Setting a value in the debugger of a shared section - shared-memory

I have the following code in a DLL:
#pragma data_seg("ABC")
__declspec (dllexport) char abc[2000] = { 0 };
#pragma data_seg()
#pragma comment(linker, "-section:ABC,rws")
I have the following code in an executable:
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) char abc[];
char *abcPtr = abc;
#define iVar0 (*(long *)(abcPtr))
int main()
printf("Value: %d %p\n", iVar0, &iVar0);
iVar0 = 66;
printf("Value: %d %p\n", iVar0, &iVar0);
char buffer[256];
scanf_s("%s", buffer, 256);
When I run the first instance of the program I get:
Value: 0 0FC2A000
Value: 66 0FC2A000
If I run a second instance I get the following because they are using the same shared section:
Value: 66 0FC2A000 <- Notice the value here is set
Value: 66 0FC2A000
However if I change the value in the first instance using Visual Studio debugger, I can see that it changed in the memory location; however, I cannot see the value change if I rerun the second instance.
Why is the debugger not able to write the actual shared (memory) section?

I got the same result as yours:
My understanding is that certain value was not shared in the shared memory during debugging.


Yocto Patch Linux Kernel In-Tree-Module with extern symbol exported from Out-Of-Tree Module

I am using Yocto to build an SD Card image for my Embedded Linux Project. The Yocto branch is Warrior and the Linux kernel version is 4.19.78-linux4sam-6.2.
I am currently working on a way to read memory from an external QSPI device in the initramfs and stick the contents into a file in procfs. That part works and I echo data into the proc file and read it out successfully later in user space Linux after the board has booted.
Now I need to use the Linux Kernel module EXPORT_SYMBOL() functionality to allow an in-tree kernel module to know about my out-of-tree custom kernel module exported symbol.
In my custom module, I do this:
static unsigned char lan9730_mac_address_buffer[6];
And I patched the official kernel build in a bitbake bbappend file with this:
diff -Naur kernel-source/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.c
--- kernel-source/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.c 2020-08-04 22:34:02.767157368 +0000
+++ 2020-08-04 23:34:27.528435689 +0000
## -917,6 +917,27 ##
const u8 *mac_addr;
+ printk("=== smsc95xx_init_mac_address ===\n");
+ printk("%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n",
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[0],
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[1],
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[2],
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[3],
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[4],
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[5]);
+ printk("=== mac_addr is set ===\n");
+ if (lan9730_mac_address_buffer[0] != 0xff &&
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[1] != 0xff &&
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[2] != 0xff &&
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[3] != 0xff &&
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[4] != 0xff &&
+ lan9730_mac_address_buffer[5] != 0xff) {
+ printk("=== SUCCESS ===\n");
+ memcpy(dev->net->dev_addr, lan9730_mac_address_buffer, ETH_ALEN);
+ return;
+ }
+ printk("=== FAILURE ===\n");
/* maybe the boot loader passed the MAC address in devicetree */
mac_addr = of_get_mac_address(dev->udev->dev.of_node);
if (!IS_ERR(mac_addr)) {
diff -Naur kernel-source/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.h
--- kernel-source/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.h 2020-08-04 22:32:30.824951447 +0000
+++ 2020-08-04 23:33:50.486778978 +0000
## -361,4 +361,6 ##
#define INT_ENP_TDFO_ ((u32)BIT(12)) /* TX FIFO Overrun */
#define INT_ENP_RXDF_ ((u32)BIT(11)) /* RX Dropped Frame */
+extern unsigned char lan9730_mac_address_buffer[6];
#endif /* _SMSC95XX_H */
However, the Problem is that the Kernel fails to build with this error:
| GEN ./Makefile
| Using /home/me/Desktop/poky/build-microchip/tmp/work-shared/sama5d27-som1-ek-sd/kernel-source as source for kernel
| CALL /home/me/Desktop/poky/build-microchip/tmp/work-shared/sama5d27-som1-ek-sd/kernel-source/scripts/
| Building modules, stage 2.
| MODPOST 279 modules
| ERROR: "lan9730_mac_address_buffer" [drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.ko] undefined!
How can I refer to the Out-Of-Tree kernel module exported symbol in a patched In-Tree kernel module?
initramfs relevant code:
msg "Inserting lan9730-mac-address.ko..."
insmod /mnt/lib/modules/4.19.78-linux4sam-6.2/extra/lan9730-mac-address.ko
ls -rlt /proc/lan9730-mac-address
head -c 6 /dev/mtdblock0 > /proc/lan9730-mac-address
Out-Of-Tree module:
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 6;
int write_length, read_length;
unsigned char lan9730_mac_address_buffer[6];
int read_proc(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp)
// Read bytes (returning the byte count) until all bytes are read.
// Then return count=0 to signal the end of the operation.
if (count > read_length)
count = read_length;
read_length = read_length - count;
copy_to_user(buf, lan9730_mac_address_buffer, count);
if (count == 0)
read_length = write_length;
return count;
int write_proc(struct file *filp, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp)
if (count > BUFFER_SIZE)
count = BUFFER_SIZE;
copy_from_user(lan9730_mac_address_buffer, buf, count);
write_length = count;
read_length = count;
return count;
struct file_operations proc_fops = {
read: read_proc,
write: write_proc
void create_new_proc_entry(void) //use of void for no arguments is compulsory now
proc_create("lan9730-mac-address", 0, NULL, &proc_fops);
int proc_init (void) {
memset(lan9730_mac_address_buffer, 0x00, sizeof(lan9730_mac_address_buffer));
return 0;
void proc_cleanup(void) {
remove_proc_entry("lan9730-mac-address", NULL);
There are several ways to achieve what you want (taking into account different aspects, like module can be compiled in or be a module).
Convert Out-Of-Tree module to be In-Tree one (in your custom kernel build). This will require simple export and import as you basically done and nothing special is required, just maybe providing a header with the symbol and depmod -a run after module installation. Note, you have to use modprobe in-tree which reads and satisfies dependencies.
Turn other way around, i.e. export symbol from in-tree module and file it in the out-of-tree. In this case you simply have to check if it has been filed or not (since it's a MAC address the check against all 0's will work, no additional flags needed)
BUT, these ways are simply wrong. The driver and even your patch clearly show that it supports OF (Device Tree) and your board has support of it. So, this is a first part of the solution, you may provide correct MAC to the network card using Device Tree.
In the case you want to change it runtime the procfs approach is very strange to begin with. Network device interface in Linux has all means to update MAC from user space at any time user wants to do it. Just use ip command, like /sbin/ip link set <$ETH> addr <$MACADDR>, where <$ETH> is a network interface, for example, eth0 and <$MACADDR> is a desired address to set.
So, if this question rather about module symbols, you need to find better example for it because it's really depends to use case. You may consider to read How to export symbol from Linux kernel module in this case? as an alternative way to exporting. Another possibility how to do it right is to use software nodes (it's a new concept in recent Linux kernel).

