Why doesn't VS Code auto update on macOS? - macos

I have VS Code on Windows and macOS, on Windows it auto updates but on macOS it doesn't.
How do I get VS Code to auto update on macOS?

VS Code on macOS will not auto update if it's running from a read-only folder.
If you downloaded and are running VS Code from your Downloads folder, which is read-only, it will not auto update.
When you've downloaded VS Code, drag the downloaded file to your applications directory and run it from there instead.
It will now auto update
Thanks to #gino mempin in the answer to my previous question for the inspiration How to turn on auto search on VS Code on macOs?

In case anyone encounter this and VS Code was already in your Applications Folder...
Quit VS Code in case it was running (make sure with CMD⌘+Q)
Hold CMD⌘ + drag (so that it moves the app instead of making a shortcut) the VS Code app back to the Downloads folder.
Hold CMD⌘ + drag the VS Code app back to the Applications folder.
Now update should be possible :)

I solved my problem with this command:
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app
source: naveendhanaraj.wordpress.com

Moving VSCode to Applications folder and then restarting Mac worked for me.

2 ways of resolution:
Way 1
Drag the vscode app icon from downloads to application if you have downloaded fresh
Way 2
Hold CMD key and drag the vscode app icon from application to download and back to application
Way 2

Solution if #StudioTime's solution is not working:
sudo chown $USER ~/Library/Caches/com.microsoft.VSCode.ShipIt/*
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app


Unable to install VS Code for Mac

I have downloaded VS Code for Mac, but I'm unable to install it on my MacBook. I get the following error:
"Visual Studio Code - Insiders" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
Here is a sreen shot of the full error message:
How can I get VS Code to install and run?
The problem is caused by macOS requiring apps to be notarized by Apple. The best way around this problem is to simply right-click on the app and select Open. If this doesnt work, first move the app to the Applications folder. Then open Terminal and paste and execute the following command:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app
This should remove the quarantine on the app and allow you to run it.

Code command terminal interface on macOS of Visual Studio Code not works after restart system

I use the command on terminal code file.txt to open file with Visual Studio Code, but when I restart the system, the command stop works. And I need open Visual Studio Code, and reconfigure path to use the code command line interface.
How I can fix this? I'm using macOS HighSierra.
After I restart the system the command apparently fade.
-bash: code: command not found
So your issue may be related to how you installed VSCode
I would run below to install the same
brew cask install visual-studio-code
If you don't want to use brew then I would download the app from below link
And after unzipping move it to Applications folder in finder.
There may be a possibility that MacOS Gatekeeper is interfering with the location of your app after every restart. Which means the symlink gets invalidated every restart and hence the issue
If the problem still happens after restart, you want to exclude VScode out of gatekeeper
spctl --add "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app"
Try to repeat again what is described in official documentation.
Check whether Visual Studio Code is installed in the correct folder with the command: ls -l /usr/local/bin/code.
You can find out correct path by running the command which code or where code in bash.
If the command returns path like that: /usr/local/bin/code -> /private/var/folders/xf/vnnm636d0k92w3sc7lm95w040000gn/T/AppTranslocation/3815E4B6-43DB-0F8E-AAB9-EDE3AC7F67CC/d/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code
/usr/local/bin, it means that the program was installed in a temporary folder.
The path must be: /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code.
If the program was installed in a temporary folder, this could cause this problem.
Drag Visual Studio Code.app to the Applications folder and repeat
instructions from the official documentation.
If after the above described still does not work and the program is not installed in a temporary folder, it is advisable to check bash settings in ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bash_profile.
Also, if none of the above does not help, you can try the following: sudo ln -fs "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code" "/usr/local/bin/".

How to completely uninstall VS Code on mac?

