TeamCity : NUnit fails to find dependency of target assembly - windows

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2017
TeamCity 2017.1.2
I'm working with a VS solution that locally behaves as expected. Main-project has some package dependencies. Test-project has project-ref to main project. VS local compile succeeds. Main-project refs + dependencies are copied to MyProject/bin/debug; test-project refs + dependencies are copied to MyProject.Tests/bin/debug; ReSharper local run of tests succeeds.
However my TC project has problems running tests.
My build-config steps are : pull from GitHub , run Visual Studio (sln) build , trigger NUnit.ConsoleRunner to run tests vs built assembly - which throws a file not found error (can't find package dependency assembly ) that perhaps indicate the build steps needs to save as artifact the dependent assembly and copy it to the test output dir.
However looking at the agent work dir I find the dependency assembly present in both the main-project and the test-project :
which indicates that VS build step copied {dependency}.dll into bin as expected.
So why can't NUnit find it ?
[19:27:48][Step 5/5] MyProject.dll
[19:27:48][MyProject.dll] MyProject.UnitTests.MyTest
[19:27:49][MyProject.UnitTests.MyTest] System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not load file or assembly 'MyProjectDependency, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
[MyProject.UnitTests.MyTest] at ReferencingCode()
at MyProject.MyClass.Answer() in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\64f706c42d79250c\MyProject\MyClass.cs:line 9
at MyProject.UnitTests.MyTest() in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\64f706c42d79250c\MyProject\UnitTests.cs:line 10
[19:27:51][Step 5/5] Failed tests detected
I'm wondering if the output dirs are different for the VS Build and NUnit steps ? But my agent work dir is identical to my local VS solution dir - so where would TC be locating the NUnit work dir ?

It looks as if you have two completely separate output directories, one under the test project and one under the main project. Your tests, of course, are run in the directory that contains the test assembly.
The output messages seem to say that the main assembly is being copied into the test assembly directory - the reference from the test project must call for a local copy. We can tell that because the test assembly and the main assembly both have entries in your stack trace. The dependent assembly, however, is probably not referenced by your tests, and so does not get copied. At least that's how I read it - verify by looking at the directory contents.
You could solve this by using the same output directory for everything, but that would probably involve changing the directory structure you are using. A simple fix is to add a reference to the dependent assembly to your test project and set local copy true.

For your tests to run, locally or in TeamCity, your test project must have a project reference to the project you are testing. It does not work any other way. How else would it know what to test? So check your references in the test project, and make sure the output is the same place when the build runs as "Debug" and "Release".
On a side note, letting TC do the actual build and test is fine for simple stuff but it's very hard to troubleshoot. I recommend you build a PowerShell script with PSake and create a "Test" task. That way you can run the script locally and TeamCity can use the same script you are running locally.


NUnit3 multiple App.config files in Teamcity

I'm having a strange problem. I have a bunch of integration tests projects. Each test project has a configuration file (app.config).
Currently, in my "Run Integration Tests" build step, the NUnit3 console runner allows me to specify only one config file (where it says "Path to application configuration file"). I have specified the path to one of my integration test app.configs. The problem is, the tests in other test projects fail because the Nunit3 console doesn't recognize their app.config files.
How can I have TeamCity run each test project with its own app.config file in its bin/release folder?
FYI: This is what I have specified in the NUnit assembly lookup: **\bin\Release\*.Integration.Tests.dll
Turns out, this was my problem. After removing all references between my test projects, I noticed that the build time was reduced by 50%.

VS2017 MSB4057 The target "CreateManifestResourceNames" does not exist in the project

When VS2017 was used to create a stateful solution, producing the standard boilerplate code, the resulting two projects have two different MSBuild versions.
The application uses MSBuild version 1.5.0.
The service uses MSBuild version 1.6.0 (the current "latest").
If I run the solution this way, it runs fine on my local Service Fabric cluster.
But when after I use NuGet to update the application's MSBuild to 1.6.0 (so both application and server projects use the same), the following errors occur.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The OutputPath property is not set for project 'gt_strd5.sfproj'. Please check to make sure that you have specified a valid combination of Configuration and Platform for this project. Configuration='Debug' P follow a project-to-project reference to this project, this project has belatform='x64'. This error may also appear if some other project is trying toen unloaded or is not included in the solution, and the referencing project does not build using the same or an equivalent Configuration or Platform. gt_strd5 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 737
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error MSB4057 The target "CreateManifestResourceNames" does not exist in the project. gt_strd5 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 2630
I found that after the change, some references in the application's project file continued to reference MSBuild 1.5.0. In my case, the gt_strd5.sfproj file contained four references which needed to be updated from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. See the snippets from the XML below.
Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.**MSBuild.1.5.0**\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.Application.props" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.**MSBuild.1.5.0**\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.Application.props')"
Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.**MSBuild.1.5.0**\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.Application.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.**MSBuild.1.5.0**\build\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.Application.targets')"
To verify this, I went back a couple times and was able to reproduce both the issue and this solution.
Hope it saves someone else some time.
Best Regards
I was getting this error into PCF control.
Run Developer Command Prompt VS2017/ VS2019
a) Remove white space from your folder like Test%20-%20PCFs (source control generated name) should be TestPCFs
b) Go to pcf project folder from cmd line & run msbuild /t:restore
b) Go to cds project folder from cmd line & run msbuild /t:restore
c) On cds project folder, run msbuild
d) For release deployment run msbuild /p:configuration=Release
For other types of projects
a) Remove white space from your folder name
b) run msbuild /t:restore
c) run msbuild