What is the difference between main and mainCRTStartup?

I'm trying to understand how substituting a different entry point for WinMain works in the Microsoft toolchain.
I already found this question and it was super helpful, but one last detail is nagging at me.
The first time I changed the Linker>Advanced>Entry Point option in Visual Studio, I set it to main by mistake and my program compiled and ran fine. I realized it later and rebuilt the program with it set to mainCRTStartup, as the accepted answer in the linked question suggests, and didn't find anything different.
So, my question is: is there any difference at all between main and mainCRTStartup, and if so, what is the difference?
main() is the entrypoint of your C or C++ program. mainCRTStartup() is the entrypoint of the C runtime library. It initializes the CRT, calls any static initializers that you wrote in your code, then calls your main() function.
Clearly it is essential that both the CRT and your own initialization is performed first. You can suffer from pretty hard to diagnose bugs if that doesn't happen. Maybe you won't, it is a crap-shoot. Something you can test by pasting this code in a small C++ program:
class Foo {
Foo() {
std::cout << "init done" << std::endl;
} TestInit;
If you change the entrypoint to "main" then you'll see that the constructor never gets called.
This is bad.
In VS2017,create a console C++ application:
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
int func()
return 1;
int v = func();
int main()
set a breakpoint in main() and begin debug,then the call stack is like:
testCppConsole.exe!main() Line 8 C++
testCppConsole.exe!invoke_main() Line 78 C++
testCppConsole.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 288 C++
testCppConsole.exe!__scrt_common_main() Line 331 C++
testCppConsole.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 17 C++
kernel32.dll!#BaseThreadInitThunk#12() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart#8() Unknown
So the program entry point is mainCRTStartup,it finally calls the C entry point main(),and the value of v will be 1.
Now set Linker>Advanced>Entry Point to "main" and begin debug,now the call stack is:
> testCppConsole.exe!main() Line 8 C++
kernel32.dll!#BaseThreadInitThunk#12() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart#8() Unknown
So main() become the program entry point,and for this time the value of v will be 0,because CRT init functions are not called at all,so func() won't be called.
Now modify the code to :
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
extern "C" int mainCRTStartup();
extern "C" int entry()
return mainCRTStartup();
int func()
return 1;
int v = func();
int main()
and set Linker>Advanced>Entry Point to "entry" and begin debug,now the call stack is:
> testCppConsole.exe!main() Line 14 C++
testCppConsole.exe!invoke_main() Line 78 C++
testCppConsole.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 288 C++
testCppConsole.exe!__scrt_common_main() Line 331 C++
testCppConsole.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 17 C++
testCppConsole.exe!entry() Line 10 C++
kernel32.dll!#BaseThreadInitThunk#12() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart#8() Unknown
and v will be 1 again.Program entry point is entry(),it calls mainCRTStartup() which call CRT init funtions which calls func() to init v,and mainCRTStartup() finally calls main().