I need to do a clean installation of VS Code on my mac.
I opened the terminal and removed the .vscode/ from ~. I also deleted the Visual Studio Code.app/ from /. However, after deleting all that and downloading a fresh copy, I installed and open the editor and the editor remembered the last project I had. For me, that means that it is something else I need to delete but I can't find it. I went to the documentation but can't find anything about uninstalling the editor.
Does anyone know how to completely uninstall VSCode from mac?
What I have tried
Following these instructions and doing a new installation of VS Code, but it still keeps remembering the last project I opened.
Here are all the places where VSCode stores stuff on Mac OS X, besides the Visual Studio Code.app itself, which is in your Applications folder:
rm -fr ~/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.VSCode.helper.plist
rm -fr ~/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.VSCode.plist
rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/com.microsoft.VSCode
rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/com.microsoft.VSCode.ShipIt/
rm -fr ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/
rm -fr ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.microsoft.VSCode.savedState/
rm -fr ~/.vscode/
Update (Feb 2020): There are potentially also hidden extension directories in your home directories. To get rid of everything make sure you look for those too. They start with .vscode-.
Please run this command with care. Maybe you want to keep extension directories.
rm -rf ~/.vscode*
The solution to my problem was to cd to the following path... /Users/<user>/Library/Application\ Support and delete the folder called Code. That folder contains all the setting and is not overwrite with a new installation. Looking through the entire file structure, VSCode name folder different. Sometimes folders are called .vscode/, or code/, or Visual Studio Code.app.
This worked for me ( VS Code 1.30 with MacOS - High Sierra 10.13.6 )
Step 1:
Close VS Code
Step 2:
rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Code
Step 3:
rm -rf $HOME/.vscode
Step 4:
Remove VSCode from application
Reinstall VS Code if needed
If using a 3rd-party application is OK, check out App Cleaner.
It basically does the same thing as the other answer, but via a GUI and you don't have to manually remove all files/dirs one-by-one. Just drag VS Code from the Applications folder into App Cleaner, then it will find all the related files for you, and then you just have to click on the Remove button.
UPDATE (VS Code 1.46)
Based on a recent comment, even after using AppCleaner, re-installing VS Code seems to still "remember" your previous extensions. This is caused by a ~/.vscode/extensions folder, which for some reason, AppCleaner can't "see" and is not listed in its UI. You will have to remove this folder manually.
~$ find ~/. -maxdepth 1 -name .vscode -type d
~$ ll /Users/gino/./.vscode/extensions
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 15 gino staff 480B Jun 30 14:14 dbaeumer.vscode-eslint-2.1.5/
... (all other extensions) ...
~$ rm -Rf /Users/gino/./.vscode
The homebrew cask code for VSCode provides a nice list of all the folders that you have to delete manually after moving the app itself into the trash:
- ~/.vscode
- ~/Library/Application Support/Code
- ~/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments/com.microsoft.vscode.sfl*
- ~/Library/Caches/com.microsoft.VSCode.ShipIt
- ~/Library/Caches/com.microsoft.VSCode
- ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.microsoft.VSCode.ShipIt.*.plist
- ~/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.VSCode.helper.plist
- ~/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.VSCode.plist
- ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.microsoft.VSCode.savedState
Here is my approach:
Open finder
Click on Home icon(which has your username as label)
Click on Library Folder. Note Library folder may be hidden, so you will need to click on Shift+CMD+. to open hidden files and folders.
Click Application Support folder
Find Code folder beneath Application Support and delete it(You delete Code Folder of course)
I lost my old mac and had to reinstall vscode on my new mac. I thought I had lost all of my extensions but when I logged on the vscode they all seem to be stored on my vscode account. I don't know if that will make a difference.
If these steps are not enough, like for me, please consider removing these file and directory:
Run in a shell the following commands to check for others file or directories:
locate visual-studio-code
locate vscode
locate code

