dnsmasq resolve all domains to same address except www.google.com - dnsmasq

I need dnsmasq resolves all domains to except www.google.com, but address=/#/
will resolves all domains, how should I add some rules for www.google.com?

Just write the google directive before:


Godaddy dns configuration not working with Heroku

After I read many articles and Stackoverflows,
I set at
---- Godaddy ----
CNAME host => www
points to => example.herokuapp.com
Forwarding => http://www.example.com
---- Heroku ----
Domain names
THEN when I curl
curl -v -H "Host: www.example.com" www.example.com.herokudns.com
it returns the HTML I want properly.
However, when I go to www.example.com or example.com on the browser,
Heroku says
"There's nothing here, yet."
I think I figured it out. There are 3 things I want to note.
It could take more than 2 days for the connection between Godaddy and Heroku to be valid.
The settings I did was correct.
I suggest using Cloudflare, which I learned from this post (Make sure to access your website using https after implementing Cloudflare) because this method seems to be a robust solution.
Note that it is not clear whether No.1 or No.3 solved the problem.
Thank you for all the help and comments :).

Stop the "herokuapp.com" from appearing on the end of website

The phrase "herokuapp.com" appears on the end of my website when I type in "myapp.com". I've purchased the domain name, and directed my dns to "myapp.herokuapp.com".
I've also set up a proper "www" alias. If I type in "www.myapp.com", then my browser shows "www.myapp.com". If I type "myapp.com", then my browser shows "myapp.herokuapp.com". How can I stop that from happening?
That suggests you're doing web forwarding at the DNS level and not setting up a CNAME on your DNS to appname.herokuapp.com. Some DNS providers don't support a CNAME on the apex record like myapp.com though so it's worth checking if yours does.

Firefox cannot connect to a local servers subdomain

I'm working on laravel app ,i face issue with Firefox and Safari browser , when I need to access my web app with sub-domain for example sub.localhost/myapp/public I see Server not found
Whilst that opera and chrome working with me well
Any Suggestions ?
Best solution, supports multiple subdomains:
Type in this url about:config search for
double click the "value" field.
Enter your urls seperated by commas www.localhost,app.localhost
The solution for me as of December 2016 on Firefox 50.0.2 is the about:config setting network.dns.localDomains:
Editing your hosts file might very well do the trick.
It probably already has entries right now. For instance, OSX has these by default: localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
Simply append the subdomains you need to it, for instance: mysubdomain.localhost
The path to your host file on OSX is /etc/hosts, so sudo nano /etc/hosts to edit it, same for Linux.
Much credit goes to this answer
Visit about:config on your browser then search for network.dns.native-is-localhost
The default value is false. Toggle to true and you'll be good to go
setting 'network.dns.disableIPv6' to false (default is true) did the trick for me.(If you dont know how to set this then you can go to the bellow link)
The following link may help you to resolve the problem for you. Try this.
If a problem arises like firefox can't find server so, it might be a networking problem. To fix it make sure that your modem/router are both not indicating errors:
make sure internet security software is not blocking connections to the internet
check address for typing errors such as ww.example.com instead of www.example.com.

Using email w/ Heroku and CNAME

I am in the process of setting up MX records on a HEROKU hosted app and am running into issues.
I have two CNAME's setup:
# myapp.herokuapp.com
www myapp.herokuapp.com
Site works fine as setup above. I am now trying to add email support by adding Google Apps MX records.
--as well as four other MX fall backs--
Google Apps is saying it can't read the MX records. Is this because they are conflicting with the # CNAME record? If so, should I drop that and used the "Naked Domain" method (Setup three A records instead). Heroku makes it sounds like this method is highly discouraged vs CNAMEs for "#" non WWW.
Thanks for the help!
I found the best way to do this is to use Google Apps "Naked Domain" 301 Redirect Feature as described in https://support.google.com/a/answer/2518373?hl=en
1) Go to Admin Console - Domains - Change Naked Redirect
2) Redirect to WWW.your_domain.com
3) You will setup 4 A-Records in your DNS pointing your your_domain.com to
Now, when somebody points to your_domain.com they get 301 redirected to WWW.your_domain.com
This, btw is the same way gooogle.com behaves (301 redirect to www.google.com)
HT: http://smallchou.com/post/41388058201/heroku-and-root-aka-apex-or-naked-domains
Apparently they conflict. From Heroku:
Hi, you can't have CNAME entries on the zone apex.
You'll need to do the A records setup, or use a DNS provider that
supports ALIAS/ANAME records (DNSimple, DNS Made Easy, Route 53).
Removing the # CNAME and replacing it with A records seemed to work - within minutes Google picked up my MX records.
Final setup was a single WWW CNAME pointing to myapp.herokuapp.com. and three A records, each pointing to one of the Heroku listed IPs.
I was just struggling with something like this. When I switched to Heroku I added the CNAME to point my root domain (my_domain.com) to heroku and that link I guess forwards everything and kills your MX records for email, so the way I solved it was to instead point just my www subdomain to heroku via cname record (www.my_domain.com), and then I added a link forwarding my root domain (my_domain.com) to my subdomain (www.my_domain.com). Then my MX records worked again, but I had to wait a few hours for it to start working (luckily I gave up and went to bed and then in the morning realized it had worked). To point the root to the www subdomain, my domain name provider had a setting called pointers, and the options I selected were 'standard', 'URL' and 'www.my_domain.com'
Then to get SSL to work I had to add a redirect in the backend webserver code to redirect http to https, so I guess now if you type my_domain.com it redirects to www.my_domain.com and then redirects to https.my_domain.com, so kinda crazy but it works super fast so I guess it's good.
If your DNS provider supports ALIAS (Namecheap now does) you can easily get both email (MX, TXT records) and use the naked url (example.com, instead of www.example.com) with heroku.
Instead of choosing CNAME record type, pick ALIAS. Namecheap example of advanced DNS line would be like this:
(Type) (Host) (Value) (TTL)
ALIAS Record # heroku-weird-dns-target.herokudns.com 5 min
ALIAS will play along with both TXT and MX.

Issue with blocking site by hosts

I have problem with blocking sites by hosts.ini .
For example I have defined:
www.todoist.com www.guardian.co.uk
and when I enter in webrowser (FF, Chrome, IE) www.guardian.co.uk it's redirecting me to www.todoist.com
But when I give address www.guardian.co.uk/sport it's redirecting me to www.todoist.com/sport .
Do You know how to manage with this problem ?
Hosts.ini? Did you mean "hosts" from C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc?
The correct format is www.todoist.com www.guardian.co.uk
Or you can replace with any invalid IP address.
Remember that if you need to prevent other users on your computer to visit those sites, if they have Administrator privileges, they can bypass your setting.
If you need more help, I'm here :)
