Spring AOP does not run as expected [duplicate] - spring-boot

I have several Aspects coded in my application. All others works except for the following.
Service Interface
package com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service;
public interface MessageService {
Message reply(Message message);
Message send(Message message);
Service Implementation
package com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service.impl;
public class MessageServiceImpl implements MessageService {
public Message reply(Message message) {
return this.send(message);
public Message send(Message message) {
public class NewMessageAspect {
#AfterReturning(value = "execution(* com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service.impl.MessageServiceImpl.send(..))",
returning = "message")
public void perform(Message message){
When I try to execute the send method the debug point is not getting hit in the aspect perform.
I did some investigations and found that this doesn't work, when the send method is invoked from the reply method as below
#Autowire MessageService messageService;
But if I call the method messageService.send(message) it works fine. But as reply method is calling send method internally, shouldn't it also invoke the aspect?
I have no idea what i have done wrong. Please help me.

Thank you jst for clearing the things up. Just for the information purposes for the future developer in SO, I'm posting the full answer to this question
Lets assume that there is a bean from SimplePojo
public class SimplePojo implements Pojo {
public void foo() {
public void bar() {
When we call the method foo(), it reinvokes the method bar() inside it. Even thought the method foo() is invoked from the AOP Proxy, the internal invocation of the bar() is not covered by the AOP Proxy.
So eventually this makes, if there are any advices attached to the method bar() to not get invoked
Use AopContext.currentProxy() to call the method. Unfortunately this couples the logic with AOP.
public void foo() {
((Pojo) AopContext.currentProxy()).bar();

You are running into a limitation of Spring AOP on self-invocation. You basically can get around it by using AopContext.currentProxy(), refactor code into different beans, or use full ApsectJ weaving.
See explanation here and workaround(s).

I guess the problem is the #args condition.
Spring documentation states the following:
#args - limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the runtime type of the actual arguments passed have annotations of the given type(s)
Therefore the parameter of #args has to be a type expression. So the correct pointcut expression is
#AfterReturning(value = "execution(* com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service.impl.MessageServiceImpl.send(..)) && args(com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service.impl.Message")
or simply
#AfterReturning(value = "execution(* com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service.impl.MessageServiceImpl.send(com.enbiso.proj.estudo.system.service.impl.Message))")
Please adjust the package of Message if it doesn't fit.


Intercepting method for execution time using Aspect [duplicate]

