How to concat Java Flux lists into one list from external sources - spring-boot

In a spring-boot 2.0 rest controller, I have created the following code which works as desired:
Mono<List<String>> test3(){
List<String> l1 = Arrays.asList("one","two","three");
List<String> l2 = Arrays.asList("four","five","six");
return Flux
My problem comes from trying to do the same thing from an external datasource. I have created the following test case:
Flux<Object> test4(){
List<String> indecies = Arrays.asList("1","2");
return Flux.concat(
.flatMap(k -> Flux.just(myRepository.getList(k))
Where myRepository is the following:
public class MyRepository {
List<String> l1 = Arrays.asList("one","two","three");
List<String> l2 = Arrays.asList("four","five","six");
Map<String, List<String>> pm = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
pm.put("1", l1);
pm.put("2", l2);
List<String> getList(String key){
List<String> list = pm.get(key);
return list;
My code labeled test4 gives me the code hint error:
Type mismatch: cannot convert from Flux< List < String >> to Publisher < ?
extends Publisher < ? extends Object >>
So a few questions:
I thought that a Flux was a publisher? So why the error?
What am I doing wrong in test 4 so that it will output the same result as in test3?
The expected output is: [["one","two","three","four","five","six"]]

Using M. Deinum's comment, here is what works:
Mono<List<String>> test6(){
List<String> indecies = Arrays.asList("1","2");
return Flux.fromIterable(indecies)
.flatMap(k -> Flux.fromIterable(myRepository.getList(k)).subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()),2)


Mockito, how to mock call by reference method on same class

Why I can not mock callRefMethod method (call method by reference) on below code? The problem is real method of callRefMethod always being called.
public class ManageUserService {
public void callRefMethod(List<String> lsStr, boolean flag){
if (flag){
public void methodA(){
List<String> lsStr = new ArrayList<>();
this.callRefMethod(lsStr, true);
for(String str : lsStr){
Unit tests:
public class ManageUserServiceTest {
private ManageUserService manageUserService;
private AutoCloseable closeable;
public void init() {
closeable = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
void closeService() throws Exception {
void methodATest(){
List<String> lsData = new ArrayList<>();
ManageUserService manageUserServiceA = new ManageUserService();
ManageUserService userSpy = spy(manageUserServiceA);
doNothing().when(userSpy).callRefMethod(lsData, true);
verify(userSpy).callRefMethod(ArgumentMatchers.any(ArrayList.class), ArgumentMatchers.any(Boolean.class));
The result :
The problem is the difference between the list you're creating in the test method, which is used to match the expected parameters when "doing nothing":
List<String> lsData = new ArrayList<>();
doNothing().when(userSpy).callRefMethod(lsData, true);
and the list created in the tested method, passed to the spy object:
List<String> lsStr = new ArrayList<>();
this.callRefMethod(lsStr, true);
You're telling Mockito to doNothing if the list is: ["start"], but such list is never passed to the callRefMethod. ["zero"] is passed there, which does not match the expected params, so actual method is called.
Mockito uses equals to compare the actual argument with an expected parameter value - see: the documentation. To work around that ArgumentMatchers can be used.
You can either fix the value added to the list in the test or match the expected parameter in a less strict way (e.g. using anyList() matcher).
ok i did it by using : where manageUserServiceOne is spy of ManageUserService class
void methodATest(){
List<String> lsData = new ArrayList<>();
doAnswer((invocation) -> {
List<String> lsModify = invocation.getArgument(0);
return null;
}).when(manageUserServiceOne).callRefMethod(anyList(), anyBoolean());
verify(manageUserServiceOne).callRefMethod(ArgumentMatchers.any(ArrayList.class), ArgumentMatchers.any(Boolean.class));

