Sonarqube run analysis without removing existing issues - sonarqube

Issues for the entire project is reported whenever I run analysis for the entire project. But when I run analysis for only the changed files next day the issues of other files are getting deleted.
Is there any way to preserve the issues of other files when I run with -Dsonar.inclusions?

SonarQube expects you to analyse all files every time. Depending on the analysed languages this is especially important for the "cross file analysis" (issues raised on one file, because of the changes in another file).
Depending on your language and build environment, you could however consider to split your project into smaller independent projects. If you for example split one big java/maven project into smaller ones and let SonarQube have access to all those dependencies, you will have faster build and analysis times.


Merging two different sonar reports from same project

I have a legacy project, which is having 40M+ lines of code. I just want to configure the sonar during build but when I run sonar with default settings, it fails with OutOfMemoryException or with TimeOutException.
I got to know that this is because of the large codebase that I am having, so I increased the memory arguments to use 5 GB of memory. I tried with more memory but the teamcity server doesn't have much free memory. Still failed.
Finally what I did was, built two pipelines, included a particular file pattern in one using sonar.inclusions rest of the files in other and separated my code into two different pipelines. Now when I run the sonar, it works fine and generates two different reports with different project keys.
But my requirement is to generate a single report because I can't attach two reports in bitbucket. My goal is to show the report in bitbucket. If it is possible to fetch two reports in single repository, that will also do the thing.
Can anyone please help me here to generate a single report even though I run sonar in multiple pipelines in teamcity?
I don't think you can. A project (you call it 'report') is the only unit you can scan in one execution of the sonar scanner - you can't scan part of a project.
If you're using Enterprise edition, you can create a portfolio of multiple projects, which will automatically generate and maintain aggregated metrics.

SonarQube Quality Profiles are not being used during the sonarqube scan

SonarQube Quality Profiles are not being used during the sonarqube scan:
We have sonar tasks installed and enabled for build definition what we are seeing is that the quality profiles are being stopped for one build run and it is again started using the quality profiles for the next run automatically. We are consistently seeing the same behavior for the alternate build runs.
Image where we can see the profiles are stopped and started:
What you're seeing is the result of a bad configuration somewhere. You indicate your comments that along with the toggling of profiles, you also see large swings in issue counts
as most of the file types get excluded from analysis resulting in very few issues reported.
So let's break this down:
The profile events you're seeing simply record/reflect the changes in profile use from one analysis to another. If I have a project with Java and JavaScript, the first analysis will use the default profiles for that language. Then, let's say I use the deprecated property sonar.language to restrict analysis to just Java files and analyze again. Since JavaScript is no longer found in my project, the default JavaScript profile will not be used, and a profile event will be recorded.
That seems to be what you're seeing in your activity log.
So now to the detective work: why is this happening? First, this swings back and forth. That indicates configurations set not at the project level (in SonarQube itself) but properties that are only sometimes passed during the analysis, or some other analysis-side circumstance. There are a few possible causes which you'll need to investigate independently:
sonar.language - if this deprecated property is used during analysis, it will limit the by-default multi-language analysis to a single language. It could be in your properties files or passed on the analysis command line -Dsonar.language=foo
exclusions - exclusions are difficult to set properly from the analysis side, but this can happen
improper/incomplete checkout - is it possible that only part of your project is checked out?
In investigating this, you should be aware that analysis-side properties can be set at two levels; at the individual project/analysis or in the global scanner configuration.
I'm guessing that your CI system has multiple slaves and languages are dropped - or not - from your project depending on which slave the job lands on that night.
I was experiencing a similar problem and I believe I have tracked down the root of the issue for us. Capturing the source code and properties used during the build, I was unable to find any discrepancies in sonar properties or source code collected, as suggested in the previous answer.
Our solution we were trying to analyze with SonarQube has a few C# projects that are part of an external core solution, which is shared between several components. Compiling any one of these other components requires that core be compiled first. I believe the issue lies in that when compiling my component to be analyzed, MsBuild would sometimes rebuild some of the projects included in core. Depending on if they were rebuilt or not, the number of projects and files (and hence issues) would swing wildly in one direction or the other.
By enforcing MsBuild to clean my component solution before compiling,
MsBuild.exe MySolution.sln /t:Clean,Build
I ensure a consistent set of projects are built and analyzed by sonarqube. I am 30 builds in with this new approach and I have no more flopping back and forth between using and not using a quality profile.

