Can you have 2 solutions open simultaneously in Visual Studio Mac? - visual-studio

I'd like to have 2 windows open to copy files from one solution to another - can I open 2 windows at the same time with different solutions? I can't seem to find the option to do so.

Yes it's possible.
From the terminal, using:
open -n /Applications/Visual\
For example, in Xamarin you're also able to build and run different solutions on different platforms (Android/iOS) using simulators.

From the terminal, you can open a new instance of an app by using
open -n /Applications/Visual\


programmatically xcode build(ios library) -is it possible?

I have mac descktop app(flutter, small obfuscator for objective-c code). after obfuscation of the source code, the user builds a ios library in XCode. is it possible to start the build process from my application?
These my options are:
Xcode Command Line Tools - it's very similar, but looks a bit complicated.
Also, I don't know yet how to use the terminal (terminal commands) in the desktop application - is it even possible?
fastlane -this tool is more for deployment. can i use this to build locally?
What do you recommend? maybe there are other options?
read below documentaion and set flutter path so it can be runable in terminal or you can get help from youtube to set flutter path
then simply open terminal and run below comands one by one -a simulator
this command open ios emulator
write cd and drag your project folder path
cd .../example
flutter run
✅your app launch in emulator
flutter path set details

Why doesn't VS Code auto update on macOS?

I have VS Code on Windows and macOS, on Windows it auto updates but on macOS it doesn't.
How do I get VS Code to auto update on macOS?
VS Code on macOS will not auto update if it's running from a read-only folder.
If you downloaded and are running VS Code from your Downloads folder, which is read-only, it will not auto update.
When you've downloaded VS Code, drag the downloaded file to your applications directory and run it from there instead.
It will now auto update
Thanks to #gino mempin in the answer to my previous question for the inspiration How to turn on auto search on VS Code on macOs?
In case anyone encounter this and VS Code was already in your Applications Folder...
Quit VS Code in case it was running (make sure with CMD⌘+Q)
Hold CMD⌘ + drag (so that it moves the app instead of making a shortcut) the VS Code app back to the Downloads folder.
Hold CMD⌘ + drag the VS Code app back to the Applications folder.
Now update should be possible :)
I solved my problem with this command:
xattr -dr /Applications/Visual\ Studio\
Moving VSCode to Applications folder and then restarting Mac worked for me.
2 ways of resolution:
Way 1
Drag the vscode app icon from downloads to application if you have downloaded fresh
Way 2
Hold CMD key and drag the vscode app icon from application to download and back to application
Way 2
Solution if #StudioTime's solution is not working:
sudo chown $USER ~/Library/Caches/*
xattr -dr /Applications/Visual\ Studio\

Code command terminal interface on macOS of Visual Studio Code not works after restart system

I use the command on terminal code file.txt to open file with Visual Studio Code, but when I restart the system, the command stop works. And I need open Visual Studio Code, and reconfigure path to use the code command line interface.
How I can fix this? I'm using macOS HighSierra.
After I restart the system the command apparently fade.
-bash: code: command not found
So your issue may be related to how you installed VSCode
I would run below to install the same
brew cask install visual-studio-code
If you don't want to use brew then I would download the app from below link
And after unzipping move it to Applications folder in finder.
There may be a possibility that MacOS Gatekeeper is interfering with the location of your app after every restart. Which means the symlink gets invalidated every restart and hence the issue
If the problem still happens after restart, you want to exclude VScode out of gatekeeper
spctl --add "/Applications/Visual Studio"
Try to repeat again what is described in official documentation.
Check whether Visual Studio Code is installed in the correct folder with the command: ls -l /usr/local/bin/code.
You can find out correct path by running the command which code or where code in bash.
If the command returns path like that: /usr/local/bin/code -> /private/var/folders/xf/vnnm636d0k92w3sc7lm95w040000gn/T/AppTranslocation/3815E4B6-43DB-0F8E-AAB9-EDE3AC7F67CC/d/Visual Studio
/usr/local/bin, it means that the program was installed in a temporary folder.
The path must be: /Applications/Visual Studio
If the program was installed in a temporary folder, this could cause this problem.
Drag Visual Studio to the Applications folder and repeat
instructions from the official documentation.
If after the above described still does not work and the program is not installed in a temporary folder, it is advisable to check bash settings in ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bash_profile.
Also, if none of the above does not help, you can try the following: sudo ln -fs "/Applications/Visual Studio" "/usr/local/bin/".

aptana 3 windows - terminal access denied

Wen I open the Antapa studio 3 terminal from specific project it notice me an error:
Permission denied to access C:\www\drupal\sites\all. Using default working
directory instead.
Also, I can get to the dir by cd C:\www\drupal\sites\all so it pretty wired..
Is somone handle with this issue, or is smone have any idea?
~ Almog Baku
I have exactly the same problem. You have described it exactly. I found no solution but here's my workaround. First, I want an EXTERNAL terminal window because the Aptana terminal window is too inconvenient for running git and rspec from the command line, so my solution always opens to the current project directory. Also note that I'm on a Mac and my solution is Mac specific.
From the Command menu, I selected Shell Script, and used the "Edit this Bundle" option. After some head scratching, I found that the bundle had been opened as a new project. Then I edited the open_directory_in_terminal.rb file to this:
require 'ruble'
command t(:open_terminal) do |cmd|
cmd.key_binding = 'M2+M4+O'
cmd.output = :output_to_console
cmd.working_directory = :current_project
cmd.invoke do |context|
`open -a "#{ENV['TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY']}"`
Basically, all this does is use the Mac OS "open" command to open the Mac terminal app on the current directory. I am sure there are more elegant (and platform independent) ways to do this, but this is what I am using. Hope it gives you some ideas.
FYI, docs on editing the bundle items are here:

Open multiple firefox instances with different profiles on Mac OS X

What is the best way to open different firefox instances (firefox 3 to 10) with different profiles (on 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7)?
With versions prior to Firefox-7, modifying the content of the firefox package and adding -no-remote -P {PROFILE} worked.
However, with the latest versions of firefox it's not working.
I've also tried with Automator without success.
Has anyone faced a similar problem and fixed it?
For new versions of Firefox use the following command:
/Applications/ -P -no-remote &> /dev/null &
On page explains how to use Automator to create a shortcut.
#dalvan answer does not work any more (10.15)
Workaround I've found is:
run first firefox instance as normal (profile chooser window opens, select primary profile)
use an or run from shell /Applications/ -P & and choose secondary profile
All links transfered from other applications will be opened in primary profile
This did work for me for several FF/Beta/Aurora version 10+
+ for the icons ;)