Using an old device file for char device driver

I have two questions as I'm trying device drivers as a beginner.
I created one module , loaded it, it dynamically took major number 251 say. Number of minor devices is kept 1 only i.e minor number 0. For testing , I tried echo and cat on the device file (created using mknod) and it works as expected. Now if I unload the module but don't remove /dev entry and again load the module with same major number and try writing/reading to same device file which was used previously, kernel crashes. I know we shouldn't do this but just want to understand what happens in this scenario which causes this crash. I think something that VFS does.
When I do cat on device file, the read keeps on happening indefinitely. why? To stop that needed to use offset manipulation. This looks to be because buffer length is coming as 32768 as default to read?
EDIT: further in this I added one ioctl function as below, then I'm getting error regarding the storage class of init and cleanup function, which work well if no ioctl is defined. Not getting the link between ioctl and the init/cleanup functions' storage class. Updated code is posted. Errors are below:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:95:12: error: invalid storage class for function ‘flow_init’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c: In function ‘flow_init’:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:98:2: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c: In function ‘flow_ioctl’:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:112:13: error: invalid storage class for function ‘flow_terminate’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:119:1: error: invalid storage class for function ‘__inittest’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:119:1: warning: ‘alias’ attribute ignored [-Wattributes]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: error: invalid storage class for function ‘__exittest’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: warning: ‘alias’ attribute ignored [-Wattributes]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c: At top level:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:73:13: warning: ‘flow_ioctl’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
Below is the code:
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#define SUCCESS 0
#define BUF_LEN 80
#define FLOWTEST_MAGIC 'f'
int minor_num=0,i;
int num_devices=1;
int fopen=0,counter=0,ioctl_test;
static struct cdev ms_flow_cd;
static char c;
///// Open , close and rest of the things
static int flow_open(struct inode *f_inode, struct file *f_file)
printk(KERN_ALERT "flowtest device: OPEN\n");
return SUCCESS;
static ssize_t flow_read(struct file *f_file, char __user *buf, size_t
len, loff_t *off)
printk(KERN_INFO "flowtest Driver: READ()\nlength len=%d, Offset = %d\n",len,*off);
/* Check to avoid the infinitely printing on screen. Return 1 on first read, and 0 on subsequent read */
return 0;
printk(KERN_INFO "Copying...\n");
printk(KERN_INFO "Copied : %s\n",buf);
*off = *off+1;
return 1; // Return 1 on first read
static ssize_t flow_write(struct file *f_file, const char __user *buf,
size_t len, loff_t *off)
printk(KERN_INFO "flowtest Driver: WRITE()\n");
if (copy_from_user(&c,buf+len-2,1) != 0)
return -EFAULT;
printk(KERN_INFO "Length len = %d\n\nLast character written is - %c\n",len,*(buf+len-2));
return len;
static int flow_close(struct inode *i, struct file *f)
printk(KERN_INFO "ms_tty Device: CLOSE()\n");
return 0;
///* ioctl commands *///
static long flow_ioctl (struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
switch(cmd) {
return ioctl_test;
return -ENOTTY;
///////////////////File operations structure below/////////////////////////
struct file_operations flow_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.llseek = NULL,
.read = flow_read,
.write = flow_write,
.unlocked_ioctl = flow_ioctl,
.open = flow_open,
.release = flow_close
static int flow_init(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Here with flowTest module ... loading...\n");
int result=0;
dev_t dev=0;
result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, minor_num,
num_devices,"mod_flowtest"); // allocate major number dynamically.
printk(KERN_ALERT "Major allocated = %d",i);
return 0;
static void flow_terminate(void)
dev_t devno=MKDEV(i,0); // wrap major/minor numbers in a dev_t structure , to pass for deassigning.
printk(KERN_ALERT "Going out... exiting...\n");
unregister_chrdev_region(devno,num_devices); //remove entry from the /proc/devices
1- You're missing cdev_del() in your cleanup function. Which means the device stays registered, but the functions to handle it are unloaded, thus the crash. Also, cdev_add probably fails on the next load, but you don't know because you're not checking return values.
2- It looks ok... you modify offset, return the correct number of bytes, and then return 0 if offset is 1, which indicates EOF. But you should really check for *off >= 1.
The length passed into your read handler function comes all the way from user-land read(). If the user opens the device file and calls read(fd, buf, 32768);, that just means the user wants to read up to 32768 bytes of data. That length gets passed all the way to your read handler. If you don't have 32768 bytes of data to supply, you supply what you have, and return the length. Now, the user code isn't sure if that's the end of the file or not, so it tries for another 32768 read. You really have no data now, so you return 0, which tells the user code that it has hit EOF, so it stops.
In summary, what you're seeing as some sort of default value at the read handler is just the block size that the utility cat uses to read anything. If you want to see a different number show up at your read function, try using dd instead, since it lets you specify the block size.
dd if=/dev/flowtest of=/dev/null bs=512 count=1
In addition, this should read one block and stop, since you're specifying count=1. If you omit count=1, it will look more like cat, and try to read until EOF.
For 2, make sure you start your module as a char device when using mknod.
mknod /dev/you_device c major_number minor_number