Managing Dependencies of Reflected Dependencies

I presently work with a large solution, containing about 100 projects. At least 10 of the projects are executable applications. Some of the library projects are imported as plugins via MEF and reflection rather than with direct references. If a needed plugin's own dependencies are not copied to the output or plugin directory of the executable project using it, we'll get reflection errors at runtime.
We've already tried or discussed the following solutions, but none of them seem like a good fit:
"Hard" References: Originally, we had the executable projects reference other projects they needed, even if they were going to ultimately be imported as optional plugins. This quickly fell out of favor with team members who needed to make builds that excluded certain plugins and liked to unload those projects to begin with. This also made it difficult to use Resharper or other tools to clean unused references and remove obsolete third party libraries without accidentally blowing away the "unused" references to the needed plugins own dependencies.
Post-build copying (with pre-build "pull"): For a brief period of time, a senior team member set all the plugin projects to xcopy their outputs output themselves to a known "DependencyInjection" folder as post-build events. Projects that needed those plugins would have pre-build events, xcopying each desired plugin to their own output directories. While this meant that the plugin projects "rightly" had no knowledge of where they might be used, this caused two major headaches. First, any time one made a change in a plugin project, they had to separately build (in sequence) the plugin project and then the executable project they would test it in (to get the files to copy over). Rebuild all would be more convenient but far too slow. Second, the continuous integration build would have to have been reconfigured since it compiled everything all in one directory and only cared if everything built successfully.
Post-build copying (push): The present solution started with xcopy and now mostly uses robocopy in post-build events of the plugin projects to copy needed files directly to the plugin folders of the executable projects that use them. This works fairly well in that if one makes a change in a plugin, one can go straight to running with the debugger. Also, the CI build doesn't break, and users disabling certain "optional" plugin projects for various builds don't get build errors from missing references. This still seems hackish, and is cumbersome to maintain in all the separate post-build windows, which are rather small and can't be expanded. When executable projects get moved from a project restructure or renamed, we don't find out about broken references until the next day after hearing results from the overnight automated testing.
"Dummy" projects with references: One idea that was briefly tossed about involved making empty projects for each of the different executable build configurations and going back to the hard references method on those. Each would use its own references to gather up the plugins and their dependencies. They would also have a reference to the actual executable and copy it over. Then, if one wanted to run a particular executable in a particular configuration, you'd run its dummy project. This one seemed particularly bloated and was never attempted.
NuGet: In my limited familiarity with NuGet, this seems like a good fit for using packages, except I wouldn't know how to implement that internal to one solution. We've talked about breaking up the solution, but many members of the team are strongly opposed to that. Is using NuGet with packages coming from within the same solution possible?
What are best practices for a situation like this? Is there a better solution to managing dependencies of reflected dependencies like this than any of the above, or is a refinement of one of the above the best choice?
Ok, so I assume in this answer that each developer needs to constantly have all 100 assemblies (Debug mode) locally to do its job (develop, compile, smoke test, run automatic tests).
You are mentioning that RebuildAll takes long time. Generally this symptom is caused by too many assemblies + build process not rationalized. So the first thing to do is to try to merge the 100 assemblies into as few assemblies as possible and avoid using things like Copy Local = true. The effect will be a much faster (like 10x) RebuildAll process. Keep in mind that assemblies are physical artefacts and that they are useful only for physical things (like plug-in, loading on-demand, test/app separation...). I wrote a white-book that details my thoughts on the topic:
Partitioning code base through .NET assemblies and Visual Studio projects (8 pages)
Common valid and invalid reasons to create an assembly
Increase Visual Studio solution compilation performance (up to x10 faster)
Organize the development environment
In the white-book advice's, one of idea is to avoid referencing project but to reference assemblies instead. This way it becomes your responsibility to fill Project > right click > Project Dependencies that will define the Project > right click > Project Build Order. If you decide to keep dealing with 100 assemblies, defining this setting represents an effort, but as a bonus a high-level (executable) project can depend on a library only used by reflection and this will solve your problem.
Did you measure the Lines of Code in terms of # of PDB sequences points? I estimate that until the limit 200K to 300K doing a RebuildAll (with optimization described in the white-book) should take 5 to 10 seconds (on a decent laptop) and it remains acceptable. If your code base is very large and goes beyond this limit, you'll need to break my first assumption and find a way that a developer doesn't need all assemblies to do its job (in which case we can talk about this further).
Disclaimer: This answer references resources from the site of the tool NDepend that I created and now manage its development.
I have been in a situation like yours. We had almost 100 projects. We too were using MEF and System.AddIn. In the beginning we had a few solutions. I was working on the core solution that included the core assemblies and their tests. Each plug-in category in a separate solution, that included contracts, implementation (some plug-ins had more than one implementation) and tests, plus some test host as well as the core assemblies. At some later point we added a solution that included all projects and after trying a few of the approaches you mention we decided to do the following:
Keep the references that are mandatory,
All executable projects were set to output to common locations (one for debug and one for release configurations),
All projects that should not be referenced were set to output to these common locations,
All projects that were referenced by others, were left unchanged and each reference was set with Copy Local = true.
Tests were left unchanged.
Although building all was slow, we didn't have any other problems. Of course having almost 100 projects is a sign that the design is probably too modular and as Patrick advises, we should have tried to compact it.
Anyway, you could try this approach in a couple of hours and perhaps instead of setting Copy Local = true, try to set the output folder of all projects mentioned in 4 to have their output set to the common locations. We didn't know that this setting will slow down the build process as Patrick mentions.
PS. We never tried using NuGet because we didn't have enough resources and time to experiment with it. It looked promising though.
We are starting up a new project and I am looking for the "best practices" solution of this similar problem. For us, we can divide the projects into two categories 1) The Platform assemblies, which provide common set of services across the board and 2) Verticals which would be perform business specific functions.
In the past we have used a Visual Studio plug-in with a simple UI that allow developers to specify a common assemblies path to copy the output assemblies and then reference all assemblies (whereever they reside in a different solution) from the common assemblies folder.
I am looking at NUGET but the sheer work you have to do to created and maintain NUGET packages is punitive.
It's a very common scenario and would be really interested to see how others have addressed it.