junit http get request compare with csv list

the purpose of this request - to get at least some hint/idea of how to do it -
new to java - so does the novice question -
I want to match my csv columns with output of get request
and tell me - matches all of it or no of columns --
#SpringBootTest(classes = TestApplication.class)
//#WebMvcTest(value = SwProductController.class)
#ActiveProfiles("dev") // In case you want to test a particular profile
public class SwProductImplTest
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void testRetrieveDetails() throws Exception {
String filesss = "csv--file--path";
JSONArray expected = new JSONArray(Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filesss))
.map(s -> new yourJson(s.split(",")[0], s.split(",")[1]))
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders
MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(requestBuilder).andReturn();
JSONAssert.assertEquals(result.getResponse().getContentAsString(), expected, false);
private class yourJson {
String s;
String s1;
public yourJson(String s, String s1) {
this.s = s;
this.s1 = s1;
Output of get request looks like this -
csv file -
sw product,sw product module,technology
Product 1,Module 1,REGULAR
Product 1,Module 2,SPRING CLOUD
Product 2,Module 1,REGULAR
Product 2,Module 3,REGULAR
Both the data are the same but the only difference is that your output is in JSON format while the example you post is in tabular form. Both will work fine

How to convert Generic List with Predicate Interface into a Lambda Expression?

I am learning Java 8 Functional Interface and was trying out some examples.
I am trying to create a method which will accept Generic List as one argument and a String data filter argument as another.
Below code is working as expected, but when I am trying to convert Predicate into Lambda Expression, then I am struggling.
public static <T> List<T> filter_and_find_only_selected_Data1(List<T> genericList, String dataFilter){
Stream<List<T>> list => {
if(eachListObj instanceof Employee){
return<? super T>) new Predicate<Employee>() {
public boolean test(Employee eachEmpObj) {
return eachEmpObj.getEmpDept().equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter);
}else if(eachListObj instanceof Customer){
return<? super T>) new Predicate<Customer>(){
public boolean test(Customer eachCust) {
return !eachCust.getCustomerName().equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter);
return null;
return list.findAny().get();
Is there any way, I can convert the Predicate into Lambda as well as if there a way, I can convert if-else-if into Ternary Operator.
Like: (if condition)?return Value:(else-if condition):return value:null;
I think, you actually want something like this:
public static <T> List<T> filter_and_find_only_selected_Data(
List<T> list, Function<? super T, String> stringProperty, String filterValue) {
.filter(t -> filterValue.equalsIgnoreCase(stringProperty.apply(t)))
Then, the caller can use
List<Employee> source = …;
List<Employee> filtered
= filter_and_find_only_selected_Data(source, Employee::getEmpDept, "value");
List<Customer> source = …;
List<Customer> filtered
= filter_and_find_only_selected_Data(source, Customer::getCustomerName, "Bob");
List<File> source = Arrays.asList(new File("foo", "bar"), new File("foo", "test"),
new File("xyz"), new File("TEST"), new File("abc", "bar"), new File("bla", "Test"));
List<File> filtered = filter_and_find_only_selected_Data(source, File::getName, "test");
to demonstrate the flexibility of a truly generic method.
Why not put all in the filter? try this
return ->
(item instanceof Customer && ((Customer) item).getCustomerName().equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter)
|| (item instanceof Employee && ((Employee) item).getEmpDept().equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter))))
or extract a function for this filter
public boolean isAllow(T item, String dataFilter) {
return (item instanceof Customer && ((Customer) item).getCustomerName().equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter))
|| (item instanceof Employee && ((Employee) item).getEmpDept().equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter)))
//then use it in filter
return -> isAllow(item, dataFilter)
Hope it helps
The generics doesn't help you much here since Customer and Employee seem not mutually compatible. As long as you want to use a generic type <T>, you have to assure that this type is consistent across all the method scope execution. All you can do is using the explicit cast.
I'd start with a static Map extracting a mapping function based on the incoming Class<?>. The Function<Object, String> results in String as long as you wish to compare these with dataFilter:
static Map<Class<?>, Function<Object, String>> exctractionMap() {
Map<Class<?>, Function<Object, String>> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(Customer.class, item -> Customer.class.cast(item).getCustomerName());
map.put(Employee.class, item -> Employee.class.cast(item).getEmpDept());
return map;
Putting this static map aside for a while, I think your whole stream might be simplified anyway. This should work together:
static List<String> findSelectedData(List<?> genericList, String dataFilter) {
return // Stream<Object>
.map(item -> exctractionMap() // Stream<String> using the function
.get(item.getClass()) // ... get through Class<Object>
.apply(item)) // ... applied Function<Object,String>
.filter(s-> s.equalsIgnoreCase(dataFilter)) // Stream<String> equal to dataFilter
.collect(Collectors.toList()); // List<String>
A note: Please, respect the Java conventions and name the method filterAndFindOnlySelectedData1.