Please explain, why self invocation on proxy performed on target but not proxy? If that made on purpose, then why? If proxies created by subclassing, it's possible to have some code executed before each method call, even on self invocation. I tried, and I have proxy on self invocation
public class DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
public void print2() {
public void printBoth() {
public class PrinterProxy extends DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
System.out.println("Before print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println("Before print2");
public void printBoth() {
System.out.println("Before print both");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DummyPrinter p = new PrinterProxy();
Before print both
Before print1
Before print2
Here each method called on proxy. Why in documentation mentioned that AspectJ should be used in case of self invocation?
Please read this chapter in the Spring manual, then you will understand. Even the term "self-invocation" is used there. If you still do not understand, feel free to ask follow-up questions, as long as they are in context.
Update: Okay, now after we have established that you really read that chapter and after re-reading your question and analysing your code I see that the question is actually quite profound (I even upvoted it) and worth answering in more detail.
Your (false) assumption about how it works
Your misunderstanding is about how dynamic proxies work because they do not work as in your sample code. Let me add the object ID (hash code) to the log output for illustration to your own code:
package de.scrum_master.app;
public class DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
System.out.println(this + " print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println(this + " print2");
public void printBoth() {
package de.scrum_master.app;
public class PseudoPrinterProxy extends DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print2");
public void printBoth() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print both");
public static void main(String[] args) {
new PseudoPrinterProxy().printBoth();
Console log:
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print both
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print1
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d print1
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print2
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d print2
See? There is always the same object ID, which is no surprise. Self-invocation for your "proxy" (which is not really a proxy but a statically compiled subclass) works due to polymorphism. This is taken care of by the Java compiler.
How it really works
Now please remember we are talking about dynamic proxies here, i.e. subclasses and objects created during runtime:
JDK proxies work for classes implementing interfaces, which means that classes implementing those interfaces are being created during runtime. In this case there is no superclass anyway, which also explains why it only works for public methods: interfaces only have public methods.
CGLIB proxies also work for classes not implementing any interfaces and thus also work for protected and package-scoped methods (not private ones though because you cannot override those, thus the term private).
The crucial point, though, is that in both of the above cases the original object already (and still) exists when the proxies are created, thus there is no such thing as polymorphism. The situation is that we have a dynamically created proxy object delegating to the original object, i.e. we have two objects: a proxy and a delegate.
I want to illustrate it like this:
package de.scrum_master.app;
public class DelegatingPrinterProxy extends DummyPrinter {
DummyPrinter delegate;
public DelegatingPrinterProxy(DummyPrinter delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void print1() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print2");
public void printBoth() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print both");
public static void main(String[] args) {
new DelegatingPrinterProxy(new DummyPrinter()).printBoth();
See the difference? Consequently the console log changes to:
de.scrum_master.app.DelegatingPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print both
de.scrum_master.app.DummyPrinter#5c8da962 print1
de.scrum_master.app.DummyPrinter#5c8da962 print2
This is the behaviour you see with Spring AOP or other parts of Spring using dynamic proxies or even non-Spring applications using JDK or CGLIB proxies in general.
Is this a feature or a limitation? I as an AspectJ (not Spring AOP) user think it is a limitation. Maybe someone else might think it is a feature because due to the way proxy usage is implemented in Spring you can in principle (un-)register aspect advices or interceptors dynamically during runtime, i.e. you have one proxy per original object (delegate), but for each proxy there is a dynamic list of interceptors called before and/or after calling the delegate's original method. This can be a nice thing in very dynamic environments. I have no idea how often you might want to use that. But in AspectJ you also have the if() pointcut designator with which you can determine during runtime whether to apply certain advices (AOP language for interceptors) or not.
What you can do in order to solve the problem is:
Switch to native AspectJ, using load-time weaving as described in the Spring manual. Alternatively, you can also use compile-time weaving, e.g. via AspectJ Maven plugin.
If you want to stick with Spring AOP, you need to make your bean proxy-aware, i.e. indirectly also AOP-aware, which is less than ideal from a design point of view. I do not recommend it, but it is easy enough to implement: Simply self-inject a reference to the component, e.g. #Autowired MyComponent INSTANCE and then always call methods using that bean instance: INSTANCE.internalMethod(). This way, all calls will go through proxies and Spring AOP aspects get triggered.
It is late reply but maybe this text will help you: Spring AOP and self-invocation.
In short, the link leads you to a simple example of why running code from another class will work but from "self" it won't.
Notice looking at the example from the link that when you run code from another class you are asking Spring to inject the bean. And Spring sees that in the bean you are asking for a cache, it creates at runtime proxy for that bean.
On the other hand, when you do the same in the "self" class, you create a compile time method call and Spring won't do anything about it.

Does Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW start a new transaction when called from the same bean?

In proxy mode (which is the default), only 'external' method calls
coming in through the proxy will be intercepted. This means that
'self-invocation', i.e. a method within the target object calling some
other method of the target object, won't lead to an actual transaction
at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Transactional!
But here is: Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW
Will be the second transaction created?
public class SomeService {
public void doSomeLogic() {
// some logic
// some logic
private void doOtherThings() {
// some logic
To get an answer to this question, you need to know how a proxy works.
When you annotate a method inside a bean, the proxy will wrap that bean with the appropriate logic. This means that if you call that annotated method of your bean, the request will first be sent to the proxy object (named with $), which will then call the bean's method. If this method calls another method of the same bean, it will call it without invoking a proxy which has a logic, e.x., of transaction management.
Example: Here is the code which will be wrapped by proxy and an appropriate diagram of its work.
public class SomeService {
public void foo() {
// this next method invocation is a direct call on the 'this' reference
public void bar() {
// some logic...
Hence, the answer is No.
Hope that's a little bit more clear now.

Why does self-invocation not work for Spring proxies (e.g. with AOP)?