MsBuild failing to build package, but okay with "just" building or building package after a "normal" build

I have a problem with building a Web Deployment Package from a Web Application Project (within a solution containing multiple projects, as well as multiple web applications).
This actually works
I can build the project just fine from the command line if I use this command for example:
msbuild D:\PathTo\Solution\Project\Project.csproj
/fl /flp:logfile="D:\buildadventures\Build.log";errorsonly;verbosity=diagnostic
But this does not work
But when I try the same command just a bit differently to build a deployment package for me like that:
msbuild D:\PathTo\Solution\Project\Project.csproj
/fl /flp:logfile="D:\buildadventures\Build.log";errorsonly;verbosity=diagnostic
AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false fails miserably, spitting out hundreds of errors of the "The type or namespace name '' does not exist"-kind
And why does it work this way?
The strange thing however is, the second command I posted works fine if the first one was executed prior to that.
I suppose the tasks executed when doing a "normal" build are different to those that are executed when building a package, now I wonder in what way they are different.
What symptomatically seems to cause it
I noticed that in the project file of the project I want to build a package of contains a custom section towards the end:
cscript $(ProjectDir)SvnRevision\svnrevision.vbs $(ProjectDir) $(ProjectDir)Version.cs
nuget install "$(ProjectDir)packages.config" -o "$(SolutionDir)Packages"
This seems to be responsible for that difference; if I do a "normal" build I can see that after that a new "Packages" directory was created in my solution folder.
However, as you might have guessed, that directory is missing when I try to do the package creation command. I also do not run into this problem if I let Visual Studio create the package for me.
Maybe I do have to change the project file or passed properties to carry over this behavior for my package creation, too?
Or Is there maybe a way to force a "normal" build and then just append package creation to that somehow?
Silly me.
I was able to circumvent this issue by just calling multiple targets in my msbuild command such as that:
msbuild D:\PathTo\Solution\Project\Project.csproj
/fl /flp:logfile="D:\buildadventures\Build.log";errorsonly;verbosity=diagnostic

TFS build - deployment/package target does not run

We have a TFS build definition set up where we pass the following extra MSBuild arguments in:
This has been detailed elsewhere as a way to have the published files copied to a specific location instead of generating a deploy package.
This unfortunately does not work on our build server, however if I run the exact same msbuild command line as called by TFS on my dev machine then it works perfectly and copies the output files to the location.
I have checked the log file and there is no errors, it just seems to completely skip the publish/deploy step.
Done building target "_BuiltWebOutputGroupOutput" in project "xyz.csproj".
Target "PrepareForRun" in file "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets" from project "C:\Builds\2\xyz\xyz build\Sources\xyz.Web\xyz.Web.csproj" (target "CoreBuild" depends on it):
whereas on my local machine, after _BuiltWebOutputGroupOutput target is run the package target runs and deploys the files correctly.
I have tried using different paths and even setting the properties in the project file but it seems to make no difference. My local solution and project files are the same as in the repository that the TFS build is using. Is there something config related on our build server or with the build agent that would cause the packaging target not to run?
I was having a similar problem today and found a fix so it maybe worth a look for you. Here

FxCop and Teamcity: Doesn't show code or code-lines

I am trying to use the FxCop build runner in TeamCity (5.1.2) and while I get the analysis output, the errors all show '0' for the code line link and I can't open anything in the IDE using that link.
I am assuming (since I have not been able to get any further) that I should be able to see the offending lines of code.
Currently, I have setup the FxCop build as a dependency on the normal build. It takes the artifacts which contain all of the output in /bin/Release (dll, pdb, exe, etc) and extracts them before running. I am running using an FxCop project file that was created.
Has anyone else had success with the FxCop build runner?
FxCop uses the information in PDB files to provide the source context line numbers. Are you sure that the PDB files are actually present in the same location(s) as the copies of your assemblies that are being analyzed by FxCop?
