mail (postfix) not running in launchAgent unless followed by another command - bash

I'm running a user LaunchAgent in El Cap that is supposed to call postfix to send me an email when a certain automatically generated file is 0 length, meaning that something went wrong. Here's the line from the bash script where $me is my username:
echo 'Darn it' | mail -s 'Export failed' "$me"
It works fine if I run the script manually, but mail won't send anything when the agent runs.
By dumb luck I found that if I follow this command with the following command, the message will get sent:
/usr/local/bin/terminal-notifier -message "File export failed." -title "Alert"
Other following commands won't do it (like echo, for example).
Any idea what's going on there?


how to send an email when creating a bash script

I'm trying to create a bash script that will send me an email every time it pings an IP address.
When I run the script I get and error saying
bash: sendmail: command not found
Here is my code
while true; do
ping my_ip_address
echo "some message" | sendmail -s "test" ""
sleep 20
and this is my sendmail.ini file
I have my sendmail.ini saved in C:\sendmail\
Looks like sendmail is not in your $PATH.
Try to either add directory with sendmail to your $PATH or use full path to sendmail.
Also remove credentials from your question.

Mutt bash script sends email fine from command line but not from motioneye notification hook

So I'm about ready to pull my hair out on this one. I am running ssmtp and mutt on a freeBSD jail. I have a bash script called notify that contains the following line.
mutt -s "$subject" "$email" -a "$attachment" < "$logfile3"
When I run
The email will send just fine, but if I run that exact same command from inside motioneye I receive an extremely non-descript error from mutt
Could not send the message
I have tried using a daemon but that hasn't had any effect. I wish the mutt error message was more descriptive.
My script did not have access to the "sent" mailbox and therefore mutt was failing to send. -e "set copy=no" added to the mutt call corrected the issue.
For a better walkthrough:
Make sure you have bash installed (it isn't by default on FreeBSD) and try using absolute path to it (/usr/local/bin/bash).

Send email from Linux command line to Gmail

There appear to be a number of answers to this question, but none of them seem to work:
I would like to send email from my localhost to a gmail account. The following command does nothing as far as I can tell:
mail -s "Hello!"
After Ctrl-Ding to finish editing, there is no failure notification or anything, and the message never appears in that gmail account's inbox (or spam folder). I've tried various different ways of using that command from around the internet, but it appears that it just silently fails to send to nonlocal addresses. Any ideas?
I am using Debian Wheezy
EDIT: To be clear, the issue is not that I get command line prompts, which I know I can avoid with pipes etc. The issue is that mail is simply never sent. The command returns after a while, and it just silently fails.
You can use an echo with a pipe to avoid prompts or confirmation.
echo "This is the body" | mail -s "This is the subject"
Make sure postfix or the MTA of your choice is installed and running.
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix status

postfix pipe mail to script does not work

I've done my research and tried lots of way but to no avail, i still could not get my postfix mail to run the script.
content of /etc/aliases
test2: "|/home/"
content of /home/ Note: i've tried many kind of ways in the script. even a simple echo does not work.
read msg
echo $MSG
i've tried running the script and it works fine.
So would you tell that it's working?
Even if you successfully direct mail to the script, you're not going to see the output of the "echo" command. If you expect to get an email response from the script, the script will need to call out to /bin/mail (or sendmail or contact an SMTP server or something) to generate the message. If you're just looking to verify that it's working, you need to create some output where you can see it -- for example, by writing the message to the filesystem:
cat > /tmp/msg
You should also look in your mail logs (often but not necessarily /var/log/mail) to see if there are any errors (or indications of success!).

checking if a streaming server is up using bash?

I use Ubuntu and am trying to write a script that makes the following:
-test if an audio stream works
-if not, send an email.
I have tried the following code (running as a cron job every 10 minutes), which 'works' if I supply the wrong pw e.g.(it sends an email then), but does nothing if the actual server is down (tested by killing the server). any ideas on how to fix the script?
Thanks in advance!
url=" -passwd $password -user $username"
mplayer $url &
sleep 5
test=$(pgrep -c mplayer)
if [ $test = 0 ]; then
#server is down!
/usr/sbin/ssmtp < "/home/test/$mailfile"
killall mplayer
sleep 5
Your problem is in this line:
remove the dollar sign and that should do it.
You should be getting error messages in your cron log or emails to the crontab owner complaining about a command not found or no such file.
Does your script work if run from the command line (with the stream down) rather than cron?
Try using set -x (or #!/bin/bash -x) in the script to turn on tracing or use echo "PID: $$, value of \$test: $test" > /tmp/script.out after the assignment to see if you're getting the zero you're expecting.
Also, try an ssmtp command outside the if to make sure it's working (but I think you already said it is under some circumstances).
Try your script without ever starting mplayer.