Please explain, why self invocation on proxy performed on target but not proxy? If that made on purpose, then why? If proxies created by subclassing, it's possible to have some code executed before each method call, even on self invocation. I tried, and I have proxy on self invocation
public class DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
public void print2() {
public void printBoth() {
public class PrinterProxy extends DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
System.out.println("Before print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println("Before print2");
public void printBoth() {
System.out.println("Before print both");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DummyPrinter p = new PrinterProxy();
Before print both
Before print1
Before print2
Here each method called on proxy. Why in documentation mentioned that AspectJ should be used in case of self invocation?
Please read this chapter in the Spring manual, then you will understand. Even the term "self-invocation" is used there. If you still do not understand, feel free to ask follow-up questions, as long as they are in context.
Update: Okay, now after we have established that you really read that chapter and after re-reading your question and analysing your code I see that the question is actually quite profound (I even upvoted it) and worth answering in more detail.
Your (false) assumption about how it works
Your misunderstanding is about how dynamic proxies work because they do not work as in your sample code. Let me add the object ID (hash code) to the log output for illustration to your own code:
package de.scrum_master.app;
public class DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
System.out.println(this + " print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println(this + " print2");
public void printBoth() {
package de.scrum_master.app;
public class PseudoPrinterProxy extends DummyPrinter {
public void print1() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print2");
public void printBoth() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print both");
public static void main(String[] args) {
new PseudoPrinterProxy().printBoth();
Console log:
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print both
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print1
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d print1
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print2
de.scrum_master.app.PseudoPrinterProxy#59f95c5d print2
See? There is always the same object ID, which is no surprise. Self-invocation for your "proxy" (which is not really a proxy but a statically compiled subclass) works due to polymorphism. This is taken care of by the Java compiler.
How it really works
Now please remember we are talking about dynamic proxies here, i.e. subclasses and objects created during runtime:
JDK proxies work for classes implementing interfaces, which means that classes implementing those interfaces are being created during runtime. In this case there is no superclass anyway, which also explains why it only works for public methods: interfaces only have public methods.
CGLIB proxies also work for classes not implementing any interfaces and thus also work for protected and package-scoped methods (not private ones though because you cannot override those, thus the term private).
The crucial point, though, is that in both of the above cases the original object already (and still) exists when the proxies are created, thus there is no such thing as polymorphism. The situation is that we have a dynamically created proxy object delegating to the original object, i.e. we have two objects: a proxy and a delegate.
I want to illustrate it like this:
package de.scrum_master.app;
public class DelegatingPrinterProxy extends DummyPrinter {
DummyPrinter delegate;
public DelegatingPrinterProxy(DummyPrinter delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void print1() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print1");
public void print2() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print2");
public void printBoth() {
System.out.println(this + " Before print both");
public static void main(String[] args) {
new DelegatingPrinterProxy(new DummyPrinter()).printBoth();
See the difference? Consequently the console log changes to:
de.scrum_master.app.DelegatingPrinterProxy#59f95c5d Before print both
de.scrum_master.app.DummyPrinter#5c8da962 print1
de.scrum_master.app.DummyPrinter#5c8da962 print2
This is the behaviour you see with Spring AOP or other parts of Spring using dynamic proxies or even non-Spring applications using JDK or CGLIB proxies in general.
Is this a feature or a limitation? I as an AspectJ (not Spring AOP) user think it is a limitation. Maybe someone else might think it is a feature because due to the way proxy usage is implemented in Spring you can in principle (un-)register aspect advices or interceptors dynamically during runtime, i.e. you have one proxy per original object (delegate), but for each proxy there is a dynamic list of interceptors called before and/or after calling the delegate's original method. This can be a nice thing in very dynamic environments. I have no idea how often you might want to use that. But in AspectJ you also have the if() pointcut designator with which you can determine during runtime whether to apply certain advices (AOP language for interceptors) or not.
What you can do in order to solve the problem is:
Switch to native AspectJ, using load-time weaving as described in the Spring manual. Alternatively, you can also use compile-time weaving, e.g. via AspectJ Maven plugin.
If you want to stick with Spring AOP, you need to make your bean proxy-aware, i.e. indirectly also AOP-aware, which is less than ideal from a design point of view. I do not recommend it, but it is easy enough to implement: Simply self-inject a reference to the component, e.g. #Autowired MyComponent INSTANCE and then always call methods using that bean instance: INSTANCE.internalMethod(). This way, all calls will go through proxies and Spring AOP aspects get triggered.
It is late reply but maybe this text will help you: Spring AOP and self-invocation.
In short, the link leads you to a simple example of why running code from another class will work but from "self" it won't.
Notice looking at the example from the link that when you run code from another class you are asking Spring to inject the bean. And Spring sees that in the bean you are asking for a cache, it creates at runtime proxy for that bean.
On the other hand, when you do the same in the "self" class, you create a compile time method call and Spring won't do anything about it.

