>
Only if you are using freemarker version from 2.3.22 or above. See freemarker variable syntax:
In this kind of expression, the variable name can only contain letters (including non-Latin letters), digits (including non-Latin digits), underline (_), dollar ($), at sign (#). Furthermore, the first character can't be a ASCII digit (0-9). Starting from FreeMarker 2.3.22, the variable name can also contain minus (-), dot (.), and colon (:) at any position, but these must be escaped with a preceding backslash (\), or else they would be interpreted as operators.

Converting variable to type 'string' in CMake

Please tell me how does one convert a variable to a variable of type string in CMake.
I have a variable that contains both digits and letters. Say of the form: "Ax3.0.1". I don't know exactly what type of variable CMake sees this at but I want to convert it to a string so I can itterate through it. Please tell me how can I do that. Thank you.
Internally, every variable in CMake is a string. However, unlike to many other programming languages, in CMake string is not an array of characters. So one cannot directly iterate over characters in the string with foreach.
The closest thing is iteration over character indicies with extracting character by index:
set(var "Ax3.0.1")
# Compute length of the string
string(LENGTH ${var} var_length)
# But foreach needs the last index, not a range.
math(EXPR last_char_index "${var_length} - 1")
message("Characters in string '${var}':")
foreach(char_index RANGE ${last_char_index}) # Iterate over indicies
# Create variable 'char' which contains specific character of the string.
string(SUBSTRING "${var}" "${char_index}" "1" char)
As you can see, this looks quite ugly. Actually, for extract specific character(s) from the string regular expressions are usually used.

Getting a meaning of the string

I have the following string "\u3048\u3075\u3057\u3093". I got the string
from a web page as part of returned data in JSONP.
What is that? It looks like UTF8, but then should it look like "U+3048U+3075U+3057U+3093"?
What's the meaning of the backslashes (\)?
How can I convert it to a human-readable form?
I'm looking to a solution with Ruby, but any explanation of what's going on here is appreciated.
The U+3048 syntax is normally used to represent the Unicode code point of a character. Such code point is fixed and does not depend on the encoding (UTF-8, UTF-32...).
A JSON string is composed of Unicode characters except double quote, backslash and those in the U+0000 to U+001F range (control characters). Characters can be represented with a escape sequence starting with \u and followed by 4 hexadecimal digits that represent the Unicode code point of the character. This is the JavaScript syntax (JSON is a subset of it). In JavaScript, the backslash is used as escape char.
It is Unicode, but not in UTF-8, it is in UTF-16. You might ignore surrogate pairs and deem it as 4-digit hexadecimal code points of a Unicode code character.
Using Ruby 1.9:
require 'json'
puts JSON.parse("[\"\\u4e00\",\"\\u4e8c\"]")
Unicode characters in JSON are escaped as backslash u followed by four hex digits. See the string production on
Any JSON parser will convert it to the correct representation for your platform (if it doesn't, then by definition it is not a JSON parser)
