outlook 365 add-in: Office.context is always empty - outlook

I work on a simple add-in for outlook 365, but it looks like I'm missing some simple point since office.context variable is always empty for me, for example even base code sample:
// The initialize function is required for all apps.
Office.initialize = function () {
// Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function.
$(document).ready(function () {
// After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
var subject = item.subject;
// Continue with processing the subject of the current item,
// which can be a message or appointment.
What can I miss? Adds-in permission is highest -- ReadWriteMailbox

Try to take some work example , for example: https://github.com/OfficeDev/Outlook-Add-in-Commands-Translator
You need parts of home.html and home.js.
I think this part of code need to work in your case:
(function () {
'use strict';
// The initialize function must be run each time a new page is loaded
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
** now try to get the item **
}; })();
I try it and it's work for me..
Good luck.


Why Doesn't Javascript DOM 2 "Click" Event Work

My question is, Why doesn't the click event work when other events do work using the same code? Consider the following code examples from http://www.pricelearman.com/__dev (2 underscores)
For Square 2 using "click" event
function showWorkPane() {
var _workID = document.getElementById("workID");
_workID.addEventListener("click", showWorkPaneHandler, false);
function showWorkPaneHandler(e) {
var _workPane = document.getElementById("workPane");
_workPane.style.display = "block";
Clicking on the link "Work" does not show the workPane.
For Square 3 using "mouseover" event
function showAboutPane() {
var aboutID = document.getElementById("aboutID");
aboutID.addEventListener("mouseover", showAboutPaneHandler, false);
function showAboutPaneHandler(e) {
var v = document.getElementById("aboutPane");
v.style.display = "block";
Rolling-Over the link "ABOUT" shows the aboutPane hover effect as expected
For Square 4 using "mousedown" event
function showConnectPane() {
var connectID = document.getElementById("connectID");
connectID.addEventListener("mousedown", showConnectPaneHandler, false);
function showConnectPaneHandler(e) {
var v = document.getElementById("connectPane");
v.style.display = "block";
Holding mouse down on the link "CONNECT" shows the connectPane as expected
What am I missing about the click event. It's counterintuitive to me that it would not follow the same pattern as the other mouse events.
I'm trying to preclude interference from the link's default action by using e.preventDefault();
I know a click event is a sequence of simple events: mousedown,mouseup,click.
Is there something blocking this sequence?
The full code can be reviewed at http://www.pricelearman.com/__dev (2 underscores). The code may not be optimum, but it is functionally correct – binding is accomplished and functions are called, etc – else the above code would not be working at all.
Thanks for your time and expertise. This is a vexing question to me. It seems so fundamental and simple. I'm new to javascript and I must be missing something.
For Square 2 using "click" event
function showWorkPane() {
var _workID = document.getElementById("workID");
_workID.addEventListener("click", showWorkPaneHandler, false);
function showWorkPaneHandler(e) {
var _workPane = document.getElementById("workPane");
_workPane.style.display = "block";
Clicking on the link "Work" does not show the workPane.
Well what I currently can find at http://www.pricelearman.com/__dev/_js/main.js is
// Show work navigation
function showWorkPane() {
var workID = document.getElementById("workID");
workID.addEventListener("mouseover", showWorkPaneHandler, false);
// ^^^^^^^^^
function showWorkPaneHandler(e) {
var v = document.getElementById("workPane");
v.style.display = "block";
Looks quite obvious to me why click events show no effect. There are none bound.

jquery each on new elements not working

$('.collapse').each(function() {
var title= $(this).siblings('.accordion-heading').find('a');
$(this).on('show hide', function (e) {
title.parent().toggleClass('active', 300);
title.parent().hasClass('active') ? $('input.party').prop('value', '') : $('input.party').val(title.siblings('.delete').prop('id'));
var id = title.siblings('.delete').prop('id');
var data = {id: id};
$.post("times.php", data, function(result) {
} else {
So I am adding a new accordion-group to my html by adding a new party and I wan't all this to work on the newly added elements as well. I didn't find topics that could help me since it is a bit more specific than any random each function (I think).
This future elements thing is new to me, so I would appreciate some explanations or a good link to a place other that the jquery website which I already checked.
Thank you for your time!
Basically what I want to do this replace $(this).on('show hide', function (e) { with something like $(document).on('show hide', $(this), function (e) {. What I just wrote doesn't work though.
If it is just about the event handler, then you can use event delegation to capture the event on dynamically created elements as well.
There is not reason why you have to use .each here, so just omit it:
$(document.body).on('show hide', '.collapse', function() {
var title = $(this).siblings('.accordion-heading').find('a');
// rest of the code...
this will apply on any new objects matching selector
jQuery(document).on('show hide', '.accordion-heading a', function(event){