Spring Controller - forking request, return value before long run function ends

I have controller and long run function in it, like:
public class DepositController {
public ModelAndView getNewJob(long userId, Model model) {
//execute function that can runs a lot of time ...
return new ModelAndView("jobTasks");
public void longRunFunction(){
// process long run function
My question is :
How can I execute the longRunFunction()
and return ModelAndView("jobTasks") answer to the browser without waiting for the end of the function?
Thank you !
Hi, I found nice example here http://krams915.blogspot.co.il/2011/01/spring-3-task-scheduling-via.html
This can be done using Asynch support in Spring Framework, essentially delegate the long running task to another service, the method of which is annotated with #Async annotation, this task would then be executed by a threadpool and control will return back to your caller immediately.
Here is much more detailed reference: http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/3.2.3.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/html/scheduling.html#scheduling-annotation-support-async
public class SampleBeanImpl implements SampleBean {
void longRunFunction() { … }
Add #Async to the method declaration of longRunningMethod. But to make this work without AspectJ weaving you need to put this method in an other bean.

Spring AOP - aspect loop execution

in first and foremost i need to say that I'm new in Spring AOP (well, I'm new in AOP at all).
In my application I have service class which is advised by aspect, unitil this point is everyting fine. Aspect is triggered, everyting works. But I need to call that service method from my aspect, and there is problem. My Aspect is (logicaly) triggered for each call and everyting end on StackOwerflow error.
It is possible to prevent that aspect looping ?
I have idea to create IAspectSandbox interface (or class) and method invocations from class which will implement this interface do not trigger aspects. But I really don't know how to achieve this goal :)
My class schema:
public class MyService
public BarObject update( FooObject item )
BarObject barObject = new BarObject();
// save FooObject to database and detect changes against old row
// information about fields, that was changed is in BarObject
return barObject;
public class MyServicePointcut
#Pointcut("execution(* cz.package.service.MyService.update(..))")
public void myServiceItemChanged() {}
public class PraceZadaniChangeAspect
private MyService myService;
#AfterReturning("cz.package.pointcuts.MyServicePointcut.myServiceItemChanged()", returning = "returnVal")
public void execute( BarObject returnVal )
// do something with BarObject ... mostly check changes
// .....
// .....
// at the end I need to save changes
myService.update( returnVal.getFooObject() ); // after this call is this aspect triggered again. I know why, but I don't want to :)
Answer #1: Calling Advised Method Only (Around Advice)
If you autowire your service back into your aspect, you're still invoking Spring's proxy mechanism, including the AOP aspect that you've applied to your service.
See "Around Advice" in the Spring AOP chapter:
Basically, do something like this:
public void execute(ProceedingJoinPoint p, BarObject returnVal)
// do something with BarObject
// ...
// call original method with original args
I am not 100% sure on the code, but proceed() should call the target method directly without invoking the AOP proxy recursively.
Answer #2: Calling Multiple Target Object Methods
If you need to call multiple methods from that service object within your aspect, you'll need access to the unproxied object via getTarget():
public void execute(JoinPoint p, BarObject returnVal)
// do something with BarObject
// ...
// call various service methods without triggering this AOP proxy again
// by using getTarget() to get the unproxied object:
MyService myService = (MyService) p.getTarget();
myService.update(...); // does not trigger AOP interceptor
myService.otherMethod(...); // neither does this
myService.thirdMethod(...); // nor this
