Stop the "" from appearing on the end of website - heroku

The phrase "" appears on the end of my website when I type in "". I've purchased the domain name, and directed my dns to "".
I've also set up a proper "www" alias. If I type in "", then my browser shows "". If I type "", then my browser shows "". How can I stop that from happening?

That suggests you're doing web forwarding at the DNS level and not setting up a CNAME on your DNS to Some DNS providers don't support a CNAME on the apex record like though so it's worth checking if yours does.


How do you correctly set DSN? [ERR: No DNSKEY records found ; The CNAME RRset was not signed by any keys in the chain-of-trust]

I successfully deployed my project on Heroku. The problems occurred when I wanted to set a custom domain for it (bought
In neither Heroku nor Namecheap I get an error. Everything is correct, but somehow I cannot reach the page, and running an analysis on the following website returns these errors:
-No DNSKEY records found.
-The CNAME RRset was not signed by any keys in the chain-of-trust.
Can anybody point me in the right direction to solve these errors?
I also had this occur, and the cause was setting the root domain (#) CNAME to The correct setup shown below, has the root and www pointed to the servers, and also includes the www CNAME redirection and github pages TXT domain verification record.
Finally, there is a CNAME record in my github pages folder with the domain name to display, and with the errant root CNAME record gone on namecheap, it all works.

Heroku:Custom Domain , ACM status:DNS redirect not forwarding path,What to do?

this is the first time i am buying a custom domain and i want to access my heroku java spring app by using the new domain name instead of the one provided by heroku.
The problem is that i get a ACM status:DNS redirect not forwarding path exception in heroku domain table,so it does not work.And i also do not know what this is and how to fix it even if i looked here
What i did so far:
I bought a custom domain name from godaddy.
Then i went to heroku settings >domains>add domain.
After that i got a new domain in the table.
I went to godaddy Records in order to add a new CNAME where i have added the domain name as name ( mycustomdomain. com) and the very long DNS Target that was autogenerated by heroku as value.
Now i went back to heroku and this ACM Status message is displayed:
DNS redirect not forwarding path
What am i missing?What do i have to do next to be able to successfully connect the 2 parts?
I saw some post arround here with "redirecting" but i am not sure if that applies to me or not.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you're not already doing so, the host name for the CNAME record should be 'www' - and then the 'points to' would obviously be the URL Heroku gave you.
On the Heroku side, where you have listed the domain name itself, make sure to include the www. on the address itself - This is something I neglected to do a few weeks ago, once i added it - everything started working correctly.
I came across your issue because i've added a second URL (.com variation) and i'm getting that message with this second domain - Like you i'm unsure what i have missed...

Redirect domain to an app hosted on Heroku

I have a website hosted on Heroku. (let's say :
I bought a domain name on OVH. (let's say :
I added to domain list on Heroku.
In DNS target, I have .
I have to supply this to my DNS provider for the destination of CNAME or ALIAS record.
I did so on OVH. I added :
Subdomain :
TTL: By default
Target : .
But nothing works, I must be missing something. I'm still a beginner with this DNS thing.
In my browser, I have DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN or ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error when I'm trying to access
It's my first website I'm trying to finish and I will be so happy if somebody can help me.
Thanks in advance !
You said you created a record for, but then you are trying to access, which is a different hostname. You need to create an ALIAS record for it as well.

Unable to configure Zerigo with Heroku

I have added the Zerigo add-on with heroku. I have followed the steps in the answer here.
Except for the third step. When I attempted to do that, I got an info message that I don't need to do that if I am using the add-on in heroku.
However, if I try to access my custom domain, I get an application error. Executing the command
$ heroku logs
I get the following output (pasted partially):
at=error code=H70 desc="Access to bamboo HTTP endpoint denied" method=GET
I went through this article which says that I need to replace with - but I don't understand how I need to do that. I tried adding the snippet as suggested in that stackoverflow answer linked earlier, but in that it points to
I got this confirmed when I executed a ping command on my custom domain and got the following output:
64 bytes from : icmp_req=68 ttl=46 time=289 ms
How do I get this working?
Go to
Click on the name of your app
Click on "Zerigo DNS Zerigo Basic" and click "Configure". You should see your custom domain name listed under "Host Records."
Click "Add Snippet". Choose "Heroku" from the dropdown menu.
Click "Add Selected Records".
Go to the CNAME entry under host records and click "Edit". Change data from to
I also had to do the following:
Go back to
Click on the name of your app
Click on Settings
Under "Domains" add your custom domains e.g. I also had to add one starting with "www."
You may have to wait 10-15 min for the settings to propagate.
If the error is ..
Access to bamboo HTTP endpoint denied"
Change your CNAME entry .. ->
Is it possible is IT working, but you need to flush your DNS cache on your machine? That's a commmon problem, that your local machine has old/bad DNS data cached when you make a DNS change.
Quick test: try looking up the DNS record on your custom domain using
If that looks correct, then google how to flush your DNS cache on whatever OS you are using.

Using email w/ Heroku and CNAME

I am in the process of setting up MX records on a HEROKU hosted app and am running into issues.
I have two CNAME's setup:
Site works fine as setup above. I am now trying to add email support by adding Google Apps MX records.
--as well as four other MX fall backs--
Google Apps is saying it can't read the MX records. Is this because they are conflicting with the # CNAME record? If so, should I drop that and used the "Naked Domain" method (Setup three A records instead). Heroku makes it sounds like this method is highly discouraged vs CNAMEs for "#" non WWW.
Thanks for the help!
I found the best way to do this is to use Google Apps "Naked Domain" 301 Redirect Feature as described in
1) Go to Admin Console - Domains - Change Naked Redirect
2) Redirect to
3) You will setup 4 A-Records in your DNS pointing your to
Now, when somebody points to they get 301 redirected to
This, btw is the same way behaves (301 redirect to
Apparently they conflict. From Heroku:
Hi, you can't have CNAME entries on the zone apex.
You'll need to do the A records setup, or use a DNS provider that
supports ALIAS/ANAME records (DNSimple, DNS Made Easy, Route 53).
Removing the # CNAME and replacing it with A records seemed to work - within minutes Google picked up my MX records.
Final setup was a single WWW CNAME pointing to and three A records, each pointing to one of the Heroku listed IPs.
I was just struggling with something like this. When I switched to Heroku I added the CNAME to point my root domain ( to heroku and that link I guess forwards everything and kills your MX records for email, so the way I solved it was to instead point just my www subdomain to heroku via cname record (, and then I added a link forwarding my root domain ( to my subdomain ( Then my MX records worked again, but I had to wait a few hours for it to start working (luckily I gave up and went to bed and then in the morning realized it had worked). To point the root to the www subdomain, my domain name provider had a setting called pointers, and the options I selected were 'standard', 'URL' and ''
Then to get SSL to work I had to add a redirect in the backend webserver code to redirect http to https, so I guess now if you type it redirects to and then redirects to, so kinda crazy but it works super fast so I guess it's good.
If your DNS provider supports ALIAS (Namecheap now does) you can easily get both email (MX, TXT records) and use the naked url (, instead of with heroku.
Instead of choosing CNAME record type, pick ALIAS. Namecheap example of advanced DNS line would be like this:
(Type) (Host) (Value) (TTL)
ALIAS Record # 5 min
ALIAS will play along with both TXT and MX.
