Mockito, how to mock call by reference method on same class - spring

Why I can not mock callRefMethod method (call method by reference) on below code? The problem is real method of callRefMethod always being called.
public class ManageUserService {
public void callRefMethod(List<String> lsStr, boolean flag){
if (flag){
public void methodA(){
List<String> lsStr = new ArrayList<>();
this.callRefMethod(lsStr, true);
for(String str : lsStr){
Unit tests:
public class ManageUserServiceTest {
private ManageUserService manageUserService;
private AutoCloseable closeable;
public void init() {
closeable = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);
void closeService() throws Exception {
void methodATest(){
List<String> lsData = new ArrayList<>();
ManageUserService manageUserServiceA = new ManageUserService();
ManageUserService userSpy = spy(manageUserServiceA);
doNothing().when(userSpy).callRefMethod(lsData, true);
verify(userSpy).callRefMethod(ArgumentMatchers.any(ArrayList.class), ArgumentMatchers.any(Boolean.class));
The result :

The problem is the difference between the list you're creating in the test method, which is used to match the expected parameters when "doing nothing":
List<String> lsData = new ArrayList<>();
doNothing().when(userSpy).callRefMethod(lsData, true);
and the list created in the tested method, passed to the spy object:
List<String> lsStr = new ArrayList<>();
this.callRefMethod(lsStr, true);
You're telling Mockito to doNothing if the list is: ["start"], but such list is never passed to the callRefMethod. ["zero"] is passed there, which does not match the expected params, so actual method is called.
Mockito uses equals to compare the actual argument with an expected parameter value - see: the documentation. To work around that ArgumentMatchers can be used.
You can either fix the value added to the list in the test or match the expected parameter in a less strict way (e.g. using anyList() matcher).

ok i did it by using : where manageUserServiceOne is spy of ManageUserService class
void methodATest(){
List<String> lsData = new ArrayList<>();
doAnswer((invocation) -> {
List<String> lsModify = invocation.getArgument(0);
return null;
}).when(manageUserServiceOne).callRefMethod(anyList(), anyBoolean());
verify(manageUserServiceOne).callRefMethod(ArgumentMatchers.any(ArrayList.class), ArgumentMatchers.any(Boolean.class));


method is not called inside another method in JUnit

I have a method that calls another mehide inside.
Here is my method:
public void unblocUser(BloclistDTO bloclistDTO) {
if (blocListRepository.getBlocList(bloclistDTO.getCandidate().getId(), bloclistDTO.getColumnName()).isEmpty()) {
this.setVisibility(bloclistDTO.getCandidate().getId(), bloclistDTO.getColumnName(), true);
I've tested the method setVisibility itself, it works. But, when clling unblocUser it doesn't work ;
Here is how am testing it:
public void unblocUserLastOne() {
Company blockedCompany = new Company ();
Candidate candidate = new Candidate ();
BloclistDTO bloclist= new BloclistDTO();
assertEquals(true, candidate.isPersonalDetailsVisible());
I get an error : expected true but was false.
Any help please ?
first you need to create a mock object for BlocListRepository class
BlocListRepository blocListRepository;
Then mock the delete method in BlocListRepository class.
public void unblocUserLastOne() {
Company blockedCompany = new Company ();
Candidate candidate = new Candidate ();
BloclistDTO bloclist= new BloclistDTO();
assertEquals(true, candidate.isPersonalDetailsVisible());

