Editing Default HTML Template with Pencil Mockup Tool? - mockups

I'm trying to edit the default HTML template so that I can comment out the document header and time stamp, but I am having trouble trying to locate the template. I followed an article, but it didn't really help, considering how the directory structure is completely different to the one I have.
Any ideas as to where this template might be in the latest version of pencil?

With the latest version of Pencil which is 3.x, you have 2 print options for hiding title and header/footer


Plone: Change footer text

I'm working on a new site for our Center, using Plone 4.3.3 on Linux. I am also using the Plonetheme Burned. How do I change the footer text to replace the copyright attribution from "Plone Foundation and friends" to my organization?
At least we have two ways to achieve this. One is to edit the registered (template-based) view plone.footer through the Zope Management Interface (ZMI). This approach seems more straight-forward for new comers.
Click into the Plone Site, scroll down to look for portal_view_customizations (Template customizations). You will see all the registered views there, including plone.footer.
Click into plone.footer you will see its template file in HTML format. Click on Customize button to modify it. Thus you can manage the Plone Footer template.
The above approach is much the same with Change the Logo in Plone.
Another equivalent way is to create your plone.footer viewlet in the filesystem, to override the stock one provided by plone.app.layout.viewlet module. See http://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/views/viewlets.html for more info. Still, there is an equivalent way to override the template, online search with keywords like z3c.jbot for more details.

Joomla 2.5 Template Configuration Error

This is my first experiment with Joomla (2.5) and I am having trouble figuring out what is not configured correctly between the two.
I started with the template and all was good but then as I was configuring / adding content I must have changed something.
The two areas in question is the "top movies" section at the bottom and the "Latest News", Recent News tabs.
Looking at the html in developer tools I can clearly see the difference but I can't figure out what to do / change / look at in the Joomla admin.
The original template is here:
The one I eventually want to go live with is here:
I'm not sure what else to post but if you'll just educate me more on what I can provide I'll be happy to update / edit.
Thank You
Elin you were most helpful pointing me in the right direction. What I found was that another module I was using Code 7 Responsive Slider jquery was colliding with the templates jquery. If I disable the Code 7 slider the jquery carousel and jquery tabs are back to the original.
So now I am off to figure out how to get them to play nice...including using another slider if needed. FWIW I need the images to be href links and that was not readily available using the default slider that came with the template so I grabbed another slider.
Put your comment in some form of an answer and I will mark it for you.
Thanks again.

Where to find the tags used in theme short codes? As well as the general tags used in pyroCMS?

I was wondering where to find the tags to type to take advantage of shortcodes programmed in themes. Many themes have them, such as the one below. However I can never find the information required to make use of them in the read me's or on site documentation. Which makes using them impossible for me. Is there a specific html, css, or php file that is consistent to each theme and shows them?
Given the lack of write ups on what tags to use suggests that theme creators expect people to know which file to find them in.
On a more PyroCMS rather than theme specific note, is there a list of all tags and their uses? Such as {{ settings:site_name }}, or the page body tag. Every link I have found to a list says that the list has been moved.
Thank you for your time once again.
Open up your file directory and navigate to:
Each one you can use is listed here along with an example in the function description. Each plugin in this folder is lined out the same way (files, session, asset, etc). You should be able to view each one and play with how to incorporate them into your project.
Edit: Also, you can find more information here: http://docs.pyrocms.com/2.1/manual/plugins
Notice that this is specific to version 2.1. If you are not using 2.1, in the top navigation add click on documentation and then select your version.

whick one is better fkeditor or ckeditor?

i am running through a problem to choose either fkeditor or ckeditor which one is better than the other in my project. and how can i get the tutorial regarding customization of any one of these editor in php.
Can you name some websites where i could get the help thanks.
CKEditor is formerly known as FCKEditor (the creator was unaware that FCKEditor didn't sound very... professional) - so you'll want CKEditor.
The CKEditor website has a wealth of information - check out the User Guide, Tutorials and How Tos. Also, when you have downloaded the CKEditor file, you'll find some example code in ckeditor/_samples/php which should help.

Themes and editing pages in Sitefinity 4.4

When I edit content in the backend I would like to be able to see the page as like it is in sitefinity 3.7. Right now all I'm seeing are the contentplaceholders, I don't think this is will work for inexperienced users. Is this this possible to achieve? I've tried adding themes="theme" to the tag in the web config, but this applies it to the CMS elements as well.
Sitefinity version: 4.4
Thanks for your time!
To apply styles for particular elements only for the page editor (placeholders, widget headers etc.), put .sfPageContainer before every element. For example, if you want to change the color of the links in the page editor write .sfPageContainer a{color:blue} and this will apply only in the page editor, not in the whole system.
