Passport middlwares permissions routes - laravel

im using first time Passport laravel, but i still didnt understand quite is the difference between midlewareare auth:api and client:credentials (CheckClientCredentials ), doesnt these 2 types of middlware restrict routes? What is the difference between them?

The auth:api middle-ware is used for authentication. Whenever user will call an api, the user has to provide the authentication token with it. It depends on you which api you are restricting. From that token we can recognize the user or get the user object from request. Following is the way to get the user from token.
$user = $request->user();
for more information you can read the passport documentation at here
Client Credentials Grant Tokens
The client credentials grant is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication. For example, you might use this grant in a scheduled job which is performing maintenance tasks over an API.You can go through the doc at here


How to make user to keep in login state by using laravel's personal access token

I have implement my api by using personal access token with the 1 month validity by using below code.
I can receive an unauthenticated error once the token gets expired. In this case, i have to extend the validity which mean the user should be in login state unless they do logout manually.
Is it possible to keep the user in login mode?. If it can, pls give detailed explanation.
I think Passport can refresh the token only with oauth; but don't get me wrong, probably you don't need oauth. So you should refresh it by yourself because Passport doesn't handle it. What I can suggest in case you are building a backend API for a web-app is to use Sanctum Spa-Authentication, it gives you csrf protection and is really easy to understand
Once you logged in you can call your api routes.
But if it's not a web-app even Sanctum has not a refresh token method...

Laravel API Auth with Passport and React

I have a Laravel 5.5 Application that's using the session based auth out of the box. On some of these pages I have react components that need to get/post data from/to an API.
What is the best practice for handling this? Do I simply hide the API endpoints behind the auth? This would work but should I be using Laravel Passport for this instead?
I've had a play with Passport and it seems that this would work but I don't need users to be able to create clients and grant 3rd party applications permission etc. There is just the first party react app consuming the data from inside the laravel application (view).
From my initial experimenting with it, it seems I'd need to have the login call made first to receive an access token to then make further calls. As the user will already be authenticated in the session is there an easier way?
I'm not sure if Passport is intended to be used for this purpose or not. I'd rather take the time to get it right now as I'd like to get the foundations right now if the app scales.
You can proxy authentication with Passport. Using the password grant type users would still log in with their username/password, then behind the scenes make an internal request to Passport to obtain an access token.
Restrict what routes are available when registering in a service provider by passing in:
Passport::routes(function ($router) {
That limits access to personal tokens and refresh tokens only. A client will be created when you run php artisan passport:install.
Setup a middleware to merge the password grant client id and secret in with the request, then make a call to the authorization endpoint. Then it's just a matter of returning the encrypted token and observing the Authorization header for requests to your api.

Laravel Passport APi - Implicit grant

I want to build a spa via angularjs and use laravel as a api for the spa. Reading trough the docs of laravel passport i discovered that i need to use the implicit grant for this purpose. But i am not really sure in how it should work from front to back. I just want to have the ability to log in a user with a username and password and then just use it and i need some clarification on the process. This is what i want:
Log in with a user by a username and password via html/javascript to laravel (Angular) via an ajax request.
Get an access token to communicate with the api
Do some action in the spa that triggers a request to the api using the access token
Getting data back from the api in response to that request.
But what i see now with the implicit grant i a bit different than what i expect.
Log in to laravel via a default blade login form (did not create one using ajax yet)
Redirect to oauth/autorize like this
Route::get('/redirect', function () {
$query = http_build_query([
'client_id' => 'client-id',
'response_type' => 'token',
'scope' => '',
return redirect(''.$query);
The redirect shows an approve or deny authorization request screen (this is not what i expect)
When i approve the request, the browser redirects me to the redirect uri that is specified in the oAuth client database entry with the access token. And i should be able to.
What confuses me even more is the fact that i seem to need a new client for each laravel user. I expect to have 1 oauth client representing my spa that can access the laravel users. Could you please clarify this?
If you are going to use a password grant in a JavaScript application then you must use a server side proxy to do the authentication and secure both client_secret and the refresh token.
The proxy manages the whole api communication process or just the authentication part and returns a short lived access_token . Authentication state is managed via a server session. Some requests must be protected from CSRF exploits depending on your implementation since most implementations use a cookie.
Otherwise use an implicit grant to authenticate your app. (See links below for more info)
You can refresh your access token using silent authentication as described here
NB: In most cases refresh tokens do not expire, that's a big NO for Frontend storage.
Client Secret should always be kept secret.
Edit (2020)
It's now 2020 and a lot has changed in the web security world.
There are known vulnerabilities with implicit grant especially since your access_token can be intercepted mid-flight and redirected to another server.
It's now recommended to use PKCE flow instead of implicit grant
Okta has a very nice article and video regarding this Is the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Flow Dead?
Laravel has also released a much simpler alternative Laravel Sanctum I suggest you have a look at it as it uses secure HTTP only cookies for access token storage and also implements CSRF protection out of the box

Laravel API Passport Token

I have a question about laravel passport... I did the code and it is working very good, my question is about the token.
My friend has an mobile app which it will connect to my Laravel API... I already gave him a grant token my question is, do I have to give him a new token everytime that he wants to connect to the API? or just with that one is enough? one token and it works everytime?
I think that it works like this:
He wants to connect.
He passes the token to access to the API.
The API creates a response.
Am I correct?
For mobile application you should use password grant for Api protection. For password grant, the general concept is the API will give the app client the following parameters for accessing the auth client to get an access token and refresh token.
grant_type: password
When the user login in the mobile application, the mobile app will use the above parameters and also the user's username and password to request a user specific access token, this token usually will be active for 60 minutes, after 60 minutes, the app client need to use the refresh token to get a new access token.
After getting the user access token, for the rest of your APP's api, the mobile client need to use this access token to access them.
For Laravel Passport, you can check out the password grant document here:
To understand more about what password grant is check out this link:
Note: From what I understand from your description, the grant type you are using is Client Credential Grant, this type is best for using system to system API authentication.

Laravel passport generate access token for non authenticated users

Basically I have an api /mobileapp/register which calls a controller to register a customer on my system. I am trying to use Laravel passport to generate an access token for the non authenticated user but I cannot understand how it will work. Basically I need to allow /mobileapp/register to be accessed securely whether using an access token or something secure. How can we achieve this?
