How to actualize entity in Spring JPA? Actualize or create new one? - spring

I'm wondering what is best practice to update JPA entity in Spring project - update original entity or create new? I see these two approaches:
Use original - Actualize necessary fields in original entity and save this updated entity back to the repository.
Use copy - manually create new instance of entity, set all field from original entity (+ updated fields) into new entity and save the entity back to the repository.
What approach do you use / is recommended? And why?

When it comes to updating, the standard way would be to retrieve the entity reference(read below) and make changes within a transactional method:
private JpaRepository repo;
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public void performChanges(Integer id){
Entity e = repo.getOne(id);
// alter the entity object
Few things regarding the example:
You would want to use the getOne method of JpaRepository as much as possible as it is in general faster than the findOne of the CrudRepository. The only trick is that you have to be sure that entity actually exists in the database with the given id. Otherwise you would get an exception. This does not occur regarding the findOne method so you would need to make that decision regarding each transactional method which alters a single entity within your application.
You do not need to trigger any persist or save methods on the EntityManager as the changes will be automatically flushed when the transaction is commited.. and that is on method return.
Regarding your second option, I dont think thats much of a use as you would need to get the data using above method anyway. If you intend to use that entity outside of the transaction, then again you could use the one retrieved from the exmaple above and then perform merge once it is again needed within the transactional context and thus Persistence Provider.

Getting an entity and then just updating that entity is the easiest way to do that. Also this is faster than a creation of a copy since EntityManager manages an entity and know that managed entity already exists in DB (so no need to execute additional query).
Anyway, there is third and the fastest approach: using executeUpdate on Query object.
.createQuery("update EntityName set fieldName = :fieldName where id = :id")
.setParameter("fieldName", "test")
.setParameter("id", id)
It is faster due to bypassing the persistent context


Spring data update just one entity field

i’m new to spring when i try to update just one field of an entity I noticed in logs that hibernate perform two queries, before update it does a SELECT of all fields. Is that ok? Why does Hibernate perform that SELECT? How can i update a field with just one UPDATE query? Additionally when I tried to update a single title in an entity that has another nested entity i end up with a bunch of SELECT. I think it’s not good for performance or I’m wrong?
Something s = somethingRepository.findById(id);
On the internet I found a solution to make custom query with #Modifying and #Query(“UPDATE …”) but in this way I need to make custom query for every single field. Is there a better solution?
As per the source code you have pasted in the question
Something s = somethingRepository.findById(id);
if the entity Something which you are asking does not exist in the hibernate first level cache, it will make one SELECT call.
and as you are updating field 1 value then it will make another update call.
It does not matter if you are using save or not because Hibernate dirty checks will ensure that all changes are updated.
otherwise you can use custom method with #Modifying with JPQL and named params. It is more readable than ?1,
#Query("UPDATE Something s SET s.field = :fieldValue WHERE = :id")
void updateField(String fieldValue, UUID id);
Regarding that you are seeing multiple calls "when I tried to update a single title in an entity that has another nested entity". It depends on how you have created the relationship among entities. If you can share the entities and their relationship then only it can be answered accurately.
Because internally the method does an upsert. If you go to the inner classes and check you will see that first, it will check whether the entity is present in the database then based on that it will perform add or update. If you don't want the SELECT query to run then you can use the native query offered by the JPA repository. You can do something like this:
#Query("UPDATE <tableName> SET <columnName> = ?1 WHERE <condition>" ,nativeQuery=true)
void updateSomething(String value);

Spring JpaRepository Perform delete only if given Id exists and avoid race condition

my situtation is as follows:
I have #Entity class Ingredient in my Spring JPA Project.
I would like to implement a method performing delete operation on DB record by record Id
public boolean deleteIngredient(String id) and if possible avoid handling exceptions for non-existent Ids.
Unfortunately the only recommendations I can find in this area are based on the fact of querying by Id before deleting record e.g.
ingredientRepository.findById(id).ifPresent(x -> ingredientRepository.deleteById(id));
which I believe are prone to race conditions (other thread may delete record after this one queries for existence.
Is the best approach really just wrapping it in a try-catch block and handling EmptyResultDataAccessException in case record with given Id does not exist?
If you are using JPA, you need the entity to be marked for deletion in the persistence context (e.g. not in the Database). Keep in mind JPA Repository follows the ORM paradigm and is not acting on the record directly.
Any race conditions will be handled on the persistence context level.
If you use #Transactional and you will be safe.
Also if you don't want the explicit error thrown by deleteById, when the ID is not known to the EntityManager, consider using delete (which will just return with no exception being thrown in case the ID is unknown).

