Laravel passport default scopes using Password Grant Client - laravel

I would like to assign a scope that is equal to user's id_groups field with every token generated by Password Grant Client.
I know that I can generate custom tokens by using Personal Access Tokens, but what about Password Grant Client?

I used token created event (built in passport) to update the scope after creation. Dirty but working solution


Authenticate that a user has logged in with MSAL/Azure AD and serve them a token for my separate API?

I have an api written in GO that, at the moment, serves an authorization token based on a username and password. (Without MSAL)
I am trying to implement MSAL logins with Microsoft accounts. I have setup my angular frontend to log a user in to an Azure AD app registration. Would it be possible to authenticate that they have successfully logged in to the Azure AD, and serve them one of my tokens (unrelated to msal) from my GO API?
The username that they use to login with MSAL also exists in my backend, the flow would be something like this;
User logs in with MSAL -> my frontend makes a request to golang backend with username -> golang verifies that this username has logged in with MSAL -> backend serves a token for this user
It appears golang integration with MSAL is limited, so not sure how possible this is.
What you can do is acquire an access token for your API in the front-end from Azure AD. For this you will either register the API in Azure AD or use the same app registration. Either way, you should add a scope in the Expose an API page in the registration. Your front-end can then use that scope's id to get the needed token.
Your API can then have an endpoint that validates the access token, and issues the local token. The access token will contain the user's username for example, if you want to map to that. A more robust way would be to map to the user's object id (also in the token) since it is immutable, unlike the user email.
For token validation, you should be able to use a generic JWT validation library. Also remember to check for that scope in the token that you defined to properly authorize the request.

Passport middlwares permissions routes

im using first time Passport laravel, but i still didnt understand quite is the difference between midlewareare auth:api and client:credentials (CheckClientCredentials ), doesnt these 2 types of middlware restrict routes? What is the difference between them?
The auth:api middle-ware is used for authentication. Whenever user will call an api, the user has to provide the authentication token with it. It depends on you which api you are restricting. From that token we can recognize the user or get the user object from request. Following is the way to get the user from token.
$user = $request->user();
for more information you can read the passport documentation at here
Client Credentials Grant Tokens
The client credentials grant is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication. For example, you might use this grant in a scheduled job which is performing maintenance tasks over an API.You can go through the doc at here

Access user info from lambda

I'm working on a serverless app with aws.
I use AWS Cognito User Pool to manage user : register, login, logout.
Once those users have been confirmed, I use AWS Cognito Identity Pool to get temporary credentials. Then I use those credentials to access the api (the endpoint on my api require AWS_IAM for Auth and call lambda).
All of that work perfectly. But I need to know which user has requested the action. In the lambda I can get the IdentityId from my Identity Pool. But I need to get attributes from my user in User Pool.
So my question is : is there a way to get a user from User Pool using the IdentityId of the Identity attached to it ? Or at least, get the access token ? I know I can send the access token in headers but I would like to only depend on the AWS_IAM auth.
Getting from a federated identity_id back to the user pool user is tricky because there's no guarantee it is a user pool user (it could well be someone from Facebook, or even an unauthenticated user- depending on your configuration).
Given an IdentityId you can use identity:GetOpenIdToken to get a valid OpenId token (you can ignore the logins part of the request if you are just using UserPools).
You can then use this token against the userpools:GetUser end point.
There's a few pitfalls here, like ensuring you authenticate with a scope that allows you to see all the attributes you care about. If you haven't, then you'll need to use the username returned with userpools:AdminGetUser to get the full user profile.

Laravel API Passport Token

I have a question about laravel passport... I did the code and it is working very good, my question is about the token.
My friend has an mobile app which it will connect to my Laravel API... I already gave him a grant token my question is, do I have to give him a new token everytime that he wants to connect to the API? or just with that one is enough? one token and it works everytime?
I think that it works like this:
He wants to connect.
He passes the token to access to the API.
The API creates a response.
Am I correct?
For mobile application you should use password grant for Api protection. For password grant, the general concept is the API will give the app client the following parameters for accessing the auth client to get an access token and refresh token.
grant_type: password
When the user login in the mobile application, the mobile app will use the above parameters and also the user's username and password to request a user specific access token, this token usually will be active for 60 minutes, after 60 minutes, the app client need to use the refresh token to get a new access token.
After getting the user access token, for the rest of your APP's api, the mobile client need to use this access token to access them.
For Laravel Passport, you can check out the password grant document here:
To understand more about what password grant is check out this link:
Note: From what I understand from your description, the grant type you are using is Client Credential Grant, this type is best for using system to system API authentication.

How to login the user automatically when the user logged in to google using oauth 2?

I'm using hybridauth library.
Hybridauth documentation says persistent sessions possible by storing the session data.
Lets say I stored users session data in my database. It contains oauth token, oauth refresh token etc..
Using oauth token, its possible to contact oauth server without asking user permissions.
Now everything fine so far. Now how exactly login the user automatically if the user logged into google?
I mean do I have to use any cookies?
I can't specifically help you on that library you are using, but have you looked at this?
If you do an authorization for login as well, you'll get a token back and you can use that to get the userid of the user at Google
This field is only present if the scope was present in the request for the access token. The value of this field is an immutable identifier for the logged-in user. Store this and you should have a durable identifier of the user.