How to make the PUT method work? I want to update my data in Table

This is my POST method and it is successful and run well. My question is how to do the PUT request method so that it can update the data well?
Post method
public void addRecipe(RecipeDTO recipedto)
Category categoryTitle = categoryRepository.findByCategoryTitle(recipedto.getCategoryTitle());
Recipe recipe = new Recipe();
/*I map my dto data original model*/
List categoryList = new ArrayList<>();
Recipe savedRecipe =;
/*I map the data in ingredientDTO and setpDTO to actual model */
List ingredientList = new ArrayList<>();
for(IngredientDTO ingredientdto : recipedto.getIngredients())
Ingredient ingredient = new Ingredient();
List stepList = new ArrayList<>();
for(StepDTO stepdto : recipedto.getSteps())
Step step = new Step();
This is my put method and it wont work, how should I do it, because I have no idea. Please teach me to do this method, if it is better.
public void updateRecipe(RecipeDTO recipedto, String id)
Recipe recipe = recipeRepository.findByrID(recipedto.getrID());
When building REST services in Java you usually use an Framework to help you with this.
Like "jax-rs":
If using jax-rs then you mark your method as an Http PUT method with the annotation #PUT, ex:
public Response somePutMethod() {
return Response.ok().entity("Put some Foos!").build();
If using Spring as an Framework you mark your PUT method with the #RequestMapping annotation, ex:
#RequestMapping(value = "/ex/foo", method = PUT)
public String putFoos() {
return "Put some Foos";
Firstly and very importantly, you DO NOT use String == String for checking equality. Your code:
public void updateRecipe(RecipeDTO recipedto, String id)
Recipe recipe = recipeRepository.findByrID(recipedto.getrID());
It should be:
public void updateRecipe(RecipeDTO recipedto, String id)
Recipe recipe = recipeRepository.findByrID(recipedto.getrID());
Because equality with == checks if objects have the same memory address. In other words:
new Integer(1) == new Integer(1) //false
1 == 1 //true
new String("hello") == new String("hello") //false
"hello" == "hello" //true because literal strings are stored in a String pool
new String("hello") == "hello" //false
Secondly, you SHOULD ALWAYS use generics with Collection APIs.
Your code:
List categoryList = new ArrayList<>();
Should be:
List<Category> categoryList = new ArrayList<>();
And lastly, like askepan said, you have not defined what framework you are using. In case of Jersey (JAX-RS implementation) you have HTTP Request Methods:
public Response putContainer() {
System.out.println("PUT CONTAINER " + container);
URI uri = uriInfo.getAbsolutePath();
Container c = new Container(container, uri.toString());
Response r;
if (!MemoryStore.MS.hasContainer(c)) {
r = Response.created(uri).build();
} else {
r = Response.noContent().build();
return r;
If you use Spring, there are #RequestMapping(method = ), or short versions:
#GetMapping, #PutMapping, #PostMapping, #DeleteMapping.
public Person getPerson(#PathVariable Long id) {
// ...
public void add(#RequestBody Person person) {
// ...
According to the annotation, the method will be called accordingly.
More information in:

Is there a way to make a custom implementation of Nashorn JSObject work with Object.keys()?

I recently asked this question How can I pass a proper method reference in so Nashorn can execute it? and got an answer that helped me get much further along with my project, but I discovered a limitation around providing a custom JSObject implementation that I don't know how to resolve.
Given this simple working JSObject that can handle most of the methods JS would invoke on it such as map:
import javax.script.*;
import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
public class scratch_6 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
// The following JSObject wraps this list
List<Object> l = new ArrayList<>();
JSObject jsObj = new AbstractJSObject() {
public Object getMember(String name) {
if (name.equals("map")) {
// return a functional interface object - nashorn will treat it like
// script function!
final Function<JSObject, Object> jsObjectObjectFunction = callback -> {
List<Object> res = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object obj : l) {
// call callback on each object and add the result to new list
res.add(, obj));
// return fresh list as result of map (or this could be another wrapper)
return res;
return jsObjectObjectFunction;
} else {
// unknown property
return null;
e.put("obj", jsObj);
// map each String to it's uppercase and print result of map
e.eval("print( '\"'+x.toString()+'\"'))");
If you uncomment the last line where Object.keys(obj) is called, it will fail with the error ... is not an Object.
This appears to be because Object.keys() [ ] only checks whether the object is an instance of ScriptObject or of ScriptObjectMirror. If it is neither of those things, it throws the notAnObject error. :(
Ideally, user implemented JSObject objects should be exactly equivalent to script objects. But, user implemented JSObjects are almost script objects - but not quite. This is documented here ->
Object.keys is one such case where it breaks. However, if you just want javascript iteration support for your objects, you can implement JSObject.keySet in your class.
Example code:
import javax.script.*;
import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
// This JSObject wraps the following Properties object
Properties props = System.getProperties();
JSObject jsObj = new AbstractJSObject() {
public Set<String> keySet() {
return props.stringPropertyNames();
public Object getMember(String name) {
return props.getProperty(name);
e.put("obj", jsObj);
e.eval("for (i in obj) print(i, ' = ', obj[i])");