In kernel 3.8, how the first user process is switched into user mode while kernel_execve is removed

In kernel 3.8.x and later version, the definition for run_init_process is changed.
The following is the new definition for run_init_proces in kernel 3.8.
static int run_init_process(const char *init_filename) {
argv_init[0] = init_filename;
return do_execve(init_filename,
(const char __user *const __user *)argv_init,
(const char __user *const __user *)envp_init); }
Compared to the definition in kernel 3.7.x and old version.
static int run_init_process(const char *init_filename) {
argv_init[0] = init_filename;
return kernel_execve(init_filename, argv_init, envp_init); }
The most critical part in kernel_execve is that it will call the ret_from_kernel_execve, which will switch into the user mode then.
In the new definition, kernel_execve is gone. My question is how the first user process is switched to the user mode then.
The successful do_execv() sets up the current process to run the new program (e.g. via load_elf_binary()), and then returns 0 to run_init_process(), which returns 0 to kernel_init(), which also returns 0, and was called as part of:
kernel_thread(kernel_init, NULL, CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND);
This is where the rules from come in: our fn() has returned 0 after an execve, so "the thread will proceed into userland context created by that execve".

Problems With 64bit Posix Write In Mac OS X? (2gb+ Dataset in HDF5)

I'm having some issues with HDF5 on Mac os x (10.7). After some testing, I've confirmed that POSIX write seems to have issues with buffer sizes exceeding 2gb. I've written a test program to demonstrate the issue:
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
void writePosix(const int64_t arraySize, const char* name) {
int fd = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
if (fd != -1) {
double *array = new double [arraySize];
double start = 0.0;
for (int64_t i=0;i<arraySize;++i) {
array[i] = start;
start += 0.001;
ssize_t result = write(fd, array, (int64_t)(sizeof(double))*arraySize);
printf("results for array size %lld = %ld\n", arraySize, result);
} else {
printf("file error");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
writePosix(268435455, "/Users/tpav/testfolder/lessthan2gb");
writePosix(268435456, "/Users/tpav/testfolder/equal2gb");
results for array size 268435455 = 2147483640
results for array size 268435456 = -1
As you can see, I've even tried defining the file offsets. Is there anything I can do about this or should I start looking for a workaround in the way I write 2gb+ chunks?
In the HDF5 virtual file drivers, we break I/O operations that are too large for the call into multiple smaller I/O calls. The Mac implementation of POSIX I/O takes a size_t argument so our code assumed that the max I/O size would be the max value that can fit in a variable of type ssize_t (the return type of read/write). Sadly, this is not the case.
Note that this only applies to single I/O operations. You can create files that go above the 2GB/4GB barrier, you just can't write >2GB in a single call.
This should be fixed in HDF5 1.8.10 patch 1, due out in late January 2013.