Prototype.js event observe click intercept and stop propagation

I have a page that is built around a wrapper with some very defined logic. There is a Save button on the bottom of the wrapped form that looks like this:
... my page goes here...
<input id="submitBtnSaveId" type="button" onclick="submitPage('save', 'auto', event)" value="Save">
This cannot change...
Now, I'm writing some javascript into the page that gets loaded in "...my page goes here...". The code loads great and runs as expected. It does some work around the form elements and I've even injected some on-page validation. This is where I'm stuck. I'm trying to "intercept" the onclick and stop the page from calling "submitPage()" if the validation fails. I'm using prototype.js, so I've tried all variations and combinations like this:
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
Element.observe('submitBtnSaveId', 'click', function (e) {
console.log('Noticed a submit taking place... please make it stop!');
e.cancelBubble = true;
alert('Stop the default submit!');
return false;
}, false);
Nothing stops the "submitPage()" from being called! The observe actually works and triggers the console message and shows the alert for a second. Then the "submitPage()" kicks in and everything goes bye-bye. I've removed the onclick attached to the button in Firebug, and my validation and alert all work as intended, so it leads me to think that the propagation isn't really being stopped for the onclick?
What am I missing?
So based on the fact that you can't change the HTML - here's an idea.
leave your current javascript as is to catch the click event - but add this to the dom:loaded event
this will remove the onclick attribute so hopefully the event wont be called
so your javascript will look like this
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
Element.observe('submitBtnSaveId', 'click', function (e) {
console.log('Noticed a submit taking place... please make it stop!');
e.cancelBubble = true;
alert('Stop the default submit!');
return false;
submitPage('save', 'auto', e);
//run submitPage() if all is good
}, false);
I took the idea presented by Geek Num 88 and extended it to fully meet my need. I didn't know about the ability to overwrite the attribute, which was great! The problem continued to be that I needed to run submitPage() if all is good, and that method's parameters and call could be different per page. That ended up being trickier than just a simple call on success. Here's my final code:
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
var allButtons = $$('input[type=button]');
allButtons.each(function (oneButton) {
if (oneButton.value === 'Save') {
var originalSubmit = oneButton.readAttribute('onclick');
var originalMethod = getMethodName(originalSubmit);
var originalParameters = getMethodParameters(originalSubmit);
oneButton.writeAttribute('onclick', null);
Element.observe(oneButton, 'click', function (e) {
if (validateForm(e)) {
return window[originalMethod].apply(this, originalParameters || []);
}, false);
function getMethodName(theMethod) {
return theMethod.substring(0, theMethod.indexOf('('))
function getMethodParameters(theMethod) {
var parameterCommaDelimited = theMethod.substring(theMethod.indexOf('(') + 1, theMethod.indexOf(')'));
var parameterArray = parameterCommaDelimited.split(",");
var finalParamArray = [];
parameterArray.forEach(function(oneParam) {
finalParamArray.push(oneParam.trim().replace("'","", 'g'));
return finalParamArray;

How to check if a button is clicked in JavaScript

How to check if a button is clicked or not in prototype JavaScript?
$('activateButton').observe('click', function(event) {
The code above is not working.
With this button:
<button id="mybutton">Click Me</button>
Use this:
$('mybutton').observe('click', function () {
Tested and works, here.
You might want to encase it in a document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { }) thingy, to prevent it executing before your page loads.
Also, just an explanation:
The single dollar sign in Prototype selects an element by its id. The .observe function is very similar to jQuery's .on function, in that it is for binding an event handler to an element.
Also, if you need it to be a permanent 'button already clicked' thingy, try this:
$('mybutton').observe('click', function () {
var clicked = true;
window.clicked = clicked;
And then, if you want to test if the button has been clicked, then you can do this:
if (clicked) {
// Button clicked
} else {
// Button not clicked
This may help if you are trying to make a form, in which you don't want the user clicking multiple times.
How one may do it in jQuery, just for a reference:
$('#mybutton').on('click', function () {
Note that, the jQuery code mentioned above could also be shortened to:
$('#mybutton').click(function () {
jQuery is better in Prototype, in that it combines the usage of Prototype's $ and $$ functions into a single function, $. That is not just able to select elements via their id, but also by other possible css selection methods.
How one may do it with plain JavaScript:
document.getElementById('mybutton').onclick = function () {
Just for a complete reference, in case you need it.
$('body').delegate('.activateButton', 'click', function(e){

jQuery Event when Validation Errors Corrected

I have buttons that trigger jQuery validation. If the validation fails, the button is faded to help draw attention away from the button to the validation messages.
$('#prev,#next').click(function (e)
var qform = $('form');
if (qform.valid())
// Do stuff then submit the form
$('#prev').fadeTo(500, 0.6);
$('#next').fadeTo(500, 0.6);
That part works fine.
However, I would like to unfade the buttons once the invalid conditions have been cleared.
Is it possible to hook into jQuery Validation to get an appropriate event (without requiring the user to click a button)? How?
Based on #Darin's answer, I have opened the following ticket with the jquery-validation project
It might sound you strange but the jQuery.validate plugin doesn't have a global success handler. It does have a success handler but this one is invoked per-field basis. Take a look at the following thread which allows you to modify the plugin and add such handler. So here's how the plugin looks after the modification:
numberOfInvalids: function () {
* Modification starts here...
* Nirmal R Poudyal aka nicholasnet
if (this.objectLength(this.invalid) === 0) {
if (this.validTrack === false) {
if (this.settings.validHandler) {
this.validTrack = true;
} else {
this.validTrack = false;
//End of modification
return this.objectLength(this.invalid);
and now it's trivial in your code to subscribe to this event:
$(function () {
$('form').data('validator').settings.validHandler = function () {
// the form is valid => do your fade ins here
By the way I see that you are calling the $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(qform); method which might overwrite the validator data attached to the form and kill the validHandler we have subscribed to. In this case after calling the .parse method you might need to reattach the validHandler as well (I haven't tested it but I feel it might be necessary).
I ran into a similar issue. If you are hesitant to change the source as I am, another option is to hook into the jQuery.fn.addClass method. jQuery Validate uses that method to add the class "valid" to the element whenever it is successfully validated.
(function () {
var originalAddClass = jQuery.fn.addClass;
jQuery.fn.addClass = function () {
var result = originalAddClass.apply(this, arguments);
if (arguments[0] == "valid") {
// Check if form is valid, and if it is fade in buttons.
// this contains the element validated.
return result;
I found a much better solution, but I am not sure if it will work in your scenario because I do not now if the same options are available with the unobtrusive variant. But this is how i did it in the end with the standard variant.
unhighlight: function (element) {
// Check if form is valid, and if it is fade in buttons.