How to Get Xcode to Not Automatically Open Previously Opened Projects

So, I opened a xib file from an older project and it caused a crash. That's not the issue. The issue is that now when I restart Xcode, it tries to open all previously opened projects (and files) and the crash re-occurs. Where does Xcode store the list of previously open files, and how can I get it to start 'clean' without any open projects?
Update: As a note - this is the latest version of Xcode 4.2 on Lion.
Press option+Shift when clicking on the Xcode icon in the dock. Xcode then starts without opening previously used projects. This is related to version Version 4.5.2 (4G2008a) but I am almost sure that I used it in older versions as well.
I've recently had a similar problem. I tried the methods above and could launch Xcode from the command line, but as soon as I tried to open from the finder, it would try to open the "bad" document and hang.
I eventually resolved it by removing the contents of :
~/Library/Autosave Information/
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState
This seems to have fixed it for me.
I just spent half the day stressing over a very similar issue. I had tried updating and reinstalling Xcode - but the problem still persisted. Thankfully, a few minutes ago, I managed to solve this by doing what your question states with the help of this post.
Basically, I opened another Xcode project (it can be any file, though) from the terminal using the following command:
open -a /Applications/Xcode.app app.xcodeproj/ --args -ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
This successfully launched Xcode with the standard 'Welcome to Xcode' dialog box you usually get. Hope that helps!
I was able to do it with the following command line in Mavericks:
open -a /Applications/Xcode.app --args -ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
Not specific to Xcode:
Please make sure Close windows when quitting an application checkbox is checked under System Preferences > General.
You can stop Xcode from opening the last project by running the following command:
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode ApplePersistenceIgnoreState -bool YES
This and other useful commands are here.
Instead of looking for the file that contains Xcode's settings, take a look at the settings themselves using the defaults command:
% defaults read com.apple.xcode | more
I notice two keys that might be relevant: NSRecentXCFileDocuments and NSRecentXCProjectDocuments. Both appear to be arrays, so you could reset one like this:
% defaults write com.apple.xcode NSRecentXCFileDocuments -array ""
Alternately, you could use the defaults read command to dump the settings into a text file, edit that, and then use defaults write to update the settings:
% defaults read com.apple.xcode > xcsettings.plist
// edit xcsettins.plist with your favorite editor
% defaults write com.apple.xcode < xcsettings.plist
Given the project name "MyProject" in directory ~/Documents/Projects/MyProject do the following:
cd ~/Documents/Projects
mv MyProject MyProject.x
open -a Xcode
close MyProject (Option+Command+W)
mv MyProject.x MyProject
open -a Xcode
The this solved the crash for me... however my Storboard was corrupt. Fortunately the Time Machine backup of the folder was intact, I just restored it.
For me it wasn't a project that was causing the crash on startup, it was a particular file (an sks to be exact), so Kay's answer didn't work. When I went to open my particular project, it would still crash.
I simply temporarily deleted the file. Then I opened the project, cleaned, and re-added the file, and all was well.
I think Xcode may update its cache when you quit. It solved my issue to:
close projects
quit Xcode
reopen Xcode.

How to fix: Xcode cannot be opened because of a problem?

After installing Xcode 4.0.2, I get this error when I try to launch it by double-clicking on an existing project:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/DevToolsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsFoundation
Referenced from: /Developer/Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Reason: image not found
Launching Xcode via the dock and opening the project from inside Xcode works fine. Also note that doing a repair install of Xcode did not resolve the issue. I haven't tried completely uninstalling Xcode and installing from scratch, but I would prefer to avoid that as I have my IDE nicely customized the way I like it.
Update: I just tried a complete uninstall of Xcode via sudo Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all then rebooted and reinstalled. Still having the same issue.
Before you reinstall, make sure your project file is set to open with the expected copy of Xcode 4. Select it in Finder, press Cmd-I, and make sure the Open With... popup is set to the right copy of Xcode 4.
According to the discussion below, the problem is that it is not in the /Developer/Applications/ folder. However, I think that is just a clue to the source of the problem, because Xcode is supposed to work in multiple locations. It is possible that Xcode sets fixed paths when installed and can't be moved. Did you happen to move it after installing?
It is the ALIAS that is busted, not Xcode. If you reinstalled Xcode, you should make a new alias for your Dock or Desktop or wherever. Delete the old alias as it is no good any more.
Xcode (should) install in /Developer . You can get to that by going to your hard drive named something like "Macintosh HD". Make a new alias from there.