Convert a list of objects to a map of key and list of objects in java 8 [duplicate]

I want to translate a List of objects into a Map using Java 8's streams and lambdas.
This is how I would write it in Java 7 and below.
private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
final Map<String, Choice> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
for (final Choice choice : choices) {
hashMap.put(choice.getName(), choice);
return hashMap;
I can accomplish this easily using Java 8 and Guava but I would like to know how to do this without Guava.
In Guava:
private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
return Maps.uniqueIndex(choices, new Function<Choice, String>() {
public String apply(final Choice input) {
return input.getName();
And Guava with Java 8 lambdas.
private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
return Maps.uniqueIndex(choices, Choice::getName);
Based on Collectors documentation it's as simple as:
Map<String, Choice> result =,
If your key is NOT guaranteed to be unique for all elements in the list, you should convert it to a Map<String, List<Choice>> instead of a Map<String, Choice>
Map<String, List<Choice>> result =;
Use getName() as the key and Choice itself as the value of the map:
Map<String, Choice> result =, c -> c));
Most of the answers listed, miss a case when the list has duplicate items. In that case there answer will throw IllegalStateException. Refer the below code to handle list duplicates as well:
public Map<String, Choice> convertListToMap(List<Choice> choices) {
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Choice::getName, choice -> choice,
(oldValue, newValue) -> newValue));
Here's another one in case you don't want to use Collectors.toMap()
Map<String, Choice> result =<String, Choice>::new,
(m, c) -> m.put(c.getName(), c),
(m, u) -> {});
One more option in simple way
Map<String,Choice> map = new HashMap<>();
For example, if you want convert object fields to map:
Example object:
class Item{
private String code;
private String name;
public Item(String code, String name) {
this.code = code; = name;
//getters and setters
And operation convert List To Map:
List<Item> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new Item("code1", "name1"));
list.add(new Item("code2", "name2"));
Map<String,String> map =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Item::getCode, Item::getName));
If you don't mind using 3rd party libraries, AOL's cyclops-react lib (disclosure I am a contributor) has extensions for all JDK Collection types, including List and Map.
ListX<Choices> choices;
Map<String, Choice> map = choices.toMap(c-> c.getName(),c->c);
You can create a Stream of the indices using an IntStream and then convert them to a Map :
Map<Integer,Item> map =
.collect(Collectors.toMap (i -> i, i -> items.get(i)));
I was trying to do this and found that, using the answers above, when using Functions.identity() for the key to the Map, then I had issues with using a local method like this::localMethodName to actually work because of typing issues.
Functions.identity() actually does something to the typing in this case so the method would only work by returning Object and accepting a param of Object
To solve this, I ended up ditching Functions.identity() and using s->s instead.
So my code, in my case to list all directories inside a directory, and for each one use the name of the directory as the key to the map and then call a method with the directory name and return a collection of items, looks like:
Map<String, Collection<ItemType>> items =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(s->s, this::retrieveBrandItems));
I will write how to convert list to map using generics and inversion of control. Just universal method!
Maybe we have list of Integers or list of objects. So the question is the following: what should be key of the map?
create interface
public interface KeyFinder<K, E> {
K getKey(E e);
now using inversion of control:
static <K, E> Map<K, E> listToMap(List<E> list, KeyFinder<K, E> finder) {
return -> finder.getKey(e) , e -> e));
For example, if we have objects of book , this class is to choose key for the map
public class BookKeyFinder implements KeyFinder<Long, Book> {
public Long getKey(Book e) {
return e.getPrice()
I use this syntax
Map<Integer, List<Choice>> choiceMap = -> choice.getName()));
It's possible to use streams to do this. To remove the need to explicitly use Collectors, it's possible to import toMap statically (as recommended by Effective Java, third edition).
import static;
private static Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
return, it -> it));
Another possibility only present in comments yet:
Map<String, Choice> result = -> c.getName(), c -> c)));
Useful if you want to use a parameter of a sub-object as Key:
Map<String, Choice> result = -> c.getUser().getName(), c -> c)));
Map<String, Set<String>> collect = Arrays.asList(Locale.getAvailableLocales()).stream().collect(Collectors
.toMap(l -> l.getDisplayCountry(), l -> Collections.singleton(l.getDisplayLanguage())));
This can be done in 2 ways. Let person be the class we are going to use to demonstrate it.
public class Person {
private String name;
private int age;
public String getAge() {
return age;
Let persons be the list of Persons to be converted to the map
1.Using Simple foreach and a Lambda Expression on the List
Map<Integer,List<Person>> mapPersons = new HashMap<>();
2.Using Collectors on Stream defined on the given List.
Map<Integer,List<Person>> mapPersons =;
Here is solution by StreamEx
StreamEx.of(choices).toMap(Choice::getName, c -> c);
Map<String,Choice>, s->s));
Even serves this purpose for me,
Map<String,Choice> map=> new HashMap<String,Choice>(),
(r,s) -> r.put(s.getString(),s),(r,s) -> r.putAll(s));
If every new value for the same key name has to be overridden:
public Map < String, Choice > convertListToMap(List < Choice > choices) {
(oldValue, newValue) - > newValue));
If all choices have to be grouped in a list for a name:
public Map < String, Choice > convertListToMap(List < Choice > choices) {
List<V> choices; // your list
Map<K,V> result =,choice));
//assuming class "V" has a method to get the key, this method must handle case of duplicates too and provide a unique key.
As an alternative to guava one can use kotlin-stdlib
private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
return CollectionsKt.associateBy(choices, Choice::getName);
List<Integer> listA = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println( ->x, x->x)));
String array[] = {"ASDFASDFASDF","AA", "BBB", "CCCC", "DD", "EEDDDAD"};
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(array);
Map<Integer, String> map =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(s -> s.length(), s -> s, (x, y) -> {
System.out.println("Dublicate key" + x);
return x;
},()-> new TreeMap<>((s1,s2)->s2.compareTo(s1))));
Dublicate key AA

