Does Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW start a new transaction when called from the same bean? - spring

In proxy mode (which is the default), only 'external' method calls
coming in through the proxy will be intercepted. This means that
'self-invocation', i.e. a method within the target object calling some
other method of the target object, won't lead to an actual transaction
at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Transactional!
But here is: Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW
Will be the second transaction created?
public class SomeService {
public void doSomeLogic() {
// some logic
// some logic
private void doOtherThings() {
// some logic

To get an answer to this question, you need to know how a proxy works.
When you annotate a method inside a bean, the proxy will wrap that bean with the appropriate logic. This means that if you call that annotated method of your bean, the request will first be sent to the proxy object (named with $), which will then call the bean's method. If this method calls another method of the same bean, it will call it without invoking a proxy which has a logic, e.x., of transaction management.
Example: Here is the code which will be wrapped by proxy and an appropriate diagram of its work.
public class SomeService {
public void foo() {
// this next method invocation is a direct call on the 'this' reference
public void bar() {
// some logic...
Hence, the answer is No.
Hope that's a little bit more clear now.


What happens when autowired bean is initialized with new constructor?

I have used Spring in the past. I moved to a different team where I am getting familiarized with codebase. I found the following code and trying to understand how it works and how spring injects autowired objects in the case. From my basics of Spring, this is definitely not the right way to do. But surprisingly, this code is in production for a long time and no issues were identified.
public class AController implements Runnable, InitializingBean {
private StartServiceImpl service = new StartServiceImpl(); // 1
Thread thread;
public void run() {
public void stop() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
thread = new Thread(this);
public class StartServiceImpl {
Q1) What does localhost:8080/project/start is expected to do. There is NO GET or POST methods defined.
Q2) on the commented line 1, StartServiceImpl is both autowired and constructed with "new". So what happens here. Does the container inject bean or just an object is instantiated.
public class BController {
private StartServiceImpl service = new StartServiceImpl();
#RequestMapping(value = "**", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
new AController().stop(); // 2
} catch (Exception e) {
Q3) Again in commented line 2, does calling stop, calls the stop on the bean in the application context or a new object gets created and the stop method is called. What would happen in the latter case? Are we really stopping the service that was started or not? I think we are not stopping the service.
I have read this post. It is very useful. But it did not answer my question.
I will try to answer the questions specifically, as the purpose of the code is hard to understand (for me at least).
Q1) It is unclear for me what this code tries to achieve. As you noticed, it is not a controller, and I suspect that the only reason why it is registered this way is so that it gets auto-scanned (which might as well get done by using #Controller. This is just a hunch, I don't quite understand its purpose.
Q2) The answer is that two instances will be created, one via new, the other as a bean. When running in Spring, the final value of the field is the bean, because dependency injection happens after the construction. Typically this is done when the class is envisioned to be used outside Spring (e.g. a unit test), so that the field can be initialized with a default value.
Q3) stop() will be invoked on a new instance, and not the bean. The service bean is stopped because of the direct call above that line to the injected bean, but the next one will be an NPE, I guess, because afterPropertiesSet is not invoked on the target object created via new. the only reason why this doesn't show an NPE in the logs is because the exception is swallowed below. The thread variable is not initialized and remains NULL.
Hope this helps,
This code is flawed on many levels.
Ever since Java 5, manually starting threads is an antipattern. It's messy and way too low-level. ExecutorServices should be used.
A Rest controller that is a Runnable? That's a monstrous mingling of concerns.
A service is created via new but then overwritten with an autowired dependency? WTF!
I'd keep the thread running all the time, scheduling the task with the #Scheduled annotation and use the controller to toggle a flag that decides if the thread actually does somethin, e.g.
class StartService{
private boolean active;
public void setActive(boolean active){;}
public void doStuff(){
// do actual stuff here
And now all the rest controllers do is toggle the value of the "active" field. Benefits:
every class does one thing only
you always know how many threads you have
The code you posted is very strange.
Q1 ) What does localhost:8080/project/start is expected to do. There
is NO GET or POST methods defined.
I think localhost:8080/project/start will return 404 error (The requested resource is not available). Because there is no mapped methods in AController. #RequestMapping annotation on class level is not enough for make request to controller. There is have to be mapped method.
But service will be started anyway. Because AController implements InitializingBean. Method afterPropertiesSet() will be invoked by Spring after controller will be created and all fields will be initialized.
Q2) on the commented line 1, StartServiceImpl is both autowired and
constructed with "new". so what happens here. does the container
inject bean or just an object is instantiated.
Another strange snippet. Java will create new instance of StartServiceImpl on creation of instance of AController class. But after that, Spring will assign it's own instance(declared as component) to this field. And reference to firs instance (created by constructor) will be lost.
Q3) Again in commented line 2, does calling stop, calls the stop on
the bean in the appication context or a new object gets created and
the stop method is called. what would happen in the latter case? Are
we really stopping the service that was started or not? I think we are
not stopping the service
Actually service will be stopped. Because of invocation of service.shutdownRequested();. But thread in AController bean will continue to work. new AController().stop(); will invoke method of just created instance, but not method of controller (instance created by Spring).
This code is totally wrong usage of Spring framework.

