Assertion error message in jmeter dashboard report - jmeter

I am creating jmeter dashboard report using a .jmx file, It's working fine but I am getting on response error code in report, not able to get assertion error message in the report.


Using JMeter 5.4.1 recording .Net application gets either wrong response or Error response Code: 500

JMeter version 5.4.1
MS Edge 94.0
Google Chrome: 94.0
FireFox: 92.0.1
Using JMeter to record .Net application. 90% of the recording was perfectly fine. no page crashed and received the response correctly. Except, when I made any requests that related to permission.aspx or permission.asp page I got error message have shown below or wrong response content displayed on the page.
I did try to change the record type from httpclient4 to Java but it didn't help.
Also Error log from JMeter log showed: Cause: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
Error Message:
Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown.
Inner Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Your question provide sufficient level of details so I doubt you will get a comprehensive answer, it looks like JMeter isn't capable of handling some specific setup of your application.
In order to get more information you could:
Increase logging level verbosity for JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy" level="debug" />
then inspect jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries
Check your application logs as HTTP 5xx errors are server-side errors so most probably the reason can be found there
You might also want to try out an alternative way of recording a JMeter test: JMeter Chrome Extension which is kind of less "invasive" and "alien" to the browser than JMeter's proxy server.

JMeter Report - No column <"VarName"> found in sample metadata

I have configured my JMeter Simple Data Writer to output my results. However, when using the JMeter HMTL Reported generator I am receiving this error:
Generating report
An error occurred: Error while processing samples: Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :No column <"VarName"> found in sample metadata <timeStamp,elapsed,label,responseCode,responseMessage,success,failureMessage,bytes,Latency>, check* properties to add the missing column
Any help would be appreciated.
It looks like you have definition for generating a custom chart over time for VarName sample variable and it is not present in the .jtl results file.
So the options are in:
Remove custom chart configuration, i.e. look for the properties which start with jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_ and either comment them out or delete these lines completely.
Once done you should be able to generate the dashboard from that .jtl results file.
Add the next line to file:
in this case you will need to re-run your test and re-generate the dashboard using the new .jtl results file
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Nightwatch does not create html report , If there is any run-time failure in nightwatch

I am using this module - to create html report for my nightwatch test. Test report creates successfully if there is no run-time error during the test run. for an example it creates html report successfully even if one of the assertion fail, as long as there is no run-time error.
however if there is any error thrown like below then , it does not create html report including all the test suites it ran.(please check the screen-shot i've attached as well). How can i capture all the failures in the html-report and create the report successfully.
POST /wd/hub/session/fd34aff5c708035939c98efd74afd866/elements - ECONNRESET
Error: socket hang up
at connResetException (internal/errors.js:570:14)
at Socket.socketCloseListener (_http_client.js:380:25)
Error while running .locateMultipleElements() protocol action: An unknown error has occurred.```
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
The problem is not about html-report. Its about junit xml report. The junit xml report is not generated when the element is not found.
I was using the version nightwatch 1.3.2. Better solution is to update to the latest version 1.3.4

Error 500/OK in my jmeter load test and Apdex. What is the meaning of 500/OK?

Im load testing a microsft crm portal so after my load test, i extracted the logs and found out that I encountered a 500/OK error. If I may ask what is 500/OK error? Is this a valid defect of the application that I'm testing or is it a jmeter based defect?
Thank you :-)errors encountered
It looks like application you are testing has encountered error and returned response with status code 500 and status OK.
In table you attached, first column shows ERROR CODE / STATUS TEXT...
You should report this to the developers and(or) examine application logs to check what went wrong.
Reference: 500 Internal Server Error

Load Testing : Unable to open VSTS reports in JMeter

1.Created Jmeter load test scripts
2.Ran JMeter load test script in VSTS
3.Download 'DefaultCLTAttributes .csv' from VSTS load test results
4.Open JMeter 'Summary Report' listener with 'DefaultCLTAttributes .csv'
I got below error message as shown in attached screen shot.Please help me.
I did not see any error on log file.
I did not see column headings on .csv file. Please see attached screen shot