Spring data. How can I update an entity, having the id modified?

Spring data jpa + postgres.
Have an entity
class Entity {
#GeneratedValue// generator from here
private int id;
private String value;
And what I wish to do is to UPDATE an existing entity, setting a different id (be it a bad practice or not) value.
By default it of course is treated as a new entity and is attempted to be INSERTed.
Going by the flow of #Modifying seems to do the job right, but currently struggling to find if I can pass the whole entity instead of pinpointing every field:
update Entity e set, e.value=?2 where...
update Entity e set e=?1
So the questions here would be:
1. Is there a way to gracefully do an "UPDATE" with modified id in terms or regular spring-data-jpa flow?
2. If not, is there a way to provide the full entity to be consumed by the #Query?
Is there a way to gracefully do an "UPDATE" with modified id in terms or regular spring-data-jpa flow?
If you are using GenerationType.AUTO strategy for #GeneratedValue (AUTO is the default strategy), then you can set id of Entity to null before calling save. It will insert a new record with rest of the fields being the same as original. id of new record will be generated automatically by database engine.
If you are using GenerationType.AUTO strategy for #GeneratedValue
If not, is there a way to provide the full entity to be consumed by the #Query?
You can chose not use #Query. A far simpler approach can be using default save method provided by JPA repositories to directly pass an Entity object.

HibernateDAOSupport Get method

I am working on a existing project which uses Hibernate and Spring. I see a following code which uses HibernateDAOSupport class,
Employee emp = getHibernateTemplate().get(Emplyee.class, 1001)
After the above line we set some property like emp.setAge(25); and at the end we don't call any Save or SaveOrUpdate method. But it's saving the data to DB. How is it possible ?
If it can Save then what is the difference between getHibernateTemplate().get() and getHibernateTemplate().save/SaveOrUpdate methods ?
This is expected behaviour of Hibernate and it is because the Employee entity is loaded into the PersistenceContext and therefore enters the 'persistent' entity lifecycle state.
When you commit the transaction, Hibernate will check any 'persistent' entities within the PersistenceContext to see if they are "dirty". Dirty means that any values of the entity have changed. Your call to emp.setAge(25) means that Hibernate understands that data within the entity has changed (it is dirty), and it should therefore make the changes persistent when the transaction commits.
It is worth reading and understanding how Hibernate manages entity states as it can be a little confusing to start with. The documentation is here.

Spring Transactional annotation, Hibernate and persist

I've a misunderstanding of Spring #Transactional annotation and persist. I am using Spring 3.1, with JPA and Hibernate. I thought that persist meant, add the entity to the persistence context (but don't execute any query until commit or flush), and that the #Transactional annotation meant, wrap the method with a transaction.
However, in this short example, when the execution pointer reaches persist, it fails with an exception, since name can't be null (db constraint).
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
private EntityManager entityManager;
public void test() {
Brand brand = new Brand();
If I swap setName() and persist(), everything works. However, I don't understand why the other way around doesn't since I thought that any query would be built and executed at the end of the method.
Can someone please explain?
In JPA, once an object passed to persist() it becomes "managed", as part of becoming managed JPA implementation must generate an id for the persistent object.
If id generation is based on auto-increment (GenerationType.IDENTITY), then an insert statement needs to be issued to the db to get and assign the key. When the id generation is based on sequence / table then ids are managed and assigne by the JPA Implementation managed id pools, in which case a straight insert is not a requirement.
Having an object is passed to persist() and has become managed, any changes to it is persistent fields must be flushed to the database at the and of the transaction. In your case if the id generation is Identity then an insert must be followed an update. If the id generation is some other method then, a single insert statement is sufficient. If the transaction is rolled back, no SQL should be get sent to database at all.
This is the implementation in Batoo JPA.
Hope this makes sense.
Its committed at end of method thanks to transactional annotation. But the new record is created on persist, and any exceptions can be thrown.
Before the end of method it can still be rolled back; I normally annotate with rollback for exception.
The persist executes the "insert" query. The transacation annotation is just for starting a transaction and if a exception occurs roll back the transaction.
