Merging two different sonar reports from same project - sonarqube

I have a legacy project, which is having 40M+ lines of code. I just want to configure the sonar during build but when I run sonar with default settings, it fails with OutOfMemoryException or with TimeOutException.
I got to know that this is because of the large codebase that I am having, so I increased the memory arguments to use 5 GB of memory. I tried with more memory but the teamcity server doesn't have much free memory. Still failed.
Finally what I did was, built two pipelines, included a particular file pattern in one using sonar.inclusions rest of the files in other and separated my code into two different pipelines. Now when I run the sonar, it works fine and generates two different reports with different project keys.
But my requirement is to generate a single report because I can't attach two reports in bitbucket. My goal is to show the report in bitbucket. If it is possible to fetch two reports in single repository, that will also do the thing.
Can anyone please help me here to generate a single report even though I run sonar in multiple pipelines in teamcity?

I don't think you can. A project (you call it 'report') is the only unit you can scan in one execution of the sonar scanner - you can't scan part of a project.
If you're using Enterprise edition, you can create a portfolio of multiple projects, which will automatically generate and maintain aggregated metrics.


How can one turn off sonar analyser but still get coverage report?

It has been cleared here that from Sonarqube version 6.2 that coverage reports are merged and there won't be separate unit and integration coverage report anymore.
We still interested to have these two coverage reports separately. So, We have three sonar projects: unit-tests, integration-tests, whole-project(which is responsible to create overall coverage report)
Problem: All source files are analysed in all three projects. Since the number of files are too many, it takes several minutes to perform the analysis.
Question: Is it possible to turn off sonar issue analyser somehow in a project? It is desired to report only test coverage in the the first two projects(unit-tests & integration-tests) without analysing all files, and then run the issue analyzer only on the last project(whole-project). It could help us to analyse all files once instead of three times.
Additional info: We use sonar gradle plugin version 2.6.2 and sonarqube version 7.4
SonarQube/SonarCloud main responsibility is informing users about issues. Displaying code coverage is just an additional feature. It means there is no flag/parameter which allows you to do it.
Luckily, there is a workaround. You can create empty quality profiles, and use them to scan those two projects (unit-tests & integration-tests). You will get 0 issues because there are zero rules enabled.
The following feature request should be interesting for you: Making test coverage measures mode useful. Feel free to vote on it.

Sonarqube run analysis without removing existing issues

Issues for the entire project is reported whenever I run analysis for the entire project. But when I run analysis for only the changed files next day the issues of other files are getting deleted.
Is there any way to preserve the issues of other files when I run with -Dsonar.inclusions?
SonarQube expects you to analyse all files every time. Depending on the analysed languages this is especially important for the "cross file analysis" (issues raised on one file, because of the changes in another file).
Depending on your language and build environment, you could however consider to split your project into smaller independent projects. If you for example split one big java/maven project into smaller ones and let SonarQube have access to all those dependencies, you will have faster build and analysis times.

How do I gather TeamCity code coverage reports from multiple projects into one report?

We use the build in coverage application in TeamCity 6 (about to upgrade to 7.1)
If we wish to see the code coverage (or other metrics) of a particular build it is fine as we can navigate to that build, but it would be great if we could pluck out a few interesting metrics from all/some of the current projects/build configurations and display them all together.
For convenience I would expect the new display to be accessible from within TeamCity itself, however if there are solutions that require a separate solution we could look at them.
If you want to compare a set of common metrics (e.g. code coverage) across different projects and over time then SonarQube is probably what you want.
You can integrate it with TeamCity by adding a file to each project and calling sonar-runner from a command line build step.

User specific sonar reports for same project

I have configured one project in sonar and integrated sonar with maven for build time analysis of the project.
After analysis, report is generated and uploaded to Sonar for browsing. But once another user compiles the same project their report overwrites mine.
Basically I want that one user's report on one project is not overwritten by report from other user. A user must be able to see their current violations independently. Is it possible in Sonar?
Sonar stores it's analysis on a daily basis, which explains why it's kind of pointless to run analysis several times in a day. Each analysis run will overwrite that day's existing results, which in turn spoils ongoing statistical analysis.
I would suggest running Sonar, from a dedicated build server like Jenkins (which has a Sonar plug-in). This daily analysis will populate the Sonar database and keep the project dashboard current. This architecture also enables you to keep the database credentials confidential.
Obviously developers would like to see the results of their bug fixing. For that I'd recommend running the Sonar Eclipse plug-in. The latest version will run the same Sonar analysis locally. Recent versions of Sonar also enable you to assign violations to developers for resolution.
This is not possible, last performed analysis will always be the one you browse in the interface. However, I guess what you need is the Issue Report Plugin which will enable analysis to store results locally, with the dry-run option.
This way your developers will be able to run an analysis on their code and see the violation delta without pushing the results.
You can do it by explicitly setting the below properties in pom.xml
Every user should set different projectKey and projectName, if you want that one user's report on one project is not overwritten by report from other user.

TeamCity - non-trivial build sequence, please advice

I am tasked to improve quality and implement TeamCity for continuous integration. My experience with TeamCity is very limited - I use mostly TFS myself and have some experience with CC.NET.
A lot should happen within a build process... actually the build is already pushed into three different configurations that will run one after the next.
My main problem is that in each of those I actually would need to start multiple runners. For example, the first build step shall consist of:
The generation of new AssemblyInfo.cs files for consistent in assembly numbering
The actual compilation
A partial unit test run (all tests that run fast and check core functionality)
An FxCop run
A StyleCop run
The current version of TeamCity only allows to configure one runner ... which leaves me stuck with a lot of things.
How you would approach this? My current idea is going towards using the MsBuild runner for everything and basically start my own MsBuild based script which then does all the things, pretty much the way that TFS handles it (and the same way i did things back in the way with my own Nant build script).
On a further problem the question is how to present statistical information, for example from unit tests running in different stages (build configurations). We have some further down that take some time to run and want that to run in a 2nd or 3rd step (the latest for example testing database generation code which, including loading base data, takes about 15+ minutes to run). OTOH we would really like test results to be somehow consolidated.
Anyone any ideas?
TeamCity 6.0 allows multiple build steps for a single build configuration. Isn't it what you're looking for?
You'll need to script this out, at least parts of it. TeamCity provides some nice UI based config for some of your needs, but not all. Here's my suggestion:
Create an msbuild script to handle your first two bullet points, AssemblyInfo generation and compilation. Configure the msbuild runner to run your script, and to run your tests. Collect your assemblies as artifacts.
Create a second build configuration for FxCop. Trigger it from the first build. Give it an 'artifact dependency' on the first build, which is how it gets a hold of your dlls.
For StyleCop, TC doesn't support it out of the box like it does FxCop. Add it to your msbuild script manually, and have it produce an html report (which TeamCity can then display).
You need to take a look at the Dependencies functionality in the TeamCity. This feature allows you to create a sequence of build configurations. In other words, you need to create a build configuration for each step and then link all them as dependencies.
For consolidating test results please take a loot at the Artifact Dependencies. It might help.