Template variables with ControllerLinkBuilder

I want my response to include this:
That's easy enough to achieve:
add(new Link("http://localhost/api/keyMaps{/keyMapId}", "keyMaps"));
But, of course, I'd rather use the ControllerLinkBuilder, like this:
The problem is that by the time the variable "{keyMapId}" reaches the UriTemplate constructor, it's been included in an encoded URL:
So UriTemplate's constructor doesn't recognise it as containing a variable.
How can I persuade ControllerLinkBuilder that I want to use template variables?
It looks to me like the current state of Spring-HATEOAS doesn't allow this via the ControllerLinkBuilder (I'd very much like to be proven wrong), so I have implemented this myself using the following classes for templating query parameters:
public class TemplatedLinkBuilder {
private static final TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory FACTORY = new TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory();
public static final String ENCODED_LEFT_BRACE = "%7B";
public static final String ENCODED_RIGHT_BRACE = "%7D";
private UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder;
TemplatedLinkBuilder(UriComponentsBuilder builder) {
uriComponentsBuilder = builder;
public static TemplatedLinkBuilder linkTo(Object invocationValue) {
return FACTORY.linkTo(invocationValue);
public static <T> T methodOn(Class<T> controller, Object... parameters) {
return DummyInvocationUtils.methodOn(controller, parameters);
public Link withRel(String rel) {
return new Link(replaceTemplateMarkers(, rel);
public Link withSelfRel() {
return withRel(Link.REL_SELF);
private String replaceTemplateMarkers(String encodedUri) {
return encodedUri.replaceAll(ENCODED_LEFT_BRACE, "{").replaceAll(ENCODED_RIGHT_BRACE, "}");
public class TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory {
private final ControllerLinkBuilderFactory controllerLinkBuilderFactory;
public TemplatedLinkBuilderFactory() {
this.controllerLinkBuilderFactory = new ControllerLinkBuilderFactory();
public TemplatedLinkBuilder linkTo(Object invocationValue) {
ControllerLinkBuilder controllerLinkBuilder = controllerLinkBuilderFactory.linkTo(invocationValue);
UriComponentsBuilder uriComponentsBuilder = controllerLinkBuilder.toUriComponentsBuilder();
Assert.isInstanceOf(DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware.class, invocationValue);
DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware invocations = (DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware) invocationValue;
DummyInvocationUtils.MethodInvocation invocation = invocations.getLastInvocation();
Object[] arguments = invocation.getArguments();
MethodParameters parameters = new MethodParameters(invocation.getMethod());
for (MethodParameter requestParameter : parameters.getParametersWith(RequestParam.class)) {
Object value = arguments[requestParameter.getParameterIndex()];
if (value == null) {
uriComponentsBuilder.queryParam(requestParameter.getParameterName(), "{" + requestParameter.getParameterName() + "}");
return new TemplatedLinkBuilder(uriComponentsBuilder);
Which embeds the normal ControllerLinkBuilder and then uses similar logic to parse for #RequestParam annotated parameters that are null and add these on to the query parameters. Also, our client resuses these templated URIs to perform further requests to the server. To achieve this and not need to worry about stripping out the unused templated params, I have to perform the reverse operation (swapping {params} with null), which I'm doing using a custom Spring RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver as follows
public class TemplatedRequestParamResolver extends RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver {
public TemplatedRequestParamResolver() {
protected Object resolveName(String name, MethodParameter parameter, NativeWebRequest webRequest) throws Exception {
Object value = super.resolveName(name, parameter, webRequest);
if (value instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] valueAsCollection = (Object[])value;
List<Object> resultList = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (Object collectionEntry : valueAsCollection) {
if (nullifyTemplatedValue(collectionEntry) != null) {
if (resultList.isEmpty()) {
value = null;
} else {
value = resultList.toArray();
} else{
value = nullifyTemplatedValue(value);
return value;
private Object nullifyTemplatedValue(Object value) {
if (value != null && value.toString().startsWith("{") && value.toString().endsWith("}")) {
value = null;
return value;
Also this needs to replace the existing RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver which I do with:
public class ConfigureTemplatedRequestParamResolver {
private #Autowired RequestMappingHandlerAdapter adapter;
public void replaceArgumentMethodHandlers() {
List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers = new ArrayList<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver>(adapter.getArgumentResolvers());
for (int cursor = 0; cursor < argumentResolvers.size(); ++cursor) {
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver handlerMethodArgumentResolver = argumentResolvers.get(cursor);
if (handlerMethodArgumentResolver instanceof RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver) {
argumentResolvers.add(cursor, new TemplatedRequestParamResolver());
Unfortunately, although { and } are valid characters in a templated URI, they are not valid in a URI, which may be a problem for your client code depending on how strict it is. I'd much prefer a neater solution built into Spring-HATEOAS!
With latest versions of spring-hateoas you can do the following:
UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(linkBuilder.toUri()).build();
UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate(uriComponents.toUriString())
.with("keyMapId", TemplateVariable.SEGMENT);
will give you: http://localhost:8080/bla{/keyMapId}",
Starting with this commit:
You can now pass null where path variable is expected. It works for me, without workarounds.
And the result:
"someMethod": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/{userId}",
"templated": true
Also check related issues:
We've run into the same problem. General workaround is we have our own LinkBuilder class with a bunch of static helpers. Templated ones look like this:
public static Link linkToSubcategoriesTemplated(String categoryId){
return new Link(
new UriTemplate(
linkTo(methodOn(CategoryController.class).subcategories(null, null, categoryId))
// register it as variable
private static TemplateVariables getBaseTemplateVariables() {
return new TemplateVariables(
new TemplateVariable("page", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("sort", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("size", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM)
This is for exposing the parameters of a controller response of a PagedResource.
then in the controllers we call this an append a withRel as needed.
According to this issue comment, this will be addressed in an upcoming release of spring-hateoas.
For now, there's a drop-in replacement for ControllerLinkBuilder available from de.escalon.hypermedia:spring-hateoas-ext in Maven Central.
I can now do this:
import static de.escalon.hypermedia.spring.AffordanceBuilder.*
I pass in null as the parameter value to indicate I want to use a template variable. The name of the variable is automatically pulled from the controller.
I needed to include a link with template variables in the root of a spring data rest application, to get access via traverson to an oauth2 token. This is working fine, maybe useful:
class RepositoryLinksResourceProcessor implements ResourceProcessor<RepositoryLinksResource> {
RepositoryLinksResource process(RepositoryLinksResource resource) {
UriTemplate uriTemplate = new UriTemplate(
TokenEndpoint.getDeclaredMethod("postAccessToken",, Map )).
new TemplateVariables([
new TemplateVariable("username", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("password", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("clientId", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM),
new TemplateVariable("clientSecret", TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM)
new Link( uriTemplate,
return resource
Based on the previous comments I have implemented a generic helper method (against spring-hateoas-0.20.0) as a "temporary" workaround. The implementation does consider only RequestParameters and is far from being optimized or well tested. It might come handy to some other poor soul traveling down the same rabbit hole though:
public static Link getTemplatedLink(final Method m, final String rel) {
DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer disco = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer();
ControllerLinkBuilder builder = ControllerLinkBuilder.linkTo(m.getDeclaringClass(), m);
UriTemplate uriTemplate = new UriTemplate(UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(builder.toUri()).build().toUriString());
Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = m.getParameterAnnotations();
int param = 0;
for (Annotation[] parameterAnnotation : parameterAnnotations) {
for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotation) {
if (annotation.annotationType().equals(RequestParam.class)) {
RequestParam rpa = (RequestParam) annotation;
String parameterName =;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parameterName)) parameterName = disco.getParameterNames(m)[param];
uriTemplate = uriTemplate.with(parameterName, TemplateVariable.VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM);
return new Link(uriTemplate, rel);