Spring nested transactions

In my Spring Boot project I have implemented following service method:
public boolean validateBoard(Board board) {
boolean result = false;
if (inProgress(board)) {
if (!canPlayWithCurrentBoard(board)) {
update(board, new Date(), Board.AFK);
throw new InvalidStateException(ErrorMessage.BOARD_TIMEOUT_REACHED);
if (!canSelectCards(board)) {
update(board, new Date(), Board.COMPLETED);
throw new InvalidStateException(ErrorMessage.ALL_BOARD_CARDS_ALREADY_SELECTED);
result = true;
return result;
Inside this method I use another service method which is called update:
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public Board update(Board board, Date finishedDate, Integer status) {
I need to commit changes to database in update method independently of the owner transaction which is started in validateBoard method. Right now any changes is rolling back in case of any exception.
Even with #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) it doesn't work.
How to correctly do this with Spring and allow nested transactions ?
This documentation covers your problem -
In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual transaction at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Transactional. Also, the proxy must be fully initialized to provide the expected behaviour so you should not rely on this feature in your initialization code, i.e. #PostConstruct.
However, there is an option to switch to AspectJ mode
Using "self" inject pattern you can resolve this issue.
sample code like below:
#Service #Transactional
public class YourService {
//... your member
private YourService self; //inject proxy as an instance member variable ;
#Transactional(propagation= Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void methodFoo() {
public void methodBar() {
//call self.methodFoo() rather than this.methodFoo()
The point is using "self" rather than "this".
The basic thumb rule in terms of nested Transactions is that they are completely dependent on the underlying database, i.e. support for Nested Transactions and their handling is database dependent and varies with it.
In some databases, changes made by the nested transaction are not seen by the 'host' transaction until the nested transaction is committed. This can be achieved using Transaction isolation in #Transactional (isolation = "")
You need to identify the place in your code from where an exception is thrown, i.e. from the parent method: "validateBoard" or from the child method: "update".
Your code snippet shows that you are explicitly throwing the exceptions.
In its default configuration, Spring Framework’s transaction
infrastructure code only marks a transaction for rollback in the case
of runtime, unchecked exceptions; that is when the thrown exception is
an instance or subclass of RuntimeException.
But #Transactional never rolls back a transaction for any checked exception.
Thus, Spring allows you to define
Exception for which transaction should be rollbacked
Exception for which transaction shouldn't be rollbacked
Try annotating your child method: update with #Transactional(no-rollback-for="ExceptionName") or your parent method.
Your transaction annotation in update method will not be regarded by Spring transaction infrastructure if called from some method of same class. For more understanding on how Spring transaction infrastructure works please refer to this.
Your problem is a method's call from another method inside the same proxy.It's self-invocation.
In your case, you can easily fix it without moving a method inside another service (why do you need to create another service just for moving some method from one service to another just for avoid self-invocation?), just to call the second method not directly from current class, but from spring container. In this case you call proxy second method with transaction not with self-invocatio.
This principle is useful for any proxy-object when you need self-invocation, not only a transactional proxy.
class SomeService ..... {
-->> #Autorired
-->> private ApplicationContext context;
-->> //or with implementing ApplicationContextAware
#Transactional(any propagation , it's not important in this case)
public boolean methodOne(SomeObject object) {
-->> here you get a proxy from context and call a method from this proxy
#Transactional(any propagation , it's not important in this case)public boolean
methodTwo(SomeObject object) {
when you do call context.getBean(SomeService.class).methodTwo(object); container returns proxy object and on this proxy you can call methodTwo(...) with transaction.
You could create a new service (CustomTransactionalService) that will run your code in a new transaction :
public class CustomTransactionalService {
#Transactional(propagation= Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public <U> U runInNewTransaction(final Supplier<U> supplier) {
return supplier.get();
#Transactional(propagation= Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void runInNewTransaction(final Runnable runnable) {;
And then :
public class YourService {
private CustomTransactionalService customTransactionalService;
public boolean validateBoard(Board board) {
// ...
public Board update(Board board, Date finishedDate, Integer status) {
this.customTransactionalService.runInNewTransaction(() -> {
// ...