camel split/aggregate and merge List<A> that contains List<B> that contains List<C>

Given a structure similar to this one:
public class A {
//..other fields..
private List<B> bs;
public class B {
//..other fields..
private List<C> cs;
I have to process a list of type A in multiple steps/routes. Some operation are in the A level, others in other levels like C.
The problem I'm trying to solve is to process every single C given an A and then some logic afterwards have to work with the updated A model.
I can successfully split and aggregate back the list<C> but now i'm stuck trying to rebuild A given the output for B and C.
This what I have at the moment:
.split(ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(new CSplitter(), "getBs"), new MyAggregationStrategy())
.split(ExpressionBuilder.beanExpression(new CSplitter(), "getCs"), new MyAggregationStrategy())
.bean(processor, "doStuff")//Working on a since C instance
.bean(processor, "test") //Here I get the worked List<C>
//.bean(processor, "thisProcessorNeedsA").end(); //TODO get the original A and the output List<C> so i can make further work on them
How can I update the B instances with the new list of C and then do the same to update A?
public class CSplitter {
public List<B> getBs(A a) {
return a.getBs();
public List<C> getCs(B b) {
return b.getCs();
public class MyAggregationStrategy implements AggregationStrategy {
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
Object newBody = newExchange.getIn().getBody();
ArrayList<Object> list = null;
if (oldExchange == null) {
list = new ArrayList<Object>();
return newExchange;
} else {
list = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(ArrayList.class);
return oldExchange;
Checking the documentations and online resources i could not find any example aggregating having also the body from a previous step... any tips is welcome :)
I would capture the body A as an exchange property before splitting, then it will be available later.
.setProperty("originalA", body())
// etc.
.bean(processor, "myMethod(${property.originalA}, ${body})").end();