ActionContext.getContext().getParameters() returns null during StrutsJUnit4TestCase

I am running a JUnit test via maven where a struts action java method is being tested that makes the following call:
// Gets this from the "org.apache.struts2.util.TokenHelper" class in the struts2-core jar
String token = TokenHelper.getTokenName();
Here is the method in "":
* Gets the token name from the Parameters in the ServletActionContext
* #return the token name found in the params, or null if it could not be found
public static String getTokenName() {
Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters();
if (!params.containsKey(TOKEN_NAME_FIELD)) {
LOG.warn("Could not find token name in params.");
return null;
String[] tokenNames = (String[]) params.get(TOKEN_NAME_FIELD);
String tokenName;
if ((tokenNames == null) || (tokenNames.length < 1)) {
LOG.warn("Got a null or empty token name.");
return null;
tokenName = tokenNames[0];
return tokenName;
The 1st line in this method is returning null:
Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters();
The next LOC down, "params.containKey(...)" throws a NullPointerException because "params" is null.
When this action is called normally, this runs fine. However, during the JUnit test, this Null Pointer occurs.
My test class looks like this:
public class MNManageLocationActionTest extends StrutsJUnit4TestCase {
private static MNManageLocationAction action;
public static void init() {
action = new MNManageLocationAction();
public void testGetActionMapping() {
ActionMapping mapping = getActionMapping("/companylocation/FetchCountyListByZip.action");
public void testLoadStateList() throws JSONException {
request.setParameter("Ryan", "Ryan");
String result = action.loadStateList();
assertEquals("Verify that the loadStateList() function completes without Exceptions.",
result, "success");
The ActionContext.getContext() is at least no longer null after I switched to using StrutsJUnit4TestCase.
Any idea why .getParameters() is returning null?
You need to initialize parameters map by yourself inside your test method. Additionally if you want to get token name you need to put it in parameters map.
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
new String[] { TokenHelper.DEFAULT_TOKEN_NAME });
