Nightwatch does not create html report , If there is any run-time failure in nightwatch - nightwatch.js

I am using this module - to create html report for my nightwatch test. Test report creates successfully if there is no run-time error during the test run. for an example it creates html report successfully even if one of the assertion fail, as long as there is no run-time error.
however if there is any error thrown like below then , it does not create html report including all the test suites it ran.(please check the screen-shot i've attached as well). How can i capture all the failures in the html-report and create the report successfully.
POST /wd/hub/session/fd34aff5c708035939c98efd74afd866/elements - ECONNRESET
Error: socket hang up
at connResetException (internal/errors.js:570:14)
at Socket.socketCloseListener (_http_client.js:380:25)
Error while running .locateMultipleElements() protocol action: An unknown error has occurred.```
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

The problem is not about html-report. Its about junit xml report. The junit xml report is not generated when the element is not found.
I was using the version nightwatch 1.3.2. Better solution is to update to the latest version 1.3.4


Error 500/OK in my jmeter load test and Apdex. What is the meaning of 500/OK?

Im load testing a microsft crm portal so after my load test, i extracted the logs and found out that I encountered a 500/OK error. If I may ask what is 500/OK error? Is this a valid defect of the application that I'm testing or is it a jmeter based defect?
Thank you :-)errors encountered
It looks like application you are testing has encountered error and returned response with status code 500 and status OK.
In table you attached, first column shows ERROR CODE / STATUS TEXT...
You should report this to the developers and(or) examine application logs to check what went wrong.
Reference: 500 Internal Server Error

Load Testing : Unable to open VSTS reports in JMeter

1.Created Jmeter load test scripts
2.Ran JMeter load test script in VSTS
3.Download 'DefaultCLTAttributes .csv' from VSTS load test results
4.Open JMeter 'Summary Report' listener with 'DefaultCLTAttributes .csv'
I got below error message as shown in attached screen shot.Please help me.
I did not see any error on log file.
I did not see column headings on .csv file. Please see attached screen shot

Getting different results while comparing reports from SonarQube UI and JSON report generated

While generating JSON report for a project from SonarQube 6.4, I am getting different results in the report as compared to what I see in the UI for the same project.
I am using the following web api method to generate the report: http://localhost:9000/api/measures/component?&metricKeys=ncloc,coverage,critical_violations,violations,blocker_violations,major_violations,minor_violations,info_violations,functions,function_complexity_distribution&componentKey=

Assertion error message in jmeter dashboard report

I am creating jmeter dashboard report using a .jmx file, It's working fine but I am getting on response error code in report, not able to get assertion error message in the report.

Generate html report in Protractor even if there is an exception/error in code

I am using "protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter" package for generating html reports for my protractor test cases. This is only generating reports for passed/failed specs but when there is a timeout/compilation error in between, it does not capture anything in the report at all. It shows as:
Total specs tested: 0
Total failed: 0
Is there anyway I can see the report for the specs which ran successfully before it throws exception?
Could someone please help me on this?