Spring - #Transactional with ScheduledExecutorService - What happens in background?

I want to know what actually happens when you annotate a method with #Transactional with ScheduledExecutorService?
Assume that the methodA is called externally. Am I correct in assuming that when methodA is called, someDao.methodDao() joins in a transaction and scheduleMethodB() returns immediately.
Later after 2 seconds, the scheduler calls the methodB(). What would this hold in this case? Would it hold the TransactionProxy and execute methodB in a separate transaction? If not, then how would we able to achieve this.
I am aware that #Transactional is based on proxies so is methodB call a self invocation under scheduler.
Note: Since this mechanism is based on proxies, only 'external' method
calls coming in through the proxy will be intercepted. This means that
'self-invocation', i.e. a method within the target object calling some
other method of the target object, won't lead to an actual transaction
at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Transactional!
public class ServiceABImpl implements ServiceAB {
private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;
public void methodA() {
//do some work in a transaction.
//schedule a methodB
public void scheduleMethodB() {
scheduledExecutorService.schedule(() -> {
return "";
public void methodB() {
Since the class is not annotated with #Transactional, the decision of whether an invoked method participates in the transaction of the parent invokee method depends on whether you annotate the invoked methods also with #Transactional and what propagation level you configure it with I think. So for example

Spring AOP - aspect loop execution

in first and foremost i need to say that I'm new in Spring AOP (well, I'm new in AOP at all).
In my application I have service class which is advised by aspect, unitil this point is everyting fine. Aspect is triggered, everyting works. But I need to call that service method from my aspect, and there is problem. My Aspect is (logicaly) triggered for each call and everyting end on StackOwerflow error.
It is possible to prevent that aspect looping ?
I have idea to create IAspectSandbox interface (or class) and method invocations from class which will implement this interface do not trigger aspects. But I really don't know how to achieve this goal :)
My class schema:
public class MyService
public BarObject update( FooObject item )
BarObject barObject = new BarObject();
// save FooObject to database and detect changes against old row
// information about fields, that was changed is in BarObject
return barObject;
public class MyServicePointcut
#Pointcut("execution(* cz.package.service.MyService.update(..))")
public void myServiceItemChanged() {}
public class PraceZadaniChangeAspect
private MyService myService;
#AfterReturning("cz.package.pointcuts.MyServicePointcut.myServiceItemChanged()", returning = "returnVal")
public void execute( BarObject returnVal )
// do something with BarObject ... mostly check changes
// .....
// .....
// at the end I need to save changes
myService.update( returnVal.getFooObject() ); // after this call is this aspect triggered again. I know why, but I don't want to :)
Answer #1: Calling Advised Method Only (Around Advice)
If you autowire your service back into your aspect, you're still invoking Spring's proxy mechanism, including the AOP aspect that you've applied to your service.
See "Around Advice" in the Spring AOP chapter:
Basically, do something like this:
public void execute(ProceedingJoinPoint p, BarObject returnVal)
// do something with BarObject
// ...
// call original method with original args
I am not 100% sure on the code, but proceed() should call the target method directly without invoking the AOP proxy recursively.
Answer #2: Calling Multiple Target Object Methods
If you need to call multiple methods from that service object within your aspect, you'll need access to the unproxied object via getTarget():
public void execute(JoinPoint p, BarObject returnVal)
// do something with BarObject
// ...
// call various service methods without triggering this AOP proxy again
// by using getTarget() to get the unproxied object:
MyService myService = (MyService) p.getTarget();
myService.update(...); // does not trigger AOP interceptor
myService.otherMethod(...); // neither does this
myService.thirdMethod(...); // nor this

Is the ArroundInvoke method gets invoked if it were invoked from another ejb method?

I've the following case:
public void ejbMethod1()
public void ejbMethod2()
Is calling ejbMethod2 causes TWO interceptor calls to be executed?
I'll assume you mean #Interceptors (plural) annotation which defines the interceptor class which will be invoked upon annotated method invocation. #Interceptor annotation (singular) is for annotating a class which is an interceptor.
If so, then short answer is: no.
The interceptor is executed by the container. If your method invocation will not go through the container, then it will not be intercepted.
Therefore the following call to ejbMethod1():
public void ejbMethod2() {
won't activate the MyInterceptClass as it's the local call (non-EJB one).
If you'd like to call the interceptor once again, you should use business interface, so something like:
// Somewhere in the class
SessionContext ctx;
public void ejbMethod2() {
// This is explicit call which will go through the EJB Container
This will make the EJB-aware call and will hit the interceptor while invoking ejbMethod1().