TeamCity - non-trivial build sequence, please advice

I am tasked to improve quality and implement TeamCity for continuous integration. My experience with TeamCity is very limited - I use mostly TFS myself and have some experience with CC.NET.
A lot should happen within a build process... actually the build is already pushed into three different configurations that will run one after the next.
My main problem is that in each of those I actually would need to start multiple runners. For example, the first build step shall consist of:
The generation of new AssemblyInfo.cs files for consistent in assembly numbering
The actual compilation
A partial unit test run (all tests that run fast and check core functionality)
An FxCop run
A StyleCop run
The current version of TeamCity only allows to configure one runner ... which leaves me stuck with a lot of things.
How you would approach this? My current idea is going towards using the MsBuild runner for everything and basically start my own MsBuild based script which then does all the things, pretty much the way that TFS handles it (and the same way i did things back in the way with my own Nant build script).
On a further problem the question is how to present statistical information, for example from unit tests running in different stages (build configurations). We have some further down that take some time to run and want that to run in a 2nd or 3rd step (the latest for example testing database generation code which, including loading base data, takes about 15+ minutes to run). OTOH we would really like test results to be somehow consolidated.
Anyone any ideas?
TeamCity 6.0 allows multiple build steps for a single build configuration. Isn't it what you're looking for?
You'll need to script this out, at least parts of it. TeamCity provides some nice UI based config for some of your needs, but not all. Here's my suggestion:
Create an msbuild script to handle your first two bullet points, AssemblyInfo generation and compilation. Configure the msbuild runner to run your script, and to run your tests. Collect your assemblies as artifacts.
Create a second build configuration for FxCop. Trigger it from the first build. Give it an 'artifact dependency' on the first build, which is how it gets a hold of your dlls.
For StyleCop, TC doesn't support it out of the box like it does FxCop. Add it to your msbuild script manually, and have it produce an html report (which TeamCity can then display).
You need to take a look at the Dependencies functionality in the TeamCity. This feature allows you to create a sequence of build configurations. In other words, you need to create a build configuration for each step and then link all them as dependencies.
For consolidating test results please take a loot at the Artifact Dependencies. It might help.

Pre-build task - deleting the working copy in CruiseControl.NET

I'm currently in the process of setting up a continuous integration environment at work. We are using VisualSVN Server and CrusieControl.NET. Occasionally a build will fail and a symptom is that there are conflicts in the CruiseControl.NET working copy. I believe this is due to the way I've setup the Visual Studio solutions. Hopefully the more projects we run in this environment the better our understanding of how to set them up will be so I'm not questioning why the conflicts happen at this stage. To fix the builds I delete the working copy and force a new build - this works every time (currently). So my questions are: is deleting the working copy a valid part of a continuous integration build process, and how do I go about it?
I've tried solutions including MSTask and calling delete from the command line but I'm not having any luck.
Sorry for being so wordy - good job this is a beta :)
Doing a full delete before or after your build is good practice. This means that there is no chance of your build environment picking up an out of date file. Your building exactly against what is in the repository.
Deleting the working copy is possible as I have done it with Nant.
In Nant I would have a clean script in its own folder outwith the one I want to delete and would then invoke it from
I assume this should also be possible with a batch file. Take a look at the rmdir command
I prefer my CI server to do a full delete as I don't want any surprise when I go to do a release build, which should always be done from a clean state. But it should be able to handle both, no reason why not
#jamie: There is one reason why you may not be able to do a clean build every time when using a continuous integration server -- build time. On some projects I've worked on, clean builds take 80+ minutes (an embedded project consisting of thousands of C++ files to checkout and then compile against multiple targets). In this case, you have to weigh the benefit of fast feedback against the likelihood that a clean build will catch something that an incremental build won't. In our case, we worked on improving and parallelizing the build process while at the same time allowing incremental builds on our CI machine. We did have a few problems because we weren't doing clean builds, but by doing a clean build nightly or weekly you could remove the risk without losing the fast feedback of your CI machine.
If you check out CC.NET's jira there is a patch checked in to implement CleanCopy for Subversion which does exactly what you want and just set CleanCopy equal to true inside your source control block just like with the TFS one.
It is very common and generally a good practice for any build process to do a 'clean' before doing any significant build. This prevents any 'artifacts' from previous builds to taint the output.
A clean is essentially what you are doing by deleting the working copy.
#Brad Barker
Clean means to just wipe out build products.
Deleting the working copy deletes everything else too (source and project files etc).
In general it's nice if you're build machine can operate without doing a full delete, as this replicates what a normal developer does. Any conflicts it finds during update are an early warning to what your developers can expect.
For formal releases yes it's better to do a completely clean checkout. So I guess it depends on the purpose of the build.
