An error has occurred. 500 JHtmlBehavior::polyfill not found - joomla

I imported old joomla site via ftp and when I access the administrator page I get this error
"An error has occurred. 500 JHtmlBehavior::polyfill not found"
and can't do anything but when I open website it's working..

We had the same issue with a client today - and it turned out that it was caused by the usage of IE 8 and PHP 7 which resulted in a Joomla bug. We have written a post about it here and we have just answered a similar question on the Joomla StackExchange site. Essentially, all you need to do is to use a different browser (Chrome or FireFox).

Here is somewhat like recomendation:
There are no method "polyfill" in behavior.php.
May be it's not very good solution, but mine was put it there:
public static function polyfill(){
into /libraries/cms/html/behavior.php line, say, 28


Modx Revolution with several MIGX TVS in same template. Why am I getting "max_user_connexions" xpdo error in Firefox 58.0.1?

I am working on a site in MODX 2.6.1-pl and have a template that uses 7 different MIGX template variables.
Everything seemed to work fine to work fine initially, but now some pages cause many (several hundred) of the following xpdo errors when I try to edit them in Firefox 58.0.1:
[2018-02-05 11:34:55] (ERROR in xPDOConnection::connect # /home/user/public_html/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 3116) SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User user_modx already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
It would appear this is only happening on pages that contain large amounts of data stored in the MIGX TVs.
Also, this error does not occur in:
Chrome 64.0.3282.140
Safari 10.1.2 (10603.3.8)
Opera 50.0.2762.67
Why is this happening?
Is it due to how the new Firefox handles Ajax or something?
How can I work around this?
Am I asking too much of MIGX? Would it be better to put all my data in a custom table and use MIGXdb instead?
I found the answer : Firefox was blocking some of the calls because I was logged in with HTTPS security exception.
I tried without using an HTTPS connection and it works.

CRM 2016 html page 500 - internal server error

In dynamics CRM 2016 I have a custom button that opens up a HTML WebResource and runs some JavaScript.
It works perfectly in our development environment.
However, in our pre-production it gives the message:
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
F12 Debugging only provides the same message, and i cannot access the specific resources (the code) because it is a managed solution in preproduction.
Google only return very general "500 error fixes", or similar questions that have not been answered, that are very old.
Any suggestions how to go about this?
(And yes I have checked that it is actually pointing at the correct files).
It turns out that in the RibbonWorkbench in the Url command the path called, begins with /Udv/WebResources/myPage.htm, which is a hardcoded part of the development path.
The answer was to change the parameter to $webresource:myPage.htm

Ajax getting 412 (Precondition Failed) sometimes

I am writing a website with Struts and Tomcat as the server.
On a page there's an ajax post request using jQuery (not cross-domain). The returned value is plain html.
The problem is, I sometimes (not always, not even frequent) get 412 (Precondition Failed) error. What could be the cause of this unstable error?
I'm posting an answer because I've just had this issue today. It's obviously an update to Mod Security in my case.
I was sending data to the server via AJAX and some Javascript which was part of this message caused the 412. It turned out to be the word HTML (I was passing element.innerHTML within the code)
ModSecurity treats that as a potential threat by the looks of it. For a quick fix I replaced all HTML strings with H%T%M%L and reversed the process on the server and it's now running.
You've probably long-since solved this but posting in case it's useful for anyone else.
Just today i was facing the same problem "412 Precondition Failed".
It is a Codeigntier app that uploads audio and Image files.
Till now a lot of files uploaded through the Ajax File uploader. But today i file was not uploading and through chrome Inspect > Network i found that error 412 Precondition Failed.
I re-uploaded the file so many file by changing my ajax script multiple times.
Suddenly some special character caught my attention. I renamed the file and tried to re-upload. Trust me it worked.
I don't have proper explanation but it works for me.

Magento export to CSV File shows "Error 503"

Good morning.
I've been having this issue for some days and have been lokking for a solution, but I haven't found one yet.
The problem is, I have this Magento store and some grids can be exported to CSV files, while others shows:
Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:
XID: 853411302
Varnish cache server
The Magento version I'm using is 1.6.2. I guess the problem is not about PHP code, since the error shown is this generic error, instead of a PHP one (I even found the code used for exporting files and it seems to be ok).
I would like to know why is this error being showed to me.
This is a Varnish Cache related error, I would suggest following the guide below on how to identify what the XID is returning for more insight on how to fix the issue:

"Server not found error " while making HTTPS call from wp7

I am getting "Server Not found error" while calling Https(SSL) php page. The page is not getting loaded from Wp7 browser giving error as Error loading page, do you want to continue. What are the ways I can by pass the error in WP7 code. The site can be viewed in Desktop
Thanks and Regards,
As you say it works on the desktop without any issue, the root CA for the certificate is likely not one supported by the phone.
Find out what it is and then compare with the details at
